英语四级作文翻译 英语四级作文翻译





Green Consumption


The conception of green consumption has gradually become popular in China. More and more green foods are making their appearance on the market and more and more people are becoming conscious of environmental protection.

However, there still exist quite a few difficulties in the further promotion of green consumption. On the one hand, many people are still not quite clear of the advantages of green foods. On the other hand, due to high profits, many fake green foods are found in the market. Moreover, many consumers don’t want to pay extra money for green foods.

There may be several ways to solve these problems. Firstly, the government should supervise the good quality strictly to protect consumers’ interests. Secondly, the conception of green consumption should be further promoted and emphasized. Thirdly, the government should work together with manufacturers to make the price more reasonable.


本题由图画中女儿的说话 “Good news mom! I was accepted to the college of your choice.” 引出话题,探讨家庭生活中父母为子女做决定的现象。这一话题没有明确的正误指向,要求考生首先对图画进行描述,再确立自己的观点,提出论点和论据。




第一段:简要描述图画内容(In this illustration, we can see that a teenage girl happily informs her mother of the news that she is admitted to the college which her mother has selected for her.) + 拉到自己较熟悉的结论观点(The picture implies the great influence that parents have on their children’s decisions. Choosing college for them is a typical example.) = 引出下一段

第二段:确立观点(It is evident that parents’ thoughts and behaviors shape how their children think and behave. However, in my opinion, it is inappropriate for parents to make every major life decision for their children.) + 两方面原因(For one thing/For another)

第三段:All in all… 提出建议,重申观点。



Should Parents Decide Children’s Life?

In this illustration, we can see that a teenage girl happily informs her mother of the news that she is admitted to the college which her mother has selected for her. The picture implies the great influence that parents have on their children’s decisions. Choosing college for them is a typical example.

It is evident that parents’ thoughts and behaviors shape how their children think and behave. However, in my opinion, it is inappropriate for parents to make every major life decision for their children. For one thing, each child is an individual with his own character. Children’s perceptions of life may be different from their parents’, so their choices may diverge. For another, parents cannot fully comprehend what their children want or need and therefore their decision is not necessarily the best choice for their children.

All in all, it is advisable that parents respect their children’s choices and let them be the masters of their own lives.



This modern life

As is shown in the above picture, people sit in front of the computer all day and night, even in their dreams they’re still playing computer games. Such thought-provoking phenomenon is, especially among young people, prevail in our modern life.

It’s true that the computer has brought great convenience to our modern life. However, as is illustrated in the picture, the overuse of it may lead to several bad consequences. To begin with, there is evidence that long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted from computers may cause many health problems, like insomnia, headaches, and even cancer. In addition, when people immerse himself in the world of computer, they tend to pay less attention to the surroundings, and excessive use of the computer means much less chance of face-to-face interactions with people who populate their real lives.

In conclusion, while computers have contribute a lot to making our life more convenient, we should use them appropriately.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture

below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and

comment on parents’ role in their children’s growth. You should write at least 150

words but no more than 180 words.

“Good news mom! I was accepted to the college of your choice.”


As is clearly depicted in the above picture, a daughter tells his mother a piece of good news that she has been admitted to a university as her mother desires. There is no denial in saying that the cartoon leaves us such a deep impression that we can not help thinking over a question: What role should parents play in their children’s growth?

From my point of view, during the process of a child’s growth, the role of parents is mainly listed as the following two aspects. On one hand, there is no doubt that parents are liable to take good care of their children. On the other hand, in children’s personal growth, parents ought to play a role as a person who helps children develop self-dependence, which carries more significant to children’s future life. In other words, parents should encourage their sons or daughters to be independent rather than reliant on others.

To conclude, in children’s personal growth, parents are responsible to care for their children. However, considering that they will grow up and live their own life in some day, parents should enable their children to acquire the ability to be self-independent.






The comic reflects the image of our modern world in which technology has been an inseparable part of people’s daily life. As is shown, the man in the picture uses a laptop at work and home, for business and entertainment, so obsessed that he even dreams about bending over his laptop.

It is undeniable that this has been a common scene and the overuse of computers has aroused great concern. In my opinion, people should be cautious of the excessive use of computers for the following reasons. In the first place, it will inevitably affect people’s health if they sit before computers and stare at the screens for long hours, which may result in muscle pain and visual impair. Secondly, playing computers alone isolates people from others. Relationships in the real world are maintained through human contact and spending time with each other instead of chitchatting online. In summary, people should cut down their computer use for health and social reasons. Computers are not controllers but tools in our life.