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  1.江再长长不过船因为船在江上行。山再高高不过人因为人在山顶。人生再长也长不过思念的心因为这条短信是发给你的。But then a long river boat because the boat up the river But then the tall mountain people because people at the top But then a long life and long yearning heart because this message is sent to you

  2.楼不在多有家就行妻不在多有你就足情不在长一生就够相亲相爱白头偕老。美女靠边老婆在心淑女辣女都不待见最美最好家中贤妻誓言喜欢伟人老婆。老婆我爱你一生一世!Building a home on the line is not much more than a wife does not love you enough not to love each other long enough to grow old life Beautiful wife aside ladies hot women do not mind to be a good wife to see the most beautiful home in the best oath greats like wife Wife I love you for life!

  3.我的世界只有你懂My world only you know

  4.单身是春天的一颗种子充满希望;是夏天的烈日热情辉煌;是秋天的落叶自由自在;是冬天的飘雪浪漫无垠……Single is a seed of hope in spring; glorious summer sun passion; autumn leaves free; is boundless romantic winter snow

  5.不需要总是说永远爱情不会永远浪漫;不需要总是说完美完美婚姻很是罕见。现实生活平凡简单一日三餐日日循环不离不弃情感责任相濡以沫不靠誓言!爱你一生一世生活平平淡淡!Do not need to always say never romantic love is not forever; do not always have to say it is rare perfect perfect marriage Real life of ordinary simple meals daily circulation betray emotion responsibility to each other not by oath! Nothing exciting life love you for life!

  6.看著微笑的你突然发现我真是世界上最幸福的人Looking smile you suddenly find I'm the happiest person in the world

  7.喜欢一个人是不会有痛苦的。爱一个人也许有绵长的痛苦但他给我的快乐也是世上最大的快乐。"Like a person will not have pain Love a person may have lingering pain, but he gave me happiness is the greatest joy in the world"

  8.花自飘零水自流。一种相思两处闲愁。此情无计可消除才下眉头却上心头。Huazipiaoling artesian water Xianchou kind of Acacia This situation no account can be removed only under the brow but our hearts

  9.情人节求爱行动策划之二:送他巧克力。不过你不妨多花点时间用写着各种情人节对话的包装纸包好这些巧克力再送给他那会是什么感觉?甚至你亲手去做一个巧克力塑像。不必去买太贵的巧克力把它融化便可以捏出一些他喜欢的形象属相吉祥物幸运星只要他喜欢什么都可以捏。然后将它们整齐地排好放进冰箱里。当他打开冰箱准备取食物时发现它们将是何等的惊奇和感动。"Valentine's courtship of the two action plan: to send him chocolate However, you may wish to spend more time with dialogue written various Valentine wrapping paper wrap these chocolates and then sent him what would it feel? Even if you personally do a chocolate statue Do not have to buy expensive chocolate melts it can Niechu some of his favorite animal is the mascot Lucky image as long as he likes anything can pinch Then they lined up neatly in the refrigerator Found that when he opened the fridge ready to take the food they will be surprised and impressed how"

  10."我没有多的言语!只有一句话要告诉你:和你在一起,你是一切!没有你在身边,一切是你!""I do not have many words but one thing to tell you:! And you, you're everything without you around, everything is you!!"

  11.在这思念的季节总会想起你这位好朋友不知你近来可好深深祝福你快乐如意In this season always think you miss the friends I wonder if you guys lately deeply wish you a happy wishful

  12.一辈子多长我不知道缘份有多少没人知晓这条路有多远并不重要只要两个人的心依靠再远也不觉得路途遥有你相陪我愿意到天涯海角。I do not know how long lifetime fate nobody knows how many how far this road is not important as long as the hearts of two people rely on the road again far away do not think I'm willing to have you Xiangpei ends of the earth

  13.想你!想你!苦苦的思念皆因你!盼你!盼你!痴痴的眼睛想见你!疼你!疼你!满满的爱恋只给你!爱你!爱你!空空的心儿只有你!亲爱的我好爱你!"Like you! Like you! Hard to miss because the you! Hope you! Hope you! Bedazzled eyes to see you! Hurt you! Hurt you! Full of love just for you! Love you! Love you! Empty heart children only you! Honey, I love you!"

  14.静静倾听自己内心的声音心会沉静像晨曦中透明的湖面周围的喧嚣远离而去你会发现快乐与幸福的感觉其实就在心里!Quietly listen to your inner voice calm heart will be like the morning around the lake clear away the hustle away you will find the feeling of joy and happiness lies in the heart!

  15.还是火柴说的好啊她说男人都是下半身动物。那些男人口口声声对你说给你下半生的幸福其实是说给你下半身的幸福。"Or matches that of the good men are the lower body of animals, she said The men kept saying to you to give you the rest of his happiness was actually saying to you lower body happy"

  16.好笑吗?身边没你好怪陪我一生一世好吗?"Funny? Hello not blame around with me for life, okay?"

  17.有时候这个世界很大很大大到我们一辈子都没有机会遇见。有时候这个世界又很小很小小到一抬头就看见了你的笑脸。所以在遇见时请一定要感激;相爱时请一定要珍惜;转身时请一定要优雅;挥别时请一定要微笑。"Sometimes the world is big big big that we do not have the opportunity to meet a lifetime Sometimes in this world has a very small and very little to look up to see your smiling face So in the meet, please be sure to appreciate; love, be sure to cherish the time; be sure to turn when elegance; be sure to smile when you say goodbye"

  18.雪花为什么那么晶莹因为每一朵都寄托了我的思念雪花为什么那么轻盈因为每一步都感受着你的呼吸想在每一瓣雪花上刻你的姓名播进大地将这份永恒爱恋铭记。爱你一生一世!Why are so crystal clear snow because every one of my thoughts are pinned why so light snow because every step feel your breath on each petal snowflake want your name engraved into the earth will broadcast this eternal love in mind Love you for life!

  19.好笑吗?身边没你好怪陪我一生一世好吗?"Funny? Hello did not blame around with me for life, okay?"

  20.上帝让我戒酒结果我把酒戒了。上帝让我戒烟结果我把烟戒了。上帝让我戒饭结果我把饭戒了。上帝让我戒掉对你的思念结果上帝挨了我一耳光!God let me quit drinking the results of my wine God wants me to quit the results I quit smoking God wants me to quit the rice meal result I quit God I miss you quit the result of God suffer me a slap in the face!

  21.“我想和你一起聊天聊到星星也睡着”I want to chat with you and talk to the stars fall asleep

  22.相遇总是点点头想说总是难开口视线相交的一瞬间我已感觉到你的温柔。Always meet nodded always difficult to say the opening line of sight intersects the moment I feel your gentle

  23.因为我不放心我自己才将我的生命托付了你我已寻寻觅觅好几个世纪此生不能让你从我怀中离去。Because I did not trust myself to you entrust my life I have sought for centuries in this life can not let you away from my arms

  24.在你孤独悲伤的日子里请你悄悄地念一念我的名字。并且说:有人在怀念我在世上我活在一个人的心里。In your lonely sad day you quietly recite my name And said: I miss someone in the world I live in a person's heart

  25.茫茫人海中相识了你是一种缘份只希望用我的真诚换取你的真情。Big crowd met a fate you just want to use my sincere exchange for your truth

  26.我爱你所以发信息给你借着移动信号送达我的爱意;你如果爱我就请回信息给我顺着我来时的路回复你的甜蜜!"I love you so send a message to your mobile signal delivered by my love; if you love me, please give me information back down the road to when I get back to you sweet!"

  27.你的笑容已融入我心中温暖我感动我让我的人生充满幸福的色彩让我的生活充满浪漫的快乐亲爱的我爱你!Your smile is warm and I moved into my mind I let my life is full of happy colors make me happy life full of romance darling I love you!

  28.悄悄地你离开了天空下起了雨秋雨淋湿了我的秀发我的嘴角含着一朵辛酸的笑!Quietly you leave the sky began to rain autumn wet my hair my mouth mouth flower bitter laugh!

  29."梁祝化蝶相守侯,牛郎织女情永久,七仙女为爱下凡尘,董永情深直到老爱情故事值羡慕,美好姻缘真心求,用心感受缘来到,牵手相恋心欢笑,朋友真心祝福你,早日爱恋幸福久!甜言蜜语""Butterfly Lovers with my sweet love Cowherd permanent, fairies under the mundane love, old love story Dong Wife value until envy, really good marriage requirements, hard feelings margin came in hand heart love laughter, friends, sincerely wish you an early love happy for a long time! sweet "

  30.后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪后悔是比损失更大的损失比错误更大的错误所以不要后悔"Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than the loss, so do not regret it a bigger mistake than mistake"

  31.快乐!因为有你的存在Happy! Because you are there

  32.我想未来我一定会天天陪你上市场I think the future I will be with you every day on the market  "地球还在转呢,天空还会黑呢,风还是有点冷呢,我还是会想你呢,地球也会累吧,天空还会亮吧,风也许会停吧,我还是会想你吧,亲爱的,保重。""Earth still turn it, the sky will be dark then, the wind was a bit too cold, I still think How about you, the Earth will be tired of it, the sky will be lit it, the wind might stop it, I still think you, Honey, take care"

  33."呼吸停了,你还在我的脑海里;思维停了,你还在我的心窝里;心跳停了,我还会在下个世纪遇见你。""Stopped breathing, you're still my mind; stop thinking, you're still in my chest; heart stopped, I will meet you in the next century"

  34."我爱你用我旧愁里的热情和孩童时代的忠诚,""I love you with my old faithful enthusiasm and worry in childhood,"

  35."如果你是山,我愿是小河,我绕你;如果你是茶叶我愿是开水,我泡你;如果你是云,我愿是风,我追你。""If you are a mountain, I would like a river, I'm around you; if you are, I would like to be boiled tea, I soak you; if you are a cloud, I would like the wind, I'm chasing you"

  36."你看到的,就是最真的我!!一种永无止尽的感动!!感动这世界有你与我这最美的存在!!""You see, that is the most true to me! ! Try moving a never-ending! ! This world has touched you with my beautiful presence! !"

  37."愿天上的每一个流星,都为你而闪耀天际""Each meteor willing to heaven, the sky will shine for you"

  38."谁说你做的菜难以下口?我会每天回家吃晚饭!!!,"Who says you do the dishes difficult under the mouth? I'll be home for dinner every day !!!

  39."相遇总是点点头,想说总是难开口,视线相交的一瞬间,我已感觉到你的温柔。,""Always meet nodded, always difficult to say the opening line of sight intersects the moment, I feel your gentle ,"

  40."当你最困难的时候就是离成功不远的时候,如果你遇到困难就后退,那就算成功已到彼岸,它也会与你无缘。,""When you're the most difficult time is not far away from success, if you encounter difficulties on the back, even if it has been successful to the other side, it will be with you missed ,"

  41."一相思,爱情有,希望握住你的手;再相思,爱情到,好想把你抱一抱;再三思,爱情深,想着疼爱你一生;苦相思,爱情难,想你现在在身旁。""An Acacia, love there, hoping to hold your hand; then Acacia, love to, well want to hug you; then think, deep love, thinking of love in your life; Acacia, love hard, like you are now in the body next"

  42."人生最大的痛苦就是举着放不下的感情又交付不出去,比如我对你!""The greatest pain in life is to let go of the feelings they held up the delivery does not go out, like I told you!"

  43."如果这一生我们爱不够,来世必能长久""If in this life we ??love is not enough, the afterlife will be able to for a long time"

  44."我好喜欢你呦,我喜欢你的鼻子,我喜欢你的眼睛,我还喜欢你经常对我发怒得样子。真的好喜欢你!""Yo I love you, I love your nose, I love your eyes, I still like you often have to look for me angry Really like you!"

  45."我期盼你能与我化蜂化蝶,共飞共舞;我祈祷你能与我,身合心合,永生永爱!,""I hope you and I can of bee butterfly, flying a total of dance; I pray you and me, He Xin body together, immortalized forever love! ,"

  46."我的眼睛很小,只能看得到你;我的心里很窄,只能容得下你;我一无所有,只有一颗真心送给你,一片真情伴着你,,爱你一生一世,这是我永远不变的誓言!,""My eye is very small, only see you; my heart is very narrow and can only accommodate you; I have nothing, only a really gave you, a truth be with you, , love you for life, this I vowed never change! ,"

  47."你牵动我的快乐,你擦拭我的烦恼,你鼓励我的奋进,你化解我的疲劳,你是喝不完的开心可乐,你是穿不旧的贴心棉袄。你是我的情,你是我的爱,你是我心灵餐厅的看家菜。只想说:,我愿意爱你一生一世。""You affect my happiness, you wipe my troubles, I encourage you to forge ahead, you resolve my fatigue, you are happy cola drink endless, you are not old intimate wear jacket You are my love, you are my love, you are my soul food restaurant, housekeeping Suffice it to say: I am willing to love you for life"

  48.左手刻着我,右手写着你,心中充满爱,当我们掌心相对,心心相印时,所有的人都会看到——我爱你。)""(Photo caption: My left hand carved, hand written on your hearts filled with love, when we palm relative, when soulmate, all people will see - I love you)"

  49."寒来寒往,爱你的心愿不变;风霜雪雨,想你的期盼不变;山高路远,伴你的步伐不变;海枯石烂,对你的誓言不变;,爱你一生一世不会变。""Cold to cold to love your wish unchanged; frost, snow and rain, like your expectations unchanged; akin to finding far, the pace of change with you; the highest power of your vows unchanged; love you for life not change"



