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What are you doing? Lesson 84教学设计示例

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What are you doing? Lesson 84教学设计示例

Lesson 84教学设计示例




(2)掌握字母组合tr, dr, ts, ds的发音。





Step 1 Revision

1  Revise the sentence patterns in the Present Continuous Tense by asking questions about your actions.

2  Revise items of clothing and colours. Teach wear. Talk about students' clothing. Ask What's … wearing today? Help the students to answer He / She's wearing a blue sweater, etc:

Step 2 Spelling and pronunciation

1  SB Page 24, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 84 (Phonic Reading Work). Books closed. Follow the same steps as in Lesson 68, Step 2 in the TB. Use flashcards rather than going straight to the book.

2  Do Ex. 1 in Wb Lesson 84. Make sure the students pronounce ts /ts/ and ds /dz/ correctly. They shouldn't say /C+K/ or /D+L/.

Step 3 Stress and intonation

SB Page 24, Part 2. Follow the same steps as in Lesson 80, Step 3.

Step 4 Ask and answer

1  Ask What is the person beside you doing? Help the students to answer He / She is sitting / writing / listening, etc. Now point to several students and ask What are they doing? Help the students to answer They are …ing.

2  In pairs, have the students ask and answer questions about the pictures using the Present Continuous Tense. Walk around and give help where needed. Now come together as a class and check the answers.

Step 5 Practice

1  Compare the clothing of two students, saying A is wearing …. B is wearing …. Get students to suggest other differences. Get two students to compare clothing, saying You are /aren't …. I'm /I'm not …. Students then work in pairs, finding differences between each other's clothing.

2  Play this game. Think of a student in the class. Students must find out who it is by asking Is he / she wearing black shoes? etc. Have the students play the game in pairs.

Step 6 Read and act

SB Page 25, Part 4, Speech Cassette Lesson 84. Books closed! Ask the questions in Ex. 2 of Wb Lesson 84. Play the tape. Check the answers. Play the tape again. Students listen and repeat, then practise and act out the dialogue in pairs. Have the students change the dialogue to talk about two students in the class.

Step 7 Presentation

1  Teach Sunday. Ask What do you do on Sundays? Help the students to answer, On Sundays, I go to the park / help mother clean the house, etc.

2  Have the students ask 4 other students in the class, other than the students they sit next to, What do you do on Sundays? After the students have asked four other students, and have come back together as a class, ask several students to share their answers.

Step 8 Read

1  SB Page 25, Part 5*, Speech Cassette Lesson 84.Ask and write this question on the Bb, What are the girls doing? (answer: Three are taking photos and one is drawing). Play the tape as the students read along silently. Teach park, and toy.

2  Practise the pronunciation of /J/ and /I/ in such words as there, them and three. Listen carefully. If you hear an /s/ sound, for example, sink for the word think, then the tongue is not between the teeth and the this not being pronounced correctly.

3.  In pairs, have the students read the passage to each other. Instruct the students that only one student should read at a time, while the other student listens for stress, intonation and pronunciation. Then switch.

4  Do Wb Ex. 3, SB Page 98.

Step 9 Checkpoint 21

Go through Checkpoint 21 with the students. Encourage them to ask questions if there is anything they are not sure about. Revise the spelling of verbs with the -ing ending. See the grammar notes of the SB on the Present Continuous Tense, Pages 178-179.

Step 10 Test

Dictation. Give the students a short dictation. Say a verb, e.g. ride, read, sing, etc. The students have to write down the correct -ing form. Then dictate a few sentences in the Present Continuous Tense.

Step 11 Workbook

SB Page 98, Wb Lesson 84, Ex. 4. Have the students work in pairs. Encourage them to say more than five sentences if they can. Choose several pairs to share their answers.

Ex. 5 can be given as homework.

Exx. 6 and 7 are optional. Both these exercises are a good review for the Present Continuous Tense.


Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Some ideas for extra practice or enrichment

1  Teach this tongue twister to practice the /J/ and /I/ sounds.

There, three thousand thinkers were thinking how the other thirty thieves went through.

2  Have the students draw a picture with animals and /or people in it. Then in pairs ask the students to give their picture to their partner. Have the partner ask questions about the picture using the Present Continuous Tense such as, What is the man doing? Is the girl swimming? etc.

What are you doing? Lesson 84教学设计示例
