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A: aims

1. Talk about past experiences,

2. Describe people, things, events and people’s feelings,

3. Review the attributive clause and learn to use relative pronouns who, whom, whose, which and that,

4. Organise ideas in a text using First, Next, Then, Finally, and

5. Write about an unforgettable experience.

B: Difficult points and baffling questions

1. The uses of the relative pronoun: who, whom, whose, which and that,

2. Some language points in the unit,

3. How to organize ideas by using First, Next, Then and Finally, and

4. Writing speed

C: Steps (6 periods)

Ⅰ.The first period

  1. Warming up

     T: We have four pictures and some clues here. Do you know them? Now talk about the four pictures, using the attributive clause.

       When we talk about people we use who, whom or whose in the attributive clause, while which /that refers to things in the attributive clause


     T: Why are these persons or things/events unforgettable?


     T: Who’d like to introduce some other persons or events or inventions?


   2. Listening

     T: We’re going to listen to a man who survived the 1989 earthquake in San Francisco, U.S.A. Now read through the exercises, listen to the tape (twice) , just grasp the points to the questions, and complete the exercises.

          After that, check the answers by the students telling their answers and then listen a third time.

       T: Now let’s come to the listening on Page 103. We’re going to listen to a dialogue. There’re some people talking about four people at a party. What are they talking about? Their names, their jobs, their places, their age and their looks. So you should just grasp the description. Also we play the tape twice. In order to check your answers, we’re going to play a third time.

     3. Homework

       1. Write about an unforgettable thing/event within 50 words, using attributive clauses.

       2. Practice the 4 pictures on Page 22.  

 Ⅱ. The second period

    Speaking. We have two kinds of speaking exercise here.

    1. Speaking on page 23

      We have a sample dialogue and three pictures under it. So we can work in pairs/ groups, to look at the pictures and to create a new dialogue for each picture. In the dialogue you must express your worries, fears and difficulties, using the useful expressions in the box on page 24.

      After that, some pairs/groups will act their dialogue out

    2. Talking on page 103

      This is a role play. There’re two persons. One plays the person who discovered the important old tomb, the other plays a scientist from Beijing.

      On page 104, we have some useful expressions to help you make up the dialogue. You’re asked to use “First, Next, Then and Finally”.

      After the students are ready with their dialogue, some pairs/groups will act out their dialogue.

    3. Homework

      1. Practice the dialogue according to the pictures on page 23.

      2. Disaster pictures collected for a show.

Ⅲ. The third and the fourth periods

   Reading passage 1

   1. Pre-reading

     T: What kind of natural disasters do you know about?


     T: Have you had/experienced one of them?


     T: Describe what it was like and how you felt, using First…, Next…, Then…, and Finally. You can imagine it if you have never met with one.


   2. Reading

     T: Now let’s come to the reading passage. Read in a low voice while listening to the tape.

       Now tell me what the text is about.

     S: (about flood and the fact that people in danger were rescued)

     T: How did the character feel?

     S: (Amazement and wonder→alarm→fear→panic)

Para 1        Para 1-Para 2  Para 3 Para 5

T: Will you have a try and find out some sentences that have metaphorical words in them?

S: (see pages 24-25, 6 places or so)

3. Post-reading

T: Now let’s come to some exercises about the reading material. Exercises on page 25.


T: Now try to tell the story in your own words in brief,  using First…, Next…, Then…,and Finally…

4. Homework

1. Tell the story in your own words, by using First…, Next…, Then…, and Finally…,

2. Ex.1 Vocabulary on page 104.

     Reading passage 2

5. Check their homework

One student tells the story and then some of the students read the sentences in Ex.1, Vocabulary on page 104.

6. Now let’s come to the text. I’m going to explain to you some difficult sentences (see pages 24-25), some useful phrases and words.


I heard them singing that song in English.

The boy saw his classmates playing football.

  Try to find some more verbs that can take an v-ing.

②drag: pull sth./ sb. along the ground because they are too heavy to carry

Little Jerry dragged the table/her father/into the kitchen.

  Pull: use your hand to make sth move towards you or in the direction that you’re moving

 v. Help me move the piano; you push and I’ll pull.

He pulled his brother out of bed.

n. the pull of the moon

③seize: take hold of sth. suddenly and violently

He seized my hand and dragged me away

seize power/an opportunity/ a chance  of v-ing


④strike  struck, struck

  A ball struck me (on the back of the head).

  She struck a match.

  The clock began to strike 12.

  The workers are striking for…

  The disease struck (the city).

⑤destroy  destroyed, destroyed, destroying

damage sth. so badly that it can’t be repaired or so that it no longer exists

The school was completely destroyed by fire.

⑥struggle: try extremely hard to achieve sth. even though it is very difficult and you have a lot of problems

  The child struggled in the water.

He struggled along the road home.

⑦There’s some useful phrases in the text. Just learn then by heart.

fight for/against/with…

hold onto sb./sth.

get on one’s feet

look out of…/into…/at…/round

sweep away

be upon sb./sth.

fall/go /swallow/ sweep sb./sth down

pull sb./sth. up

move/run up

move up and down…

⑧5 v-ing forms as adverbials (see pages 24-25)

7. Homework

Ex in Word study on page 26 and translation on pages 104-105.

Ⅳ. The fifth period

   Grammar: The Attributive Clause (1)

   1. Introduction

   T: A sentence with an attributive clause is a combination of two shorter sentences. In an attributive clause, we must use  conjunctions : Relative pronouns who / whom / whose / that. Read the sentences in the box on page 26 and tell the two apart.

In what situation, these conjunctions are used?

       2. Practice

       T: Now 5 minutes for the students to do Ex1-2 on pages 26-27. And then Ex 1 on page 105 in class.

         Then the students tell the answers one by one. During the teaching, we are going to lay stress on the structure and the uses of the relative pronouns.

         Now make some other sentences with attributive clauses.

        3. Homework

          Ex. 2 on page 105

   V. The sixth period

     Integrating skills

     1. Reading passage on page 27

       First the students circle the relative pronouns “who, whose, which and that”, and the linking words “and, but” while reading the passage.

      Next they write sentences about their unforgettable experience by answering the questions on page 28.

      Then they should try to use attributive clauses and linking words “and, but”.

      Finally some of the students read out their passages and their classmates will make comments on their passages.

    2. Reading passage on page 106

      After reading, the students should understand the text, correctly, complete the exercises after the text, have a clear knowledge of the damage of an earthquake and gain the ability to write a short passage about an earthquake by using some relative pronouns ,linking words: First, Next, Then and Finally. Also there’re some questions on page 108 for the students to refer to.

    3. Assessing

      The students do it by themselves after class.

    4. Homework

      1. Writing on page 108.

      2. Read the new words in Unit 3

