商务英语BEC高级课文辅导 商务英语BEC高级课文辅导





1. Text: No longer poles apart

2. Arranging a course

3. Vocabulary consolidation

4. Memo writing

5. Oral Practice --- Training Opportunities

6. Homework

I. Reading.

No longer Poles apart

Polish adj. 波兰的;

subsidiary n.子公司

be poles apart = be widely separated相距甚远

e.g. The employers and the trade union leaders are still poles apart.



President(AmE)/ Chairman(BrE) 总裁,董事长

Board of Directors

CEO (Chief Executive Officer)/ MD (Managing Director) 总经理

acquire v. 收购(n. acquisition)

merge v. (merger n. ) with

investment n.投资(v. invest)

major /massive/sizeable investment

take something ↔ over接受,接管to take control of something

His only reason for investing in the company was to take it over.

Ruth moved into our apartment and promptly took over.

--- takeover n.

Warsaw-based 总部位于华沙

-based: 总部位于:headquarters, head office

branch, office

toiletries noun [plural] things such as soap and toothpaste that are used for cleaning yourself 日化用品

turnover noun

1 [singular, uncountable] British English the amount of business done during a particular period营业额

2 [singular, uncountable] the rate at which people leave an organization and are replaced by others 员工流动的比率

turnover of

Low pay accounts for the high turnover.

staff/labour turnover

a high degree of labour turnover among women

Wroclaw 弗罗茨瓦夫(波兰西南部城市)

£11m:读做11 million pounds

brand 牌子=make

export v.& n. 出口

Para. 2

in spite of 不管

approach verb


[intransitive and transitive] to move towards or nearer to someone or something

She heard footsteps approaching. 她听见脚步声越来越近。

▶ASK◀ 询问,接洽

[transitive] to ask someone for something, or ask them to do something, especially when you are asking them for the first time or when you are not sure if they will do it

approach somebody for something

Students should be able to approach teachers for advice. 学生可以找到老师询问建议。

approach somebody/something about (doing) something

The charity approached several stores about giving food aid. 这家慈善机构与多家商店接洽,希望他们给与食物援助。

I have already been approached by several other companies (=offered a job, work etc). 已经有几家公司与我接洽。


[transitive] to begin to deal with a situation or problem in a particular way or with a particular attitude

approach a problem/task/matter etc 解决,处理(问题)

It might be possible to approach the problem in a different way. 处理相同问题可以采用不同的解决办法。

approach noun


[countable] a method of doing something or dealing with a problem 方法

approach to

a new approach to teaching languages 一种新的语言教学方法

He decided to adopt a different approach and teach the Bible through story-telling. 他决定采用一种不同方法,即通过讲故事的方法来教授圣经。

regulation and control 规范与控制

take somebody/something ↔ on phrasal verb

1 take somebody ↔ on

to start to employ someone 招募,雇用

We're taking on 50 new staff this year. 我们今年招募了50名新员工。

2 take something ↔ on

to agree to do some work or be responsible for something 承担工作或职责

Don't take on too much work - the extra cash isn't worth it. 不要给自己太多的工作量了,多挣的那些钱一点也不值。

3 take something ↔ on

to begin to have a particular quality or appearance

Her face took on a fierce expression. His life had taken on a new dimension.

responsibility n. 责任 (adj. responsible 后跟介词for)

accountable 对…负责的(后跟介词for)

department, division, section

Research and Development Department---Purchasing Department---Production Department (Manufacturing Department) (Maintenance Division)--- Warehousing---Distribution Department (Despatch Department) --Marketing Department---Advertising Department---Sales Department ----Customer Service Department

Personnel Department

Human Resources Department

Finance Department

Accounts Department

Administration Department



bring somebody/something ↔ in phrasal verb

1 to introduce a new law 颁布一项新法律

Harsh anti-Trade Union laws were brought in in the early 1980s. 严厉的反工会法于80年代早期颁布。

2 to ask someone to become involved in a discussion or situation 聘请

I'd like to bring in Doctor Hall here and ask him his views. 我想聘请…博士来这里并询问他的意见。

The police were brought in to investigate the matter. 他们把警方请来,调查此事。

3 to earn a particular amount or produce a particular amount of profit 产生收益

The sale of the house only brought in about £45,000. 这栋房子只卖了4万5千英镑。

4 to attract customers to a shop or business 吸引

We've got to bring in more business if we want the restaurant to survive. 我们如果想要让这家饭馆继续生存下去,我们就必须吸引更多人。

expatriate [countable] someone who lives in a foreign country

ᅳexpatriate adjective [only before noun]移居国外的;

expatriate workers

British expatriates living in Spain

sales staff 销售人员 (sales force)

force noun


air force空军

armed forces 武装部队


[uncountable] military action used as a way of achieving your aims 武力

Peace cannot be imposed by force. 和平是不可能靠武力来强制实现的。


[uncountable]the amount of physical power with which something moves or hits another thing 力量

force of

The force of the explosion blew out all the windows. 爆炸的力量将所有玻璃都冲击碎了。


[uncountable and countable] a natural power or event

the force of gravity 地心引力


[countable usually singular] a group of people who have been trained and organized to do a particular job 一群人

the company's sales force 公司的销售人员

the quality of the teaching force 高水平的教师队伍

task force


[countable] something or someone who is powerful and has a lot of influence on the way things happen 强势人物或事情

the driving force (behind something/somebody) (=the person or thing that makes something happen) 驱动力

Betty Coward was the driving force behind the project. 贝迪是这个项目的发起人。

a force for change/peace/democracy etc (=someone or something that makes change, peace etc more likely to happen) 主张改变/和平/民主的力量

consultant [countable]咨询人员

1 someone whose job is to give advice on a particular subject

a management consultant

consultancy noun

plural consultancies

1 [countable] a company that gives advice on a particular subject 咨询公司

a management consultancy

a consultancy firm

2 [uncountable] advice that a company is paid to provide 咨询公司的建议

consultancy fees

work on somebody/something phrasal verb

1 to spend time working in order to produce or repair something 做某事

He has spent the last two years working on a book about childcare. 他用了两年的时间撰写了一本关于育儿的书籍。

Every weekend you see him working on his car. 每个周末你可以看见他修理自己的汽车。

2 to try very hard to improve or achieve something 努力改善或取得成绩

A trainer has been brought in to work on her fitness. 她请来了一个培训师,帮她锻炼身体。

work on doing something

We need to work on ensuring that the children feel safe and confident. 我们需要不断努力确保孩子们感到安全和自信。

Para. 4

participant n. 参加者

。articipate in sth. 参加

electric adjective惊人的;令人兴奋的

making people feel very excited

The atmosphere in the courtroom was electric. 法庭里的气氛令人振奋。

come up with something phrasal verb

1 to think of an idea, answer etc产生;发现(解决办法;答案)

We've been asked to come up with some new ideas. 领导让我们想出新主意。

2 informal to produce an amount of money 筹措钱

We wanted to buy the house but we couldn't come up with the cash. 我们想要买这栋房子,但是我们已是筹措不到这笔钱。

throw light on something

to make something easier to understand by providing new information帮助说明某事物;供给新知识

Recent investigations have thrown new light on how the two men died. 近的调查给解释这两个人的死因带了新说法。

。ight n.见解

profit noun

[uncountable and countable]money that you gain by selling things or doing business, after your costs have been paid 利润

ᅳopposite loss

They sold their house at a healthy profit. 他们的房子卖了个高价钱。

The property company made a huge profit on the deal. 这家房地产公司在这次交易中赚了一大笔钱。

sell sth. at a profit (at a loss) 赚钱(赔本)出售某物

put somebody/something on phrasal verb


put something ↔ on 穿衣服

to put a piece of clothing on your body

ᅳopposite take off

▶ON SKIN◀ 化妆

put something ↔ on

to put make-up, cream etc on your skin

I've got to put this cream on twice a day.


put something ↔ on

to put a record, tape, or CD into a machine and start playing it

She put on some music while they ate.

put on weight/12 lbs/4 kg etc

to become fatter and heavier 增重

ᅳsynonym gain

Rosie's put on five kilos since she quit smoking.


put something ↔ on

to arrange for a concert, play etc to take place, or to perform in it 上演

One summer the children put on a play.

Para. 5

workplace n. 工作场所[countable] the room, building etc where you work

in the workplace

a report into discrimination in the workplace 一份关于工作场所歧视问题的报告

marketplace noun [countable]

1 the marketplace

the part of business activity that is concerned with buying and selling goods in competition with other companies 交流或竞争的场所

Some retailers worry that new regulations will hurt their ability to compete in the marketplace. 一些零售商担忧新的法规颁布后会损害它们在市场上的竞争力。

2 an open area in a town where a market is held 集市

positive adj. 积极的;肯定的

accommodation n.

1 [uncountable] also accommodations American English a place for someone to stay, live, or work 住宿

The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation.这个度假的价格包括机票钱和住宿费。

Universities have to provide student accommodation for first-year students.

return n. 收益=pay-off


Para. 6

form the basis of

monthly review

review [countable] a report on a series of events or a period of time, that mentions the most important parts 回顾报告

review of

a review of the year

measure somebody/something against somebody/something phrasal verb

to judge someone or something by comparing them with another person or thing 通过对比评价某人/某物

Measured against our budget last year, $2.7 million seems small. 与我们去年的预算相比,今年270万美元的预算就显得数额太少了。

target n.目标 (同义词:objective, goal和aim)

。et the target 制定目标

③Using the information in the article, complete sentences.

1. D

2. C

3. B

4. F

enthusiastic adjective

feeling or showing a lot of interest and excitement about something热心的;热情洋溢的

enthusiastic about (doing) something

All the staff are enthusiastic about the project.

(enthusiasm n. 热心,热爱)

。et up training courses

contribute verb

1 [intransitive and transitive] to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in 捐助,捐献

contribute to/towards

contribute something to/towards something

The volunteers contribute their own time to the project. 志愿人员奉献自己的时间致力于这项工作。

2 [intransitive]to help to make something happen 导致

Stress is a contributing factor in many illnesses. 压力是许多疾病致病因素。

contribute to

Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US. 酒精饮品每年在美国会导致10万人死亡。

contribute substantially/significantly/greatly etc to something

3 [intransitive and transitive] to write articles, stories, poems etc for a newspaper or magazine 撰写

。mploy = bring in

④ Matching.

wait for decisions

take on responsibility

bring in a consultant

work on managerial skills

come up with ideas

put on discos


II. Arranging a course

①Reading a fax.

cosmetics n.化妆品 [plural]

creams, powders etc that you use on your face and body in order to look more attractive

cosmetic adjective

1 dealing with the outside appearance rather than the important part of something

We're making a few cosmetic changes to the house before we sell it.

2 intended to make your hair, skin, body etc look more attractive 美容的

the cosmetic industry 美容行业

cosmetic products 美容产品

Inc. 股份有限公司 (Incorporated)

。o. = company

。td. = limited

。orp. = corporation n. 公司, 企业, <美>有限公司,

。lc. = public limited company 上市公司

product launch 产品投放市场

profile noun [countable]


a side view of someone's head 侧面像

Dani has a lovely profile. 丹尼从侧面看真漂亮。


a short description that gives important details about a person, a group of people, or a place简介;个性及生平的简要描述

a job profile 工作简介

3 high profile:something that is high profile is noticed by many people or gets a lot of attention 高知名度

The star has a high profile in Britain. 这位明星在英国拥有很高的知名度。

4 keep a low profile

to behave quietly and avoid doing things that will make people notice you 保持低调

5 raise somebody's profile 提升知名度

if a person or an organization raises its profile, it gets more attention from the public

an advertising campaign designed to raise the bank's profile 一个旨在提高银行知名度的广告

commence verb [intransitive and transitive] formal

to begin or to start something 开始,着手

Work will commence on the new building immediately. 新楼的开工将马上进行。

commence with

The course commences with a one week introduction to Art Theory. 这门课一开始时会有为期一周的艺术理论入门课。

commence doing something

The planes commenced bombing at midnight. 飞机在子夜24点时开始攻击。

a survival course拓展课程

an assault course 体能训练课程

assault course noun [countable] British English

an area of land with special equipment to climb, jump over, run through etc that is used for developing physical strength, especially by soldiers


seminar noun [countable] 研讨课

1 a class at a university or college for a small group of students and a teacher to study or discuss a particular subject

a Shakespeare seminar

2 a class on a particular subject, usually given as a form of training

Publishers and writers from 13 countries attended the seminar.

workshop noun [countable]

1 a room or building where tools and machines are used for making or repairing things 车间

2 a meeting at which people try to improve their skills by discussing their experiences and doing practical exercises 研讨课

writers'/drama/music etc workshop

They held a number of workshops and seminars.

be of use (be of great use, be of great significance, be of great importance)

make better use of

attach vt. (=enclose) [transitive] to connect a document or file to an email so that you can send them together 粘贴

asap = as soon as possible

②Speaking------Making arrangements.

③Advertisement reading.

1.Executive Adventures Ltd

outdoor events

increase(raise) awareness of

complementary adjective互补的;互相补足的

1 complementary things go well together, although they are usually different

The computer and the human mind have different but complementary abilities.

overcome storms and crises (sing. crisis)

2.Team Management

expert 专家

expertise noun [uncountable] 专长

special skills or knowledge in a particular subject, that you learn by experience or training

technical/financial/medical etc expertise

What he's bringing to the company is financial expertise. 他带给公司的是金融方面的专长。


dynamic noun


a) [plural] the way in which things or people behave, react, and affect each other影响力

the dynamics of the family 家庭的影响力

He did research on group dynamics and leadership styles. 他从事团队影响力以及领导风格的研究。

b) [uncountable] the science relating to the movement of objects and the forces involved in movement 动力学

specialize verb [intransitive] to limit all or most of your study, business etc to a particular subject or activity 专长于

specialize in

Simmons specialized in contract law. …擅长合同法。



in-company seminars

in-flight catering

in-house training

in-service training

board game n. 用棋盘玩的游戏

an indoor game played on a specially designed board made of thick card or wood (Chinese checkers中国跳棋)

simulate verb [transitive] 伪装,假装;模仿,模拟 to make or produce something that is not real but has the appearance or feeling of being real

a machine that simulates conditions in space 一台模仿太空条件的机器

Interviews can be simulated in the classroom. 面试可以在教室中进行模拟训练。

focus on

mania noun [uncountable and countable]

1 a strong desire for something or interest in something, especially one that affects a lot of people at the same time 强烈的愿望,狂热

ᅳ同义词 craze

mania for

religious/football/disco etc mania

Keep-fit mania has hit some of the girls in the office. 健身热潮已经席卷了办公室中很多女孩。

2 medical a serious mental illness 狂躁症

III. Vocabulary Consolidation on Unit 1a (page 163)


IV. 便函写作






1. 公司名称;

2. 公司的电话号码或传真号码;

3. 收函人姓名(和职位)To:

4. 留言人姓名(和职位)From:

5. 留言日期Date:

6. 便函主题Subject(Re):

7. 正文



Ace Electronics

Tel/Fax: 0525 228910


To: M. Jones

From: J. Banks

I need to hire a car for the day to get me to the exhibition on 14th of next month. Can you book one? You can use my credit card. I don't think it matters what kind of car it is, but I don't want to pay more than $45.





Re: Your enquiry of the 20th October

… … … …

II. 便函写作应试技巧









You are Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary.

Write a memo of 40-50 words to your secretary.

telling her who you are going to see and when

asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation

telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence.


Overall effect: The secretary would know where the Head of Research was going and when, and would understand she was required to book flights and accommodation, and what work she should do tomorrow.



To: Alice Hu, Personal Secretary

From: David Guan, Head of Research

Date: 1 May 2001

Subject。 Urgent trip to subsidiary company

I have to make an urgent trip tomorrow, 2nd May 2001, to visit Pireer Blanco. Please book flight tickets and accommodation. In my absence, I would like you to handle all matters that do not need my personal decisions. Please inform all relevant colleagues.



To: Alice Hu, Personal Secretary

From: David Guan, Head of Research

Date: 1 May 2001

Subject: Urgent trip to French subsidiary

I’ll visit Pierre Blanco in Paris on 2 May 2001 in the afternoon. Please book me return flight tickets and accommodation at Hilton Hotel for my three-day visit. In my absence, you should schedule and then fax me the arrangements for next week.

V. Oral Practice

Training Opportunities

l How important is it to you to be offered opportunities for training in a job?


It’s very important because ongoing training can guarantee that employees have necessary skills to meet the requirements of the job.

l What do you think makes a training course effective?


First, a qualified and experienced teacher can make the course effective. A further factor is to satisfy staff needs.

(location, materials, audio-visual aids)

l How do you think employees should be selected to attend training courses?


All new staff should receive orientation programme to facilitate their job. For ongoing training, HR Department can carry out opinion surveys among staff to include as many staff as possible.

l Do you think employees should contribute towards the cost of training?

(Should employees pay some of the cost of their training?)


I don’t believe so. Many big name companies now make full use of training as motivation. This will help retain staff and enhance staff loyalty to the company. So I reckon that companies not employees should contribute towards the cost.


l Do you prefer working on your own or as a member of a team?


I prefer to work in a team. Teamwork means that team members can swap ideas and offer help.

l Which do you think are more effective, small teams or larger teams?


I think small teams are very effective. Small teams can ensure better communication and fighting spirits.

l Do you think teams always need to have a leader?


Yes, I believe so. A team leader can allocate roles, chair regular meetings and set targets for the team.

l Do you think it is important for a team to have regular meetings?


Definitely. At regular meetings, team members can swap ideas and ensure the flow of information.


1. Oral practice:

Advantages and disadvantages of each form of communication

(faxes, letters, e-mails, phone calls, memos, notes)

2. Self-study exercise 1 on page 15. You can check your answers against the key at the back of the book.


You are taking your annual holiday at the beginning of July and you will be out of the office for three weeks.

Write a memo of 40 –50 words to your secretary, telling him/her:

·when you are going on holiday and for how long;

·what should happen to your mail;

·what he/she should do in case of an emergency.