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职高高一英语教学教案课    题 Unit 1 Lesson Two The Internet 第   2   课时学习目标 Reading Training学习重点 Reading skills 备课执笔 吕师川学习难点 Reading and Comprehension 修改施教 教具准备  blackboard and tape-recorder 施教日期 2007年  8月 25 日教师活动及教法 学习内容及知识梳理 学生活动及学法 Greatingand warm-up Ask some students to make comments on the speech.Then sum up. I surf the Internet. Ask a student to give a speech on surfing the Internet.



 Fast and careful reading




 1.Tell the students to read the two questions in pre-reading, then ask them to skim the text, thinking of the two questions and try to find out the answers.2.Ask the students to read the text more carefully again. Then divide the students into some groups, let them discuss the questions. And ask some representatives to give their opinions, then sum up. 1.     Pre-reading. (skimming)(1). What do you know about the history of computer?(2). Do you know how to surf the Internet?


2.     Reading. (careful reading)We are all talking about and using the Internet. But how many of us know the history of the Internet?Many people are surprised when they find out the Internet was set up in the 1960s.……At first, only the government used the Internet, but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it, too.……Today, it is easy to get on line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day.…… 1.Skim the text, get the main idea, think of the two questions, try to find out the answers.





2.Read the text more carefully.Discuss the questions, then give their own opinions.



   Post-reading 1.Ask the students to scan the text and try to find out the details of the exercises.2.Ask the students to give their answers.3.Walk around the whole class, correct the students’ mistakes if necessary. Post-reading. (scanning)Choose the best answer according to the text.(1). The Internet has a history of ________.A.     more than fifty yearsB.      less than twenty yearsC.      more than thirty yearsD.     less than thirty years

…… 1.Scan the text and try to find out the details of the exercises.2.Choose the best answer according to the text.

    Summury and discussion Divide the students into some groups to discuss the two questions in post-reading.Ask some representatives to give their opinions and then sum up. Discussion.(1). What will you do when you surf the Internet?(2). What do you think the computer can do in our life? Discuss the two questions in post-reading.Give their own opinions.    Homework  To apply for an qq number and chat with others by the qq. 

Unit 1 Good Friends

Teaching aims and demands:a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of  friends and friendship; b. Learn to express likes and dislikes and make apologies:c. Vocabulary in this unit:the words and expressions listed on the teacher’s bookd. Grammar:  Direct and indirect speech

Lesson 1Step 1 Presentation and discussion (warm-up)Put some new words on the blackboard and tell them something about a friend.Kind   honest   brave   loyal   happy   wise   strong  beautiful   handsome   rich   smart   funnyThen ask some questions around the class and discuss with them.What should a good friend be like? What qualities should a good friend have?Should they be funny, smart and strong?Step 2 ReadingAsk the students to read the dialogue in the part SPEAKING. Ask some questions:1.What doesn’t John like?2.What does Joe think of music and skiing? And then fill in the form on page 3.Then ask the students to express their ideas freely. Encourage the students to say more about friends.Step 3 ListeningAsk the students to listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in the listening part. Step 4 Talking/PracticeAsk the students to page 85. Make a similar dialogue as in exercise 2.Some useful expressions :Why did you…?   Why didn’t you…?     You said that you would… Please forgive me. You promised to …  I’m very sorry…  It won’t happen again. I forgot.Step 5 HomeworkFinish Exercise 3 in the workbook. Lesson2Step1 RevisionAsk several students to present a speech about friends as a revision. Step 2 Pre-readingPresent the students a picture to illustrate the situation on a lonely island. Ask them to list three items in the box and ask them to give the reasons using the sentences listed on page3. Step 3 ReadingBefore asking the students to read the text, first give the students a brief introduction about Tom Hanks, his films and the film Cast Away. Then students read the text, and answer the following questions.1.How does Chuck Noland come to a deserted island?2. In order to survive on the island alone, what does he need to learn?3. What does he understand at last?4. For us, what lesson we can learn from Chuck?At the same time explain the language points if necessary.Step 4 Post-readingDiscuss the following questions in the Part POST-READING.Step 5 HomeworkPrepare a talk about Tom Hanks or something about one of his film.Lesson3Step 1 RevisionGet the students to give a talk about Tom Hanks or something about one of his films.Step 2 Language StudyAsk the students fill in the blanks with proper words.Step 3 Grammar Illustrate to the students the use of Direct and Indirect Speech.Then ask the students to do the exercise in the Part Grammar on P5.Step 4 PracticeAsk the students to act the exercise2 in the part Grammar out.Step 5 HomeworkAsk the students to finish the exercise2 in their workbook.Lesson4Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework.Step 2 PresentationPresent simples of e-mail to get the students a general idea of e-mail.Step 3 Explanation Tell the students some tips of writing an e-mail by learn the above e-mail simple.Step 4 Writing Ask the students to write an e-mail message.Step 5 Homework Ask the students to try to write an e-mail to their e-pal.






Unit 9 Lesson 34 The West LakeⅠTeaching contents Lesson 34 “The West Lake”

Ⅱ Teaching aims and demands.1. Teach some useful words and phrases about introducing some places. And make Ss be able to use them properly.2. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.3. Get the Ss to learn sth. about the west lake.4. Get Ss to learn how to describe a tourist attraction.5. teach Ss to love our hometown and motherland. Ⅲ Teaching important and difficult pointsTeaching important points:1 Improve the Ss’reading ability.2. Get Ss to grasp some useful expressions and to be able to describe some tourist attractions. Teaching difficult points:1. Make Ss have a discussion in groups of four and improve Ss’ ability of Speaking.2. Make Ss try to describe some tourist attractions.

Ⅳ Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inT: Do you like watching any TV plays? (Show Ss some stills of TV play “The Romaunt of the Hero Who Shoot Vultures” and talk about Zhoushan. Learn how to introduce the location, landscape, weather and attractions. Show Ss some pictures of places of interest , revise them and lead into the text “The West Lake”.Step 2 ScanningT: The west lake is one of the most tourist attractions in China. Today we’ll learn Unit 9 Lesson 34”The West Lake”Let Ss go through the text quickly and find out the following subjects included in the passage.climate    location    landscape   people    historyculture    size    sports     products    artListen and Find out the main idea or the topic sentence in each para.Para 1        Its location ,area and three sidesPare 2        he West Lake has been well-known for its sceneryPara 3        The West Lake ,a pearl in Hangzhou will shine in China foreverPara 4        The West Lake is one of the most famous tourist attraction in ChinaPara 5        Stories about the West Lake

Step 3 Careful reading Read each paragraph carefully , and do the following exercises.Para. 1 Q1:What did Marco Polo  think of Hangzhou?He called Hangzhou the most charming city.The West Lake is one of the most famous tourist attractions in China.Language points:Charming city, tourist attraction Para. 2Let Ss read the para. and fill in the blanks.Location:     ______________________( in the west of the city)Area:  ___________________________ (6.03 square kilometers)Three sides: ______________________ (is surrounded by hills)What does the word “them”(L5. Para.2) mean?(Location, area, hills on three sides.)Language points:  be surrounded by, make upPara. 3 1.Why is Hangzhou called “Xizi”? Enjoy a Chinese poem《饮湖上,初晴后雨》

2 Why is the West Lake really a great wonder of the nature?(D)A.Because of green hills.B.Because of flowing water and fish.C.Because of old bridges.D.All of the above.3 The West Lake is a great attraction to tourists only in spring.( F )(Let Ss enjoy the west lake in all seaons)Language points: 1.Which sentence has the same meaning as that of the word  “wonder”in the text?   A  I wonder if she knows we’re here. (V. 想知道)   B  She wondered at the tall buildings and crowded streets. ( v. 对…感到惊讶)   C  The Great Wall is one of wonders in the world. ( n.奇迹,惊讶,惊叹)    D The students wondered when they would go for an outing . ( v. 想知道) 2,compare… to… , be well known for, a great wonder of nature,ect.Para. 4 1. What stories are used in the text?2.LeiFeng Tower was not in a good condition for more than half a century.(T )It was ruined in 1924 and rebuilt in 2001.3. Why does the writer use the stories?It can add the colour of _________to the West Lake.They can also show away of its_______. Besides, stories passed from generation to generation make the lake more_________.(Try to make answer the question easily.)Language points:from generation to generation, add the color of romance to…, be imprisoned by , Para 5 Why is the West Lake so popular?( D)Which is not the reason for the popularity with the West Lake?A. Because its scenery is very charming.B. Because the stories about the West Lake passed and its culture.C. Because many activities are successfully held in the city to make it more attractive.D. It’s one of the longest lakes in China.Language points: There’s no doubt that … Step 4 post reading Enjoy some landscapes of the west lake.Let Ss read the whole text and fill in the blanks,

Step 5 Discussion Show Ss some pictures of places of interest in Rui’an. Let Ss Discuss “How can we attract travellers come to Ruian?” in groups. Then let several Ss introduce Rui’an in class as guides.

Step 6 Homework1 Read the text fluently2 Write a short passage about Rui’an.



