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下学期 Unit 15 What do people eat

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下学期 Unit 15 What do people eat




Lesson 57主要教学与“饮食”有关的一些词汇,并对食品进行分类,通过邀请用餐用语的练习来巩固所学知识。

Lesson 58教学阅读课文,介绍不同国家的人民所喜好的食品,并通过对课文的问答练习“同意与不同意”的交际用语。

Lesson 59 包括两部分内容:总结简单句的五种基本句型,讨论中西方对待家庭观念的差异的两篇小短文,并继续练习“同意与不同意”的交际用语。

Lesson 60主要是通过对话教学就餐用语,了解一些英国的传统食品,还有与食品有关的听力和写作练习.






a(two/ three..)bottle(s) of orange juice/water/ apple juice…

a(two/ three…)glass(es)of milk/ tea/ water…

a(two/ three…)piece(s)of bred/ duck…

a(two/ three…)kilo(s) of apples/ onions…


本单元的口语主要是Would you like to…?Could you…?及help yourself to…。我们可以根据以前所学的内容结合本单元的教学实际,编制一些对话,让学生进行训练。如:

1. Tom: It’s time for lunch. Are you hungry?

Lucy: Yes, I am.

Tom: Would you like to have something?

Lucy: Yes, please.

Tom: What would you like?

Lucy: I would like to have some rice, meat and some soup with eggs and tomatoes.

Tom: Here you are! Please help yourself.

2. A: Today is Sunday. We are going to have some real English food.

B: Really? What is it?

A: Guess?

B: Oh, fish and chips. My favourite food. May I have more, please?

A: Certainly.

B: How delicious!

A: Would you like some more?

B: No, thanks. I'm lull now.

A: If you have time, I would like to ask you to have some Chinese food—Beijing duck next time.

B: Oh, thanks a lot. I'm sure to come if you ask me next time.




第59课的两段文字,分别出自两个不同国度的女孩之四。一个女孩来自中国的城市家庭,一个女孩来自印度的农村家庭。两个家庭的成员对于干家务活有着一些不同的态度。学生在读完课文以后,要求对文后所列出的问题进行讨论。Do you help your parents with the housework? What do you usually do? Do you like to do the housework? Do you agree with Indira? Why or why not?等等。这样的小文章话题学生非常熟悉,而且与他们的实际生活密切相关,学生一定会感兴趣的。







few, Italian, Indian, seem, make, a bit (of), take-away, order, famous


1. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?

2. Could you pass me the cheese, please?

3. In England, one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips.

4.Mmm,it must be more delicious!

5. Not today, dear. Next time!

6. Today we’re going to have something English.








1. Help yourself to some soup.

help yourself to表示“自使,随意”的意思。

2. I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't.

I’d love to意为“我很乐意”,相当于I’d like to,常用来作Would you like…?的答语,其中的to不能省略。

3. I like Chinese tea without anything in it.

without是介词,如果后面跟代词应该用宾格,如后面跟动词需用V-ing形式。without      anything= with nothing。

4. They eat a lot of potatoes.So do we.

a lot of相当于often。So do we.是so+助动词/情态动词+主语表示“前面所说的情况也适用于另外的人或物”。时态要与前面的句子一致。



1)S + vi  (主语 + 不及物动词)  如:He walks.

2)S + vi +O  (主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语)  如:He sing a song.

3)S + link v. + P (主语 + 联系动词 + 表语) 如:I am a teacher.

4)S + vt. + IO + DO (主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语) 如:

I gave him a book yesterday.

5)S + vt + O + OC  (主语 +及物动词 十宾语 十宾语补足语) 如:

He asked me to finish my homework first.

解释S代表主语Subject,V代表动词Verb,O代表宾语Object,P代表表语,Predicative In 代表间接宾语Indirect,D代表直接宾语direct,C代表补足语complement。

2.要学生说出课本上的句子各属于哪种类型,指出句子中的每部分,然后教师详细分析每个句子的结构。教师要告诉学生这里的be(am, is, are)动词叫做系动词。英语中一些不及物动词可以用作连系动词,如:feel (happy), get(shorter), turn (green), look(the same), etc.利用课本中的句子向学生讲解什么词和短语可以充当表语。名词或名词短语,形容词,数词,介词短语都可在系动词后作表语。如:

I am in Grade three.   His mother felt better.


1.The soldiers kept their clothes clean and tidy.

2.Mother showed us a beautiful photo.

3.The teacher gave us a hard piece of work.

4.Anna speaks Russian.

5.Daddy bought Tom a new bike.

6.Jim brought me my English book.

7.You must wait.

8.The picture looks beautiful.

9.The food is delicious.

10.Mr. Wu teaches English.





例如:The baby can speak.这个婴儿会说话了。

2.主语+谓语(不及物动词)+状语  例如:

The children are playing happily.孩子们正在高兴地玩。

二、S + V + O


I want a ruler. 我想要一把尺子。

They enjoy living in China.他们喜欢住在中国。

I hope to go there soon.我希望不久去那儿。

三、S + V + P

这种句型中的动词为连系动词,表语(P)常为形容词、名词、代词、介词短语等。初中阶段常见的连系动词有be,get(变),become(变得),turn(变),look(看起来),feel, smell,taste,seem等。例如:

Ann felt happy.安感到很快乐。

He is a student.他是一名学生。

The cat is in that tree.猫在那棵树上。

四、S + V + InO + DO



My father bought me a story-book.

=My father bought a story-book for me.我父亲给我买了一本故事书。


give,bring,send,tell,teach,pass,return,take,lend等。例如:Please give me your pen.

=Please give your pen to me.请把你的钢笔给我。

3.既可与for也可与to连用的动词有bring,do,leave,play,write等。例如:Please bring me the exercise-book tomorrow.

= Please bring the exercise-book for/to me tomorrow. 明天请把练习本给我带来。


误:Give me it,please.

正:Give it to me,please.

五、S + V + O + OC


1.后跟名词作宾语补足语的动词常用call,name,make,choose,think等。例如:   We can call him Jim for short.我们可以简称他为吉姆。

2.后跟形容词作宾语补足语的动词常用keep,make,find,get,think等。例如:     We must keep our classroom clean.我们必须保持我们的教室清洁。


①后跟带to的不定式作宾语补足语的动词常用的有ask, tell, want, teach, wish, get等。例如:

Mr. Hu asked us to talk about English name.胡老师请我们谈谈英国人的名字。

②后跟不带to的不定式作宾语补足语的动词可归纳为“一感(feel)”、“二听(listen to, hear)”、“三让(let,make,hay)”、“四看(see,look at,watch,notice)”。例如:

Let me help you.让我帮助你。

I often see him play basketball on the playground. 我经常看到他在操场上打篮球。


Children should often help their parents(to)do some housework.孩子们应经常帮父母干些家务活儿。

4.后跟现在分词作宾语补足语的动词常用feel,listen to,hear,see,look at,watch, notice,find,keep等。例如:

We heard someone singing in the next room. 我们听到有人在隔壁唱歌。


We found him at school.我们发现他在学校。

Help oneself 的几种含义

help oneself在口语中是一个常用的短语,不少同学以为它只是一个含义“请随便吃……”,其实它不仅仅这一个意思,在口语中它的含义可归纳以下几种:


①Help yourself. 请随便吃。

②Help yourself to some fish. 请随便吃些鱼吧。

③Help yourselves to the beef and chicken, children. 孩子们,请随便吃些牛肉和鸡肉。


①A: May I use your dictionary? 我可以用你的词典吗?

 B: Yes, help yourself. 可以,自己拿吧。

②A: Can I have a cold drink, Tom? 汤姆,我能喝杯冷饮吗?

 B: Of course, please help yourself. 当然,请自便。


①I felt terrible and didn’t help myself to any food at the party. 在晚会上,我感觉不舒服,什么也没吃。

②There was no one in the room at that time, so he helped himself to the money on the table, I’m sure. 我相信,那时房里没有人,所以他就偷了桌子上的钱。




Lesson 57主要教学与“饮食”有关的一些词汇,并对食品进行分类,通过邀请用餐用语的练习来巩固所学知识。

Lesson 58教学阅读课文,介绍不同国家的人民所喜好的食品,并通过对课文的问答练习“同意与不同意”的交际用语。

Lesson 59 包括两部分内容:总结简单句的五种基本句型,讨论中西方对待家庭观念的差异的两篇小短文,并继续练习“同意与不同意”的交际用语。

Lesson 60主要是通过对话教学就餐用语,了解一些英国的传统食品,还有与食品有关的听力和写作练习.






a(two/ three..)bottle(s) of orange juice/water/ apple juice…

a(two/ three…)glass(es)of milk/ tea/ water…

a(two/ three…)piece(s)of bred/ duck…

a(two/ three…)kilo(s) of apples/ onions…


本单元的口语主要是Would you like to…?Could you…?及help yourself to…。我们可以根据以前所学的内容结合本单元的教学实际,编制一些对话,让学生进行训练。如:

1. Tom: It’s time for lunch. Are you hungry?

Lucy: Yes, I am.

Tom: Would you like to have something?

Lucy: Yes, please.

Tom: What would you like?

Lucy: I would like to have some rice, meat and some soup with eggs and tomatoes.

Tom: Here you are! Please help yourself.

2. A: Today is Sunday. We are going to have some real English food.

B: Really? What is it?

A: Guess?

B: Oh, fish and chips. My favourite food. May I have more, please?

A: Certainly.

B: How delicious!

A: Would you like some more?

B: No, thanks. I'm lull now.

A: If you have time, I would like to ask you to have some Chinese food—Beijing duck next time.

B: Oh, thanks a lot. I'm sure to come if you ask me next time.




第59课的两段文字,分别出自两个不同国度的女孩之四。一个女孩来自中国的城市家庭,一个女孩来自印度的农村家庭。两个家庭的成员对于干家务活有着一些不同的态度。学生在读完课文以后,要求对文后所列出的问题进行讨论。Do you help your parents with the housework? What do you usually do? Do you like to do the housework? Do you agree with Indira? Why or why not?等等。这样的小文章话题学生非常熟悉,而且与他们的实际生活密切相关,学生一定会感兴趣的。







few, Italian, Indian, seem, make, a bit (of), take-away, order, famous


1. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?

2. Could you pass me the cheese, please?

3. In England, one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips.

4.Mmm,it must be more delicious!

5. Not today, dear. Next time!

6. Today we’re going to have something English.








1. Help yourself to some soup.

help yourself to表示“自使,随意”的意思。

2. I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't.

I’d love to意为“我很乐意”,相当于I’d like to,常用来作Would you like…?的答语,其中的to不能省略。

3. I like Chinese tea without anything in it.

without是介词,如果后面跟代词应该用宾格,如后面跟动词需用V-ing形式。without      anything= with nothing。

4. They eat a lot of potatoes.So do we.

a lot of相当于often。So do we.是so+助动词/情态动词+主语表示“前面所说的情况也适用于另外的人或物”。时态要与前面的句子一致。



1)S + vi  (主语 + 不及物动词)  如:He walks.

2)S + vi +O  (主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语)  如:He sing a song.

3)S + link v. + P (主语 + 联系动词 + 表语) 如:I am a teacher.

4)S + vt. + IO + DO (主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语) 如:

I gave him a book yesterday.

5)S + vt + O + OC  (主语 +及物动词 十宾语 十宾语补足语) 如:

He asked me to finish my homework first.

解释S代表主语Subject,V代表动词Verb,O代表宾语Object,P代表表语,Predicative In 代表间接宾语Indirect,D代表直接宾语direct,C代表补足语complement。

2.要学生说出课本上的句子各属于哪种类型,指出句子中的每部分,然后教师详细分析每个句子的结构。教师要告诉学生这里的be(am, is, are)动词叫做系动词。英语中一些不及物动词可以用作连系动词,如:feel (happy), get(shorter), turn (green), look(the same), etc.利用课本中的句子向学生讲解什么词和短语可以充当表语。名词或名词短语,形容词,数词,介词短语都可在系动词后作表语。如:

I am in Grade three.   His mother felt better.


1.The soldiers kept their clothes clean and tidy.

2.Mother showed us a beautiful photo.

3.The teacher gave us a hard piece of work.

4.Anna speaks Russian.

5.Daddy bought Tom a new bike.

6.Jim brought me my English book.

7.You must wait.

8.The picture looks beautiful.

9.The food is delicious.

10.Mr. Wu teaches English.





例如:The baby can speak.这个婴儿会说话了。

2.主语+谓语(不及物动词)+状语  例如:

The children are playing happily.孩子们正在高兴地玩。

二、S + V + O


I want a ruler. 我想要一把尺子。

They enjoy living in China.他们喜欢住在中国。

I hope to go there soon.我希望不久去那儿。

三、S + V + P

这种句型中的动词为连系动词,表语(P)常为形容词、名词、代词、介词短语等。初中阶段常见的连系动词有be,get(变),become(变得),turn(变),look(看起来),feel, smell,taste,seem等。例如:

Ann felt happy.安感到很快乐。

He is a student.他是一名学生。

The cat is in that tree.猫在那棵树上。

四、S + V + InO + DO



My father bought me a story-book.

=My father bought a story-book for me.我父亲给我买了一本故事书。


give,bring,send,tell,teach,pass,return,take,lend等。例如:Please give me your pen.

=Please give your pen to me.请把你的钢笔给我。

3.既可与for也可与to连用的动词有bring,do,leave,play,write等。例如:Please bring me the exercise-book tomorrow.

= Please bring the exercise-book for/to me tomorrow. 明天请把练习本给我带来。


误:Give me it,please.

正:Give it to me,please.

五、S + V + O + OC


1.后跟名词作宾语补足语的动词常用call,name,make,choose,think等。例如:   We can call him Jim for short.我们可以简称他为吉姆。

2.后跟形容词作宾语补足语的动词常用keep,make,find,get,think等。例如:     We must keep our classroom clean.我们必须保持我们的教室清洁。


①后跟带to的不定式作宾语补足语的动词常用的有ask, tell, want, teach, wish, get等。例如:

Mr. Hu asked us to talk about English name.胡老师请我们谈谈英国人的名字。

②后跟不带to的不定式作宾语补足语的动词可归纳为“一感(feel)”、“二听(listen to, hear)”、“三让(let,make,hay)”、“四看(see,look at,watch,notice)”。例如:

Let me help you.让我帮助你。

I often see him play basketball on the playground. 我经常看到他在操场上打篮球。


Children should often help their parents(to)do some housework.孩子们应经常帮父母干些家务活儿。

4.后跟现在分词作宾语补足语的动词常用feel,listen to,hear,see,look at,watch, notice,find,keep等。例如:

We heard someone singing in the next room. 我们听到有人在隔壁唱歌。


We found him at school.我们发现他在学校。

Help oneself 的几种含义

help oneself在口语中是一个常用的短语,不少同学以为它只是一个含义“请随便吃……”,其实它不仅仅这一个意思,在口语中它的含义可归纳以下几种:


①Help yourself. 请随便吃。

②Help yourself to some fish. 请随便吃些鱼吧。

③Help yourselves to the beef and chicken, children. 孩子们,请随便吃些牛肉和鸡肉。


①A: May I use your dictionary? 我可以用你的词典吗?

 B: Yes, help yourself. 可以,自己拿吧。

②A: Can I have a cold drink, Tom? 汤姆,我能喝杯冷饮吗?

 B: Of course, please help yourself. 当然,请自便。


①I felt terrible and didn’t help myself to any food at the party. 在晚会上,我感觉不舒服,什么也没吃。

②There was no one in the room at that time, so he helped himself to the money on the table, I’m sure. 我相信,那时房里没有人,所以他就偷了桌子上的钱。

Lesson 57 教学设计示例

Teaching Objectives: To master die words about fruit and vegetables.

And about the different eating habits in the different countries.

Properties: Pictures, Overhead projector

Language FOCUS: there be, have/has, a few, a little, So do I./So does he.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Organizing the class

Teacher(T) : Good morning, class.

Students(Ss) : Good morning, teacher.

T: Sit down, please. Now let s listen to a duty report.

II. Revision

1. Check the students homework in the winter holidays.

2. Encourage the students to talk more about the winter vacation.

III. Presentation

T: Give more details about the colour pictures on page i. Get them to know the words about the kitchen and ask them to know what’s in the cupboard. And then you can write some words on the blackboard. Let them practise more with the following phrases and useful expressions.

IV. Leading-in

Write countable nouns and uncountable nouns on the blackboard.

Nouns(countable)             Nouns( uncountable)

Vegetables: carrots            Meat: pork

peas                        beef

potatoes                     lamb

tomatoes                    chicken

cabbages                    mutton

Fruit: apples                  others: salt

pears                        sugar

peaches                      pepper

bananas                      oil

cherries                      wine

V. Practice

When you are sure the students really understand the meanings of the words. Encourage them to practise.

For example;

A: What’s in the bowl?

B: It’s rice. / There’s some rice in it.

Let the students do the exercises in pairs. If they have time, they can work on the other dialogues.

VI. Practice Part 1

Get two better students to practise the following dialogues. Such as a bottle on the teacher’s table. You can pick it up and hold it in the air, and then ask the students.

 1. A: What’s in the bottle?

B: There s some milk in it.

You can pick up another object on the table and go on asking.

 2. A: What’s in the box?

B: There’s some chalk in it.

Get a student who is good at drawing to come to the blackboard and to draw a man s head on the blackboard.

 3. A: What’s on the man s head?

B: There is some hair on it.

Show a bag to the class.

 4. A: What’s in the bag?

B: There are a few apples in it.

If you want the students to master more, you can draw a man’ s head on the blackboard. It shows this man has a bad temper.

T: What’s wrong?

Student 1: He is angry.

T: Do you think you can like a person who is in a bad temper?

Student 2: No.

T: Right. (So the teacher writes a sentence on the blackboard. )

 5. A: He has a bad temper.

B: Few people like him.

VII. Learn Part 2

T: Ask the class what the Chinese eating and the American eating habits are and what the Japanese favourite is. Ask the students if they have the same habits.

Get them to work in pairs.




VIII. Practice

Pair work: The students ask and answer the questions about meat in daily / everyday life. One student asks: “What’s your favourite food?” The other one gives the response. “So is mine.” or “So do I.”

IX. Learn Part 5

A: Puzzle dialogues.

At first let the students do it before they can answer it. And then get some pairs to do them orally.


1.D  2.C  3.A  4.B

B: Teach the class the main points.

(l)Would like to do: want to do / feel like doing

(2)have dinner: have supper

(3)help oneself to some food

(4) thank you : thanks

(5)I’d love to: I’d like to

X. Exercises in class

Translate the following sentences into English.







[注]①a few = some(与可数名词连用)

②a little= some, but not much, a small quantity of. . . (与不可数名词连用)   


(1) He has a few friends in China.

(2) There are a few people here.

(3)I’m going to Hong Kong for a few days.

(4) He knows a little French.

(5)A little care can prevent the accident.

(6) Would you like to have a little cake?

[注] ①cake作为一个一个的单个出现是可数名词。For example: two cakes.

cake作为一个大块蛋糕出现是不可数名词。For example: 切下一片要用量词来表示:a piece of cake


We can say three chocolates.

a bar of chocolate

two bars of chocolate

XI. Homework

1. Look up the phrases “a few, few, a little, little” in the grammar book

2. Make sentences with “there be” “have”

3. Do exercises on page 61

XII. Summary

1. Hurry up! We have _________ time left

2. There are _________ apples there, aren’t there?

3. They are great. Because they made _________ mistakes in their examination papers

4. Would you like________ (go) with me?

5. Would you like ________(anything) to eat?


1.little  2.a few  3.few  4.to go  5.something

XIII. Writing on blackboard

    Lesson 57

1. What can you see. . . ?

I/We can see....

2. What’s in/the cupboard/on the table/in the fridge

There is a little/some. . . in/on it .

There are a few/some/many/a lot of. . . in/on it .

3. A: What do people eat in England/America/Japan

B: They eat a lot of potatoes/beef/fish....

A: So do we. ( so+ 助动词+主语)

Lesson 58 教学设计示例

Teaching objectives

1. Learn about the favourite food of different countries.

2. Learn the expressions of agreement and disagreement.

Language FOCUS: the most popular, be good for

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

(图片)Revise the names of the food and tableware.


Would you like … .

Help yourself to …

How about … ?

How do you like … ?

I hope you can come over to my party.

Step 2 Presentation

(导入新课)通过表格谈论每个人喜欢的食品What’s your favourite food?,从而引导学生进入Pre-read的讨论。

Step 3 Pre-read


Discuss these questions:

w1. What’s your favourite food?

w2. What do Chinese children like best? Do you think it’s the most popular food in China?

w3. Do you like fast food? Can you say the names of some kinds of fast food?

w4.Do you think what food is the most popular in the world.

w5. Do you know some kinds of food in different countries?

Step 4 Read


Pizza, hamburger, french fries/chips, Japanese sushi, Chinese vegetables

(演示录像)FAVOURITE FOOD课文情景演示,教学对话中出现的新词汇和语言点,新词汇的教学中利用有关食品的图片再现课文的主要内容。


1. Indians like to eat fish.

2. Italians like to eat pizza.

3. Japanese like to eat hot food.

4. You can find people eating hamburgers and chips in many cities.

5. People enjoy Chinese food.


Step 5 Ask and answer


wChocolate is good for your health.

短语be good for的意思是“对…有益”,其反义短语是be bad for。另外,请注意be good at的用法。试比较:

Swimming is good for health.

He is good at swimming.

(学生活动)通过图片让学生Make dialogues,练习表达同意和不同意的用语。

wA: Do you think fish is very popular in China?

wB: I’m not sure. But I think it’s very popular in Japan.

wA: I think pork is very popular in China. Do you agree?

wB: Yes, I agree.

Step 6 Practice

Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

In England, one of the most _______kinds of food is fish and chips. People usually _______it in fish and chip shops. They put it in paper bags, and take it home, or to their _______. But the world’s favourite food isn’t English. It _______ that American _______ food is the most popular. In many cities like Moscow, Paris and _______big cities in China, you can ______ people eating hamburgers and chips. Chinese food is also very popular in the world. In many cities you can find Chinese _________. People ________ Chinese food because it has different _______ and is usually very ________.

答案:popular, buy, workplace, seems, fast, some, find, restaurants, enjoy, tastes, delicious

Step 7 Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks.

1. Why have they delayed (推迟)________(open) the new school?

2. Would you mind _________ (close ) the window? It’s too cold.

3. Have you finished_________(read) that novel?

4.I m sorry, I kept you_________(wait)for long.

5.I’ve enjoyed________(talk) to you about old times.

Keys: 1.opening 2.closing 3.reading 4.waiting 5.talking

Step 8 Homework

1.Retell the text.

2. Make sentences with enjoy doing, “find something+ adj…”

3. Do exercises on page 62.

4 .Fish off the workbook

Lesson 59教学设计方案

Teaching Objectives

Get the students to know the differences between the simple present tense and the past tense.

Properties: Blackboard, Tape-recorder

Language Points:

1. taste, feel2.do some cooking, do some cleaning

3. help somebody do something4. neither. . .nor. . .

Teaching Procedures

I. Organizing the class

T: Good morning, class.

Ss: Good morning, teacher.

T: Sit down, please. Well, who son duty today? please!

II. Revision

T: Help the students with the phrases on the blackboard.



T: Tell the class different tenses here, and then write some adverbial phrases on the blackboard.

1. last week

2 .last month 

3. last October

Give the students a few minutes to practise them with the past tense. You can ask them to work in groups. The students in one group talk them in simple present tense. The students in the other group talk them in the past tense.

For example:

 1. A: I clean the room every day.

B: I cleaned the room yesterday.

 2. A: He brushes his teeth every morning.

B: He brushed his teeth just now( means a short time ago)

III. Presentation




IV. Learn Part 1

The Simple Present Tense:

1. I study every day.

2. He studies every day.

The Past Tense:

3. I studied last year.

4. He studied last year.

The Present Continuous Tense:

5. I’m studying now.

6. He’s studying now.

T: Ask the students to know the keys, let them master “verb +to be or verb + to do”, especially the changing ways of verbs.

V. Practice

T: Get 3 students to practise the different sentences in the different tenses.

S1: My father works five days a week.

S2: My father worked last week.

S3: My father is working now.

VI. Learn Part 2

1. Questions first.

T: Are you a city girl?

S: Yes.

T: Do you often do the housework in your family?

S: Yes.

T: Why?

S: Because my parents both go to work.

T: Who does some shopping then?

S: Sometimes both of my parents.

T: Who cooks dinner on weekdays?

S: Either my father or my mother.

T: Who does the cleaning then?

S: I do.

T: What do you think about family activities?

S: I think everyone should do some housework.

2. Language points.


①We are both students.

②They both work hard.

go shopping/swimming

①I often go shopping at weekends.

②He seldom goes swimming in winter.

sometimes: at times

①I sometimes go there with him.

②He sometimes helps me with my lessons.

either. . .or. . .

①Either you or I am mad.

②He likes either English or Chinese.

on weekdays (weekdays: from Monday to Friday)

①What do you usually do on weekdays?

②I often read novels on weekdays.

do some cleaning/shopping/reading

①Do you do the cleaning once a week?

②He likes doing some reading on weekdays.

VII. Practice

T: Write some key phrases on the blackboard. Get the students to make sentences completely.

1. either. . .or. . .

2. both. . .and. . .

3. neither. . .nor. . .

4. help sb. do sth.

5.helpsb. with sth.

T: You are sure the students really understand the phrases above. Give them two minutes to recite the first paragraph, and then check the students ‘homework.

T: Ask one of the students to tell the opposite word of city-country. If necessary, show a picture of a country girl to the class. Get the students to tell something about a country girl with a third personal pronoun. Begin with the word “she”.

She is a country girl from _________(country). She feeds _________(动物)and does all the ________(家务).

Keys: →Africa, animals, housework

T: Encourage the students in one group to finish the story of this country girl.

T: Learn Language points.

(1) the busiest

She is one of the busiest woman.

(2)feed: raise, keep

I like animals, I often feed them after school.

(3) all the housework

Li Lei s mother seldom does all the housework at home.

(4) neither. . . nor. . .

①I like neither him nor her.

②Neither he nor she is right.

(Pay attention to the underlined words. )

VIII. Homework

1. Prompts to the class.

At the restaurant      At a friend’s house

2. Make dialogues based on the text.

3. Do exercises on page 63.

IX. Summary

1. pass somebody something = pass something to somebody

2. give somebody something = give something to somebody

3. bring somebody something = bring something to somebody

4. show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.

5. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

(1) Please pass me the ball.

(2) Ask him to show the class his photo.

(3) The girl in red often brings the teacher flowers.

(4) Can you give them two cups of tea?


(1) 请递给我那个球。




X. Writing on blackboard

Lesson 59

     1. In Han Mei’s family: either…or... , ... also. . .

     2. In Indira’s family: either. . .or. . . , neither.

Lesson 60教学设计方案

Teaching Objectives: Ask the students to master the prepositions “with .without”

Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

Language Focus: this or that? boy or girl?

Teaching Procedures:

I. Organizing the class

Greetings between the teacher and the students.

II. Revision

Get the students to talk about the reasons why or why not? Help them answer the questions with either. . . or. . . ; neither. . . nor. . . .

III. Presentation

T: Get the students to say the words about all kinds of drinks and invite one student to write them on the blackboard.

Drinks: cold/hot/soft drink, milk, tea, coffee, juice/apple juice/orange juice. . .

IV. Practice

  T: If you are sure the students master them all, you can get several pairs to come to the front to practise the dialogues.

  For example: Meeting at home or somewhere else.

V. Learn Part 1

  T: Get the students to listen to the tape. Answer the following questions.

  1. Where are they?

  2. Who are they?

  3. What kind?

  4. Who would like tea?

  5. Is there any milk or sugar in it?

  6. Who likes Chinese tea without anything in it?

  7. And who’s going to have something English?

  8. What’s Ann’s favourite?

  9. Is that a take-away food?

  10. Who invites them to have some apple pies?


  1. At Ann’s house. 2. Ann, Ann’s mother and Chen. 3. Friends’ meet. 4. Chen. 5. No, she likes nothing in the tea. 6. Chen does.  7. Ann is. 8. Fish and chips. 9. It’s not take-away food.          It’s just home cooking.   10. Mum does. But Chen is already full.

T: Learn language focus:

1. much: a lot (of)

  (1) much + adj. ( comparative degree )

  much better: Chinese dumplings are much better than Italian pizzas.

  much more: Julia is much more beautiful than Rosie.

  much taller: Teacher Su is much taller than Rosie.

  (2) much too+ adj.

    He is much too tall.

  (3) too much+ n. (uncountable noun)

     The rich have too much money.

  (4) much = a lot

     Thank you very much. = Thanks a lot.

 2. next time

   (When this phrase appears in the sentence. We should use comparative degree. )

   (1) We have to come here earlier next time.

 (2) Be more careful next time.

VI. Practice

T: Get the students to form into several groups. Let them play the roles  they like.

1.Learn Part 2 and Part 3

T: Get the students to listen to the tape again and give the students several minutes to practise questioning about it.

    T: And then show the picture on the blackboard. Ask them: Where they are? /What they are doing and who is standing? /What’s in the waiter’s hand or what’s in the right or in the left hand? /What’s hung on the waiter’s left aim, and what’s in Linda’s friend’s hands? Get them to use these words without hesitation. Let them listen to the tape.

    T: Pair work. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues.

II. Exercises in class

  1. Revise the rules concerning double letters in comparative degree

   (1) big —bigger

      —This one is too small. Give me a bigger one.

   (2) wet—wetter

      —It’s wetter today than it was yesterday.

   (3) red—redder

      —This rose is much redder.

  2. something new    something old     something important    something interesting

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of words in the box.

   clean, with, bore, cry, well

 (1) He often helps her _________ her English.

 (2)This dish tastes________.

 (3) The students in Class I often keep the room________.

 (4) We felt _________ with it.

 (5)He can make me________.

Keys: (1) with (2)good  (3)clean  (4)bored  (5)cry

IX. Homework

1. Review the content in this lesson.

2. Go over the checkpoint of this unit.

X. Summary

1. Do exercises on page 64, page 65, page 66.

2. Language points exercises

  (1)either. . .or. ..(起连词作用,“或者……或者”)

  (2)neither.. .nor...(既不……也不……)

Complete the sentences with either. . . or. . . or neither. . . nor. . .

Part 1-2 练习

(1) One of them will have to go, _________ Mary _________ Tom.

(2) _________ the shirts_________ the sweater is clean.

(3) I know that _________ you _________ your father has a copy.

(4) They have _________ money _________ food.

(5) There is _________ hot spring _________ running water.

Keys: 1.either, or  2.Neither, nor  3.either, or  4.neither, nor  5.neither, nor

XI. Writing on blackboard

Lesson 60

 Useful phrases

 1. with sugar and milk                      2. without anything = with nothing

 3. take a seat                              4. something English

 5.take-away food                          6. home cooking

 7. much nicer                             8. in the open air

 9. some apple pies                         10. a table for two

 11. sit at the-table                         12. by the window

 13. be famous for                         14. agree with sb.

 15. agree to one’s plan                     


下学期 Unit 15 What do people eat
