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第二册 unit1

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第二册 unit1

Unit one   My Age



Aims:                      Use simple expressions and structures to interact with others.

Ask questions to find out information                

Use English to communicate with others when playing games

Use proper pronunciation and intonation

Contents:               How to ask others age and how to answer it How to ask others age and how to answer it

Focus:                    How old are you? I am ……

Difficult points  How old are you? I am…

Aids:                      Songs, games, pictures,  mult-media,and slide show


The First Lesson


Contents:              Know each other

Focus:                   Introduce each other

Aids:                     Songs and games




Greeting with simple sentences

Such as “Good morning!”,“How are you?”




1.         Introduce each other.


2.     Tell pupils what my name is and ask them “What is your name?”

Then tell them that how to write their names in English. And ask them to write the names on the board.


3.         Say sth about my requests in my future class. Such as “Sit down, please!”                “Listen to me.” Stand up!” “ Open your book, and turn to page three.” And so





Ask the pupils what English songs they have learned, and ask some of them to present, and the teacher writes out what they sang.


Ⅳ.Sum up


Every group count numbers from the first pupil to the end. Teacher first will praise the group, which finished the task.


Ⅴ.Saying goodbye


The Second Lesson


Aims:                     Use simple English to communicate   with others

Contents:                Can I help you? Yes, please. / No, thanks.

Focus:                    The ask and answer of help sb

Difficult points  Can I help you? Yes, please. / No,   thanks.

Aids:                      Cards, pictures, games and songs




The teacher pretends to be an old woman, then let the pupils guess what is wrong with the teacher in order to bring out “Oh, I am old.” Then point to the pupils and say, “You are young”.




1.      Draw two large old and young faces on the board, and ask, “what is this?” in order to bring out “an old women ”and “a young girl”. Then add the names Ann and Lily.


2.      Show the pictures around the class, and tell them “I am Ann, and I am old.” “ I am Lily, and I am young.”




old ,    old,               I am old.

Young, young,        I am young.

Old,    old ,             you are old.

Young, young ,      you are young.




   Ask a student to move a desk or act an old man, then the teacher says” Can I help you?” then change the roller, and the teacher says” Yes, please”, or” No, thank you!”




When the first pupil says, ”Can I help you?” the second pupil should says ”Yes, please.” and then says, ”Can I help you?”        to the third pupil and so on. Teacher times.  Team will win     which expenses the least time.




Copy page one and two of the Copy Book.


Ⅶ.Saying goodbye.


The Third Lesson


Aims:               Learn how to use” How old are you?” to ask age.

                        Tell what the pupils should do and what they should not do in such age.        

Contents:        How old are you?  I am…

Focus:                    How old are you? I am…

Difficult points:  The structure of” How old are you? ”. And the numbers of age

Aids:              Games, songs, cards and pictures


Ⅰ. Warm-up


1.  Greeting and sing a song of

“Can I help you, can I help you,

 Yes please, yes please.

I am old, I am old,

You are young, you are young.”

2.  Revision of “old” and “young”




  1.  Draw a birthday cake and some candles on it, then ask, ” How old are you?” ---I am … and revise the numbers.

3.  Teacher walks around the class and asks, “How old are you?” then the pupils write the answers on the board.




      Everyone makes a small name card and stand in a line. Tell them there is a children  club will open. At the door, teacher asks ”How old are you?” the pupils above seven can come, or they will be stopped.




There are eight groups, when the first pupils say, “How old are you?” the second should answer at once, and the third also say “How old are you?” again, and the fourth answers again, and so on.




Get the pupils to tell their ages. Ask those who are, for example, eight, to stand up. Ask them “how old are you?” encourage them to reply in chorus “I am eight.”


Ⅵ.Sum up



The Fourth Lesson



Aims:                      Learn to use “How old are you?” in life.

Focus:                     How old are you? I am…

Difficult points:  Sorry, know

Aids:                      a poster, cassette, cards, pictures   


Ⅰ. Warm-up


Greeting and revision

1.  Create a scene to make pupils say,  “Can I help you?”

2.  Ask the pupils “how old are you?” one by one.




1.    Listen to the tape

(1). Play the cassette for the pupils to listen to the part B first, and then fill in the blank of picture 3 and picture 4.

(2). Play the cassette again, and the pupils read after it for three times in order to correct their pronunciation.

2.  Show a poster to the class, and point to the poster at the entrance to show that is a zoo. Point to the sign that shows you must be over eight years old to enter.

3.     Let the pupils think of it for several minutes and prepare for action.




Ask some groups of pupils to act the story.

Then the pupils who are under eight years old will pretend to be older in order to enter.


.Sum up


Sum up the content that this lesson they have learned.


Ⅴ.Saying goodbye



The Fifth Lesson



Aims:                      Strengthen the memory of “I am young.” “I am old.” “Can I help you?”  “Yes, please.” “No, thanks.” And “How old are you?”  “I am…”


Difficult points“I am young.” “I am old.” “Can I help you?”  “Yes, please.” “No, thanks.” And “How old are you?”  “I am…”

Aids:                       pictures, games, songs and CT


Ⅰ. Warm-up


1.           Greeting and songs

2.           Revision of

“I am old.”

“I am young.”

   “Can I help you?”

    “Yes, please.” or “No, thanks.”

       “How old are you?”  “I am…”




1.    Revise the numbers one to ten by numbering the pupils, then count to ten, when you count, the pupils labeled should stand up and say that number.

2.      Tell the pupils, “Now, it is the first day of the children club opening to outside, all of you who are above six years old can enter, or you will be stopped.




1.         Listen to the tape, and then the pupils read after it for two times.

2.         Act. Hand out the word cards that can be formed one or two sentences in groups.


.Sum up


Each group sends a pupil to tell teacher what they have learned. Just one and two sentences or several words are OK.


Ⅴ.Saying goodbye



The Sixth Lesson


Aims:     -How old are you?

-I am…

Know the pronunciation of “ee”


Difficult pointsThe pronunciation of “ee”

Aids:                     Cassette, songs and games     


   Ⅰ. Warm-up


Greeting and revision.

 Ask some pupils to act the story that they have practiced yesterday.




1.     Tell the pupils “Now, today is your birthday. You are            seven!” then draw a big birthday cake and seven candles on it and ask them, “How old are you?” then change the numbers of the candles and ask them again.

2.        Take out a green thing and ask, “do you know what color is it?” at this time, revise the colors.

3.         Then introduce the words “green”----“ee”----“green”----“lychee”----“tree”

4.    Then draw a big lychee tree on the board.


Ⅲ.Sing a song


1.  Listen to the tape and sing the song after it.

2.    Then use different words instead of it.

3.    Have a competition between groups or between boys and girls. The winner will be praised.


.Sum up


Each group sends a pupil to tell teacher what they have learned. Just one and two sentences or several words are OK.


Ⅴ.Saying goodbye



The Seventh Lesson



Aims:                     Listen to the tape and finish the unit 1 of the workbook

Difficult points:    How to do the listening practice.

Aids:                     Cassette


   Ⅰ. Warm-up


Greeting and sing a song




Part 1:

 Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and tick the correct answers.

The answers:

1,    Yes, I am short.

2,    How old are you?

3,    I am eight.

4,    Oh, yes! I am old.


Part 2:

Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen carefully.

The answers:

1.       A: How old are you?

B:  I am nine.

2.     A: Here is a balloon!

B:  Thank you!

A: How old are you?

B: I am eight.

3.     A: Look! You are six!

B: Yes, I am.

4.     A: What is your name?

B: My name is Pat. I am in Grade 2. I am seven.


Part 4:

2:    8 candles / you are 8.

3:    6 candles / you are 6.

4:    7 candles / you are 7.


Part 5:

1.  Tell the pupils to look at the pictures in order to get the gist of the story. Then ask them to find out the right words for each speed bubbles.

2. Check the answers orally.


Ⅲ.Saying goodbye.



The Eighth Lesson


Aims:                     Check the answers of the weekend’s homework.

Difficult points:    Correct the answers

Aids:                     Games and songs



         Ⅰ. Warm-up


Greeting and sing a song




1.  Take out the weekend’s homework, and say something about the general conditions of it.

2.  Show which subjects are well done, and which are not very good.

3.     Check

 (1) 26 letters

All of the pupils recite 26 letters loudly and then say out the letter one by one in order to know if all of them have mastered the 26 letters.

(2) Part 2

Say it in Chinese first. Pupils translate it into English.

(3) Part 3

 Pupils tell teacher what do the pictures means, such as an old man means “I am old.” and so on.


Ⅲ.Sum up


Check such homework, just in order to prompt pupils to revise what they have learned again and again, and master the knowledge stronger.


.Saying goodbye


第二册 unit1
