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d v q u b p I l y j


( )1. A、mother B、brother C、teacher

( )2. A、duck B、desk C、chair

( )3. A、plane B、pear C、peach

( )4. A、small B、giraffe C、short

( )5. A、fifteen B、twelve C、friend

( )6. A、bike B、grape C、bus


1. apple

2. lamp

3. deer

4. student

5. jeep

6. watermelon


( )1、— cats can you see?

—I can see twenty.

A、How B、What C、How many

( )2、—I have apple.

—Me too.

A、an B、a C、some

( )3、—Who’s that man?

—He’s my .

A、mother B、father C、sister

( )4 Do you like oranges?—

A、Yes,I do. B、No,I do. C、Yes,I don’t.


( )1、你想知道那个男孩是谁,你应该这样问:

A、Who’s this boy? B、Who’s that boy? C、Who’s that girl?

( )2、想询问别人小汽车在哪里,应怎样问:

A、Where’s my car? B、Where’s my cat? C、This is my car.

( )3、如果有人对你说:“I’m sorry.”你应该怎么回答:

A、Thank you. B、You’re welcome. C、it’s OK.

( )4、你想知道别人是来自哪个地方,应该这样问:

A、Where are you from? B、How are you? C、how old are you?



( )1、Who’s that girl? a、OK!

( )2、Have some fruits. b、Sure.Here you are.

( )3、Do you like peaches? c、It’s on the desk.

( )4、Let’s watch TV. d、She’s my sister.

( )5、Can I have a pear,please? e、Thank you.

( )6、Where’s my ruler? f、I have twelve.

( )7、How many crayons do you have? g、I’m from China.

( )8、Where are you from? h、Yes,I do.


( )1、Can I use your pencil?

A、我能借用你的钢笔吗? B、我能借用你的铅笔吗?

( )2、It has a long nose and a short tail.



( )3、Welcome back to school!

A、欢迎回到学校! B、让我们一起去学校!

( )4、Do you like pears?

A、你喜欢梨吗? B、你喜欢桃吗?


第I题: U——u B——b P——p D——d V——v Q——q Y——y I——i J——j L——l

第II题: 1、C 2、A 3、A 4、B 5、C 6、B

第III题: 1——c 2——e 3——a 4——f 5——b 6——d

第IV题: 1、C 2、A 3、B 4、A

第V题: 1、B 2、A 3、C 4、A

第VI题: 1——d 2——e 3——h 4——a 5——b 6——c 7——f 8——g

第VII题: 1、B 2、A 3、A 4、A



look what are they they’re pigs


1. ( ) __________ are you? I’m ten.

A. How many B. How old C. How much

2. ( ) ______ at the bird, please.

A. Look B. Look at C. Clean

3. ( ) The big tree has _________ .

A. root B. roots C. a root

4. ( ) _______ is the toilet? It’s here.

A. What B. Who C. Where

5. ( ) Look at the insect. It is an ________.

A. ladybird B. ant C. bee

6. ( ) What are they? They are ______.

A. branch B. branchs C. branches

7. ( ) Count the ________. How many? One _______.

A. duck…duck B. pigs…pig C. chicks…chicks

8. ( ) -Is this the hall? -______________.

A. No, it’s the library B. No, it’s the hall C. Yes, it’s the toilet

9. ( ) I can see _______ insect. It’s a bee.

A. a B. an C. the

10.( ) The boy _____ in the library.

A. is B. am C. are


at buy orange Clean long bananas That leaf my has

1. An ______, please.

2. Look _______ the bird. It’s small.

3. ________ ladybird is beautiful.

4. _______ the table, please.

5. The plant ________ a flower.

6. I’m an elephant. My nose is _______.

7. May I have some _________?

8. This is pencil.

9. I can see a _________ on the plant.

10. They _________ a toy. It’s a ball.


1. They are chicks. (对划线部分提问)

What _______ _______?

2. Is this a playground? (肯定句)

________ ________ a playground.

3. This is a bee. (对划线部分提问)

_______ ________ ?

4. Is that our classroom? (否定回答)

_______,________ isn’t.

5. It is black and red. (对划线部分提问)

________ _______ is it?

五.完成对话,一格一词: 5%

-- Good morning. Can I help you?

-- May I ________ some __________, please?

-- How _________ peaches?

-- __________ peaches. How ________?

--Ten yuan.

六. 问答句配对: 5%

( ) 1. Thank you. A. No, it isn’t.

( ) 2. What colour is the butterfly? B. No, I don’t. I like bees.

( ) 3. May I have a ball, Mum? C. You’re welcome.

( ) 4. Is this a butterfly? D. It’s red and purple.

( ) 5. Do you like butterflies? E. Sure.

七.阅读:10% (一)

Read and judge (阅读短文,判断句子,用T表示相符,F表示不相符) 5%

Hello, I am Tom. I am a boy. I am nine. I am fat. I can run, but I can’t run fast. I like meat and sweets. This is my little sister, Mary. She is five. She is thin. She can sing and dance. She can draw dogs, too. This is my mother. She’s big and tall. She is a good teacher.

( ) 1. Tom is two.

( ) 2. Tom is thin.

( ) 3. Mary can draw cats.

( ) 4. Tom is Mary’s brother.

( ) 5. Mother is small and short.


Read and choose.(阅读短文,选择恰当的答案,将序号填入括号内)5%

Today is a sunny day. I’m in the garden. It is nice. Look, the bees are flying in the sky. Look at the leaves. They’re brown. I can see a purple and blue butterfly on the flower. The butterfly likes dancing. It can dance on the flower. I hear a bird singing in the tree. I am happy. I like the garden.

1. ( ) It’s a _____ day.

A. sunny B. sun C. shine

2. ( ) I am in the __________.

A. park B. garden C. tree

3. ( ) The leaves are _______.

A. green B. brown C. yellow

4. ( ) The butterfly is________.

A. purple B. blue C. purple and blue

5. ( ) The bird is ______ in the tree.

A. flying B. singing C. dancing

八.以“A plant”为题写作,介绍你喜欢的一种植物,不少于5句话:5%








一、 找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写在括号里。


( )1、A、car B、plane C、monkey

( ) 2、A、rabbit B、red C、bear

( )3、A、nose B、book C、eye

( )4、A、hamburger B、hot dog C、balloon


1、Thank you. ________________????????____。

2、I like dogs. ______________________________。

3、Good morning.________________________。

4、Bye bye!____________________________!

5、How are you ? ___________________?



1、What’s your name ? A、Good evening!

2、Good evening! B、My name’s John .

3、Nice to meet you . C、You ’re welcome .

4、Thank you . D、Fine,Thank you.

5、How are you ? E、Nice to meet you,too. 四、英译汉。(24分)

①rice_________ ②Coke________ ③blue______

④ball_________ ⑤ship________ ⑥dog________⑦foot_________ ⑧leg _________ ⑨kite_________⑩rabbit_________ ?face_________ ?yellow_____

五、选择最佳的答案,只填其代号。(24 分)

( )1、早上向某人问好,应该说__________

A、How are you ? B、Good morning !

( )2、怎么样用英文询问对方的姓名________________

A、Hello ! B、What’s your name ?

( )3、你想向别人介绍你的朋友John,应该说_________

A、Hello! I’m John . B、This is John .

( )4、与别人道别时,我们应该说__________________

A、Hello! B、Bye !

( )5、有人对你说What’s your name ?如果你是Li

Ming ,应该回答____

A、I’m Li Ming . B、Hello ! Li Ming .

( )6、哇,它真好?用英语怎么说_________________

A、Wow! It’s nice! B、Hello!

( )7、看我的眼睛,用英语怎么说__________________

A、Touch my eye! B、Look at my eye!

( )8、当朋友告诉你他受伤了,你应该说什么_________

A、No,thank you. B、Oh, I’m sorry!

( )9、当你产生疑问,真的吗?你应该说什么_________

A、Sure. B、Really?

( )10、当朋友对你说谢谢,你应该说什么____________

A、You’re welcome. B、I’m sorry!

( )11、它是什么颜色的,用英语怎么说______________

A、 What’s your name ? B、What colour is it?

( )12、当你和朋友的意见一样时,你可以说什么______

A、Me,too! B、Here you are. 六、左右连线翻译题。(10分)

1、Glad to meet you. A、欢迎!

2、Good afternoon ! B、见到你很高兴。

3、Welcome . C、下午好 .

4、This is my glue. D、我有一个洋娃娃.

5、I have a doll. E、这是我的胶水。


一 C B B C

二谢谢 我喜欢狗 早上好 再见 你好吗?

三1、What’s your name ? A、Good evening!

2、Good evening! B、My name’s John .

3、Nice to meet you . C、You ’re welcome .

4、Thank you. D、Fine,Thank you.

5、How are you ? E、Nice to meet you,too.

四 1米饭 2可乐 3蓝色 4球 5 轮船 6狗 7脚 8腿 9筝 10兔子 11脸 12黄色

五 B B B B A A


六 1、Glad to meet you. A、欢迎!

2、Good afternoon ! B、见到你很高兴。

3、Welcome . C、下午好 .

4、This is my glue. D、我有一个洋娃娃.

5、I have a doll. E、这是我的胶水。


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