达尔文英语简介 达尔文英语简介




  Charles Robert Darwin, February 12, 1809 - April 19, 1882), British biologist, founder of evolution. Has been riding the Berger ship for 5 years of global voyage, animal and plant and geological structure, such as a large number of observation and collection. Published the "origin of species", put forward the theory of biological evolution, which destroyed a variety of idealistic gods and species invariance theory. In addition to biology, his theory of anthropology, psychology, philosophy development can not be ignored. Engels ranked "evolutionism" as one of the three discoveries of the natural sciences of the 19th century (the other two are the theories of cytology, conservation of energy) and have an outstanding contribution to mankind.

  On April 19, 1882, Darwin died at the village of Dawen at 73 years old and was buried in Westminster Abbey.


  Species origin

  Darwin was 51 years old, shortly after publication of the "origin of species"

  Basic Information

  English title: On the Origin of Species

  Chinese Title: Origin of the species

  Author: Darwin

  Translator: Li Hu

  ISBN: 9787 3022 75480

  Pricing: $ 49

  Published: 2012.6

  Book Category: Q111.2

  Selling point introduction

  1, Darwin's masterpiece On the Origin of Species (1859) first edition of the first Chinese translation. The first edition of the "origin of the species" is the most recognized original version, because it is Darwin has not been questioned and blame before the writings, clear thinking, concise and powerful exposition of the original view of Darwin. Modern Western scholars to do evolutionary research and writings, usually cited is the first edition of "species origin", basically this version has become a "standard". Nearly a century of Chinese translation is based on the sixth edition of the translation.

  2, the book discusses breeding science, ecology, paleontology, biogeography, animal behavior, morphology, embryology, taxonomy and many other areas of a large number of phenomena, revealing a variety of biological relationship between species, species Is not fixed, but through "with the modified generation of" and change. Darwin studied the variation of biological life in domestic and natural state, put forward the theory of evolution as the core of natural selection theory, that in the "struggle for survival", individuals with favorable variation were chosen to be preserved, the unfavorable individual was eliminated, After a generation of natural environment to choose the role of adaptation to the gradual accumulation of mutations, leading to the emergence of new species, resulting in a wonderful variety of life forms; dwelling in the earth all the creatures, are derived from one or several primitive types of evolution Evolved to cause biodiversity.

  Translator introduction

  Li Hu: Hebei Xingtai, Peking University graduate, the State Oceanic Administration Third Marine Research Institute of Science and Technology Information Center engineers. Engaged in marine science, biodiversity and scientific history of the translation work. Translation of "worry days: the history of global warming exploration (2011, Tsinghua University Press)," Evolutionary Legend "(2010, Ocean Press) and other works.

  "The origin of species"

  November 24, 1859, the British naturalist, evolutionary founder Darwin's "origin of the species" published, laid the theoretical basis of evolution. Evolutionism was called by Engels as one of the three discoveries of the natural sciences of the 19th century.

  An epoch-making book

  Which marked the profound changes in the views of the vast majority of the learned societies in the nineteenth century on the status of the biology and human beings in the biological world.

  The classic works that affect the historical process

  One of the 10 books that shook the world

  A great influence on the human development process

  The Classic Translation of Chinese Modern Society

  1985 American "life" magazine named the best books of human history

  In 1986 the French "reading" magazine recommended ideal book

  November 24, 1859, in London, England, this is a very extraordinary day. On this day, many people in London flocked to a bookstore, competing to buy a newly published book. The first edition of the book was sold out on the day of publication.

  This new book is the "origin of the species", it is the founder of the evolution of Darwin's first masterpiece. The advent of this work for the first time on the basis of complete science on the basis of science, with a new idea of biological evolution to overthrow the "creation theory" and "species unchanged" theory.

  The publication of the "origin of species" has caused a sensation in Europe and the world as a whole. It fought heavily against the foundations of theocracy, from the reactionary church to the feudal philosophers were furious, they group attack, slander Darwin's doctrine "blaspheme the Holy Spirit", violated the "monarchical divine justice", the loss of human dignity. In contrast, progressive scholars, represented by Huxley, actively advocate and defend Darwinism. Evolutionary theory has exploded people's minds, enlightened and educated people to liberate them from the shackles of religious superstition.

  Darwin's "origin of species" is very meaningful, and this book can be used as a natural scientific basis for historical class struggle. - Marx

  In 1859 became the division of science before and after the two "world" boundaries. The publication of the "origin of species" has led to a revolution in biology, which, like Marxism, has a great significance and far-reaching impact on the stage of history. Darwin was away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, and was preparing for a revolution in his quiet manor, and that Marx himself prepared for the center of the clamor of the world, and that the difference was only applied to the other.

  - Liebknecht

  Darwin's dominant idea in "the origin of species", that is, "natural choice", will be accepted as a scientifically determined truth. It has all the features of the great natural science truth, blurred for the clear, complex and simple, and adds a lot of new things to the old knowledge. Darwin is the greatest revolutionist of this century, and even of all the century's natural history.

  - British botanist Watson

  I think the "origin of the species" of this book is no matter how good it is, it can touch those who know nothing about this problem. As for Darwin's theory, I am prepared to support the fire even through fire and water.

  - British naturalist Huxley

  Psychology historian D. Schultz commented in 1981: "In the Darwinian theory, the importance of the psychological factors of species evolution is obvious, and he often cites the human and animal consciousness reaction.As a result of psychology and evolution In the sense of consistency, so psychology has to accept this evolutionary point of view.

  1809 years

  Darwin's works influenced psychology from four aspects

  1, it emphasizes the continuity of the psychological function between animals and humans;

  2, it changes the subject of psychology into the function of consciousness rather than the content of consciousness, changes the goal of psychology to study the adaptation of the organism to its environment;

  3, which provides reasonable evidence for a variety of alternative surveys and research methods, rather than confinement to experimental introspection;

  4, it focuses on individual differences between members of the same species.

  Darwin has a special influence on the development of functionalism. His theory of evolution has led to the rise of the psychology of American opportunism, which has opened a new era of American psychology.



  1835: "Abstracts from letters to Professor Henslow"

  1836: "Tahiti and New Zealand and other regions of the moral status report" (A LETTER, Containing Remarks on the Moral State of TAHITI, NEW ZEALAND, & c. - BY CAPT. R. FITZROY AND C. DARWIN, ESQ. OF HMS 'Beagle.')

  1839: "Journal and Remarks" (Journal and Remarks), often referred to as "Beagle trip".

  "Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle": a total of 5 volumes, respectively, by a number of authors published in 1839 to 1843 years. Two of them were edited and supervised by Charles Darwin, 1840: "Part I. Fossil Mammalia", Richard Owen's works.

  1839: "Part II. Mammalia", George Robert Waterhouse.

  1842: "The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs"

  1844: "Geological Observations of Volcanic Islands" (Geological Observations of Volcanic Islands)

  1846: "Geological Observations on South America" (Geological Observations on South America)

  1849: "Geology", published in John Friedrich William Herschel, "A Manual of scientific inquiry" (prepared for the use of Her Majesty's Navy: and Adapted for travellers in general.

  1851: A Monograph of the Sub-class Cirripedia, with Figures of all the Species. The Lepadidae; or, Pedunculated Cirripedes.

  1851: "Monroe fossil" A Monograph on the Fossil Lepadidae; or, Pedunculated Cirripedes of Great Britain

  1854: "Monograph of the Sub-class Cirripedia, with Figures of all the Species. The Balanidae (or Sessile Cirripedes); the Verrucidae, etc.

  1854: "Ceratoides and Aquaculture" A Monograph on the Fossil Balanidæ and Verrucidæ of Great Britain.

  1858: "discussing the tendency of species to form variants; and on the Tendency of Species to form Varieties and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection" An unpublished book.

  1958: "autobiography of Charles Darwin", Barlow (Barlow) compiled by the full version. 1859: "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life", the complete title is "Based on Natural Selection or Survival in Survival Competition" origin".

  1862: "The various contrivances by which British and foreign orchids are fertilised by insects".


  1868: "Variation of Plants and Animals Under Domestication" (Variation of Plants and Animals Under Domestication). 1871: "The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex", also known as "human origin".

  1872: "The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals".

  1875: "Movement and Habits of Climbing Plants".

  1875: Insectivorous Plants.

  1876: "The effects of Cross and Self-Fertilation in the Vegetable Kingdom" (The Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilation in the Vegetable Kingdom).

  1877: "The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species". 1879: Preface and a preliminary notice, in Ernst Krause's Erasmus Darwin.

  1880: "The Power of Movement in Plants".

  1881: "The formation of humus and the role of earthworms" (The Formation of Vegetable Mold Through the Action of Worms), also known as "earthworms".

  1887: "Life and Letters of Charles Darwin", written by Francis Darwin.

  1903: "More Letters of Charles Darwin", compiled by A.C. Seward and Francis Darwin.

  Often quotes the human and animal consciousness. Because psychology is consistent with the consciousness of evolution, psychology has to accept this evolutionary view. "

  1809 years

  Darwin's works influenced psychology from four aspects

  1, it emphasizes the continuity of the psychological function between animals and humans;

  2, it changes the subject of psychology into the function of consciousness rather than the content of consciousness, changes the goal of psychology to study the adaptation of the organism to its environment;

  3, which provides reasonable evidence for a variety of alternative surveys and research methods, rather than confinement to experimental introspection;

  4, it focuses on individual differences between members of the same species.

  Darwin has a special influence on the development of functionalism. His theory of evolution has led to the rise of the psychology of American opportunism, which has opened a new era of American psychology. 
