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unin9 Gymnastics教学

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unin9 Gymnastics教学



Good morning, class. Now please open your book to page51,and look at the pictures please.(or the teacher can show some pictures on gymnastics.)Who can tell me how we call these sports?(answer:gymnastics).And who can tell me the English sport name for each picture.(picture1:on the high bar; picture2:on the double bars; picture3:on the beam;pommel horse,and beam).What other sports names do you know?

Step2: Fast reading:

I.Search for answer within 2 minutes:

1.What is important to become a top gymnast?

2.Do women performe on the rings?

II.Reading comprehension:(open your book to page178 and answer the questions within 7minutes.)

Step3:Language study:

I:Fill in blanks without looking at your books.(Ask the Ss to read the text in details and pay special attention to the key words or phrases.Then close their books and fill in blanks.)

1)      One of the aims is to make the body stronger for jumps and turns and for movements of balance. It also helps your body bend forwards, backwards and sideways, and improves the way you hold your body.In competitions women perform some of their exercises to music, so dance,gymnastics and music are all connected.

2)      Some pieces of equipment,for example the rings,require great physical strength and boys need to develop their bodies fully before attempting such difficult exercises.

II:Learn the words through the context:

1)      Gymnasts have to show that they can move neatly and easily, hold a position steady, keep their balance while doing a handstand, and jump both forwards and backwards.

A.neatly:having a pleasing shape or appearance,“干净利落。”

Our bedroom is seldom in a mess.It’s always neat.(of things arrange in an orderly way.)

B.steady:firmly fixed,suppored or balanced;not shaking,rocking or likely to fall over.

Hold the ladder steady.

She was trembling with excitiment but her voice was steady.

2)      Wear tight clothing without collars or belts so that it doesn’t catch on any of the equipment.

A..tight:fitting closely.紧密结合的。

a tight ship------ a ship that does not leak (不漏水的船)

These shoes are too tight for me.(这双鞋我穿得太紧)

a tight race, match.(势均力敌的比赛)

B.catch on: become fixed,stuck or entangled in or on sth.(使某物)卡住,钩住,缠住,绊住,夹住或挂住某物:

Her dress caught on a nail.(钉子) 

He caught his foot on a tree root and stumbled.他一只脚被树根绊住而跌跤了。

Step3:Group work(Dive the class into several groups and each prepares a topic, and then give them some time to prepare and report without looking anything. Make sure each St in the group take part in the report.)

Step4:summary:Write a summary about the gymnastics.



I.Listening:(ask the Ss to listen to three times and fill in blanks.)

Life of an athleteA sports journalist (J)is interviewing an athlete(A) who is from Kenya two days after he won the London marathon.

J:Congratulations on your success in the marathon! Are you pleased with your performane?

A: Yes,very.It was my new record and it was also quite a windy day, so I think I did very well.

J:Could you tell me about your early days in Kenya?When did you first start running?

A:My brother and I used to run to shool every day. We lived about ten miles from the nearest primary school and as it would have taken too long to walk, we used to run there and back.that was twenty miles every day!When I went to secondary school(中学)I used to join in a lot of competitions,mainly middle and long distance races.I think I won every race I took part in !

J:What is the secret of your success?

A:First, I lead a very healthy life. I’ve never smoked or drunk and I eat huge quantities of fruit. We’ve got plenty of that in Kenya. Next,train high up where the air is thinner. I live and run in the hills which are about 3,000 mertres high. I left Kenya just two days before the marathon. So when I ran the race at sea level, my body had all this extra energy to help it run faster!

J: what are your future plans?

A:I want to run in the Olympics next year. I hope I’ll be chosen for our national team,so I’m going to plan a hard training programme.

J:Is it a hard life, being a long-distance runner?

A: where we live we have some of the most beautiful countryside in the world. It’s a pleasure just to run over these hills. It may sound hard to you, but for me running is as natural as breathing.



Fred Mundy enjoyed life. He loved adventure and the great outdoors, especially riding his motorcycle.

One day, Fred decided to  31  a motorcycle race. The race was to be run on a dangerous course through 150 miles of rough  32  Fred was a proud man, he wanted to  33  the race. So, to save energy, he only took along a small   34  of water, some apples, and a few pieces of read.

The race began. Fred got off to a good   35   . But somewhere along the way, he made a   36   turn. He became lost in a wilderness of sand and rock-a lonely place   37  the temperature can   38  top 40 degrees centigrade!

A   39   party was organized, and planes were brought in. Soon the searchers began   40  something; Fred s motorcycle, foot prints in the sand, even his empty can.  41 they couldn’t find Fred.

The searchers could not   42   this. Why didn’t Fred try to signal (发信号) the airplanes above? Why didn’t he   43  marks for the searchers to follow? It was almost as if he didn’t   44 to be found. Twelve days after the race, the searchers found Fred’s body - And near it, they found his bright orange helmet (头盔)   45  under a small bush(树丛) . It seemed to be hidden so that  46  couldn’t be seen from the air.

Perhaps the searchers were right. Maybe Fred   47   want to be found. Why? Because he was a  48  man. He was trying to find his  49   way out of the desert. But he never  50   it. Fred Mundy had lost his race with time.

31.  A. enter         B. watch     C. help        D organize

[解析]enter有“参加”之意。B、C、D三项意思不符合题意。     答案:A

32. A. forest          B. meadow    C. desert     D. country

[解析]据前文所叙,应该是发生在沙漠荒地。     答案:C

33. A. defeat         B. enjoy    C. improve      D. win    答案:D

34. A. bottle             B. can     C. cup               D. mouthful

[解析]can 在此为名词,意为“罐”。    答案B

35. A. way      B. speed   C. position      D. start   答案:D

36. A. skillful            B. difficult   C. wrong             D. dangerous

[解析]后面说他迷路了,是由于这里拐弯出了差错。故应填C项。   答案:C

37. A. that       B. where   C. whose      D. when   答案:B

38. A. easily     B. hardly   C. mainly      D. fully



39. A. race         B. helping    C. search      D. saving

[解析]从下文中searchers可推出此空应填C项。    答案:C

40. A. watching     B. collecting    C. recognizing   D. finding    答案:D

41. A. Instead     B. But    C. Besides            D. And    答案:B

42. A. guess      B. judge    C. understand        D. prove

[解析]this指后面要提到的一系列问题,所以此空填C项。     答案:C

43. A. write      B. make    C. keep       D. leave

[解析] leave marks意为“留下标记”。     答案:D

44. A. want      B. ask     C. allow       D. agree答案:A

45. A. lost       B. buried     C. hidden     D. hung   答案:B

46. A. it       B. searchers     C. planes     D. he

[解析]指头盔。头盔是bright orange(鲜桔红色),如果不是有意藏起来,飞机是可以发现的。所以这里应该填A项(it),而不填D项(he)。     答案:A

47. A. didn’t     B. mustn’t     C. couldn’t    D. shouldn’t     答案:A

48. A. proud     B. stupid      C. strong      D. strange

[解析]A项(proud)与前面第三段第一句相符。      答案:A

49.A. only      B. lost     C. lonely         D. own答案:D

50. A. had       B. made C. won       D. did [解析] it指his way. 答案:

unin9 Gymnastics教学
