英语四级写作图表型作文模版 英语四级写作图表型作文模版


  There may be a combination of factors which contribute to / are responsible for …可能是好几个因素造成的结果。

  There may be several possible reasons to this phenomenon, which will be demonstrated as follows. 可能有几个原因导致了我们下面所要阐述的现象。

  The significant effects of this phenomenon are undeniable, which can be concluded as the following aspects.这一现象的重大影响是不可忽略的,可大致归结为以下几个方面

  On one hand, …; On the other hand,…一方面,…;另一方面,…


  As is shown in the graph above, we can see clearly that great changes have taken place in … from…to… The first … years saw… The last … years witnessed …

  What are the reasons for the? On my standpoint, there are several as follows. First of all, (______). What is more, (______).Last but not the least,(______).

  The significant effects of this phenomenon are undeniable, which can be concluded as the following aspects. On one hand, …; On the other hand,…


  It is important that effective actions should be taken to prevent the situation. 采取有效措施防止这种情况的发生很重要。

  There is no immediate solution to the problem of…,but …might be helpful/ but the general awareness of the necessity of …might be the first step.虽然问题没有现成的解决办法,但是,…是有帮助的/但是意识到….的必要性应该是解决问题的第一步。

  In order to make our world a better place in which we live, we should make great efforts to… 为了让我们生活的世界变得更加美好,我们应该努力…

  According to what we have talked above, we can arrive at the conclusion reasonably /naturally that…. the best way to solve this problem is… 综上所述,我们自然能得出以下结论,即解决这一问题的最好的办法就是…

  Following this method may not guarantee the success in solution to…, but the payoff will be worth the effort. 这些方法并不一定能成功解决…,但是其结果是值得付出努力的。


  As is shown in the graph above, we can see clearly that great changes have taken place in … from…to… The first … years saw… The last … years witnessed …

  What has caused this problem? It seems to me that there are … reasons as follows. First of all, (______).What is more, (______).Last but not the least,(______).

  According to what we have talked above, we can arrive at the conclusion reasonably /naturally that…. the best way to solve this problem is… Although, following this method may not   guarantee the success in solution to…, but the payoff will be worth the effort.