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my classroom第三册

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my classroom(第三册)

Unit 1 my classroom

第一课时  Part A Let’s learn & Let’s so

l       AIMS

1.        Follow teacher’s orders , point to the things in the classroom

2.        Can say  read &learn the words”window  light  board  picture  door  classroom” & the sentense “what’s in the classroom?”

3.        can do &say “let’s so ” .understand the meaning of eevery action.

4.        Improve the cooperation between Ss during the class.


1.       The pictures about the things in the classroom.

2.       Tape


warm up

1.       greeting

T: Hello,boys and girls. I’m your new English teacher. You can call me Miss Xu .I’m very glad to see you all. What about you ?Are you happy to see me ?

Ss: Yes.

T: ok ,class begins.good afternoon children.

Ss: good afternoon, Miss xu.

2.       Listen to a song

T:  ok,today I bring a song as a present for you . would you like to listen to it?

Ss: Yes.

T:  Ok ,Let’s go!

(在欣赏歌曲in the classroom 时,教师边拿图片边轻轻亨唱,当唱到“classroom”这个词时,教师高举图片)

l       New words

1.       T: do you like this song ?”in the classroom”(出示图片)

Ss: Yes.

T :oh, I’m so happy to hear that!  Ok ,read after me .

Practise “classroom”(全班齐跟读---单人小火车---开小组火车---全班)

2. T: You all do very good job!

      Look,look,look,look around! What can you see in our classroom?

    S1 : door

    T: wow, You are so clever!(出示图片)

    Practise “door”

    T: S1 ,can you help me open the door

    S1 do

    T : Thank you very much!

   Practise “open the door”(边做边说)

   以chant的形式来说”door  door  open the door”

3. 其他单词的学习基本上同“door”的学习

4. Play a game



5. T: ok, look,what’s in the classroom?


  T: now , who can ask me “what’s  in the classroom?”

  S1: what’s in the classroom?

  T: A board ….(多问几个学生)

  Work in pairs


6. play a game “I say  you point&say

l       let’s do together

T: Let’s do together, all the student, stand up

  Follow the music.


l       homework

    1. read “let’s learn   let’s do ” 5 times


my classroom第三册
