高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作)投诉举报
高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作)
高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作).doc
高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作) 高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作)

高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作)

高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作)

科目 英语 年级 高一文件 high1 unit19.1.doc标题 Jobs (工作) 章节 第十九单元 关键词 内容一、教法建议 【抛砖引玉】 本单元围绕男女平等这一题材,让同学们通过阅读课文“The Secret Is Out !”来了解妇女受歧视的情况以及带来的社会后果。众所周知,妇女在社会历史发展的过程中起到了重要作用。 单元双基学习目标 Ⅰ. 词汇学习 四会单词和词组:offer , fair , pick up , army , handtruck , careless , carelessly , remove , to one’s surprise , refuse , call at , cross , look down upon , promise , support 三会单词和词组:engineer , design , pretend , boss , department , designer , gently Ⅱ. 交际英语 Offers and responses 提供〈帮助等〉和应答 1 . Can / Could / Shall I help you ? 2. Would you like me to… ? 3. Is there anything ( else ) I can do for you ? / What can I do for you ? 4. Do you want me to… ? 5. Would you like some…… ? 6. Thanks . That would be nice/fine . / That\'s very kind your help . / Thank you for your help . 7. Yes , please . / Here , take this/my… 8 . No , thanks/thank you . / No , thanks/thank you . I can manage it myself . 9. Thank you all the same . 10. That\'s very kind of you , but… 交际示范 ( 1 ) Jack : I\'m going shopping this afternoon . Is there anything I can do for you ? Tom : Let me think . Yes , if it isn\'t too much trouble , could you get me a dozen of eggs ? Jack : No trouble ( I\'ll be glad to ) . Anything else ? Tom : I can\'t think of anything at the moment . ( 2 ) George : Hello , Alice . Nice to see you again . Alice : Hello , George . You\'re looking very well . George : Here , let me carry these boxes for you . Alice : I can manage ( 设法对付 ) it myself , but thank you all the same . George : This is my car . Let me help you put away these boxes . Alice : Thank you . ( After driving for some time ) This city seems to be a beautiful one . I\'m sure I\'ll have a good time during my stay here . George : I\'m sure you will . By the way , would you like me to show you around ( 领你参观 ) the city this afternoon ? Alice : Oh , that\'s very nice of you . I\'m looking forward to ( 盼望 ) it . Thank you , George . Ⅲ. 语法学习 学习由whose引导的定语从句。 【指点迷津】 单元重点词汇点拨 1. refuse拒绝;不愿 His request was refused politely . The door refused to open . = The door won’t open . She refused his gift . 〖点拨〗refuse to do拒绝干 …… 。refuse the invitation拒绝邀请。refuse sb to不许某人干…… 。 2. design设计;绘制;图案 This engineer is designing a new teaching building for our school . The theatre is poor in design . 这戏院设计欠佳。 I don’t like the wall-paper design . 我不喜欢这壁纸的花样。 〖点拨〗by design故意地,有计划地。design for为……设计。 3. pretend假装;装作 Don’t pretend to know what you don’t know . 〖点拨〗pretend后可以跟不定式、名词、从句、不定式的完成式和不定式的进行式。 He didn’t want to go to school , so he pretended illness . He pretended to be an expert . He pretended that he was working hard . Let’s pretend to be soldiers . = Let’s pretend that we are soldiers . 注意否定结构常用pretend not to do 。如:She pretended not to see me in the street . 4. promise许诺;答应 I can’t lend you the book ; I’ve promised it to Mr Chen . He promised me to be more careful next time . 〖点拨〗promise后可以接不定式,也可以接从句。promise sb to do(主语)答应某人做……。promise sb sth = promise sth to sb答应给某人…… 。promise sb that …答应……。 She promised her early return . Promise me never to trouble me again . I promised Nick my old car . = I promised my old car to Nick . She promises to be a good wife . 单元词组思维运用 1. women police officers女警官 There are women police officers , women doctors , teachers , engineers , farmers and so on . 2. the top of ……的最高地位;领先地位 He’s got to the top of the company because of his hard work . He is at the top of his class .他的成绩在班上领先。 3. in politics在政界 There are more men than women in politics . When did he go in politics ? He is a good example for the young men in politics to learn from . 4. have an accident出了事故 I’ve never had an accident driving a car . One day he had a bicycle accident . 5. be badly hurt严重受伤 His legs were badly hurt . In the accident the driver was seriously hurt . I was deeply hurt by what they had said about me . 6. take sb to hospital送某人去医院治疗 He was injured in an accident and was taken to hospital . 注意在hospital前没有the ,否则,take sb to the hospital就成了“带某人去医院,但不一定看病”。 又如:be in hospital住院,go to hospital去看病。 7. to one’s surprise使某人惊奇的是 To my great surprise he was late for school for the first time that day . To the surprise of his parents , the young man got rich overnight . 注意:to在此为介词,意为“致使”,后接表示情感的名词,特指在某人心中产生的感情效果。由to引起的介词短语在句中作状语,表示结果。下面三种表达一样:to my surprise = to the surprise of me = much to my surprise 。 类似的表达还有: to one’s joy / delight使某人高兴的是, to one’s satisfaction使某人满意的是,to one’s regret使某人后悔的是,to one’s disappointment使某人失望的是,to one’s sorrow使某人悲伤的是。 8. at work在上班,在工作 He is hard at work every time I come to see him . 9. lose one’s job失业 If anyone at work discovers my secret , I shall lose my job . 注意:“失业”还可用:be out of work / job ; be unemployed 10. lie to sb对某人说谎 tell a lie = tell lies撒谎 11. hear about听说,听到过 We have never heard about him . 12. call at + 地点 “去某处”。call on sb拜访某人。 I think we should call at Li’s while we are in Guangzhou . 13. tell one’s story to向……叙述某人的经历 Shall I tell you the story of my life in Africa ? 14. cut short把……剪短 The barber cut my hair short . Better not have your hair cut short . 15. stay in留在 My parents stayed in Beijing when I moved to another city . 注意:stay in中的in还可以是副词。如: I’ll stay in to wait for his telephone call . The whole class will stay in for half an hour after school . 16. for a moment一会儿,片刻。 Please wait for a moment . For a moment or two everyone was quiet . 注意:for the moment暂时;目前 I cannot think of his address for the moment . 17. be cross感到不悦 Don’t be cross with what I said . = Don’t be angry about my words . 18. look down upon / on 看不起;轻视 I wish you wouldn’t look down upon this kind of work . 19. be busy with忙于…… 。 be busy (in) doing忙于 二、学海导航 【学法指要】 单元难点疑点思路明晰 1 . It seems that it\'s more difficult for women to get to the top of a company . 妇女似乎更难提升到公司的最高职位。 〖明晰〗It seems that…是一个常用句型,意为“看来;似乎” It seems that no one knew what had happened . 另外,seem 还常用于其它两个句型: It seems as if…意为“看来好像……” , as if 从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气形式。 It seems as if it were going to rain . There seems…意为“似乎有……”。 There seems something wrong with my bicycle . 2 . There a doctor asked him to remove his trousers so that he could examine his legs . 在医院里,医生让他把裤子脱下来,以便检查一下他的腿。 〖明晰〗so that 表示“以便;为了”,引导目的状误从句,相当于 in order that , 它们后面可以跟表示将来含义的现在时。在过去时的句中 , so that 或 in order that 从句中谓语动词常用“should ( 或 could , would , might ) + 动词原形。” Put the little plants in the shade so that the sun won\'t burn them . 此处的 so that 和上文 A worker drove a small handtruck so carelessly that it hit the back of Mr . King\'s legs . 中的 so…that 含义不同。它表示“如此……以致……”,that 引导的结果或程度状语从句。 The film was so moving that we were all moved to tears . 3 . I had to lie to the company and pretended to be a man in order to get a job . 我不得不向公司撒谎并装成一个男人。 〖明晰〗lie 在此作不及物动词,意为“撒谎”,该动词是规则动词。“对 ( 向 ) 某人撒谎”用lie to sb . ( 相当于 lie 作名词时的短语 tell sb . a lie ) 。 It\'s clear that she is lying . lie 作名词时,也有“谎言”之意,是可数名词。“撒谎”可以表达为 tell a lie 或 tell lies . Don\'t tell a lie before your parents . 另外,lie 作不及物动词时,也可作“躺;卧”解,是不规则动词。不要把 lie 作“撒谎”解时的规则形式搞混。 I was lying in bed with a bed cold yesterday。 He lay down and soon fell asleep . 4 . Unless you tell me , I shall not be able to help you . 除非你告诉我,否则我不会帮助你。 ( 如果你不告诉我,我就不会帮助你。 ) 〖明晰〗unless 是一个从属连词,用来引导条件状语从句,其自身含有否定意义,相当于“if…not…”,在汉语中常译为“除非……,否则……”。原句的 unless you tell me = if you don\'t tell me . He will not come unless he is invited . = If he is not invited , he will not come . Unless I have time , I won\'t come and join you . 5. It is easier for girls to learn foreign languages than boys . 女孩比男孩更易学会外语。 〖明晰〗It is + adj. (for sb) to do sth是一个常用句型。又如: It’s dangerous to play with fire . It is weightier than Mount Tai to die for the people . 注意:当表示逻辑主语的性质和内部特征时介词用of连接。如: It is careless of you to notice nothing of it . 6. I’m sure there is nothing that a woman can’t do . 我相信没有什么事是女人干不了的。 〖明晰〗nothing与can’t同时出现在句子中构成双重否定。 There will be no difficulty in the world which they cannot overcome . 世界上任何困难都是可以克服的。 下面这些句子也是双重否定: Without air we cannot live even a few minutes . There is no right to speak without looking into it . You can’t make something out of nothing . (谚语) 巧妇难为无米之炊。 注意句中的定语从句中的that不要用which , 因为其先行词是不定代词nothing 。 7. Companies that make telephones and computers and so on prefer to employ women . 制造电话机、计算机等的公司更喜欢雇佣妇女。 〖明晰〗此句没有把比较级的事物说出来,但是prefer 暗含有比较的意味,其含义为更喜欢。prefer的常见搭配有: 1) prefer + n . 2) prefer + -ing 3) prefer + to do 4) prefer sb to do 5) prefer + 宾语从句(注意从句中用虚拟) 6) prefer + 名词 + to + 名词 7)prefer + -ing + to + -ing 8) prefer to do rather than do (注意在句型8) 中的than后常不加to ) 如: Which do you prefer , tea or coffee ? He preferred spending weekends by himself . At the moment , I prefer not to think about the future . I prefer you to give me some advice . Would you prefer that I came ( = should come )on Monday ? All of us preferred rice to noodles . They prefer walking to cycling . They prefer to go with us rather than stay at home 8. I don’t agree with your decision . (Lesson 75) 我不同意你的决定。 〖明晰〗agree 是个常用动词,也是高考经常考查的词汇之一。由于它的用法比较复杂,有的同学在理解和使用时经常出错。为了帮助同学们正确理解和使用这个词,现将它的用法归纳如下。 1) agree with + 名词 / 代词或从句 在这个句型中,如用人作主语,表示“同意……”,“赞成……”,后面接指人或表示“意见”,“看法”的词(如:suggestion , statement , practice , proposal );如用事物作主语,表示“与……一致(相符)”,“(气候、食物等)适合……”。例如: We all agree with you . I agree with most of what you said , but I don\'t agree with everything . He doesn\'t agree with what you said at the meeting . The verb must agree with the subject in person and number . 动在人称和数上应与主语一致。 What he said doesn\'t agree with what he did . 他言行不符。 Mutton doesn\'t agree with me . 我不能吃羊肉。 2) agree to + 名词 / 代词 agree to的意思是“同意(赞成)……”,后面接表示“建议”,“计划”,“条件”,“安排”等的词,不但表示同意,而且含有协助合作之意。例如: They agree to our suggestion . Does he agree to this arrangement ? agree to 还有“答应”的意思。可表示答应某件自己实际上不赞成的事。例如: The boss agreed to the terms only under the pressure of the workers . agree to 也可用于被动句型,但 agree with 却不可以。例如: Their terms have been agreed to . 3) agree on / about + 名词 / 代词 agree on 的意思是“对……取得了一致意见”,主语常常是协商一件事的人们或单位,后面常接表示具体协议的文件、计划、行动、日期、条款等名词,介词 on 有时可用 about 来替换。例如: We all agreed on an early start tomorrow morning . They didn\'t agree about some of the views in the book . There is one point on which they all agree . 4) agree with sb . on sth . 这个句型的意思是“对某事跟某人意见一致”。它的相反意思的句型为:disagree with sb . about sth . “对某事跟某人意见不一致”。例如: I agree with you on this matter . They disagreed with you about some of the opinions in this report . 5) agree to do sth . agree to do sth . 的意思是“同意(答应)做某事”。例如: The worker agreed to mend the machine next Monday . 6) agree + that-clause 这个句型的意思是“同意(认为 / 承认)……”。例如: We agree (with you) that this article is worth reading . 7) agree 作“同意”解时,也可单独使用。例如: I asked him to go to the cinema with me and he agreed . 【妙文赏析】 Women Can Hold Up Half the Sky Today people often talk about the Women’s Liberation Movement in the 1960s and 1970s . As we know , women in the United States of America and elsewhere began to demand equal rights and treatment after that . But in China , the role of women has been changing since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949 . Today , instead of being housewives , more and more women are going into professions (职业) , such as medicine , law , teaching and engineering . In addition , they are beginning to be found in some important posts (岗位) which used to be held entirely by men . For example , many women pilots in China are flying in the blue sky . Now . women have made up a large part of work force in the industry , and facts have shown that they are superior (占优势) to men in many ways . Although we consider that their jobs according to their interests . Women’s liberation still has a long way to go . 赏析:这篇论说文“论点、论据、论证”三要素齐全,摆事实论证“妇女能顶半边天”的论点,最后一句议论既提出了问题又点了题,很有说服力。请就你的理解做下面5题: 1. Pick out the statement which is TRUE according to the passage . A. Women can not do the same jobs as men . B. Every family needs a housewife . C. Women’s liberation will lead nowhere . D. Women like to do work outside instead of staying at home . 2. With the Women’s Liberation Movement , the prejudice (偏见) against women . A. is becoming strongerB. is weakening C. has completely disappearedD. has been overlooked 3. According to the passage , we think it right for women to . A. demand equal rights and treatment with men B. stay at home and raise children C. lord (统治) it over men D. make up a large part of work force in industry 4. Women used to play the role of housewives , but now . A. they want to hold all the important posts B. they like to be superior to men C. many of them are going into professions D. they refuse to take care of their husbands and children 5. “Women can hold up half the sky”implies that . A. women can do the same jobs as men , and they should have B. men have to be dependent on women C. Women are born different D. Women are superior to men in all respects 答案:1 — 5 DBACA 【思维体操】 Buying the Tickets with the saved Money Mr Brown lives in Sydney . His house is about five kilometres ( 1 ) his office and the bus can ( 2 ) him there . He likes football very much and wants to ( 3 ) the football matches . His wife likes to buy nice clothes and ( 4 ) her husband give all his wages ( 工资 ) to her and he has to do ( 5 ) she says . Then she always ( 6 ) some fares ( 车费 ) back to him . Of course Mr Brown doesn\'t have any money to buy the ( 7 ) . One evening he went to watch a football match . He bought a ticket ( 8 ) all his money and he ( 9 ) to go home ( 10 ) foot . When he ( 11 ) home , he was tired , but felt ( 12 ) . Since then he began to go to work on foot . But he is ( 13 ) to tell his wife about it . This morning when he was having breakfast , he ( 14 ) a piece of news over the radio:the bus fares were going to ( 15 ) in price . He hurried to turn it ( 16 ) . but it was too ( 17 ) . His wife asked , “What did the radio say ? ” He had to ( 18 ) her all he heard . Then he became sad and said , “What a pity ! ” “You must be happy , I think , ”said his wife . “You will save some ( 19 ) . ” “Sorry . I can\'t ( 20 ) with you , ”said Mr - Brown . I\'ll watch two matches short a month ? ” 1 . A . farB . awayC . far awayD . from 2 . A . sendB . bringC . takeD . put 3 . A . seeB . lookC . look atD . watch 4 . A . asksB . letC . makes D . wants 5 . A . whatB . thatC . which D . like 6 . A . putsB . givesC . getsD . carries 7 . A . ticketsB . busesC . footballD . clothes 8 . A . withB . forC . toD . by 9 . A . hadB . wantedC . likedD . enjoyed 10 . A . byB . onC . withD . for 11 . A . arrived atB . got toC . reached toD . got 12 . A . worriedB . sadC . happy D . interesting 13 . A . sorryB . afraidC . readyD . pleased 14 . A . heardB . listenedC . sawD . wrote 15 . A . riseB . raiseC . dropD . low 16 . A . overB . onC . upD . off 17 . A . hardB . heavyC . farD . late 18 . A . sayB . talkC . speak D . tell 19 . A . timeB . workC . ideaD . money 20 . A . goB . comeC . talkD . agree 答案及简析:1 . D。far 和 away 都是副词,其后不能接名词。“离……多远”可用“… ( away ) from…”来表示。 2 . C 3 . D。按照英语习惯用法,看球赛应用 watch。 4 . C 5 . A。只有连接 代词 what 表示“所……的事情”,既引导宾语从句,又在从句中作 says 的宾语,故为最佳选择。 6 . B。give back 是一动词短语,意为“归还”,这里是说妻子只从工资里留给他坐车的钱。 7 . A。这里所说的 Mr Brown 没钱购买的,只能是看足球比赛的票。 8 . A。此空填介词 with,最“用”的意思。 9 . A。只有 had to 带有客观因素,意思是“不得不”,无疑为最佳选项。 10 . B。on foot 是固定的介词短语,意为“步行”。 11 . D。get home 为习惯搭配,故选 D。 12 . C。Mr Brown 步行回到家后有点累,但由于看了比赛,心里感到很高兴。 13 . B。表明 Mr Brown 不敢步行回家,把用所有节省下来的钱买观看球赛的门票这件事告诉给自己的妻子。 14 . A。此空应填 heard , 表示“听到”。 15 . C。收音机里传出的消息内容是有关车票价格“下调”的事,故选 drop。 16 . D。turn off 是一动词短语,意为“关上 ( 收音机 ) ”。17 . D。下文妻子说的“You will save some money . ”已暗示出,她已了解消息的内容,故填 late。18 . D。talk , speak 均为不及物动词,一般不能接宾语;say 后不能接双宾语。此处用的句型是 tell sb . sth . 。 19 . D。这里 save money 和上文收音机里传出的消息 the bus fares were going to drop in price 所表达的内容相照应。 20 . D。agree with sb . 表示“同意某人的意见”。 三、智能显示 【心中有数】 单元语法发散思维 whose 在定语从句中的用法 whose 是定语从句中一个常用的关系代词,表“ …… 的”之意;它可以指“人的”,也可以指“物的”;既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。 〖思维一〗whose + n . 可作主语,宾语,功能与 which , whom (who )相同。如: Mr King , whose legs were badly hurt , was quickly taken to hospital . The boss in whose department Mr King worked had heard about the accident . 〖思维二〗whose 既可引导限制性定语从句,又可引导非限制性定语从句。如: My uncle whose office we have just passed , is a lawyer . 我的叔叔是个律师,刚才我们经过他的办公室 。 Once there was a wise king whose name was Alfred . 从前有一个叫阿尔弗雷德的英国国王。 〖思维三〗whose 代指“……的”,既可以指人,也可以指物。如: Look at the building , whose roof is white . 看那栋楼,楼顶的颜色是白的。 The girl lives in the house , whose windows face south . 那个女孩住在这所房子里,房子的窗户是朝南开的。 〖思维四〗whose 表所属关系指物时,可与 of which 转换,词序一般是:名词+ of which Look at the building , the roof of which ( = whose roof )is white . The girl lives in the house , the windows of which ( = whose windows )face south . 〖思维五〗whose 不可与 of which (whom )转换的情况。 当 of 不具有“所属”含义时,(如在 hear of , be proud of , be fond of , be full of 等短语中,of 均不表“所属”关系),只能用 of which (whom) 或 which (whom , who )… of ,切不可盲目用 whose 。如: Mary has been married to a scientist of whom you may have heard . (… < who / whom > you may have heard of … .) 玛丽嫁给了一位科学家,你可能听说过这个人。 She has a clever boy of whom she is proud .她有一个为之骄傲的聪明儿子。 〖思维六〗whose 在定语从句中,有“所属”含义,一般不再与其它限定词罗列使用。 当 whose 表“所属”含义时,其本身就是一个限定词,相当于 one\'s (具体讲是:my , his , her , its , our , your , their …),而限定词不可罗列在一起使用, whose 也不例外。如: John , of whom my aunt is a distant cousin by marriage , comes to see us sometimes . 约翰有时来看看我们,他是我姑姑的一个远房亲戚。 【动脑动手】 单元能力立体检测 一、单元知识易混点改错 1 . Those boy students are going to call on woman scientists tomorrow . 2 . To my great surprising , he didn\'t feel surprised at his failure . 3 . She pretended sleeping when I entered . 4 . Ms King cut her hair , bought some men\'s clothes , used a man\'s name and finally getting a job in Mr Pattis\'s company . 5 . I don\'t want to see the boy his father is now in prison . 6 . It\'s sure that there is nothing that a woman can\'t do . 7 . The room , its windows face south , is our classroom . 8 . So as to get a job , Ms King had to lie to the Notco Company . 9 . It\'s stupid for you to say so . 10 . He replied with a loud smile , “It was Tom who gave me that book . ” 答案与解析: 1 . 把 woman 改为 women。当一个名词被 man 被 woman 修饰时,在变复数时,应把两个词同时变成复数形式。 2 . 把 surprising 改为 surprise。to one\'s surprise ( 令某人感到惊奇的是……) 是一固定短语,介词后用 surprise 的名词形式。 3 . sleeping 改为 to be sleeping . pretend 可接动词不定式作宾语,但不可接动名词作宾语。 4 . getting 改为 got。由 finally 前的并列连词 and 可知,此处应该是与 cut,bought , used 并列的谓语动词。 5 . his 改为 whose。在定语从句中,指人时要用关系代词 whose 或 of whom 表“……的”之意。his 不能用来连接句子。 6 . sure 改为 certain。certain 的主语可以指人也可以指物,而 sure 的主语只能指人。 7 . its 改为 whose . its 不可充当连词连接句子,whose 是关系代词,表“……的”,在定语从句中作定语,既可指人也可指物。此处相当于“of which”。 8 . So as to 改为 In order to。两者均可作目的状语,但 so as to 不可置于句首。 9 . for 改为 of。在 It\'s + adj . + prep . + sb . + to do sth . 句型中,当形容词是表示人的性质,表示称赞或责备某人做了某事时,介词要用 of。能这样用的形容词还有 clever , nice , stupid , foolish , brave , wise , kind , cruel 等。 10 . 删去 loud . smile“微笑”一般是无声地,与 loud“大声地”矛盾。 二、单项填空 1 . — How are you , Tom ? — I\'m ____ . Thank you . A . right B . all right C . good D . not bad 2 . He advised ____ early . A . to start B . starting C . we would start D . had started 3 . Something has gone ____ with my watch . A . mistake B . mistaken C . matter D . wrong 4 . She turned red ____ what he said . A . because B . at C . because of D . at 5 . I have been there ____ times . A . scores of B . score of C . two scores D . scores 6 . The prisoner tried to ___ but was caught by the policeman . A . escape B . flee C . escaping D . fleeing 7 . I don\'t think Jim saw me , he ____ into space . A . just stared B . was just staring C . has just stared D . had just stared 8 . It was ____ late to catch a bus after the party , therefore we called a taxi . A . too very B . much too C . too much D . far 答案及简析:1 . B . How are you ? 是询问健康状况的日常用语,四个选项只有 all right 是回答健康状况良好的,故为最佳选择。 2 . B . advise 表示“忠告”、“建议”的意思,其后可接名词、动名词、宾语 + 不定式,宾语 + 疑问词 + 不定式,也可接从句,这时从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。 3 . D . go wrong 是一动词短语,意为“出毛病”,“不对头”,其中 go 是表示变化的系动词,形容词 wrong 作表语,构成系表结构。 4 . C . because 和 because of 都有“因为”的意思,because 是连词,引导状语从句;because of 是短语介词,的后接名词性短语,其后接从句,必须由疑问词引导。 5 . A . 名词 score 表示“二十”的意思,用作此意时单数同形,而 scores of = a lot of,表示 “大量的”“许多的”。 6 . A . escape 和 flee 都是逃跑的意思,但前者强调逃跑后的结果,后者表示逃跑的行为本身,常含有惧怕的意思,该句逃跑的用法属于前者。 7 . B . 根据 I don\'t think Jim was me 的语境可以判断出,当时 Jim 正在凝视天空,表示过去某一段时间正在进行的动作要用过去进行时。 8 . B . much too 意为“太”,“非常”,用作副词词组,修饰形容词、副词,用来加强语气;too much 作“太多”解,可用作名词词组;用作形容词词组,修饰不可数名词;用作副词词组修饰不及物动词。题干中形容词 late 表明,正确答案为 B。 【创新园地】 根据汉语,巧填“找”字,每空一词,不得重复。 1 . 我找不到我们的杯子。 I can\'t ______ our cups . 2 . 有人找过我吗 ? Did anyone _____ _____ me ? 3 . 我不在家时,有人找我吗 ? Did anyone _____ when I was out ? 4 . 现在在词典里查找这些词。 Now ______ _____ the words in a dictionary . 5 . 读这篇日记并找出这个问题的答案。 Read this diary and _____ _____ the answer to this question . 6 . 警察正在寻找失踪的男孩。 The police are _____ _____ the lost boy . 7 . 我想我可以在这里找到工作。 You could _____ a job here , I think . 8 . 有人找你接电话。 You are _____ on the telephone . 9 . 为什么不那天去找他,跟他谈谈这件事 ? Why don\'t you run in to _____ him some day and talk with him about it ? 10 . 他们寻找那走失的孩子,但没有找到。 They _____ _____ the missing child but in vain . 11 . 你不会找不到它的。 You can\'t _____ it . 12 . 你在找什么 ? What _____ you _____ ? 13 . 他们在三十公尺深的地方找到了水。 They ____ water at 30 metres deep . 14 . 请找杰克接电话好吗 ? May I _____ _____ Jack ? 15 . 这是你的找头。 Here is your _____ . (请同学们写好后把答案反馈给我们) 答案:1. find 2. ask for 3. call 4. look up 5. find out 6. looking for 7. get 8. wanted 9. see 10. searched for 11. miss 12. are , after 13. hit 14. speak to 15. change