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  (1) Perhaps I shall pay a visit to England this winter.<参观>

  (2) It's high time、paid me back the0 he owes me.<偿还>

  (3) How much did you pay for the book?<为……而付款>

  (4) I'll pay off my debt with this check.<还清>

  (5) Did your plan pay off?<成功,得到回报>

  (6) It pays to invest in protective clothing.<收益,得到好处>


  58、Teamwork pays ________________ .

  59、I'll pay Jenny ________________ for what she did to me!

  答案:58、off 59、back



  1 . in any case 不管怎样,无论如何。如:

  In any case, you’ll have to be at the station by nine. 无论如何你九点钟得赶到车站。

  It may rain tomorrow, but we are going home in any case. 明天可能下雨,但不管怎样我们都打算回家去。

  2 . in case 如果,万一。如:

  In case he comes, let me know. 如果他来,告诉我一声。

  If case I forget, please remind me about it. 万一我忘记,请请醒我一下。


  Take your umbrella in case it rains. 带上雨伞,以防下雨。

  Be quiet in case you should wake the baby. 安静些,免得把婴儿吵醒。


  You had better carry some money in case. 你带些钱,以防万一。

  It may not rain, but you had better take an umbrella incase. 可能不会下雨,但你还是带把雨伞,以防万一。

  3 . in case of 如果,万一,以防。如:

  In case of fire, call 119. 万一失火,就打119电话。

  Take an umbrella with you in case of rain. 带把雨伞,以防下雨。

  4 . in no case 绝不,在任何情况下都不。如:

  You should in no case tell her about it. 你绝不能把此事告诉她。


  In no case should you give up. 你绝不能放弃。

  5 . in that case 既然那样,假若是那样的话。如:

  In that case come a little earlier. 既然那样,就早些来。

  You don’t like your job? In that case why don’t you leave? 你不喜欢你的工作,那你为什么不辞掉呢?



  1. die from 死于……,因……而死。如:

  He died from a heart attack. 他死于心脏病发作。

  Many villagers die every year from snake bites. 每年都有许多村民死因被蛇咬而死亡。

  2. die of 死于……,因……而死。如:

  Her grandfather died of cancer. 他祖父死于癌症。

  The animals died of starvation in the snow. 这些动物在雪地里饿死了。

  注:关于 die from 与 die of 的区别:有人认为若死因存在于人体之上或之内,一般用介词 of; 若死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的,则一般用介词 from。 但在现代英语中两者常可混用。

  3. be dying for sth [to do sth] 迫切想要(做)某事。如:

  He is dying for something to eat. 他极想弄点东西吃。

  She is dying to know where he has gone. 他迫切想知道他到哪里去了。

  4. die away (声音、风、光线等)渐息,渐弱。如:

  THe breeze has died away. 微风渐渐止住了。

  The sound of the car died away in the distance. 汽车的响声消失在远处。

  5. die down (慢慢)熄灭,平静下来。如:

  The fire died down. 火慢慢熄了。

  His anger has died down a bit. 他的怒气已消了一点。

  6. die off 一个一个地死去(=die one by one)。如:

  As he grew older, his relatives all died off. 随着他年龄的增长,他的亲人都一个一个地死去了。

  7. die out (家族、种族、习俗、观念等)灭绝,绝迹。如:

  Many old customs are dying out. 许多旧习俗正在消失。



  (1) The letters" UK" stand for "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".<代表>

  (2) I can't stand the hot weather.<忍受>

  (3) You should learn to stand on your own two feet.<依靠自己,自主>

  (4) stand out<显得突出,显眼,引人注目>

  (5) stand by<站在一边,袖手旁观,支持,站在……边>



  (1) agree on<就……达成共识>

  (2) agree to do sth.<同意做(某事)>

  agree to the plan/decision/arrangement<同意>

  (3) I don't agree with you/what you said/your advice.<同意>

  The climate here doesn't agree with me.<指食物、天气等适合某人>

  Your story agrees with what I have already beard.<和……一致>


  3、Mutton doesn't agree ________________ him.

  4、The verb agrees ________________ its subject in number and person.

  5、We couldn't agree ________________ a date.

  答案:3、 with 4、with 5、 on


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