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In our real life, we need communication everywhere. With communication, society will be more harmonious and people will be more harmonious.

It's communication that makes me mature. It's communication that makes me enter into the joy of growing up. Every time I communicate with my parents, every time I communicate with my teachers, every time I communicate with my parents, every time I communicate with my teachers, every time I communicate with my partners, every time I communicate with my partners, it makes me feel magical and noble.

These communications give me self-confidence and noble spiritual qualities. From the communication between my parents, I realize that my parents are my lifelong companion, communication is my lifelong wealth, let me go to the future road, the eternal melody of my life.


Communication is a double-edged sword. If used improperly, it will hurt oneself and others. Communication is a shovel. If not shoveled properly, it will not only fill the ditch and leveling the ditch. On the contrary, it will dig deeper and deeper. Communication is a cornerstone. If it is misplaced, the whole building may be weak. Communication is a bridge. If it is not properly constructed, it will bring great trouble.

Only by grasping the method and scale of communication, can we reach the other side of success smoothly.


Communication is common and important in our daily life. All of us live with others in the society and no one can live cut off from it. Everyday, we must talk to others to give and get information, but how can we communicate with others? Some people claim that they don't know what to say and how to speak to others, strangers especially. I think first you should find a topic that both of you are interested in. Then, pay attention to your manners, speed, pitch, expressions and your body language. You should make others feel comfortable, so that they are willing to talk to you. Last but not the least, being a good listener. Listening to others shows your respect to them. Only when they heard, they want to talk. So do you. Before you talk, listening to others first.


Communicationis the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thought,messages, or information. There are many communicating methods, such as speech,visuals, signals, writing or body languages.

Itplays an important role in social lives of human beings, which some peopleconsider that it’s the basic of human existence.

Onthe one hand, it’s the communication that spreads information, making us knowthe news although it’s far from us. By communicating with others, people sendand get information that helps us know about our surroundings. We all know thatinformation is extremely important in our lives. On the other hand,communication builds personal relationship, which connects different peopletogether. We live in the same society which makes personal relationshipessential in lives. Only with communication can we build and keep good personalrelationships with others. In addition, communication can eliminatemisunderstandings and promote emotions. When we have misunderstandings withothers, timely communicating is the only effective way to solve it.

Inshort, communication is essential to all people that everyone should realizethat. Therefore, we should learn how to communicate with other effectively.


Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thought, messages, or information. There are many communicating methods, such as speech, visuals, signals, writing or body languages.

It plays an important role in social lives of human beings, which some people consider that it’s the basic of human existence.

It plays an important role in social lives of human beings, which some people consider that it’s the basic of human existence.

In short, communication is essential to all people that everyone should realize that. Therefore, we should learn how to communicate with other effectively.


