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1、遵循西方人的思维模式预测研读题干中展现的材料信息,我们就可以基本确定听力题目中的答案比如:我们可以借助日常知识,了解在英国“Ladies First”是常见的,这样我们可以预测答案,再通过听录音原文就可以进一步确定我们的推测。











































Text 1

W: How do I look?

M: Not bad. Does it fit all right?

W: Uh, a bit tight around here.

M: I really like the color. It matches your handbag.

Text 2

W: We haven’t seen much of you lately in the company. Have you been away on business?

M: No, I’ve been away on holiday. I’ve got a cousin in Edinburgh.

Text 3

M: It drives me mad when people use their cell phones at the wheel.

W: Hmm. What happened?

M: I nearly had an accident because the woman was talking on her cell phone while driving and didn’t see the traffic lights turn red. She nearly killed me!

Text 4

M: Sarah, I’m prepared to run for class monitor, and I’m wondering if I, er…if I can count on your support.

W: Oh, maybe if you had asked me sooner, but my roommate’s running, too, and I’ve already promised her that she had my support.

Text 5

W: Have you bought a new camera again? You’re turning my flat into a camera museum!

M: I’ll stop. I’ll try. But I probably can’t. I see a new model and my knees go weak!

Text 6

W: May I help you, sir?

M: Yes, please. I want to buy a personal gift for my brother. He’s taking a trip to South America.

W: Is he going by ship or plane?

M: He’s flying. My gift will have to be something light in weight. What can you suggest?

W: What about this tie? It’s made of pure silk.

M: My sister already gave him one. I’d like something unusual. Let me look around…oh, that clock looks nice, but…

W: Hey, here is a gift for the man who has everything.

M: Oh, a folding toothbrush! That’s a wonderful idea! I’ll take it.

Text 7

W: Have you heard that the boss of the law office where Rick works wants him to fly to Brazil and do a month’s work there?

M: That’s nice. He will love it because everything will be paid for, such as air travel, meals, hotel…and this is his first time to get out of the States.

W: Indeed. You won’t believe how much he is looking forward to it, and how much his little sister admires him! He’s going to enjoy lying on the beaches when work is done, and he promised to buy his sister gifts.

M: Who else is going besides him?

W: He’s going alone.

M: When will he be leaving?

W: He was told about it three days ago, and I think he’ll leave in a week.

Text 8

M: Oh, who is the beautiful old woman in front of the house?

W: That’s my grandmother.

M: Oh, then that must be your house in the background. Where is it?

W: No, that’s my grandmother’s house. She lives in Kentucky. We live in Boston, about two-and-a-half hours away by plane.

M: Then, does she live with your uncle or aunt?

W: No. Since her husband died, she has lived alone.

M: Alone? But she is so old! Who takes care of her?

W: She takes care of herself, though she is 81 this year and is beginning to slow down a little. She has a cleaning lady who comes for a few hours a week to clean house and help with the shopping.

M: But isn’t she lonely without family?

W: Of course not. She has lived in the same neighborhood since she was first married, so she knows all the neighbors, young and old, and she has lots of friends.

M: Why doesn’t she live with you? Don’t you miss her?

W: Well, actually, we talk to her on the phone every week and visit her at least once a year, but we are busy with our lives and so is she. We love to have her visit, but we all know that if she lived with us, we might not get along so well.

Text 9

W: And I realized we were completely lost, but at least we got there in the end.

M: Funny you should say that because, er, a similar thing happened to me one time when I was abroad. We were actually doing a concert in this bar in Germany.

W: Really?

M: I was actually about to appear on stage, you know, with the band, and I just thought, “I’ll just go out for a little walk and get some fresh air,” ‘cause I had about a half an hour before we had to go on.

W: Uh-huh.

M: And I went outside, you know, had a look around, walked around for a bit…and then I decided to go back and, uh, I couldn’t find it! It was about two minutes before we were supposed to start.

W: No, you’re joking!

M: Yeah! I thought, “Ah! What am I gonna do?”

W: Could you ask for directions?

M: Well, I tried. I asked this old woman, but she didn’t speak English, and I don’t speak German…

W: Don’t you? Oh, right.

M: And then, I realized I couldn’t remember the name of the bar, or the street it was on or anything. So, you know, I was in the middle of a town I didn’t know, not knowing the language…and luckily, I saw someone wearing one of our T-shirts. He was obviously going to the concert, so I sort of followed him back to the bar.

W: Wow, that was lucky! Thank goodness!

M: And when I got there, the guys were like, “Where have you been? We thought you’d run out on us!” Anyway, we managed.

Text 10


Hello. I’m Callum Robertson, and this is London Life. In the program today, let me ask you a question first: What do you think would be the hardest job in Britain? A police officer? Perhaps a deep-sea fisherman? Well, no, according to recent research, being a London taxi driver takes that prize. It’s really a hard job, really difficult. One reason is the traffic. It’s getting worse and worse in London. For most of us, if we have to sit in a traffic jam for a few minutes, we get anxious. But imagine if you had to do that all day, every day as your job. What’s more, passengers get into the taxi and want to get from A to B as quickly as possible. They’re in a hurry, and that makes things worse for the drivers. To prepare for the test, would-be drivers have to remember ways and places of interest around Central London. This is an area which has about 25,000 streets. They need to be able to take passengers from A to B without having to look at a map and without having to ask for directions. It usually takes nearly three years to pass the test, so it is also found in the research that parts of the brains of taxi drivers are actually larger than those in the general population. It seems as if learning all the streets and ways makes a part of the brain grow. Well, anyway, this is a most tiring job. Next time you’re stuck in a traffic jam and feel mad, spare a thought for the taxi drivers, who have to spend most of their working life in them.




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