高中英语知识点总结 高中英语知识点总结



  (1) so + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语 (意为“主语也 ……” )

  (2) neither / nor + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语(意为“主语也不……” )

  (3) so it is / was with sb / sth和so it is / was the same with sb / sth (意为“主语也……” ) (用在前文有两个或以上的从句,而且分句有不同的谓语或既有肯定又有否定以及既有系动词义有行为动词的情况)

  (4) so + 主语 + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 (意为“主讲确实如此”),表示进一步肯定。

  (5) 主语 + did + so (意为“主语按照吩咐做了”)。

  【考例】 Mary never does any reading in the evening, ____. (2005全国 III)

  A. so does John B. John does too

  C. John doesn't too D. nor does John

  [考查目标] nor表示“也不”引导的倒装结构。

  [答案与解析] D 由never可以判断该句为否定句。空格处句意为“约翰也没读书”。nor, so, neither可引起倒装句。

  2. Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his friends. 查克是个生意人,他总是那么忙,几乎没有时间和朋友在一起。

  该句中so...that... 和such...that... 都能连接结果状讲从句,但要注意词序不同。例如:Joan is such a lonely girl that all of us like her. = She is so lovely a girl that we all like her.


  (1) such + a / an + 形容词 + 单数可数名词 + that clause

  (2) such + 形容词 + 复数可数名词 + that clause

  (3) such + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + that clause

  (4) so + 形容词 + a / an + 单数可数名词 + that clause

  (5) so + 形容词 / 副词 + that clause

  (6) so + many / few + 复数可数名词 + that clause

  (7) so + much / little + 不可数名词 + that clause

  注意:① 当little不表示数量“少”而表示“小”的意思时,仍然 要用such。② 当so + adj. / adv. 或 such + n. 位于句首时,主句需要倒装。

  【考例】 So difficult ____ it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English. (2001上海)

  A. I have felt B. have I felt

  C. I did feel D. did I feel

  [考查目标] so + adj. 位于句首时,主句倒装。

  [答案与解析] D A、C语序不对,排除。B时态不对。

  3. One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes. 一天,查克在飞越太平洋时.他的飞机突然坠毁了。

  该句中的“when”表示“正在这时”,相当于and just或and at that time. 这时不能用while / as 替换。

  常见句型:(1) be about to do sth when... (2) be doing sth when... (3) be on the point of doing sth when...

  【考例】We were swimming in the lake ____ suddenly the storm started. (2004北京春招)

  A. when B. while C. until D. before

  [考查目标] "when" 作连词,表示“正在这时”。

  [答案与解析] A 意为“我正在湖中游泳,突然暴风雨来了。”只有when才能用于这种句型。

  4. He has to learn how to collect water, hunt for food, and make fire. 他不得不学会收集淡水.寻找食物,生火什么的。

  该句中的“how I to collect...”为动词不定式短语作宾语。例如:We must decide which one to buy. 疑问词which, what, how, when, where等与小定式构成不定式短语。

  【考例】 I've worked with children before, so I knew what ____ in my new job. (NMET 2000)

  A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects

  [考查目标] what to do sth 不定式短语作宾语。

  [答案与解析] B 该句需要填非谓语动词。排除A、D。句意为“以前我与孩子在一块儿工作过。因此我知道我的新工作需要什么。”C不表示进行,排除C。

  5. In order to survive, Chuck developed a friendship with an unusual friend — a volleyball he called Wilson. 为了生存下去,查克和一位不寻常的朋友--“排球”建立了友谊,查克叫他威尔森。

  1. 该句中的"in order to",意思为“为了,以便”,作目的 状语。在句子中作同的状语的常见句型有五种结构:to do sth / in order to do sth / so as to do sth / in order that clause / so that clause

  注意:(1) so as to do sth 不能位于句首。(2) 如果主句与从句的主语一致时,四个结构可以相互转换。(3) 在in order that / so that 引导的从句中,谓语动词常与can, could, may, might 等情态动词连用。

  【考例】(2005北京) I'd like to arrive 20 minutes early ____ I can have time for a cup of tea.

  A. as soon as B. as a result C. in case D. so that

  [考查目标] 目的状语。

  [答案与解析]D as soon as “一…就…”;as a result“结果是”;in case “万一”;so that“以便,为的是”。句意:“我想提前二十分钟到以便有时间喝杯茶”。

  2. 该句子中 volleyball 是作同位语。例如:He advised farmers to choose the best seed-heads, the ones that had the best color.


  【考例】(NMET 2002) Meeting my uncle after these years was an unforgotten moment, ____ I will always treasure.

  A. that B. one C. it D. what

  [考查目标] one作同位语,指代a moment。

  [答案与解析] B that不能引导非限制性定语从句,排除A;if不能作同位语,排除C;what既不能引导非限制定语从句,也不能作同位语。可以填which,这样就成了非限制性定语从句。

  6. For a long time the language in America stayed the same, while the language in England changed. 长期以来,美国英语保持不变,但英国英语变化了。

  1. 该句中的“while"用作并列连词.表示前后对比,意为 “然而”。“while"充当连词,还能引导时间状语从句。意为“during the time that…”;引导让步状语从句,意 为“although…”。

  2. 该句中的 "stay" 为系动词。后接表语 (the same)。 除了stay外,常见的系动词还有: become, get, turn, grow, go, come, run, fall, keep, stay, remain。

  【考例】(NMET 2003) Why don't you put the meat in the fridge? It will ____ fresh for several days.

  A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed

  [考查目标] 系动词的用法。

  [答案与解析] B 系动词没有被动语态,一般不用进行


  7. for the first time 第一次

  (1) for the first time 第一次,后面不加从句,在句中作状语 They came to Beijing for the first time.

  (2) the first time 名词短语,在从句中充当连词,后接时间状语从句,不接that,when等连词。有同样用法的短语还有:every time; next time; the last time

  They liked Beijing the first time they went there.

  (3) It's / This is the first time that + 从句(用现在完成时)这是……的第一次 It's the first time that I have ever been abroad at all.

  8. What is it that...? 是什么……?


  (1) 结构:It is / It was (过去时间) + 被强调部分 + that / who (专指人) + 其他部分

  (2) 用法:除了谓语动词不能强调,句子的每部分均可强调。 Jim met the student in the street last week.

  主语 宾语 地点状语 时间状语

  强调主语:It was Jim who / that met the student in the street last week.

  强调宾语:It was the student whom / that Jim met in the street last week.

  强调地点状语:It was in the street that Jim met the student last week.

  强调时间状语:It was last week that Jim met the student in the street.

  (3) 注意点:


  Was it Dr Wang who spoke to you just now?


  Who is it that will visit our class?

  Where is it that he has gone?

  When was it that she went?

  not … until … 用于强调句:

  It was not until then that I realized I was wrong.


  1. Talking about likes and dislikes. 谈论喜欢和不喜欢

  -- I enjoy Chinese food very much. -- ____. (03东北三校)

  A. Please taste quickly B. Have more, please

  C. Help yourself D. Eat slowly while it is hot



  (1) This book is very interesting.

  (2) I like / love the movie (very much).

  (3)I like / love to play computer games.

  (4) I like taking photos.

  (5) I enjoy listening to music.

  (6) I'm interested in science. My hobbies / interests are...

  (7) He is fond of music.

  (8) This song is bad / awful.

  (9) I don't like the movie very much / at all.

  (10)I don't enjoy collecting stamps.

  (11)I hate to do homework. I hate dancing,

  (12)I'm not into classic music.

  (13)I think that classic music is terrible / boring.

  2. Making apologies 道歉

  -- I'm sorry I'm calling you so late. -- ____ Okay.


  A. This is B. You're C. That's D. I'm

  [答案与解析] C 本题主要考查英语中道歉及应答用语。A、B、D三项不符合交际英语的习惯,故C项正确。


  (1) I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to (hurt your feelings).

  (2) I'm terribly sorry about that.

  (3) I'm afraid I've brought you too much trouble.

  (4) Please excuse me coming late.

  (5) Please forgive me.

  (6) Excuse me, please.

  (7) I beg your pardon.


  (1) That's / It's all right.

  (2) That's / It's OK.

  (3) Never mind.

  (4) It doesn't matter.

  (5) It's nothing.

  (6) Forget it.

  (7) Don't worry about that.

  (8) Don't mention it.

  3. Talking about language difficulties in communication 谈论语言交际困难

  -- I'm sorry. I can't catch you. ____

  -- OK, it's B—L—A—C—K.

  A. Would you please walk slowly?

  B. I don't understand you.

  C. What's the meaning of this word?

  D. Would you please repeat it more slowly?

  [答案与解析] D本题主要考查语言交际困难的功能意念。catch 在整个语境中是“听见,听清”的意思,A项错误理解了catch 在此处的意思,B、C两项语义不连贯, 故正确答案是D。


  (1) Pardon? / I beg your pardon.

  (2) Sorry, I can't follow you.

  (3) Can you speak more slowly, please?

  (4 )How do you say...in English.'?

  (5) I don't know how to say that in English.

  (6) I don't know the word in English.

  (7) How do you spell it, please?

  (8) I'm sorry I only know a little English.

  (9) Could you repeat that, please? Could you say that

  again, please?

  (10) What do you mean by killing time?


  1. Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, ... you may want to try hiking. Instead和instead 0f的用法

  2. Say "Hi" / "Hello" / "Thanks" to sb. (for me) 问候的句型

  3. Is anybody seeing you off? 进行时表将来

  4. She struggled and struggled, and could not get on her feet. (= keep struggling)

  5. You should not go rafting unless you know... unless引导条件状语从句,相当于if... not

  6. By staying at..., tourists can help the villagers make money so that they can take care of the fiver and the birds. 目的状语从句

  7. She was so surprised that she couldn't move. 结果状语从句

  8. Tree after tree went down, cut down by water. 过去分词作状语

  9. The next moment, the first wave swept her down, swallowing the garden. 现在分词作状语

  10. However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her. It didn't take long before the building was destroyed. before的用法

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