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unin11 The merchant of Venice教学目标

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unin11 The merchant of Venice教学目标


1.重点词汇、短语、句型结构1 )greedy, mercy, desire, trial, bless2) be in love with, on condition, scold sb. for sth., have mercy on, read out, take. . . in one s arms, at the mercy of, play the role of, be seated, take pride in, do the deed3)1 never knew so young a lady with so wise a head.2.课文掌握程度通过对本单元的学习,了解正义终究会战胜邪恶,同时应了解到友情、亲情是取得成功的必要保障。3.重点语法复习不定式的用法





3. 认真学习本单元中所呈现的一些简洁而富有感染力的表达。

教学教法:本单元是一个戏剧单元,全单元以莎士比亚的戏剧A merchant of Venice 为线索贯穿始终。所以对于教师而言,应当打破平时的教学模式,在学习方法上和教学方法上都应当区别于以前。在听说方面则可以不必拘泥于从前的固有模式。可以找一些有关莎士比亚的A merchant of Venice 的影像带在课堂上进行放映,以给学生更为直观的感觉。以加强学生对于这篇戏剧的理解程度。看完后,应当组织学生进行讨论。先是小组讨论接着便是全班的小组间的交流。


1.动词不定式的一般式由to + 动词原形构成,表示的动作与谓语表示的动作同时或之后发生。用法见本单元【知识扩展】1.

2.动词不定式的进行式由 to be + 动词的-ing形式构成,表示谓语的动作发生时,不定式的动作正在进行。主要用来构成复合谓语、复合宾语,在某些动词后作宾语,间或作状语、主语等。如:

Some people in the crowd seemed to be fighting.人群中有几人似乎在打架。

We didn’t expect you to be waiting for us here.我们没想到你在这儿等我们。

He pretended to be working hard.他假装在努力工作。

I am glad to be working with you.我很高兴和你在一起工作。

3.动词不定式的完成式由 to have + 过去分词构成,表示的动作在渭语所表示的动作之前发生。常在句中构成复合谓语,在某些动词后作宾语,在某些形容词后作状语,间或作主语、定语等。如:

Bill is said never to have been to China.据说比尔从未去过中国。

I am sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了。

I meant to have told you about it, but I forgot to do so. 我本想告诉你的,但我忘记了。

It was a great satisfaction to have revisited our native village.重访家乡是非常愉快的事。

4.动词不定式的被动形式,如果动词不定式的逻辑主语是不定式表示的动作的承受者而非发出者,就要用动词不定式的被动形式。一般式的被动式由to be + 过去分词构成,完成式的被动式由to have been + 过去分词构成。如:

The man went into the room to be questioned.男人进房间受到审间。

It is an honour for me to be asked to the speak here. 我很荣幸被邀在这里讲话。

He was glad to have been invited to the party.他很高兴被邀请参加聚会。

He preferred to be assigned some heavier work to do.他宁愿分给自己更重的工作。


1.如何“拥有”own, have, hold, there be own着重合乎法律的拥有,强调所有权。如:

Mr. White owns three companies.   怀特先生拥有三家公司。

Who owns this house?   这栋房子属谁所有?


This jacket has two pockets.   这件上衣有两个口袋。

She has blue eyes.   她有一双蓝眼睛。


Jack holds an American passport.   杰克持有美国护照。

They hold some property in the countryside.   他们在乡下有些财产。

there be表示“存在情况”的“有”。如:

There is a party on Saturday evenings.   每逢周六晚都要举行一次晚会。

There used to be a shop at the end of the street.   过去街口有家商店。

2. most, almost, mostly 用法比较



This is a most useful book.    这是一本很有用的书。

It’s most dangerous to play with fire.    火是很危险的。

almost = very nearly。指在程度上相差很少,almost可与no,none,nothing,never,nobody等表示否定意义的词连用。如:

I almost missed the flight.    我差一点误了航班。

Almost no one believed what he said.    几乎没人相信他的话。


The students in our class are mostly from the factory.  我们班的学生主要来自这家工厂。

His stories were mostly about his travels in foreign countries.



wake up比较口语化,=awake。但awake则正式一些。如:

Father usually wakes up early.父亲通常醒得早。

I usually wake up/ awake at 6:20.      我通常在六点二十分醒来。

wake…up常用作wake sb.up“唤醒(某人)”=awake。如:

      Please wake him up. It’s six o clock now.已经六点了,请叫醒他。

      The baby is asleep. Don’t wake him up.  小孩正在睡觉,不要弄醒他。


      I wonder whether he is asleep or awake.  我不知道他是睡着了还是醒着。

      He is lying awake in bed thinking of his job.   他醒着躺在床上,考虑他的工作。

      4.beat, win, defeat 用法比较

      beat vt.打败,打垮。指战胜或打垮与其比赛、战斗或辩论的对手。

      Our football team beat theirs yesterday.  昨天我们的足球队赢了他们的。

      I beat John at chess yesterday. 昨天我和约翰下棋,赢了他。

      win vt.& vi.赢,战胜。后面可以接比赛、辩论,战斗、奖品、钱等。如:

      Their school won the match.      他们学校赢了这场比赛。

      I think Jack will win the race.      我认为杰克在这场赛跑中会赢。

      defeat vt.可表示“在比赛中击败”对手,也可指“在战争、竞争中击败”对手。如:

Class Two defeated/beat Class Three in the basketball match.二班在篮球赛中赢了三班。

He was defeated in the election. 他在选举中被击败。

They defeated their enemy. 他们战胜了敌人。

5.desire(vi, )意为渴望;要求;期望。后面可接名词(或代词)、动词不定式以及从句作宾语,也可接复合宾语。如:

Many people desire better working conditions and more education for their children.许多人期望良好的工作条件,让孩子们受到更多教育。

We always desire to live in peace with our neighbours.我们一贯渴望和邻国和平相处。

The Queen desires that you(should)come at once.女王希望你马上来。

What do you desire me to do?你希望我做什么?


I haven’t the slightest desire to talk to him.我一点也不愿和他交谈。

He told us of his desire for success.他向我们讲述对成功的期望。

At the desire of the Director, Mr Li will give a special lecture tomorrow.



Your kindness has given me much comfort.你的善行给我很大安慰。

As he got older,he became more and more fond of comfort.他年老时,越来越喜欢舒适。


Her mother’s words of love and help comforted the sobbing child.妈妈充满帮助心和爱心的话使哭泣的孩子得到安慰。

I had to comfort her,“It’s human to make mistakes.”我只得安慰她说:“人总是会犯错误的。


解析: learned 是个形容词,意思是“有才华的”,“ 博学的”,在用做过去式和过去分词时,采用learnt。       

例如: The teacher is a learned man.   


A learned professor is writing a book about it. 


He has learnt English for more than ten years,but he can’t speak English fluently.



解析: bitter在本课是“厉害的”,“怀恨的”的意思,这个词还作“苦味的”,“严酷的”,“强烈的”的意思。

例如: bitter pills 苦药片;bitter memories辛酸的记忆;

bitter winter严寒的冬天; bitter argument激烈的争论。

9.be seated

解析: seat是及物动词,主语是地點或地方,人作宾语,因此人作主语時,常用 be seated结构; seat还可以作名词用,意思是 “座位”;要分清seat与 sit, 后者是不及物动词,人作主语,地点作状语。

例如:Please be seated.  请坐。

He sat there, looking very calm. 他坐在那儿,看起来很平静。

辨析 wish, want, long for和desire:



We wish the work complete, but it wasn’t. 我们希望完工,可是还没完。


I want these letters to be stamped and mailed at once. 我要把这些信件粘上邮票并立即付邮。

long for表示强烈希望,经常是指难达到或者不存在的某种东西,带有感情色彩。

It has rained for five weeks in succession, so we are longing for some sunshine.



The queen desires that you should come at once. 女王要你立刻前来。

He desires for reading. 他渴望读书。

2.辨析  make a promise, consent 与permit;


make a promise常常是积极、主动自己约定的。

He has made a promise to give a performance.他许诺作一次表演。


Anne’s father consented to her marrying a foreigner.安妮的父亲允许她嫁给外国人。

permit表示允许他人干某事。如:Circumstances don’t permit me to help you. 情况不许可我帮助你。

3.辨析comfort 与console:



I don’t know how to comfort her. 我不知道怎样安慰她才好。


Our music consoled the widow. 我们的音乐使那寡妇得到安慰。

The music consoled the broken-hearted girl. 音乐安慰了这伤心欲绝的女孩。

4. 辨析at sea, in the sea, on the sea, by sea

at sea 意为“在海上”,“在航海中”,或“茫然不知所措”;in the sea意为“在海里”;on the sea意为“在海面上”;by sea意味“乘船”,“走海路”。如:

He was born at sea. 她是在海上出生的。

I was at sea when I began my new job.


Dare you swim in the sea? 你敢在海里游泳吗?

They had a good time when they sailed on the Mediterranean Sea.


We are planning to go to new York by sea.


unin11 The merchant of Venice教学目标
