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科目 英语 年级 高一文件 high1 unit3.doc标题 American English(美式英语)章节 第三单元关键词 高一英语第三单元内容高中英语 第一册Unit 3一、【目地与要求】掌握本单元出现的单词和词组pronounce , medicine , British , however , European , reason , explain , have some difficulty in doing……, ask…for , and so on , more or less , change…into…, come about , bring in , a great many ,等等……。 二、【日常交际用语】Would you please say that again more slowly ?How do you pronounce/spell… ?I’m sorry I know only a little English .I have some difficulty in doing sth .I’m sorry I don’t quite follow you .What does this word mean ? 三、【知识重点与难点分析】1.I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English .在某些英语单词的发音上我有些困难。have some difficulty (in) doing sth 这是一个很常见的句型。意思是“在做某事方面有困难”。其中介词in常可省略。在此句型中difficulty是用作不可数名词,所以前面不能加不定冠词“a”,也不能改为复数形式。但difficulty前可加any , no等词,例如:Do you have any difficulty in translating this sentence into English ?你把这句子翻译成英语有困难吗?WE HAD NO DIFFICULTY IN FINDING HIS HOUSE YESTERDAY EVENING . (=WE DIDN’T HAVE ANY DIFFICULTY……)昨晚,我们毫不费劲地就找到了他的家。2.When do you take your near exams ?你们下一次考试是什么时候?注意本句中用一般现在时表示将来发生的动作。本句相当于:When will you take your next exams ?此句用法只限于将来的事件是“列入日程”的,也就是说,是按计划或时刻表将要发生的事,则可以用一般现在时来表示将来。例如:When does the winter vocation begin ?寒假什么时候开始?What time does the train leave for Shanghai ?开往上海的列车几点开车?The plane takes off at ten A.M.飞机上午十点起飞。3.Pardon ? Would you please say that again more slowly ? 对不起,请慢点再说一遍好吗?Pardon ? =Beg pardon ? =I beg your pardon? 是“对不起,请原谅”的意思。这里当没听清楚或没听懂对方话时,希望对方重复一遍的礼貌用语。意思是“I didn’t hear/understand what you said”同下句“I’m sorry , I don’t quite follow you .”一样,也是希望对方重说一遍的用语。4.Written English is more or less the same in both Britain and America , though there are some spelling differences . 在英国和美国,书面英语大体上是相同的,尽管在拼法上有些差异。more or less 作“或多或少”、“大约”、“差不多”、“几乎”解。例如:This work is more or less finished .这件工作大体上已经完成了。I’ve more or less finished reading the book . 我差不多已经把这本书看完了。It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling .粉刷天花板用了大约一整天的时间。I think it’s more or less a crime .我认为这或多或少是一种犯罪行为。5.How did these differences come about ?这些差异是如何产生的呢?come about意思是“发生”,“造成”。与happen , take place意思相近。How did this accident come about ?这个事故是怎么发生的?Nobody knows how the change came about ?没人知道这种变化是怎样发生的?Can you tell me when it came about ?你能告诉我这是何时发生的吗?6.At first ,the language stayed the same as the language used in Britain ,but slowly the language began to change from one part of the world to another.起初,这种语言同在英国使用的语言仍然相同,但是,慢慢地它开始在一个又一个地区发生变化。1)句中的stay是连系动词,作“保持(某种状态)”解。相当于remain , keep的意思。通常后边跟形容词作表语。例如:This restaurant stays open till twelve o’clock . 这家餐馆一直营业到12点。The temperature has stayed high this week .这个星期气温一直都很高。2)the same as/the same…as 是“和…一样”的意思。例如:Your bike is the same as mine .你的自行车和我的自行车是一样的。I have the same trouble as you(have).我和你有同样的困难。I feel just the same as you do .我和你们的感觉是一样的。Jenny looks the same as before .珍妮看上去同过去一样。Mary is about the same age as your mother .Mary大约是和你母亲同岁。7.Sometimes , the English spoken in America or Canada or Australia changed ; but sometimes the language spoken in these places stayed the same , while the language in England changed.有的时候,美国,加拿大或澳大利亚所说的英语发生了变化;但有的时候,这些地方所说的英语保持不变,而英国说的英语发生了变化。1)在句中“spoken in America or Canada or Australia”和“the language”,其作用相当于定语从句。如:Sometimes , the English which was spoken in America or Canada or Australia changed ; but sometimes the language (Which was spoken)in England changed .2.which在句中是并列连词,表示两种情况的对照,对比或相反的情况,意思是“进而”、“而”、“却”。例如:He is tall while his elder brother is short .他个子高而他的哥哥个子却矮。English is understood all over the world while turkish is spoken by only a few people outside turkey itself .英语世界通行,而土耳其语离开本国就很少有人说了。8.But Americans still talk about “fall” just as people do in some parts of western England .但是,美国人还是说“fall”,就像英格兰有些地区的人说“fall”一样。1)本句中的助动词do与下句“In the same way Americans use the expression”I guess “(meaning “I think ”) just as the British did 300 years ago .”中的did的用法是相同的。它们分别代替上文中出现过的谓语动词“talk”和“use”,以避免不必要的重复。2)just as , as是连词,引导一个表示方式的状语从句,意思是“正如”,“恰似”,“按照”。例如:Please do as I’ve told you .请按我说的去做。I have changed it as you suggest .我已按照你的建议作了修改。She loves singing and dancing , just as her mother does .正如她母亲一样,她也喜欢唱歌跳舞。Please leave everything just as you find it .请让一切都保持原状吧。9.a great many + 名词/of代词,这里一个固定搭配用法,作“许多”,“非常多”解(=a large number of ). many在句中可用作形容词,也可用作代词。例如:A great many workers went on stride last week .上周许多工人举行了罢工。Now a great many of them are out of work .现在他们当中许多人都失业了。10.There are several reasons for this .这种情况的原因有几个。1)the/ one’s reason for sth or doing sth是一个固定搭配的用法,作“…的原因、理由”解,the reason后不能用of。the reason why +从句,意思也是“…的原因”。在口语中也可以用the reason that .例如:Give me your reasons for doing it .告诉我你做那件事的理由。What is the reason for your hurry ?你为什么这么匆忙?This is the reason why he didn’t pass the examination .这就是他考试不及格的原因。The reason that he didn’t pass the exam was that he didn’t work hard enough .他考试不及格的原因是学习不够努力。3)reason与cause的区别。reason与cause作名词时都有“原因”和“理由”的意思。reason通常指产生某种行为 或想法的推理上的理由,而cause通常指导致某一事件发生的起因。reason常和for连用,而cause常和of连用。例如:Please give me your reason for absence .请你把缺席的理由告诉我。The cause of the fire is still unknown .这场大火的起因还不知道呢。11.…they also brought in some words from their own languages .  …他们也把自己语言中的一些词汇带到英国中来了。bring in是动词词组。意思是“带进来”,“请进来”,“赚得”,“带来收入”。例如:We’ll bring in a professor to give us a lecture on the difference between American English and British English.我们准备请一位教授来给我们讲一讲美国英语和英国英语的差异。Don’t bring Peter in .He will do nothing to help us .不要请Peter来,他不会帮我们什么忙的。His orchards bring(him)in $2000 a year .他的果园每年可赚二千美元。He does odd jobs that bring him in ten to twelve pounds a week .他做零工每月可赚十至十二英镑。12.I have some difficulties with pronunciation .我在发音方面有些困难。在这句中difficulty是可数名词,意思是“sth difficult to do or understand =难事,难做的 事或难懂的事。”例如:She met with many difficulties when she was traveling in Japan .她在日本旅行时遇到了许多伤脑筋的事。I want to marry her , but my parents are making difficulties .我想同她结婚,但我父母却从中阻挠。13.I don’t have any more tapes .我再也没有磁带了。not…any more/no more 意思是“不再”,“再也不”。例如:She said that she wouldn’t go there any more .(=she said she would go there no more .)她说她再也不会到那儿去了。We couldn’t stand it any more .我们再也忍受不了了。I don’t want to see him any more .我再也不想见到他了。14.I practised writing them for homework .我在作业中练习写这些(汉字)。practise sth or doing sth 练习做某事。注意practise后要跟名词或动名词,不能跟不定 式。例如:They are practising speaking English with some foreigners now .现在,他们正在同外国人练习说英语呢。He practises running every morning .他每天早晨都练习跑步。四、【背景知识】英国英语和美国英语之间的区别主要有以下几个方面:1)在词汇方面的区别:gas/gasoline(美)──petrol(英); baggage(美)──luggage(英);package(美)──parcel(英); mail(美)──post(英);movie(美)──film(英); subway(美)──underground(英);stairway(美)──staircase(英); soccer(美)──football(英)等。2)在拼写方面的区别:check(美)──cheque(英); jail(美)──gaol(英);tire(美)──tyre(英); 美国英语一般用—or词尾,英国英语用—our词尾:color──colour; favor──favour;labor──labour等。美国英语用—er词尾,英国英语用—re词尾:center──centre; meter──metre;theater──theatre等。美国英语不双写辅音字母l,英国英语要双定辅音字母l:marveled──marvelled; quarreler──quarreller;traveling──travelling等。3)在读音方面的区别:again[′gein](美)──[′gen](英);clerk[kl:k](美)──[kla:k]; laboratory[′lebrtri](美)──[l′brtri](英);此外,像dance , class , fast , half , past这些词中的元音字母a ,美国英语读作[ e ],英国英语读作[ a :],如[dens](美)──[da :ns](英);[kl es](美)──[kla :s](英);[f est](美)──[fa:st](英)等。4)语法方面的区别:在表示汉语“有”的概念时,美国英语多用动词have,英国英语多用动词完成式have got。例如:I have a new car.(美)──I have got a new car.(英)。又如,美国英语说I insisted that everything be ready by six o’clock that evening,而在当前标准英国英语里,这类虚拟语气形式是“should”+动词原形,也就是:I insisted that everything should be ready by six o’clock that evening .尽管美国英语和英国英语有着上述的一些区别,但这些区别并不影响相互之间的交际。


