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  1. —_______ is your father?

  —The tall man with a pair of glasses under the tree. .

  A. Who B. Where C. What D. Which


  2. —What would you like to drink?

  —It doesn’t matter. _______ will do.

  A. Nothing B. Everything C. Something D. Anything


  3. —What is your favorite _______?

  —Summer. I can go swimming at that time.

  A. festival B. season C. month D. weather


  4. It’s _______ hot _______ cold all the year round in Kunming. It’s called “Spring City. ”

  A. either, or B. neither, nor C. both, and D. neither, or

  【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或C。这是由于忽略语境造成的。如果不看下文中的It’s called “Spring City. ”那么从语法角度来看A、B、C三项都没有错。但在这里只有B项才符合语境要表达的意思。正确答案为B。

  5. Don’t throw waste paper on the ground. Please _______.

  A. pick them up B. pick up them C. pick it up D. pick up it

  【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。这是由于忽略语境造成的,如果不注意上文中的waste paper,就很可能误选为A。由于waste paper是不可数名词,应该用it来代替,故正确答案为C。


  1. —Don’t make any noise in the living room! My baby is sleeping.


  A. Sorry, I won’t B. It doesn’t matter C. Excuse me, I’m wrong D. Certainly, I won’t

  【解析】此题容易误选 C 或 D。一方面可能由于不知道 Excuse me. 与 Sorry. 的区别,而误选为C;另一方面可能由于不理解这一语境而误选为D。这里听话者是做错了事情,做错的事情首先应该说 Sorry 表示歉意,然后现表示不会再那样做了。正确答案为A。

  2. —I haven’t seen Jack for three days, is he ill?

  —_______. His mother told me that he was in hospital.

  A. I am afraid so B. I hope not C. I don’t expect D. I am afraid not

  【解析】此题容易误选B或D。一般来说我们不希望别人生病,如果不注意语境的话,就很可能误选为B或D。由下文His mother told me that he was in hospital. 可知Jack可能生病了。I am afraid so. 意为“恐怕是这样的”,常用来表示一种不太肯定的语气。正确答案为A

  3. —Excuse me. May I use your computer?

  —_______. It’s broken.

  A. Sure B. Yes, here you are C. With pleasure D. I’m afraid not

  【解析】此题易犯草率答题的错误而误选A或B。对于别人的请求大多数要用肯定回答,如果没有下文的It’s broken. 选择A或B那肯定是正确的。由下文的It’s broken. 可知,这里应该拒绝对方的请求,故正确答案为D。这里I’m afraid not. 意为“恐怕不行”。

  4. —Can I get you something to drink, Mr Smith?

  —_______. I am thirsty.

  A. Here you are B. No, thank you C. You’re welcome D. Yes, please

  【解析】此题容易误选B。因为当对方问自己是否需要某物时可以说Yes, please. 表示接受,也可以说No, thank you. 表示拒绝。如果不注意看下文的I’m thirsty. 就很可能误选为B。正确答案为D。

  5. —Your sweater is very beautiful, Joan!


  A. thank you all the same B. Not at all C. Just so-so D. thank you


  6. —What do you do? —_______.

  A. I am thirteen B. I work hard C. I’m fine D. I’m a student

  【解析】此题容易误选B。What do you do? 所问的不是经常“做什么”,而是在询问对方的“职业”,它相当于What’s your job? 因此正确答案为D。

  注意:以下句型的意思:What is he? (用来询问职业)他是干什么的?What does he do? (= What’s his job? ) (用来询问职业) What is he like? (用来询问长相或人品) 他长得怎么样?/他是怎样一个人? How is he? (用来询问身体状况)他身体怎么样?How old is he? (用来询问年龄)他多大了?

  7. —Andy isn’t going out this evening, is she?

  —_______. She has to stay at home to look after her sick mother.

  A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn’tC. Yes, she isn’t D. No, she is

  【解析】此题容易误选C。答语应译作“是,她不出去”才对,因此受到汉语思维的影响此题就很可能选C,但是这不符合英语的习惯。其实,否定的疑问句回答与肯定的疑问句的回答方式是一样的,答案肯定的就用“Yes, + 肯定的省略句”;答案是否定的就用“No, +否定的省略句”。只不过否定疑问句的答语中Yes要译作“不”,No要译作“是的”,这一点与汉语有点错位。例如:你是一名学生,假如有人这样问你:Are you a student? / Aren’t you a student? / You are a student, aren’t you? / You aren’t a student, are you? 那么你的回答都应该是“Yes, I am.”。只不过应注意在回答第2和第4个问句时Yes要译作“不”。因此正确答案为B。

  8. —Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wang?

  —Who’s calling, please.


  A. I’m Mr. Wang B. Mr. Wang is hereC. This is Mr. Wang speaking D. Mr. Wang is calling

  【解析】此题容易误选A或B或D。这是受的汉语思维的影响,因为汉语中在电话时常常说“我是某人”时,但是英语中不说“I am… / … is here. ”而习惯上说“This is … (speaking). / Speaking. ”正确答案为C。

  9. —I fell and hurt my leg just not.


  A. Be careful B. It doesn’t matterC. I’m sorry to hear that D. Nothing serious

  【解析】此题容易误选A或B或D。这里也很容易受到汉语思维的影响,因为平时对方告诉我们说他或她摔倒了,我们总会对他或她进行安慰说一些“小心点”,“没关系”等等之类的话。而在英语中听到对方诉说一些不幸的事情时往往要说“I’m sorry to hear that. / Bad luck!”之类的话表示同情或安慰,这一点与汉语的习惯不一样。正确答案为C。

  10. —_______.

  —thank you very much. I will.

  A. Congratulations! B. Best wishes to you

  C. Please say hello to your family. D. What a good wish to your family!

  【解析】此题容易误选A或B。因为A和B两项都可以用thank you very much. 来回答,如果不注意后面的I will. ,那么选择A或B的可能性是非常大的。正确答案为C。Please say hello to your family. 意为“请代我向你的家人问好”。



  1. 单句语法填空

  (1) The captain gave the order _______________(abandon) the ship because it was sinking.

  (2) A plant _______________(absorb) carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.

  (3) Tim was looking through______old photo album with pictures of Christmas.

  (4) I’m sorry about breaking the vase; it was _______ accident; I mean I did not intend to do it.

  (5) I've opened _____ account with the Agricultural Bank of China.

  (6) He works hard day in and day out; we are all __________(anxiously) about his safety.

  (7) He has never achieved his _______________ (ambitious) of becoming a famous writer.

  (8) She was born without the ____________ (ability) to speak.

  (9) Shelly speaks with ___ slight accent.

  (10) I'd ___________(appreciation) it if you give me an early reply.

  2. 单项选择

  (1) I’d like to do more gardening, but I never seem ________ to find the time.

  A. about B. able C. active D. accurate

  (2) Slavery was _______ in the US in the 19th century, and slaves were given equal fights.

  A. absorbed B. abused C. abolished D. adopted

  (3) A billion people in the world will not have _________ to clean drinking water.

  A. action B. advance C. access D. agreement

  (4) Dana admitted _________ hurt by what I had said.

  A. to feel B. felt C. having felt D. feeling

  (5) I couldn’t ________ the rent on my own; I want to find someone to share the room

  A. aim B. allow C. afford D. advise

  (6) The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to __________ one

  A. adapt B. adopt C. advertise D. acquire

  (7) This book teaches you how to _________ what is causing the stress in your life.

  A. analyze B. affect C. advocate D. admire

  (8) ____________ music, he also develops a strong love for painting.

  A. Anything but B. All but C. Apart from D. In advance

  (9) He is a man full of ____________. He dares to run risks.

  A. adventure B. adolescence C. accommodation D. anniversary

  (10) Max is hardworking, cheerful, and _________ honest.

  A. above all B. after all C. at all D. all in all


  (1) The children are finding it hard adapt the new school.

  (2) The professor was accused of steal his student’s ideas.

  (3) The numbers adds up to exactly 100.

  (4) Your story doesn’t agree with to what the police have told us.

  (5) I took disadvantage of the good weather to paint the door.

  (6) The use of drugs is for the law; it’s illegal.

  (7) These measures are aiming at preventing violent crimes.

  (8) We were about to leave while Jerry arrived.

  (9) The government must taken action now to stop the rise in road accidents.

  (10) Some kids are addicted to surf the Net; they often forget their schoolwork.


  (1) Tom and was scolded by the manager. (缺席了会议) (absent)

  (2) , Jason seemed to ignore what was happening outside. (全神贯注于工作中) (absorb)

  (3) Only when you realize the importance of diligence, . (你才有可能达到目标) (achieve)

  (4) With the price of goods going high, the living expenses . (增加了人们的经济负担) (add to)

  (5) I believe that through hard work, I . (我会被重点大学录取) (admit)

  (6) We should make full use of time to . (把我们所学的东西用于实践) (apply)

  (7) , I hope every family in the world can get together happily. (随着中秋节的来临) (approach)

  (8) You should when causing trouble to others. (为所作的事道歉) (apologize)

  (9) You shouldn't have made him . (被如此小事所烦恼) (annoy)

  (10) Students in our school good resources in the library. (有机会使用) (access)



  (1) to abandon (2)absorbs (3)an (4)an (5)an (6) anxious (7)ambition (8)ability (9)a (10)appreciate

  2.单项选择 (1)--(5)BCCDC (6)--(10)BACAA


  (1)to (2)stealing (3)adds (4)去to (5)disadvantage (6)for- against (7)aimed (8) while-when (9) take (10)surfing


  (1)was absent from the meeting

  (2)Absorbed in work

  (3)are you likely to achieve your goal

  (4)have added to the economic burden of people

  (5)will be admitted into a key university

  (5)apply knowledge to practice

  (7)With the Middle Autumn Day approaching

  (8)apologize for what you did

  (9)annoyed by such trivial things

  (10)have access to



