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I have more than a year of real estate sales experience and. One year secretary working experience. I can in a short period of time and customers to achieve good communication, do home help during the consultants and their own efforts to help their predecessors the first day of the post there is a very good performance. In the work of more than a year, I can get a very good performance per month, and independently handle all customer loans and bank loans later. Personal ability to be managers and colleagues affirmed. Secretary of the work, is mainly responsible for the daily work of the Office; daily data check. And Party A and the bank's customer information, the amount of docking. Statistics on the turnover of property consultants, as well as the daily data transfer to the company.

I have a strong sense of responsibility and teamwork, in the past work has accumulated a certain amount of experience, cheerful, affinity, responsible, able to endure the performance of the company leadership recognition. In the future work in the hope of accepting new challenges to learn more knowledge. I am engaged in sales industry for many years, sales skills, sales experience has reached a relatively high level! I am lively and cheerful, is a dynamic, motivated and the courage to challenge the height of people! With "where to climb from there" The spirit to do everything!


1, familiar with the terminal sales process and store the daily maintenance and management, good at customer development and maintenance.

2, three years of sales experience and more than a year of architectural design experience and the University of the building structure of the study, so I have to communicate with the construction side and after-sales technical support have more advantages.

3, in addition to the daily sales work, I can skillfully use Photoshop and cad software for drawing, as well as the overall program with the production.

I have received formal professional education, has a good professional knowledge and cultural qualities, honest, honest, high integrity; positive, decisive, strong psychological quality, strong entrepreneurial spirit and a high sense of responsibility; With a strong organization, coordination, communication skills and team spirit; through more than a year in the education and training institutions, responsible for market development, etc., and so on, the company has a strong sense of responsibility, Writing, calligraphy and so on, love sports, dance, like to play feathers, ping-pong, and so on, and so on, so that they can play, basketball!


自我评价是紧紧围绕着所应聘的职位展开,向招聘人员展示你与该职位非常匹配,您的技能和资质与所应聘的职位相符,是该职位的不二人选。 自我评价部分也可以叫做“个人综述”、“能力综述”或者“简历概述”等,可以包括求职意向、职业目标、能力特长、丰富经验、取得成就、资质证书等内容。

写自我评价的原则 真实。求职者书写“自我评价”时,千万不要有虚假成分,夸大自己的能力、优点或工作经验等。 不卑不亢,要说明问题,不要满天喊口号,连自己都不相信的评价估计对方更不会相信。 不要主观罗列自己的优点,仔细阅读招聘方的广告后,根据用人要求一条一条对应来写,要有针对性;文字平实可信不夸张,避免“熟悉互联网及相关知识”、“精通英语”之类词句。 突出闪光点。如果没有重点,或者过于大众化,那么很难让自己出挑。hr在择才时希望看到你是否有闪光之处,与所应聘的职位有无联系。因此,建议求职者仔细罗列自己的工作经历,回忆自己在以前的工作中到底积累了什么样的优势,挖掘出自己与众不同之处,以突出自我的`优势,最好辅以具体事例证明,否则不可信。 不要提到你的业余爱好、抱负、对公司的感想等,语言简练。



University life in the busy quietly in the past, as part of a better memory of life. Among the success of the like, there are failures of failure. But put me into a college student now, so I in all aspects of the overall quality has been improved for the future life laid a solid foundation.

Four years of marketing expertise and a wealth of real estate market part-time practical experience, so I have real estate marketing career interests and skills to benefit. I walked from the ups and downs twists and turns, out of the childish, impetuous and unrealistic, more mature psychological, firm, more solid professional foundation.

Professional: master a lot of professional marketing theory and real estate marketing skills, while the level of computer applications, English, social skills have been greatly improved;

Quality: work hard, work proactive, able to work independently, independent thinking, hardworking and honest, with team spirit, good health, energy, can adapt to high-intensity work.

Four years of university study and more than a year real estate company marketing job trainee work temper, cultivate my good work style and team awareness, such as multi-angle understanding and awareness of customer purchase needs, all-round real estate customer service work, Hard work of the truth-seeking spirit and the ability to sell at random. I believe that in the future work, I will closely cooperate with the company sales needs, hard working, becoming a competent real estate marketing experts.


