高中英文毕业典礼演讲稿:梦想与责任 高中英文毕业典礼演讲稿:梦想与责任





演讲者:Top Speaker英文演讲班

Ben: Hello, everyone. It’s my honor to talk about dream and responsibility. My dream is to work in the field of AI, artificial intelligence. AI has been widely used in many walks of life nowadays. Have you ever heard the news that the world champion of go, Kejie, was defeated by arobot, Alpha Go. It is proved that AI is highly intelligent and efficient. Ifwe used it well, the world would be a better place for every mankind.

“we have the most dedicated teachers, the mostsupportive parents, and the best school in my mind ---but none of them will matter unless we fulfill our responsibilities, unless we do the hard work ittakes to succeed.” That’s what I want to say today: we should be responsiblefor our own education.

Ben: 大家好,今天我非常荣幸和大家分享我们对梦想和责任的看法。我的梦想是成为一名人工智能工程师。人工智能现在已经在各行各业中得到了广泛的应用。你们听说过机器人AlphaGo击败世界围棋冠军柯洁的新闻吗?人工智能高效专业,如果运用的好,世界将变得更加美好。


Ben: Hi, I heard you would be a scientist in the future, Annie?

Annie: Yes, my dream is to be a scientist. I hope that one day Ican make a spaceship for my country although the way won’t be easy I know. So it’s not only my dream and my future, but also the dream and future of our country. We have the responsibility to make our country better and stronger to meet the great challenges in the future. It’s also Chinese Dream to everyone.


Alex:My dream is not so concrete like yours. My dream is to make gender notas a barrier for everyone, that is, men and women should be equal. In China, there are still hundreds and thousands of girls who cannot receive education. I hope they can go into schools and sit in the classrooms like us today. We should cherish our opportunity being educated in such a wonderful environment.We should take the responsibility to learn and work hard, dear fellow students!

Alex:我的梦想不像你们的那么具体。我的梦想是不让性别成为障碍,即:要实现男女平等。在中国现在仍然有许多女童因为性别原因不能接受教育。我希望她们可以走进学校,坐在窗明几亮的教室里和我们一样学习。我们应该珍惜如此优质的学习环境,我们有责任去努力,去奋发图强, 亲爱的同学们!

Rain: I totally agree with you, Alex. In our daily life, we should be compassionate and careful enough to help our friends, just like Confucius said “Don’t fail to do good even if it is small.” we also need the knowledge and problem-solving skills we learn to cure diseases like cancer and Ebola. It’s our responsibility.

Rain: 对,我完全赞同。在平时的生活中,我们需要有爱心和耐心去帮助周围的朋友,正如孔子所言“勿以善小而不为”。我们需要努力学习,找到途径去治疗癌症,埃博拉等等现在人类还无法攻克的顽疾。这是我们的责任。

Jason: we will get strength and power through learning. The greater power means the greater responsibilities. We should help people who are struggling in poverty and homelessness. It’s our responsibility.

Jason: 我们将会从学习中汲取力量。力量越大责任也越大。我们要帮助那些还挣扎在贫困线上的人们,那些无家可归的人们。这是我们的责任。

Vanesa: right! We learn not only for ourselves or our families, but for others and for ourcountry. We have the responsibility to be creative and initiative to boost our economy and protect our environment. We have the responsibility to be altruists and say no to “egoism”. It’s our responsibility.

Vanesa: 对,我们不仅仅为了自己和家人而学习,我们还为了帮助别人,为了国家而学习。我们有责任发挥聪明才智、进取精神发展经济,保护环境。我们有责任对“精致的利己主义”说不,选择利他。这是我们的使命。

Lisa: Let us be courageous to take our responsibilities. “There is no excuse that says: “that’s just how things are done there.” We should be the last people to accept it, and the first to change it.” Yes, we can change the world through knowledge-learning, through hard-working and through our great efforts.

Lisa: 让我们勇于承担肩负的责任。不要说“现状无法改变”,我们应该是那个最后接受而最早行动起来的人。是的,我们能够改变世界,我们能够通过知识、勤奋和努力改变世界。

Stephanie: I know it won’t be easy, but the best education we’ve received now and we will receive in the future gives us opportunities that we are the uniquely qualified and responsible, to build a better world for everyone.

Stephanie: 我知道这并不容易,但是我们现在和将来所要接受的教育会让我们变成合格的,有责任感的最佳人选。我们会努力的!会让这个世界变得更加美好!

Stephanie: Dear fellow graduates,congratulates and best wishes for all of you! 亲爱的学哥学姐们,在今天的毕业典礼上,我们英文演讲班的同学为你们送上最诚挚美好的祝福:

Rain: to hold on your dreams!

Annie: to meet the challenge!

Alex: to work hard !

Rain: to take the responsibility!

Jason: to help others!

Vanesa: to be creative!

Lisa: to have courage!

All: 祝你们前程似锦,永怀梦想,向前奔跑!