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the most commonly used and simplest holiday greetings are, as you might expect:

1. happy new year!

2. best wishes for a happy new year.

3. may your new year start out joyful!

4. good fortune and success in the new year!

5. may the season's joy stay with you all year round!

6. may joy and happiness surround you today and always!

7. even though we're apart, you're in my heart this new year's season.

8. wishing you peace, joy and happiness throughout the coming year.

then they get more complicated:

1. may the warmest of wishes, happiest of thoughts and friendliest of greetings come to you and stay with you throughout the year.

2. wishing you a holiday season filled with joy, and all the happy things in life.

3. i was looking out the windows thinking about the person i care most about and the person that came to mind was you, so i want to wish you a happy new year.

4. another year has come to an end. and it's nice to have a friend like you to make my every day so great. thank you my dear friend.

5. when a greeting comes from afar you can't hear the wishes and can't see the smile, but you can sense the care that truly comes from the heart. happy new year.

6. everyone says the earth is such a huge place. so, with those billions and billions of people and all, i believe it's a miracle that i got to know you!

7. if i were in heaven, i'd write your name on every star for all to see just how much you mean to me.

8. remember that there is always someone thinking of you at new year, whether you get the message or not.

9. a special smile, a special face. a special someone i can't replace. a special hug, from me to you. a special friendship, i've found in you... happy new year, my dear friend.

in case you're using a mobile phone, there are short forms for certain words that can save time and put some cuteness in your message. for example, "xmas" for "christmas", "r" for "are", "u" for "you", "ny" for "new year", "c" for "see" and "4" for "four".



“非谓语动词”可分为动词不定式、动名词和分词.它在句子中的作用很多:除了不作谓语外,它可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语与复合宾语(主语补语或宾语补语).有些及物动词后面接不带to的不定式作复合宾语.这些动词归纳如下:一感(feel).二听(hear,listen to),三让(have,1et, make),四看(see,watCh,notice,observe).再加上help somebody(to)do something和美国英语look at somebody do somthing.还有“二让”属特殊:get somebody to do something 与keep somebody doing.而有些及物动词后面接动名词(the -ing form)作宾语.这些动词归纳为一句话:Papa C makes friends.这是由如下动词的开头字母组成:permit,advise, practise,avoid,consider,mind, allow,keep,enjoy,suggest, finish,risk,imagine,escape,need,delay,stand(忍受). 为了容易记住,也可以编成顺口溜:“允许完成练习,建议避免冒险,考虑延期逃跑,喜欢保持想象,需要反对忍受”.其相对应的动词依次是:permit/allow,finish,practise;

advise/suggest, avoid,risk: consider, delay, escape/miss; enjoy/appreciate, keep, imagine; need/want/require,mind. can't help/can’t stand.



例如:A、The news that our team has won the match is true. (同位语从句)

B、The news that he told us surprised everybody here. (定语从句)

关键的区别在于连接或关系代词that:有意义的是定语, 无意义的是同位.因为引导定语从句的that在从句中作主语或 宾语,而引导同位语从句的that只起到连接词的作用.

2、接着容易混淆的是引导定语从句的关系代词that与 which:that之前是不定(代词)、序数(词)、(形容词)级:which之前是介词短语与逗号(非限制性).

例如:A、All that we have to do is to practise every day.

B、The first lesson that I learned will never be forgotten.

C、I have lost my pen,which I like very much.

D、The house in front of which there is a garden is my home.



例如:It is nor easy to finish the work in two days.

然而有少数表语之后接动名词作真正的主语.这些表语是:无助(no help)、无用(no use)、没好处(no good);工作(hard work)、费时(a waste of time)、又危险(a danger).

例如:A、It is no use crying over spilt milk.

B、It is a waste of time waiting for him.

2、It还可以作形式宾语.通常下列动词后面可接it作形式宾语:2f2tcjm(find,feel,think,take,consider,judge, make).

例如:A、He made it clear that he was not interested in this subject.

B、I think it no use arguing with him.

3、It用于强调句式.要强调句子的某一部分(主语、宾语、 状语),可以把it当作先行词.这种句子的结构是:It is(was)+ 被强调部分+that(who)+句子的其余部分.

例如:A、It iS Professor Lin who teaches us English—(强调主语)

B、It was in Shanghai that l saw the film.—(强调状语)

C、It was in 1990 that I worked in the factory.(同上)


例如:D、It was 1990 when I worked in the factory.(定语从句)

在强调句式里,我们把强调结构It is(was)…that除去,句子还很完整.如例句C.而例句D就不能.




A、Here comes the bus.(副词提前,全倒装)

B、Here he comes.(代词作主语,不倒装)

C、In front of the house lies a garden.(介词短语提前,全倒装)

D、Never shall I do this again.(否定词提前,部分倒装)

E、Young as he is ,he knows a lot.(让步状语从句,表语倒装)

F、Only when he told me did I realize what trouble he was in.(only 修饰状语,主句倒装)

G、Only he can save the patient.(only修饰主语.不倒装)

H、Not only will help be given to people,but also medical treatment will be provided.(否定词提前,部分倒装)

I、Not only he but also we like sports.(连接两个主语,不倒装)


虚拟语气也是一个难点.所谓虚拟语气是表示说话人的愿望、假设、猜测或建议,而不表示客观存在的事实.它通过句子的谓语动词的特殊形式来表示.现归纳如下:纯假设,用虚拟,动词时态退一级:条件句,分主从,主句谓语前加would (should,could,might);表愿望,用虚拟,wish后面接宾语(从句):现在过去与将来,动词时态退一级:提建议,用虚拟,宾语(从句)动词用(should)do:俩建议,三要求,再加坚持与命令(suggest,advise,demand,require,request,insist,order):It is time和eoukd rather,后接丛句用虚拟:部分主语从句中, 谓语用虚拟结构 (It is necessry /important/natural/natural/strange/strange that……should do). 下面举例说明:

A、If you came tomorrow,we would have the metting. (条件句虚拟)

B、Without air,there would be no living things.(同上)

C、We wish we had arrived there two hours earlier.(表示愿望虚拟)

D、He demanded that we (should)start right away.(表示建议虚拟)

E、It is(high)time that we left (should leave)now.(特殊从句虚拟)

F、I would rather you gave me the book.(同上)

G、It is necessary that we should clean the room everyday,(主语从句虚拟)

H、He speaks English so fluently as if he were English. (特殊从句虚拟)





I wi。hIwere you.

与过去愿望不一致,用主语+had+过去分词,例如:Iwish I had visited the White House whenI was in the States与将来愿望不一致,用主语+would (could)+原形。

2.It's time句型:当lt's tine后用that从句时应该为主i吾+should+动词原形或主语十过去时,例如:It,s time thatyou went to school.或It's time that you should go to schooL

3- If only引起的感叹句相当于“How I wish+宾语从句”。

(l)If only he could come.他要能来就好了。

(2)If only I had known the answer.我要早知道答案就好了。

4.WOuld rather,as if(though)引导的从句也需使用虚拟语气,表示过去的情况用过去完成时,表示现在与将来的情况用过去时,例如:

(l)I'd rather you posted the letter right away.

(2)She loves the children as if they were hers.


(1)介词或介词短语。如but for,but that,without,in case of, under more favorable condition等。

(2)连词。如so that, unless, in case, supposing,lest, provided(倘若……),for fear that(唯恐),in orderthat, on condition that, if only(要是……就好了)等。

注意:lest, for fear that和in case引起的从句中谓语动词多用should+动词原形,但也可以不用虚拟语气,而用动词的陈述语气形式。例如:The foreign teacher spokeslowly in case we misunderstood him这位外籍教师说得很慢以免我们误解。

(3)通过上下文及内在含义,句中往往有but,otherwise, unfortunately等类似转折词。

without, but. but for, otherwise引起的短语或句子常暗含着含蓄条件。例如:

①Without you,1 would never know him

②But for your oooperation, we wouldn't have done it

③But that she was afraid, she would have said no. .

④i would be most glad to help you, butI am busy now.

⑤I would have come to the party yesterday, but ljwas working.

⑥I am busy now, otherwise l would do you the favor!


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