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What a good, kind girl! Lesson 63

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What a good, kind girl! Lesson 63

Lesson 63

Period: The third period

Properties: Pictures, Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

Teaching Objectives: To master the words of thinking when people are not sure.

Language Focus: It may be in…, So it is, the key to the door, help sb. do sth.

Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ. Organizing the class

T: Cood morning, class!

Ss: Good morning, teacher!

T: Sit down, please. Who’s on duty today?

Ⅱ. Revision

T: Get the students to listen to the tape or read by the teacher.

(Tape) Dad: Where are my glasses, Sue? Are they over there?

Sue: Where? Dad?

D: There! Near that box.

S: But they aren’t here, Dad.

D: But they aren’t under the newspaper.

S: Dad, perhaps they are in your pocket.

D: So they are. How silly of me!

T: Invite two students act the scene. One plays part of Father, the other one plays the part of Sue.

Ⅲ. Presentation

Show the picture the blackboard. Practise questioning about on Page8.

1.Where are they?—Library.

2. Who are they?—Maybe one is a student, the other is an assistant who works in the library.

3. Where can’t he find?—He can’t find his geography book.

4. Where is it ?—It may be in his bag.

5. Did he find it at last?—Yes.

6. What’s his response?—Ah, so it is.

Ⅳ. Practise

T: You can get them to practise speaking in another way. The student can’t find the library card, Start this dialogue with this reason.

A: What can I do for you?

B: I want to borrow some books.

But I can’t find my library card.

A: It may be in your inside pocket.

B: Ah, so it is.

Ⅴ. Learn Part 1

T: Encourage the students to imagine what words they can talk. Two in pairs work on the 2rd Picture and the 3rd Picture.

For example; 1.Picture 2.

A: Excuse me, how much can I pay?

B: $50, please.

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you. Here is your change.

A: Bye.

B: Bye-bye!

2. Picture 3.

A: What are you doing, Dad?

B: I’m making some cakes for breakfast.

A: Let me help you, dad.

B: You can cut the cake.

A; All right.

Ⅵ. Learn Part 2

T: Give prompts on the blackboard. Get them to practise the dialogue with them.

Teach the words “find” and tell the difference between “find” and “look for”. One emphasize the action, the other one emphasize the result.

For example:

1. I lost my key. I can’t find it.

2. Just now looked for it, but I couldn’t find it.

Ⅶ. Learn Part 3

T: Ask the students they are going to do next day. One student comes to the front to write them out on the blackboard.

Such as: help sb. do sth.

help sb. with sth.

watch TV

play basketball/football

go fishing/travelling…

T: Give the class a few minutes to practise the dialogues Future Tense: “be going to do”. And then you ask the students, what’s your response if you are not sure? Get the students to know when to use the word “may”.

Get one student to stand up.

T: What are you going to do tomorrow?

S: I’m not sure.

I may go to the library to borrow some books.

T: When the class understand what you mean, get them to practise the dialogue in Part3.

T: Learn language points:

help sb.do(美国人不加to时较多)

help to do

help sb, with sth.

1.I can’t make you happy myself, but I can help another man to do it.

2.I’ll help you solve it .

3.She helped to organize the women for singing.

4.She helped him with his English..

watch it a play on TV

see a film in the theatre

look at the birds in the sky

notice sb. Enter the room

show sb. a book/a photo

You can write the phrases above on blackboard. Make the students understand what’s the difference among them.

Ⅷ. Exercises in class

1.help oneself to…是“自己取食”的意思

Mary ,help yourself to some fish.

2.can’t help doing…意思是“忍不住”。

I can’t help crying.

3.with the help…意思是“在……帮助下”。

I’m examining it carefully with the help of the doctor.

Ⅸ. Homework

1. Look up the modal verb “may”.

2. Make sentences wish “may”.

3. Do exercises on page 69.

Ⅹ. Summary

may: used to indicate possibility or probability.用于表示“可能”“或许”

1. May I come in?

2. May I make a suggestion?

3. You may have a chance.

4. You may leave now.

Ⅺ. Writing on blackboard

Lesson 631. Can/May I…? 2. A: I can’t find…

B: It may be in/on…

A: Ah, so it is.

3. What are you going to do…?

Is he/she going to do…?

Are they going to do…?

not sure.may

What a good, kind girl! Lesson 63
