托福口语TPO3Task5加task6真题答案解析 托福口语TPO3Task5加task6真题答案解析



  托福TPO3口语task5题目 Listening Part:

  Listen to a conversation between two students.

  (man) Hey, Marni , what’s wrong?

  (woman) Oh, I’m just struggling about what to do . I won an award from the Creative Writing Institute for a story I wrote and …

  (man) That doesn’t sound like anything’s wrong.

  (woman) Well, it’s a huge honor to win and there’s an award ceremony they’ve invited me to attend which I’m so ex cited about, but, and here’s what’s frustrating: I’ve got a Biology exam that’s scheduled for the same time.

  (man) Uh oh, well, have you talked to your professor about this?

  (woman) Yeah, she said I could write a five-page paper instead, and I have lots of ideas and know I could do a good job, but..

  (man) But what?

  (woman) Well, writing a paper would tak e up so much time, a lot more than studying for and taking the exam. I have lots of other school work to deal with.

  (man) Oh! Or you could have someone else to receive the award for you. I mean, go in your place and accept on your behalf.

  (woman) Maybe, I’ll still get the award and the money that way.

  (man) Oooh, you won money too?

  (woman) Yeah, pretty cool, huh? But an yways, my parents were really looking forward to coming and seeing me on stage shaking hands with the Institute’s president Knoff. I hate to disappoint them.

  (man) True, I’m sure they are really proud.

  (woman) Like I said, I’m still struggling about what to do.


  The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem then state which of the solutions you recommend and explain why.


  1. Listening keys

  (1.1) Problem

  (1.1.1) Wants to go to award ceremony to accept award

  (1.1.2) There’s a biology exam that’s scheduled at the same time

  (1.2) Solution 1: write a five page paper instead of taking the exam

  (1.2.1) Pro: the teacher will allow it, the woman has plenty of ideas, confident to do a good job

  (1.2.2) Con: writing a paper takes up too much time, she has other schoolworks to do

  (1.3) Solution 2: have someone to take the award on her behave

  (1.3.1) Pro: she still gets the award and money

  (1.3.2) Con: her parents won’t be able to see her on stage


  The woman’s problem is that she wants to attend an award ceremony and accept her award, but she’s got a biology exam that’s scheduled at the same time. There are two possible solutions, the first is to skip the exam and write a five page paper instead. Or she can find someone to receive the award for her. I think the first solution is better. First, she did mention in the conversation that she has plenty of ideas, and she’s confident she’ll be able to do a good job. Also, if she does not attend the ceremony, her parents are going to be very disappointed because they can’t see her on stage.

  托福TPO3口语task6题目 Listening Part:

  Now listen to part of a lecture in a Psychology class. The professor is discussing

  advertising strategies.

  Professor (female)

  In advertising various strategies are used to persuade people to buy products. In order to sell more products, advertisers will often try to make us believe that a product will meet our needs or desires perfectly, even if it’s not true. The strategies that they use can be subtle, friendly forms of persuasion that are sometimes hard to recognize.

  In a lot of ads, repetition is a key strategy. Research shows that repeated exposure to a message, even something meaningless or untrue, is enough to make people accept it or see it in a positive light. You’ve all seen the car commercials on TV like, uh, the one that refers to its roomy cars over and over again. You know which one I mean.

  This guy is driving around and keeps stopping to pick up different people. He picks up three or four people. And each time, the narrator says, “Plenty of room for friends, plenty of room for family, plenty of room for everybody.” The same message is repeated several times in the course of the commercial. Now the car, the car actually looks kind of small, it’s not a big car at all, but you get the sense that it’s pretty spacious. You’d think the viewer would reach the logical conclusion that the slogan miss-represents the product, instead, what usually happens is that when the statement "plenty of room" is repeated often enough, people are actually convinced it’s true.

  Um, another strategy they use is to get a celebrity to advertise a product. It turns out that we’re more likely to accept an advertisement claim made by somebody famous, a person we admire and find appealing. We tend to think they’re trustworthy. So, uh, you might have a car commercial that features a well-known race car driver. Now, it may not be a very fast car, uh, it could even be an inexpensive vehicle with a low performance rating. But if a popular race car driver is shown driving it and saying, “I like my cars fast!” Then people would believe the car is impressive with its speed.

  托福TPO3口语task6 答案解析:

  Using the examples from the talk, explain how persuasive strategies are used in advertising.

  托福TPO3口语task6 答案解析:

  1. Listening keys

  (1.1) Main idea: two persuasion strategies that are used in advertising

  (1.2) First: repetition

  (1.2.1) Example: car ad, someone drives around, narrator keeps saying “plenty of room for everyone”.

  The audience will think the car is big although it’s small

  (1.3) Second: using celebraties

  (1.3.1) Example: car ad, famous race car driver drives a slow car, people will think the car is pretty fast because people find famous people trustworthy and appealing.

  托福TPO3口语task6 范文:

  The professor talks about two strategies that are used in TV ads that will make them more convincing. One strategy is repetition, when people hear something often enough, the message becomes positive. Take a car ad for example, the narrator says “plenty of room for everyone” for many times, although the car is small, eventually people will start to think that the car is fairly big. The second strategy is using a celebrity to advertise a product because people tend to believe someone famous. A race car driver who says “I like my car fast!” might actually make people think the car in the ad to be pretty fast, because we find them trustworthy.
