九年级英语第十单元 九年级英语第十单元



科目 英语年级 初三文件 middle3 unit10.doc标题 初三第十单元章节 第十单元关键词 内容教学目标  1.词汇 A.单词 四会: true, during, mind (v.), call (n.) 三会: headmaster, possible, able, lazy, exam (examination), weak, capital, miss, even, fail   B.词组/句型 hold on right now speak to sb. leave a message in trouble do well in do one’s best be weak in… travel back to … miss a lot of lessons most of … be worried about as soon as possible so many fail an exam learn by oneself give sb a call go back to… two-month holiday be able to…  2.日常交际用语   * Hold on for a moment, please. * I’m sorry he isn’t here right now. * May I help you? * That’s very kind of you. * That’s why I’ve come to see you. * It’s true that … * I’m sure that he won’t mind.  3.语法 由连词that引导的宾语从句 (that在口语中常被省略)   教学重点与难点  1.宾语从句 1)宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语. 整句的结构是以主句, 有主语和谓语动词, 动词是及物动词, 需要宾语来完成句子的意思, 而宾语是一个从句. 从句本身有主语、谓语动词及其他成分. We know (that) Mr Green teaches English. 我们知道格林先生是教英语的.    2)在以that引导的宾语从句中,从属连词that只起引导作用, 在从句中不作任何成分, 也没有意思, 因此在口语或非正式文体常被省略. 3)主句的动词如是现在时态, 宾语从句中动词可以根据实际的情况用不同的时态, 如一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时、一般将来时. He says the Chinese people are very friendly. I hope she didn’t hurt herself. I think I’ve lost it. We hope you’ll have a very happy year in our class. 4)在主句为动词be + adj. (sorry / sure / afraid / glad)作表语时, 后面所跟的省略that的从句也可算是宾语从句. I’m sorry I don’t know. 抱歉我不知道. I’m sure she’ll like it. 我相信她会喜欢的. I’m afraid I may be a little late. 恐怕我可能会晚来一会儿. I’m glad he’s passed the exam. 很高兴他通过了这次考试.  2.打电话用语  1)Could I speak to the headmaster, please? 我能和校长讲话吗? 2)Hold on for a moment, please. = One moment, please. 请稍等. 3)This is Mary (speaking / here). 我是Mary. 4)Is that Mary (speaking) ? 是Mary吗? Yes, it is. / No, this is … 是的, 我是. / 不, 我是… . 5)Who’s that (speaking)? 请问你是谁? 6)I’m sorry he’s / she’s out at the moment. = He / She isn’t here right now / at the moment. 抱歉他/她现在不在. 7)Can I take a message (for you)? 我能(为你)捎个口信吗? 8)I’ll leave a message (on her / his desk) 我会将口信留在他/她的桌子上的. 9)I’ll give her/him the message. 我会把口信捎给她/他的.  3.hold on坚持下去; 别挂(电话) Hold on, everything will be all right. 坚持下去, 一切都会好的. I made my choice and I will hold on to the end. 我做出了选择, 我将坚持到底. Hold on, please. = Hold the line, please. (电话)请别挂.  4.as soon as 一…就… I will tell him as soon as he comes. 他一到我就告诉他. as soon as possible = as soon as one can 尽快 Do it as soon as possible / you can. 要尽快做. as … as possible = as … as one can 尽可能… Come as early as possible, please. 请尽早来. Can you say it as loudly as possible? 你能尽可能说得声音大一些吗? He tried to write as carefully as possible. 他试着尽可能仔细地写.  5.be able to和can 1)表示 “能力”这一意义时, can和be able to基本相同, 只是be able to的语气要强一些. No one can do it. = No one is able to do it. 没有人能做这件事. 2)can只有现在时和过去时两种形式, can有时也能指将来. be able to能有多种时态形式. No one was able to ( = No one could )answer the question. 没有人能回答这个问题. Will you be able to ( = Can you) come this evening? 你今晚能来吗? I haven’t been able to find the air ticket. 我没能找到那张飞机票.  6.between和among 1)between常用来表示 “两者之间” What were you doing between eight and nine? 八点至九点之间你在干什么? What’s the difference between the two words? 这两个词之间有什么区别? [注] between是介词, 我们应说between you and me, 而不说 between you and I. 2)among常用来表示在三个或三个以上的人或事物, 或笼统的 一群人或事物之中, 表示 “在……中间” We found a little house among the trees. 我们在树林中发现一座小房子. The students lived and worked among the workers. 学生们生活、劳动在工人之中.  7.leave的用法 1)vi. 离去, 出发 It’s time for us to leave. 我们该走了. We’ll leave for Beijing tomorrow. 我们明天将动身去北京. 2)vt. 留下, 丢下, 遗忘 Did she leave any message for me? 她有话留给我吗? I left my pen in the reading room. 我把钢笔掉在阅览室里了. He left his bag on the bus. 他把包忘在车上了. 3)vt. 使…(处于某种状态之中) leave + n. + adj. Leave the door open when you go out. 你出去时不要关门. (即让门开着) Don’t leave your sick mother alone at home. 不要把你生病的母亲一人留在家里.  8.trouble的用法 1)v. 麻烦, 使烦恼 I’m sorry to trouble you. 对不起麻烦你了. May I trouble you with a question? 麻烦你一个问题好吗? May I trouble you to help me with my maths? 麻烦你帮我补习一下数学好吗? His illness really troubles (=worries) me. 他的病情确使我感到不安. 2)n. 疾病; 困难; 麻烦; 烦恼 Mike’s trouble is very common. 迈克的病是很普遍的. Her life is full of trouble. 她的生活充满了烦恼. I’m sorry for the trouble I’m giving you. 实在抱歉给您添麻烦了. 3)be in trouble处于困境(苦恼中) Don’t laugh at people in trouble. 不要嘲笑处于困境中的人. I hope you aren’t in trouble. 我希望你没有闯祸.  9.do well / badly in … 可表示一种笼统情况, 也可指一次具体的活动. be good / poor / weak in / at … 强调一种笼统情况 Mary does well in maths. = Mary is good at / in maths. Mary数学学得很好. Tom did well in that English test / sports meeting. Tom在那次考试中考得很好/ 在那次运动会中表现出色. (指具体一次, 不宜用be good at/in)  10.do one’s best = try one’s best尽力, 竭尽所能 I will do my best to do the job well. 我要尽力把这件工作做好. I tried my best to find the answer quickly. 我尽力快些得出答案.  11.That’s why … (why引导的句子用作表语从句) That’s why I’ve come to see you. 那就是我来见你的原因. This is why I decided to go there by bus. 这就是我决定乘车去那儿的原因.  12.travel泛指旅行、游历, 尤指国外旅行, 但无路程的含义. He came home after five years of foreign travel. 他在国外旅游了5年才回家. tour通常指访问多处的观光旅行 A tour of China includes stops at Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xi’an and Beijing. 到中国的观光包括游览上海、杭州、西安和北京. trip是非正式用语, 通常可作journey或voyage的替换词 He went on a trip to the nearest seaside during his vacation. 假期中, 他到最近的海滨作了依次旅行. voyage通常是指 “海上旅行”, 是比较正式的用语. They made a voyage to Australia. 他们航行到澳大利亚. journey通常指 “在陆地上由某一地点到另一地点的旅行”, 也指 “旅行的路程”, 是个比较正式的用语. It’s a 300-mile journey. 这次旅程为300英里.  13.for的用法 1)为 (用来表示一种目的, 后接名词; 在作用上相当于一个表示目的的动词不定式) We are travelling back to England soon for ( = to have ) a holiday. 我们不久要回英国度假了. I’ll go back to my room for ( = to get) my pen. 我要回宿舍去拿钢笔. Shall we go for (= and take) a walk? 我们出去散散步好吗? 2)(用途) 给…; 适于… Here’s a seat for you, granny. 这是给您的座位, 老奶奶. This is a book for children. 这是适于儿童看的书. 3)(时间, 距离) 长达 He has lived here for ten years. 他在这儿住10年了.  14.family / class / school / team的两种概念及其主谓一致情况被理解为一个整体时, 谓语用单数; 如强调各个成员时, 谓语用复数. The whole family has moved to the south. 全家都搬到南方去了. The family have different ideas about this. 对于这一点全家意见不一致. Class Three has won the game. 三班赢得了比赛的胜利. Class Three are not all League members. 三班并不都是团员. All the school are talking about it. 全校都在谈论这个问题. Our team has lost the game. 我们队输了.  15.miss的用法 1)思念; 想念  I often miss my parents.  我经常想念我的父母.  She said she missed us very much.  她说她非常想念我们. 2)错过; 没有赶上  He missed the 6:30 train.  他没赶上六点半的火车.  She was ill for a long time last term and missed a lot of lessons.  她上学期病了很长时间, 因此缺了许多课.  16.so的用法 1)conj. 因此  It’s late, so I must go home.  天晚了, 所以我得回家. 2)adv. 这么, 那么  The bag is so heavy that I can’t carry it.  这个袋子这么重, 我拿不动. 非常, 很  It’s so warm in Australia but so cold in Beijing in November.  在澳大利亚十一月天气非常热, 而在北京却非常冷. 这样, 那样, 也, 同样……  I don’t think so.  我不那样想.  Kate is very tall, so is her sister.  Kate很高, 她的妹妹也是.  17.fail的用法 1)fail + n. = fail to pass + n. = fail in + n. 不及格, 通不过  He may fail the Chinese exam.  中文考试他可能会不及格. 2)失败  We tried but failed.  我们努力过, 但没成功. 3)fail to do没有(能够)做…  She failed to pass the exam.  她没能通过考试.  I failed to find his house.  我没能找到他的家.  18.Two months is quite a long time. 两个月是相当长的时间. 表示时间、重量、长度、价值等名词, 尽管是复数形式, 如果作 整体看待, 动词都用单数形式 Eight minutes is enough. 八分钟就够了. Twelve dollars is too dear. 十二美元太贵了.  19.It’s true that he may fall behind the other students. 1)It是形式主语, 真正的主语是整个that从句, true说的是that 从句的情况.  It’s possible that we will miss the film.  很可能我们看不到那部电影. 2)fall behind sb in sth. 在某方面落后于某人  She didn’t fall behind the others in the study of English.  在英语学习上, 她没有落后于别人. 同步练习  Ⅰ.找出与其它三个单词发音不同的选项1. A. full B. must C. hundred D. lunch 2. A. second B. exercise C. present D. remember 3. A. then B. there C. think D. they 4. A. ride B. police C. rice D. behind 5. A. write B. worry C. work D. with 6. A. snow B. yellow C. know D. now 7. A. ninth B. live C. kind D. fine 8. A. head B. heavy C. clean D. ready 9. A. brother B. come C. colour D. clock 10. A. car B. excuse C. exercise D. cat  Ⅱ.选择填空1.Would you like ________ sweets?   A.a  B. some C. any D. your 2.Please ask him which story ________ best.  A.does he likeB. he does likeC. likes heD. he likes 3.Of the three girls, one is from America, ________ two are from China.  A.the othersB. otherC. the otherD. another 4.It’s very kind ________ you to give us so much help.  A.by B. ofC. fromD. about 5.They will finish the job ________ hour.  A.after anB. in a C. in anD. with an 6.“ Hello, I want to have ________ words with you.”  A.a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few 7._______ his classmates, he does much better in English this year than he did last year.  A.With the help of  B. For the help of  C.Under the help of  D. From the help of 8.He’ll travel back ________ England ________a holiday.  A.to, forB. for, toC. in, toD. of, for 9.I hope he’s going to sit ________ these women.  A.between B. among C. on D. to 10.Will you stay _______ the capital ________ China?  A.in, toB. to, inC. in, ofD. to, of    Ⅲ.用适当的介词填空1.--- Mum, don’t worry ________ Tom’s study. I can help him ________ most of his subjects. --- But I’m still worried ________ his English. He may fall _______ the other students. --- But he isn’t lazy and studies hard. He’ll do very well ______ his lessons. 2.--- What can I do ________ you? --- That’s very kind ________ you. I want to speak ________ the headmaster. 3.Mr Brown has arrived ________ Beijing. He has been there _______ three hours.4.Yesterday we went to the park but Han Meimei didn’t go ________ us. She had to stay ________ home and looked ________ a baby. 5.Look! A young woman is looking ________ her cat everywhere. But she can’t find it. Her cat is very beautiful and looks ________ a tiger. Ⅳ.阅读理解 Mr Smith moved to another town, and soon he needed a new doctor. He went to see one. He sat down in the waiting-room and looked around. The doctor degree (学位证书) was on the wall. Suddenly Mr Smith remembered: there had been a classmate with the same name in his class at school, and he had become a doctor! When he went in to see the doctor, he remembered a young, handsome (英俊的)student, and was sorry to see how old and heavy this man looked. He said to him, “ Good morning, Doctor. Did you go to King High School?” “Yes, I did.” “Were you there from 1942 to 1946?” Mr Smith asked. “Yes, I was,” the doctor answered. “How did you know?” Mr Smith laughed and said, “ You were in my class!” “Oh!” the doctor said and looked at him carefully for a few seconds. “What were you teaching?” 1.Mr Smith ________ , so he needed a new doctor.  A.visited another town  B.went to live in another town  C.went away from a town  D.travelled to a town 2.When he found the doctor was old and heavy, he ________ .  A.felt happy B.felt surprised C.felt terrible D.didn’t feel happy 3.“Who was in King High School from 1942 to 1946?” “________ .” A.Only the doctor B.Only Mr Smith C.Both of them D.Neither of them 4.The doctor thought Mr Smith was ________ in King High School. A.his teacher B.his classmate C.his brother D.his friend 5.The doctor thought Mr Smith was ________ . A.as old as he B.older than he C.young D.a little younger than he