大学英语四级听力真题及参考答案 大学英语四级听力真题及参考答案





  Conversation One


  A. She wants him to review the lessons before finals.

  B. She wants him to have her car repaired.

  C. She wants to borrow his camping equipment.

  D. She wants him to go canoeing with theirclassmates.


  A. They won't have another break until after the final exams.

  B. It'll be very exciting as the river has some rapids this time of the year.

  C. If it gets too hot they can swim.

  D. Many students will go so he can know more people.


  A. Drinks.

  B. Food.

  C. A bathing suit.

  D. A Tent.


  A. The specific time they'll set out.

  B. What he needs to bring.

  C. Whether he has to drive his car or not.

  D. Whether he has decided to go or not.


  Conversation One

  W: [19]Hey Neal, now that the midterms are over abunch of us are getting away for the weekend to gocanoeing. You want to come along?

  M: Well, uhm, it'd be great to get away, but I'venever done it before.

  W: None of the others have either except for me. Iwent once last fall. But there'll be an instructor ineach canoe the first day.

  M: I don't know.

  W: Oh, come on. [20]This is our last chance to take a break before finals. The scenery isbeautiful, and if it gets too hot we can dive in whenever we feel like it. The river's really calm thistime of the year, no rapids to deal with.

  M: That's a relief. What would I have to bring?

  W: Let's see. Tom's bringing food for the Friday night cookout for everyone. [21]And thepeople who run the trip have tents set up and they supply food and drinks for all daySaturday. On the way back Sunday morning we'll stop somewhere for breakfast. [21]So, youhave to bring a bathing suit and a sleeping bag.

  M: Well, I do love camping and sleeping out. Where is this place?

  W: Well, it's about an hour and a half to the place where we meet the trip leaders. We leave ourcar there and they drive us and the canoes upriver to the place where we start canoeing.

  M: And who's driving us to the meeting place?

  W: Well, I was hoping we could take your car. Mine's in the shop again.

  M: Oh, I see.

  It's not me you want, it's my car.

  W: Don't be silly.

  So what would you say?

  M: Oh, why not!

  W: Great! [22]I'll give you a call when I find out when everyone wants to leave on Friday.


  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. What is the main reason the woman calls the man?


  20. What is one of the attractions the woman tells the man about canoeing?


  21. What is one thing the man has to bring?


  22. What will the woman confirm with the man soon?




  Conversation Two


  A. Problems with living in an apartment.

  B. A search for a new apartment.

  C. The cost of rent near universities.

  D. How to share a room with one or two roommates.


  A. It must be near the campus.

  B. It must be equipped with furniture.

  C. It must be equipped with utilities.

  D. There must be a parking space.


  A. He will drop notice there and buy something on his way to school.

  B. He is planning on calling a friend who owns an apartment building.

  C. He will check the newspapers to see if he can find an apartment for rent.

  D. He is going to visit an apartment building nearby.


  Conversation Two

  M: Oh hi, Ann. How have you been? And how's yournew apartment working out?

  W: Well, [23]that's what I'm calling about. You see,I've decided to look for a new place.

  M: Oh, what's the problem with your place now? Ithought you liked the apartment.

  W: Oh, I do, but it's a little far from campus, and thecommute is just killing me. Do you think you could help? I thought you might know more aboutthe housing situation near the university.

  M: Alright. So, what kind of place are you looking for?

  W: Well, [24]I'd like to share an apartment with one or two roommates within walking distanceto school.

  M: Okay, what's your budget like? I mean how much do you want to spend on rent?

  W: Uh, somewhere under 0 a month, including utilities, if I could. Oh, and I'd prefer to renta furnished apartment.

  M: Hmm. And anything else?

  W: Yeah, I need a parking space.

  M: Well, I know there's an apartment complex around the corner that seems to have a fewvacancies. [25]I'll drop by there on my way to class today.

  W: Hey, thanks a lot.

  M: No problem.


  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. What is the main topic of the conversation?

  [B]解析:女士开头就说:“那正是我打电话的原因。我决定另外找一套房子。”B选项中的"search for a newapartment"就是此句"look for a new place"的同义替换。口语中place可以指住处。各选项均与住房有关(apartment,rent,room,roommate属于同一个语义场);选项核心词分别是problems,search,cost,how to share。注意听清对话的焦点,用以辨别正确选项。

  24. What is the most important quality of the new apartment Ann is looking for?


  25. How is the man going to help her?

  [D]解析:男士提到,他知道附近一幢公寓综合楼似乎还有空房,他今天会“在去上学的路上顺道看看”。D的visit即对话中drop by的同义表达,因此选D。选项均是将来时态,表示他将来采取什么行动,一般是在对话尾巴处找答案。




  Q: Where does the conversation most probablytake place?

  A. At an information service.

  B. At a car wash point.

  C. At a repair shop.

  D. At a dry cleaner's.


  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  A. The woman came to the concert at the man's request.

  B. The man is already fed up with playing the piano.

  C. The piece of music the man played is very popular.

  D. The man's unique talents are the envy of many people.



  M: How soon do you think this can be cleaned?

  W: We have same day service, sir. You can pick upyour suit after five o'clock.

  Q: Where does the conversation most probablytake place?








  W: I really enjoy that piece you just play on the piano. I bet you get a lot of requests for it.

  M: You said it. People just can't get enough of it.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?












