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如果你在计划留学,很可能其中一个主要的吸引力在于你能够学习一门外语。出国留学让你有机会浸泡在新的 语言环境中,学习语言没有比这个更好的方法了。下面就是小编给大家带来的大学生计划2022出国留学申请书范文,希望能帮助到大家!


Dear _,

The human body has always intrigued me, its diverse mechanisms providing complex antibodies that recognize foreign organisms such as viruses and bacteria. It’s these organisms that are working everyday and every night to maintain and sustain the way of life we so frequently take for granted. Its adaptation to this harsh world is quite extraordinary. With the correct medical influence the body may one day be impenetrable to disease. This belief alone inspires me to take on the challenge of medicine. The body still holds many secrets yet to be discovered, this motivates me to learn about the anatomy and physiology in more detail. Not only this, but the compassion and care needed to help patients makes me strive to complete my journey to medicine. Studying the body’s systems and make up made me realize the fragility of the human body and the huge responsibility a doctor or scientist has. One missed judgment could be fatal. In my AS year I enjoyed Organic chemistry in module 3 the most as it was the most puzzling I had to piece together the answers from complex isomeric compounds to find the correct answers.

Biology relates more on the anatomical and physiological side of Biomedicine. I rather enjoyed the circulatory system learning about the mammalian heart and its many fantastic uses. Chemistry and Biology have given me a large insight into the workings of the human body.To learn the complexity of the body and apply it to a patient successfully and to see the gratitude, I would imagine, is highly satisfying in a job like this. The work I need to put in for this career is great and I shall not forget that the rewards are also very great and not only inspiring but encouraging. The greatest challenge of all lies ahead and I look forward to tackling it. I recently went to work at a Dental Surgery. The whole week was spent shadowing the dentist to observe not only his clinical skills but his people skills, how he talked with patients, the safety measures he took to make absolute safety in the surgery. This enhanced my understanding of the health profession greatly and gave me an insight to future procedures in my health career. The year before, I worked in a laboratory for AstraZeneca, a major pharmaceutical company.

The company focused on certain diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardio inflammatory infections such as arthritis. My clinical skills were developed greatly as I learnt about a great deal of procedures and tests with agar plates, watching the results of bacteria multiplying. Throughout my time at AstraZeneca I frequently asked questions about a medical career and how the company’s involvement fits into the career. I talked to professors, doctors, PhD academics and team leaders gaining useful facts about medicines and clinical skills. They explained procedures for sterilization and how to prevent cross infections by explaining safety measures. Recently I have applied for a full first aid course with a company called Envico (November). My medical skills will be improved greatly as the course covers the basics on treatment to minor and a few major injuries. In December I will be attending a course at Imperial College, London. The course will provide a vital in sight to a career in health sciences as I will be taking part in lectures giving detailed explanations. In my own time I keep up to date with medical developments, I read the ‘New Scientist’ which I find to be very interesting at times. I am applying to my local hospital for voluntary work for more experience. I will be working one day a week shadowing doctors and watching different procedures that they go through. My subjects related to medicine are chemistry and biology. Both requiring me to maintain and hold a lot of information and apply it to complex questions.I look forward to studying at degree level and I am committed to a career that improves the health of others

Yours sincerely,





























★ 2022大三留学申请书格式

★ 2022年大三留学申请书通用版

★ 2022简单大三留学入学申请书

★ 2022简洁实用大三留学申请书

★ 2022简单美国留学申请书完整版

★ 2022大三留学英文书面申请书格式

★ 2022韩国简洁留学申请书完整版

★ 2022美国大学留学个人申请书格式

★ 2022美国留学申请书范文

★ 大学生出国留学申请书五篇范文格式

