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Ⅰ. 听句子,选择相应的语句。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)

1. A. Winter. B. Chinese. C. Sunday.

2. A. It’s bad. B. Thank you. C. You’re welcome.

3. A. It’s dry. B. It’s exciting. C. It’s expensive.

4. A. Go ahead. B. Sorry, he’s not in. C. This is Jane speaking.

5. A. You’re right. B. Well done. C. Good idea.

Ⅱ. 听短对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)

6. What does Mike want to buy?

A. A raincoat. B. A T-shirt. C. A sweater.

7. How often does the bus run?

A. Every ten minutes. B. Every twenty minutes. C. Every thirty minutes.

8. How’s the weather tomorrow?

A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Windy.

9. Whom did Jenny spend her holidays with?

A. John’s grandpa. B. John. C. John’s grandma.

10. What does the woman mean?

A. She threw away the old shoes.

B. The old shoes are under the chair.

C. She has never seen the old shoes.

Ⅲ. 听短文,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)


11. What does Jim want to eat?

A. Chicken. B. Hamburgers. C. We don’t know.

12. How much is a chicken hamburger?

A. Three yuan. B. Two dollars. C. One dollar.


13. Who is an art teacher?

A. Miss Jones. B. Mike. C. John.

14. Where is John now?

A. In the library. B. In the park. C. In the zoo.

15. What’s John’s favourite subject?

A. Art. B. We don’t know. C. Math.

Ⅳ. 请听一段新闻,根据新闻内容,写出所缺单词,每空一词。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)

Good morning. This is CCTV news. On April 26th,two pandas named Ershun and Damao left China for 16 where they will stay for ten years. They are accompanied by animal protection 17 on the way from Chengdu to Toronto. The an imals are in 18 cages designed for air travel. They should not eat too much 19 the flight,or they may feel uncomfortable. Ershun and Damao will stay in Toronto and Calgary zoos each for five years. China is home to more than 20 wild pandas. China sometimes gifts or lends the m to other countries as a sign of cooperation.


Ⅰ. 单项填空(每小题1分,满分15分)

21. —What do you usually have for breakfast?

—A piece of bread and egg.

A. a;an B. 不填;the C. a;the D.不填;an

22. He invited some classmates to come to his party,but came.

A. a little B. little C. a few D. few

23. David visited lots of in the world.

A. places of interesting B. places of interest

C. place of interests D. place of interesting

24. You won’t want to visit any other mountain if you have seen wu yue, but you won’t wish to see even wu yue returning from Mount Huangshan.

A. about B. before C. since D. after

25. Bring these flowers into a warm room they’ll soon open.

A. or B. and C. but D. for

26. Speak aloud,please! I can hear you.

A. usually B. almost C. hardly D. nearly

27. —Do you know the price of the ticket?

—Yes. Each 180 yuan.

A. pays B. costs C. takes D. spends

28. I always tell my students on the road because it’s really dangerous.

A. not to play B. to play not C. not playing D. not play

29. —Clark,your room is really in a mess. It needs .

—Sorry,Mom. I’ll do it at once.

A. clean B. cleaned C. to clean D. to be cleaned

30. —Could you tell me ?

—At the end of July.

A. how often he heard from his pen pal

B. how soon he will be here

C. that he went on vacation

D. when you will start your vacation

31. Learning to write is learning to think. You don’t know things clearly you can write them down.

A. unless B. if C. since D. whether

32. — can you tell whether a foreigner is English or American?

—Maybe by the way he speaks.

A. Why B. When C. Where D. How

33. I can’t play the piano,and .

A. neither can my sister B. my sister can’t,too

C. so can’t my sister D. can my sister,either

34. Everyone except Tom and John there when the meeting began.

A. are B. is C. were D. was

35. They each a CD in their bags.

A. have B. has C. is D. are

Ⅱ. 完形填空(每小题1分, 满分10分)

The most positive (乐观的) person I have ever seen is my dad! He is so positive that I do not 36 hearing a single word from him which is related (相关的) to hopelessness!

Unlike most moms and dads, my dad never says things that make me feel 37 . He is always there to give me encouragement and help. 38 I do wrong things, he always tells me what’s right in a positive way. For example, if I am in 39 , he often tells me to open the books he bought me. Then he asks me to read the 40 that can help me with the problems I’m facing. After that, we have a 41 together.

Even though I’m not always a good kid, my dad 42 shouts or gets angry with me. I know that he’s 43 a day—a day when I grow up and understand things in my life.

I can see the reason that he is so positive is because he believes in 44 . And he believes that whatever 45 , it is under control. So we have nothing to worry about. Be positive!

36. A. mind B. keep C. like D. remember

37. A. good B. bad C. rich D. poor

38. A. When B. Until C. Before D. Since

39. A. fear B. tro uble C. surprise D. danger

40. A. titles B. orders C. stories D. questions

41. A. discussion B. practice C. meeting D. review

42. A. usually B. ever C. sometimes D. never

43. A. looking for B. worrying about C. waiting for D. thinking about

44. A. itself B. myself C. himself D. yourself

45. A. moves B. happens C. appears D. develops

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(每小题2分, 满分20分)


“Homestay is a form of study abroad program. It allows the visitor to rent a room from a local (当地的) family to better understand the local lifestyle. It also helps to improve the visitor’s language ability, ” said a teacher during a school meeting last term. “Students who wish to learn more about foreign cultures or to get foreign experience should join this kind of holiday. I am sure you won’t be disappointed (失望的). ”

After this special meeting, I always thought about this kind of holiday. Last month, I had a chance at last to go on such a holiday with some of my schoolmates and we went to London, a place where I had wanted to go since years ago.

As we were still young, we had a group leader who planned things for us and looked after us. After we got to London, we went to stay with different families. I was lucky that my host family (寄宿家庭) was a white couple who had a daughter about my age. They treated me as a daughter of their family during my stay there. They were interested in me and I learnt a lot of things from them, too.

The holiday was filled with activities every day. After breakfast, a local teacher would come to take us in his car. Then we would have classes or go on a sight-seeing trip to different places of interest like the Big Ben, the London Bridge, and the Buckingham Palace. We would go back to our own homes after the activities.

The holiday was a valuable experience for me. I enjoyed every minute of it. Yet, time really flew fast. Three weeks later, we had to leave “home” for Hong Kong.

46. In the “homestay” program, a visitor can .

A. learn more about holidays B. understand his culture better

C. improve the language ability D. take part in foreign meetings

47. The writer had wanted to visit London since .

A. last month B. years ago

C. the special meeting D. her stay abroad

48. The group leader should .

A. make plans for the family B. take care of the students

C. stay with different families D. rent rooms to the students

49. The writer’s host family .

A. was very kind to her B. went sight-seeing with her

C. had two white daughters D. was interested in her activities

50. From the passage, we know that the writer in London.

A. wished to stay a little longer

B. spent three weeks in her home

C. had classes in many interesting places

D. helped the teacher take the students in a car


If you want to do a school project on children’s rights(权利), you can look on the Internet for some information. A United Nations website can show you plenty of useful information for the project.

The United Nations lists the rights of children. Most countries agree all of them, but some countries do not. The following are some of the most important rights of children:

◆Children have the right to be properly fed, clothed and sheltered (庇护) by their family. If their family can’t do so, the government should take responsibility.

◆Children have the right to an education and medical care, which should be provided by the government.

◆Children must not be cruelly punished (惩罚)by their parents or any others.

◆Children have the right to expect the government to protect them from all kinds of abuse (虐待) and neglect(忽略).

◆No child under fifteen should be made to fight in an army.

Children have the right to be protected from being made to work too hard to make money for other people.

In some countries children do not have these rights. Many youn g children are made to work long hours in factories and on farms. In some countries there are so few schools that only rich children get an education. There are not enough doctors or nurses to help many children when they are sick.

The rights of children are, therefore, the rights people think children should have. They are not always the rights children really have.

51. agree with the United Nations’ list of children’s rights.

A. All countries B. A few countries C. No countries D. Most countries

52. The underlined word “responsibility” in the passage means .

A. something people have to do B. something people want to do

C. something people know how to do D. something people love to do

53. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Parents should punish their children.

B. Children should make money for other people.

C. Governments should protect children from neglect.

D. Children under sixteen should not fight in an army.

54. Some children can’t get an education because     .

A. there aren’t enough schools B. there are no schools

C. they come from rich families D. they want to work in factories

55. What’s the main idea of this passage?

A. Children are made to work long hours on farms.

B. The United Nations website is useful for the school project.

C. Children have the right to be properly fed, clothed and sheltered.

D. The United Nations has listed the rights it thinks children should have.

IV. 任务型阅读(每小题2分,满分10分)

If you spend some time in an English-speaking country,you might hear the term “etiquette”. It means normal and polite social behavior. This may seem like a difficult word at first,but it can be very useful to understand.

Etiquette is not the same in every culture or in every situation. For example,standing very close to the person you are talking with is quite common in some Asian countries. However,if you do this in Europe,some people might feel uncomfortable. Even in China,we all know that etiquette is not the same in all situations. Perhaps we think that talking loudly in our own homes is fine,but there are other places where talking loudly is not allowed. For example,most people would agree that talking loudly in a library,a museum or a movie theater is impolite. Even if you are with your friends,it is better to keep your voice down in public places.

If we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette,we may politely give them some suggestions. One of the most polite ways is to ask someone,Would you mind doing this or Would you mind not doing that. People don’t usually like to be criticized,so we have to be careful how we do this.

Although rules of etiquette can often be different,some rules are the same almost everywhere in the world!For example,dropping litter is almost never allowed. If you see someone you know doing this,you can ask him,“Would you mind picking it up?”


56. What does the word “etiquette” mean?

57. Find out the key sentence of Paragraph 2. (找出第二段的中心句)

58. If your friend talks loudly in the library, what would you say to him/her?(根据你对短文的理解,写出一个委婉的建议)

59. 请将最后一段中的画线句子译成汉语。

60. 请给短文拟个标题。

Ⅴ. 补全对话(每小题2分,满分10分)


A:Hello, this is Lucy speaking. Is that Li Wei?

B:Hi, Lucy! 61 We are expecting your coming.

A:Thank you! My plane leaves Beijing this afternoon.

B: 62

A:It’s CA1409.

B:OK, CA1409. 63

A:At 3:30 in the afternoon.

B:Leaves at 3:30, and arrives. . .

A:It arrives at 6:10, and I’ll have to wait some time for my luggage(行李).

B:All right. 64

A:Thanks a lot. 65

B:I’ve ordered a room for you in the center of the city near my home.

A:Wonderful! See you then!

B:See you!

61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

Ⅵ. 书面表达(满分15分)


注意:1. 词数:80词左右;

2. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名;

3. 要求条理清楚,语意连贯,字迹工整,可适当发挥。



6~10 ACBCA

11~15 BBABB

16. Canada 17. experts 18. special 19. during 20. 1’600

21. D 句意:“早餐你通常吃什么?”“一片面包和一个鸡蛋。”have. . . for breakfast为固定用法,意为“早餐吃……”,由此可排除A、C两项;此处数量“一个”用不定冠词表示,egg以元音音素开头,前面应用不定冠词an,再排除B项。故选D。

22. D a little和little指代不可数名词,a few和few指代复数可数名词;a little和a few表示肯定,little和few表示否定;根据but判断句意前后有转折之意,前面说到“邀请同学来参加聚会”,后面应该表示“几乎没有人来”,且classmates为可数名词复数形式,故用表示否定含义的few指代。

23. B place of interest意为“名胜”,是固定短语,其前有lots of修饰,须用其复数形式places of interest,故选B。

24. D about “大约”;before “在……之前”;since “自从”;after “在……之后”。由句意“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。”知“不看岳”是在“黄山归来”之后,故选D。

25. B or “或者;否则(表示相反的结果)”;and “和;那么(表示顺承)”;but “但是(表示转折)”;for “因为;由于(表示原因)”。后半句“它们很快就会开放” 是前半句“把这些花搬进一个温暖的房间”顺承的结 果,故选B。

26. C usually “通常”;almost “几乎;差不多”;hardly “几乎不”;nearly “几乎;差不多”。由前句“请大声讲话!”推知,后句句意为“我几乎听不见你说话”。故选C。

27. B pay“花费(金钱)”,主语是表示人的词语;cost 意为“花费”时,主语是表示物的词语;take 一般情况下指“花费时间”,多用it 作形式主语;spend意为“花费”时,主语是表示人的词语。主语each代指ticket,表示物,因此只能用cost。故选B。

28. A 动词不定式作tell的宾语补足语,tell sb. (not) to do sth. 意为“告诉某人(不要)做某事”。故选A。句意:我总是告诉我的学生不要在公路上玩,因为这是很危险的。

29. D need加了s,说明它不是情态动词,故排除A,选项B也不符合语法;短语need to be done=need doing,表示“需要被……”。所以选择D。

30. D 由答语句意“在七月底”可知,宾语从句的内容是询问时间的,故只有D项(你的假期将什么时候开始)符合语境。

31. A unless意为“除非,如果不”;if意为“是否,如果”;since意为“由于”;whether意为“是否”,一般用于否定句。根据第二句句意“你如果不记下它们,你就不会清楚地了解它们”可知选择A。

32.D why“为什么”;when“何时”;where“何处”;how“如何”。根据句意“你能告诉我如何能知道一个外国人是英国人还是美国人?”可知是对方式提问。故选D。

33. A 句意:我不会弹钢琴,我的妹妹也不会。 以neither开头的句子,表示“……也不这样”时,句子要倒装,其句型是:neither +连系动词be/助动词/情态动词+主语。故选A。

34. D 本句的主语是everyone,复合不定代词作主语时通常看作单数形式,故be动词也用单数形式,排除A、C两项;再由时间状语从句中谓语动词began可知,主句描述的是过去的状态,故用一般过去时态,再排除B项。故选D。

35. A 注意这里each是同位语,They是主语。

36. D 这是作者对父亲的事迹的回忆,所以用remember。他是如此乐观,以至于我不“记得”从他那儿听到过有关绝望的一个字。故选D。

37. B 由“Unlike most moms and dads(不像大部分父母那样)”可知我的父亲是与众不同的,故可推知此处意为“我的父亲从来不说让我感到不好的事”。故选B。

38. A 联系上文“他总是给我鼓励和帮助”可推知,此处意为“当我做错事的时候,他总是用一种乐观的方式告诉我什么是正确的”。故选A。

39. B 空格处所在句句意:例如,在我遇到麻烦时,父亲经常告诉我翻开他为我买的书。根据下文的提示“help me with the problems”,此处的problems相当于trouble,故选B。in trouble“处于困境中”。

40. C title“题目”;order“命令”;story“故事”;question“问题”。根据上文的提示,可推知此处意为“然后他要求我阅读那些能帮助我解决我正面临的问题的故事”。故选C。

41. A discussion“讨论”;practice“练习”;meeting“会议”;review“评论”。联系上下文知,此处句意应为“之后,我们一起讨论”。故选A。

42. D 根据句中的even though可知前后句意表转折,句意应为“尽管我不总是一个好孩子,但是我的爸爸从不对我大喊大叫或生我的气”。故选D。

43. C look for“寻找”;worry about“担心”;wait for“等候”;think about“考虑”。联系上句可推知,父亲是在等待我长大并能够明白生活中的事理的那一天。故选C。

44. C 句意为“他是如此乐观,因为他相信他自己”。因为because引导的原因状语从句中的主语是he,故用himself以保持意义上的一致。故选C。

45. B move“移动”;happen“发生”;appear“出现;显现”;develop“发展”。联系上文父亲的自信可推知此处句意为“他相信无论发生什么,都在掌控之下”。故选B。

46. C 根据文章第一段中的“It also helps to improve the visitor’s language ability. . . ”可知该活动有助于提高访问者的语言能力。故选C。

47. B 根据文章第二段中的“. . . we went to London, a place where I had wanted to go since years ago. ”可知应选B。

48. B 根据文章第三段中的“. . . we had a group leader who planned things for us and looked after us. ”可知“我们有一个为我们制订计划和照顾我们的领队”。故选B。

49. A 根据第四段的内容可知“一起去观光”是与当地的一位老师,而不是寄宿家庭,故排除B。根据第三段中的“. . . my host family was a white couple who had a daughter about my age. ”可知,作者所在的.寄宿家庭有一个女儿而不是两个,故排除C。根据“They were interested in me. . . ”可知他们对我很感兴趣而不是对我的活动感兴趣,故排除D。所以正确答案为A。

50. A 根据文章最后一段中的“I enjoyed every minute of it. Yet, time really flew fast. (我享受假期的每一分钟。然而时间真的过得飞快。)”可推知A项是正确的。根据文章内容可知作者是在寄宿家庭中待了三周,而不是在自己家,故B项错误。根据文章倒数第二段内容可推知作者不仅上课,还有观光旅行等活动,故C项错误。根据第四段中的“After breakfas t, a local teacher would come to take us in his car. ”可知,早饭后,一位当地的老师会用他的车来接我们,故D项错误。所以选A。

51.D 由短文第二段中的第一、二句“The United Nations lists the rights of children. Most countries agr ee all of them. . . ”可知答案应为D。

52. A 由文中孩子们的第一条权利“孩子们享受由家庭提供的温饱和庇护的权利,如果家庭不能做到这些,则政府应该承担”。故responsibility有“人们必须做的事”的含义,故答案应为A。

53. C 由短文中“Children have the right to expect the government to protect them from all kinds of abuse and neglect. ”可知答案应为C。

54. A 由短文倒数第二段中的“In some countries there are so few schools that only rich children get an education. ”可知答案应为A。

55. D 阅读全文可知,短文主要列举了联合国列出的儿童应拥有的一些权利,故选D。

56. It means normal and po lite social behavior. 短文第一段中,在第一次出现etiquette之后,即对这个词作了解释,即:It means normal and polite social behavior.

57. Etiquette is not the same in every culture or in every situation. 一篇短文通常有一个主题。文章中的每一段通常有一个主题句,一般来说,这个主题句通常位于这一段的开头。本段举例论述了礼节并非在每种文化和每种情况下都相同,正好与本段第一句相吻合,故主题句应是第一句。

58. Would you mind keeping your voice down (in public places)? / Would you mind not talking loudly (in public places)? / Would you mind talking / speaking in a low voice / in low voices (in public places)?(其中任何一句或其他符合文意的句子即可)

短文的第三段给出了两个用于提建议的句型,即:Would you mind doing. . . ?和Would you mind not doing. . . ?如果你的朋友在图书 馆等公共场所高声讲话,你可以用这两个句型之一来建议他/她低声讲话或请他/她不要在公共场所高声讲话。

59. 尽管礼节方面的规则常常会有所不同,但有些规则几乎在世界各地都是相同的。(答案不唯一,只要表达正确、通顺,与参考答案意思相近即可)


60. Etiquette/Rules of Etiquette (答案不唯一,但是必须要概括文章的主旨大意)

本文的主题词就是etiquette(礼节),整篇文章围绕礼节及其规则展开,所以用Etiquette或Rules of Etiquette作为题目都可以。

61~65 EDAGB

One possible version:

I am a student. Though I’m busy with my lessons, my free time is full of happiness and joy. I love reading because it helps me study better. I often do some reading in the evening. I think books are our best friends. They give us much knowledge. I find reading books is a good way to relax myself. At the same time it can also help me open up my eyes to the outside world. So I suggest that teachers should give us less homework so that we can have more time to read.



1.It is said that + 句子 据说…It is reported that + 句子 据报道…

2.There is no need to do 没必要做…

3.It's adj. for sb. to do 做…对某人来说…

4.so/such… that … 如此… 以至于…too … to do 太… 而不能…

5.by + doing 通过……方式(by是介词,后面要跟动名词,也就是动词的ing形式)

6.take the elevator / escalator to the … floor 乘电梯/自动扶梯到…楼

7.prefer doing/to do 宁愿做某事

8.prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

9.I'm sorry to do sth. 对做某事我觉得很抱歉、伤心。

10.in order to do srh 为了…, 表目的。



依据县教研室关于中考复习备考安排及《中考说明》有关要求,结合我校实际,本着“培优、促中、转差” 的原则,强化基础知识的复现、巩固、提高,针对中考题型,加大训练力度,努力提高学生整体成绩,让每一位学生发挥最大潜力,在中考中取得最好成绩。




目标:通过系统、全面复习记忆和强化练习,力争在中考中取得优异成绩。 措施:我校九年级教师经过集体讨论,确定把整个复习分为三个阶段:系统复习、分类复习、综合复习。









联想记忆法:即教师采用积极诱导的方式,启发学生在课堂上就各种知识、情景自觉地进行综合、归类、转换和辨别,以提高知识的复现率。如,在词汇复习时,将两个以上在时间和空间上很接近的词汇联系在一起,提出一个词,让学生联想其他相关词。如,提出time,学生就会想到year,month,day,hour,minute,进而联想到week(Sunday,Monday),season(spring,summer)等。词组辨析: be full of;be filled with;be covered with;be pleased with;be angry with 还可以进行句型转换,提出一种句型,让学生用不同的句型表达同一个意思。如:He has had the dictionary for ten years.可以用He bought the dictionary ten years ago.或It’s ten years since he bought the dictionary.来表示。












