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American English

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American English


1. vocabulary:difficulty, pronounce, fall(n.), ask...for, pardon, medicine, however, British, a great many, store, and so on, the same as, more or less, reason, Europe, cent, Indian, cookbook, change...into, explain

2. Oral English:1) Would you please say that again more slowly ? 你能慢慢地再说一遍吗?2) Pardon ? 你说什么?3) I'm sorry . I know only a little English / I don't quite follow you. 抱歉,我英语懂得很少,我不太明白你的意思。4) How do you pronounce / spell ... ? 你怎么读/拼......5) I have some difficulty in doing sth. 我在做...方面有困难.6) What does ... mean ? ... 是什么意思?

3. 语法:学习直接引语和间接引语




The dialogue is quite simple, so the teacher can encourage the Ss to act it out in class. Also the students can make up some related dialogues. when it comes to the text, the content is quite dull.

To make it more interesting, the teacher can tell a joke in the beginning. When dealing with the content of the text, the teacher can focus on some exercises, such as Choose and Fill in blanks.


1.difficulty n.困难,艰难,难事;有可数名词和不可数名词两种用法?


have no/find(some, any, much) difficulty with sth./(in) doing sth.?

There is no (some, any, much) difficulty (in) doing sth.?

I had no difficulty in learning English.?

There was much difficulty (in) explaining it to him.?


This book is full of difficulties.?

In face of so many difficulties, we never appeared to be afraid.?

2. come about


(1)You failed the exam. How did it come about? 这次考试你怎么不及格?

(2)Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel (争吵) comes about.


△联想 come 构成的短语有:

 come across偶然遇到;come to do 开始做……; come along一道去、快点、过来;come true 变成现实;come from 来自、出生于;come near 临近;come to an end 结束;come down 下来、流传下来;come into use 开始使用;come back 回来、回想;come into power 上台;come out 出来、长出、被出版;come into being 产生;come on 进行、进展、赶快、来!加油;come to oneself 苏醒;come up 发生、被提出、长出、发芽。

3. And so on


(1)Vegetables are potatoes, beas, cabbages and so on.蔬来有土豆、豆子、白莱等等。

(2)They asked what my name was, where I lived, who my parents were, and so on..


4. more or less

这是个固定词组,意为( about, almost, nearly) 大约,或多或少,大体上。在句中作状语,可放在修饰词之前,也可放在句末,用逗号与句子分开。例如:

(1)The work is more or less finished. 这项工作大体完成了。

(2)The trip will take ten days more or less. 这次旅行约需十天时间。                  

(3)I hope my advice will be more or less helpful to you.


5. When do you take your next exams?

  1) 注意exam / examination 同动词的搭配:

take / have an exam (学生参加考试);give(students)an exam 老师考学生;

hold an exam 举行考试;          pass an exam 考试合格;

fail (in ) an exam 考试不合格

2) 注意本句中用一般现在时表示一般将来时。有这种用法的动词有:take, begin, get, go, start, leave等,表示按计划或时刻表将要发生的事情。如:

When does the winter holiday begin? 寒假什么时候开始?

The plane takes off at 9:30 a. m. 飞机上午九点三十分起飞。

6. I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English。

I have some difficulties with pronunciation.


a. have + difficulty + (in) doing sth. 其中介词in可省略。它表示“在做某事时有困难”、“在……方面费劲”。difficulty前可用some, great, much, little, no等词饰饰。例如:

You' ll have no difficulty ( in ) finding his house, for he is well known in this area.

b. have + difficulty/difficulties + with sth. 名词前用介词with,不用in, 且with不可省略。例如:

I'm having some difficulty with my daughter's maths homework.

c. There is no (some, much, any) difficulty (in) doing sth.

d. do sth. with/without any difficulty

e .find difficulty (in) doing sth.


(1)There was much difficulty (in) explaining it to him.


(2)I find some difficulty (in) learning Russian. 我觉得学俄语有些困难。

(3)He finished his homework without (any) difficulty.


(4)His English was very bad and he spoke with difficulty.


7. At first, the language stayed the same as th language used in Britain. 起初这种语言同在英国使用的语言仍然相同。

But Americans still talk about “fall” just as people do in some parts of western English. 但是美国人还是说 “fall” , 就像英格兰西部有些地区的人说 “fall”一样。

1)stay 在句中相当于连系动词,意为“保持某种状态”;相当于keep的意思,通常接形容词作表语,无被动语态。它还可以用作不及物动词,表示“停留”等,例如:

The shop stayed open till 6 o’clock. 这家商店一直营业到六点。

句式一:stay + 形,维持(……的状态)。如:

The windows stayed open all the night.


You should stay in bed.

句式三:stay (+ 副),留宿,客居,暂住。如:

How long did you stay in New York?

2)the same as / the same …as 是“和……一样”的意思。在same之前总要加定冠词the。 as 是关系代词,引导限制性定语从句,as 在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语。as 从句可用省略形式。如:

This is the same material as is used in building the bridge. 这和建那座桥所用的材料一样。(as 作主语)

3)just as 意为“正如,恰似”,as 是连词,引导一个方式状语从句,有时也可引导表语从句。如:

She loves singing just as her mother did. 她喜欢唱歌,正像她妈妈过去喜欢唱歌一样。

Jack didn’t feel just as his wife did. 汤姆并不像他妻子感受的那样。(引导表语从句。)

8.Would you please say that again more slowly? = Will you please say that again more slowly? = Please say that again more slowly.

“Would/will you please. . . ?”是婉转提出要求时的礼貌用语,用would比用will更加礼貌,多用于对陌生人或长辈说话的场合。注意该句型后接动词原形,肯定回答:Yes, I will. / Sure, / All right. Certainly. / Yes, please. 否定回答:No, I won’t. / I’m sorry, but I can’t. / No, thank you.

9.In China about seven people in ten speak putonghua.

   in 作介词,表示比例、比率,例如:

   One in ten students could solve the problem.

10.I know only a little English. 我只懂一点英语.little 作"少"解,有否定的意味,即"少得几乎没有"(almost no)的意思,a little虽然也作"少"解,但有肯定的意味,"即虽少但还有一点"的意思.而only a little 却是否定的.和little 同义,在非正式文体中一般用only a little来代替little.试比较下列对话:A:I'm thirsty. Can you give me some water to drink? 我渴了,给我一点水喝好吗?B:Sure. There is a little water in the bottle. Take it.好的,瓶里还有一点水,拿去吧。A:I'm thirsty. Can you give me some water to drink?我渴了,给我一点水喝好吗?B:I'm sorry, but there is little / only a little water in the bottle.      对不起,瓶里没有什么水了。

1.no longer 与no more

   这是一对近义词,都作“不再”、“再也不”(for no further period of time )解,一般可通用。

1)no more一般位于句末或句首,而no longer则可用于实义动词之前,助动词或连系动词之后,或者位于句尾。例如:

(1)He still smoked, but he drank no more. 他还在吸烟,但不再喝酒了。

(2)They are no longer staying with us.  他们不再跟我们住在一起。

2) no more = not. . . any more, no longer = not. . . any longer. no more/ longer 是正式用法,not. . . any more/longer 比较自然。如:

(1)I do not see him any more/any longer.我不能再看到他了。

(2)I did not feel sick any more. 我不再感到恶心了。

3)no more (not. ..any more) 强调数量和程度,表示动作不再重复,一般指把现在的情况将来对比,即“现在如何如何,将来不再这样(now, but not in the future)”. no longer(not. . .any longer) 强调时间,表示动作不再延缓,一般是现在的情况同过去对比,即“过去如何如何,现在不再这样(once, but not now) 。”例如:

(1)She is not a child any longer.

= She is no longer a child. 她再也不是个孩子了。

(2)I won't do such stupid things any more.

= I'll do such stupid things no more.  我(今后)再也不干这种蠢事了。

2. 辨析          however / but / while


We love peace, but we are not afraid of war.

This plan is all right; however, it can be made better.

I’m interested in sports while my brother is fond of music.

   He is young, but he knows a lot. 他尚年幼,但懂得却多。

Later, however, he decided to go. 可后来他决定去了。

3.A great many words and expressions have come into the language from American English…


 修饰可名词:many; a great (good, large ) number of; quite a few; numbers of; many a ; a great (good) many; scores of 等。many a ,其意近似于many , 但many a 后边接可数名词单数,如:

Many a student has such a question.

 修饰不可数名词:much; a great (good ) deal of; a large amount of; large amounts of等。

 既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词:a lot of (lots of ); plenty of; a large quantity of; large quantities of 等。

plenty of, a lot of / lots of常用在肯定句中,否定句中多用many或much 。如:

Today I haven’t much work to do. 今天我没有许多事做。

4. Now ask your partner for the answers.

句式“ask + 名(人)+ for +名”意为“向(某人)请求……”;“向(某人)要求……”,例如:

He asked his parents for a motorcycle.


句式一:ask +for+名,向……要,例如:

After dinner I asked for coffee.

句式二:ask +名(+ for/to+ 名), 请……,例如:

I have been asked for (to) dinner tonight.

句式三:ask + 名(人)+副词+for / to + 名,请……,例如:

He asked me in for a cup of coffee.

I asked her out to lunch.

句式四:ask for + 人,要求(人)来(接电话),例如:

A Mr Simpson from Sydney is asking for the manager.         



(1)It was Paul’s first important lesson as a student of Chemistry and he never forgot it.

(2)Don't treat me as a child. 别把我当小孩看待。

(3)He is well-known as a writer. 作为一名作家他很出名。


a. 引导时间状语从句,意为“当……时候”,“随着……”“一边……一边……”。如:

He saw his daughter as he was getting off the bus.


b. 引导原因状语从句,意为“因为”,“既然”,as = since(语气比because弱)。as原因状语从句多位于主句前。如:

(1)As (Since) you are not feeling well, you may stay home.


(2)As he was ill, I went without him. 因为他有病,我独自去了。

c. 引导比较状语从句,“像……一样。”常用于as(副词)…as和not as …as结构中。如:

(3)The book is not so easy as you imagine. 这本书不像你想象的那么容易。

d. 引导方式状语从句,意为“按照”、“如同”。

 She loves singing just as her mother did.她正像她母亲一样喜欢唱歌。

3)as用作关系代词,引导定语从句,意为“像……的人/物”,“如……那样。”主要用于such …as, the same …as 结构中,在从句中作主语、宾语、表语。例如:

Such books as you bought yesterday are helpful to children.像你昨天买的那些书对孩子们有益。




例如:Tom said, “My brother had been a worker for two years before he came here.”

Tom said that his brother had been a worker for two years before he came here.

2) 间接引语中动词所表示的动作或状态说话时仍继续进行或存在进,其时态不变。

例如:”I am eight.” the boy said.   The boy said that he is eight.

3) 直接引语中,如果表示过去的时间状语用来表示事态发生或存在的具体时间,变间接引语时,其谓语动词仍用一般过去时。



例如:He says, “I have accepted her invitation.”   He says that he has accepted her invitation.


例如:’I insist that you give up smoking,’ said the doctor.

The doctor insisted that he give up smoking.


8).如果直接引语是以would like 作谓语的特殊疑问句,间接引语中would like 不变;如果直接引语是一般疑问句,like 之后接动名词或名词作宾语,间接引语中would like也不变。

2.直接引语是祈使句变间接引语,通常将say 改为ask 或tell, order等词,构成ask (tell, order) sb. to do sth.结构。原祈使句如果是否定的,要在不定式结构前加not,原祈使句中如果带有please一词,间接引语也不再使用。

例如:‘Please open the second window,’ he said.    He asked me to open the second window.


例如:She said, “What a lovely day.”  She remarked with joy that it was such a lovely day.


1. vocabulary:difficulty, pronounce, fall(n.), ask...for, pardon, medicine, however, British, a great many, store, and so on, the same as, more or less, reason, Europe, cent, Indian, cookbook, change...into, explain

2. Oral English:1) Would you please say that again more slowly ? 你能慢慢地再说一遍吗?2) Pardon ? 你说什么?3) I'm sorry . I know only a little English / I don't quite follow you. 抱歉,我英语懂得很少,我不太明白你的意思。4) How do you pronounce / spell ... ? 你怎么读/拼......5) I have some difficulty in doing sth. 我在做...方面有困难.6) What does ... mean ? ... 是什么意思?

3. 语法:学习直接引语和间接引语




The dialogue is quite simple, so the teacher can encourage the Ss to act it out in class. Also the students can make up some related dialogues. when it comes to the text, the content is quite dull.

To make it more interesting, the teacher can tell a joke in the beginning. When dealing with the content of the text, the teacher can focus on some exercises, such as Choose and Fill in blanks.


1.difficulty n.困难,艰难,难事;有可数名词和不可数名词两种用法?


have no/find(some, any, much) difficulty with sth./(in) doing sth.?

There is no (some, any, much) difficulty (in) doing sth.?

I had no difficulty in learning English.?

There was much difficulty (in) explaining it to him.?


This book is full of difficulties.?

In face of so many difficulties, we never appeared to be afraid.?

2. come about


(1)You failed the exam. How did it come about? 这次考试你怎么不及格?

(2)Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel (争吵) comes about.


△联想 come 构成的短语有:

 come across偶然遇到;come to do 开始做……; come along一道去、快点、过来;come true 变成现实;come from 来自、出生于;come near 临近;come to an end 结束;come down 下来、流传下来;come into use 开始使用;come back 回来、回想;come into power 上台;come out 出来、长出、被出版;come into being 产生;come on 进行、进展、赶快、来!加油;come to oneself 苏醒;come up 发生、被提出、长出、发芽。

3. And so on


(1)Vegetables are potatoes, beas, cabbages and so on.蔬来有土豆、豆子、白莱等等。

(2)They asked what my name was, where I lived, who my parents were, and so on..


4. more or less

这是个固定词组,意为( about, almost, nearly) 大约,或多或少,大体上。在句中作状语,可放在修饰词之前,也可放在句末,用逗号与句子分开。例如:

(1)The work is more or less finished. 这项工作大体完成了。

(2)The trip will take ten days more or less. 这次旅行约需十天时间。                  

(3)I hope my advice will be more or less helpful to you.


5. When do you take your next exams?

  1) 注意exam / examination 同动词的搭配:

take / have an exam (学生参加考试);give(students)an exam 老师考学生;

hold an exam 举行考试;          pass an exam 考试合格;

fail (in ) an exam 考试不合格

2) 注意本句中用一般现在时表示一般将来时。有这种用法的动词有:take, begin, get, go, start, leave等,表示按计划或时刻表将要发生的事情。如:

When does the winter holiday begin? 寒假什么时候开始?

The plane takes off at 9:30 a. m. 飞机上午九点三十分起飞。

6. I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English。

I have some difficulties with pronunciation.


a. have + difficulty + (in) doing sth. 其中介词in可省略。它表示“在做某事时有困难”、“在……方面费劲”。difficulty前可用some, great, much, little, no等词饰饰。例如:

You' ll have no difficulty ( in ) finding his house, for he is well known in this area.

b. have + difficulty/difficulties + with sth. 名词前用介词with,不用in, 且with不可省略。例如:

I'm having some difficulty with my daughter's maths homework.

c. There is no (some, much, any) difficulty (in) doing sth.

d. do sth. with/without any difficulty

e .find difficulty (in) doing sth.


(1)There was much difficulty (in) explaining it to him.


(2)I find some difficulty (in) learning Russian. 我觉得学俄语有些困难。

(3)He finished his homework without (any) difficulty.


(4)His English was very bad and he spoke with difficulty.


7. At first, the language stayed the same as th language used in Britain. 起初这种语言同在英国使用的语言仍然相同。

But Americans still talk about “fall” just as people do in some parts of western English. 但是美国人还是说 “fall” , 就像英格兰西部有些地区的人说 “fall”一样。

1)stay 在句中相当于连系动词,意为“保持某种状态”;相当于keep的意思,通常接形容词作表语,无被动语态。它还可以用作不及物动词,表示“停留”等,例如:

The shop stayed open till 6 o’clock. 这家商店一直营业到六点。

句式一:stay + 形,维持(……的状态)。如:

The windows stayed open all the night.


You should stay in bed.

句式三:stay (+ 副),留宿,客居,暂住。如:

How long did you stay in New York?

2)the same as / the same …as 是“和……一样”的意思。在same之前总要加定冠词the。 as 是关系代词,引导限制性定语从句,as 在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语。as 从句可用省略形式。如:

This is the same material as is used in building the bridge. 这和建那座桥所用的材料一样。(as 作主语)

3)just as 意为“正如,恰似”,as 是连词,引导一个方式状语从句,有时也可引导表语从句。如:

She loves singing just as her mother did. 她喜欢唱歌,正像她妈妈过去喜欢唱歌一样。

Jack didn’t feel just as his wife did. 汤姆并不像他妻子感受的那样。(引导表语从句。)

8.Would you please say that again more slowly? = Will you please say that again more slowly? = Please say that again more slowly.

“Would/will you please. . . ?”是婉转提出要求时的礼貌用语,用would比用will更加礼貌,多用于对陌生人或长辈说话的场合。注意该句型后接动词原形,肯定回答:Yes, I will. / Sure, / All right. Certainly. / Yes, please. 否定回答:No, I won’t. / I’m sorry, but I can’t. / No, thank you.

9.In China about seven people in ten speak putonghua.

   in 作介词,表示比例、比率,例如:

   One in ten students could solve the problem.

10.I know only a little English. 我只懂一点英语.little 作"少"解,有否定的意味,即"少得几乎没有"(almost no)的意思,a little虽然也作"少"解,但有肯定的意味,"即虽少但还有一点"的意思.而only a little 却是否定的.和little 同义,在非正式文体中一般用only a little来代替little.试比较下列对话:A:I'm thirsty. Can you give me some water to drink? 我渴了,给我一点水喝好吗?B:Sure. There is a little water in the bottle. Take it.好的,瓶里还有一点水,拿去吧。A:I'm thirsty. Can you give me some water to drink?我渴了,给我一点水喝好吗?B:I'm sorry, but there is little / only a little water in the bottle.      对不起,瓶里没有什么水了。

1.no longer 与no more

   这是一对近义词,都作“不再”、“再也不”(for no further period of time )解,一般可通用。

1)no more一般位于句末或句首,而no longer则可用于实义动词之前,助动词或连系动词之后,或者位于句尾。例如:

(1)He still smoked, but he drank no more. 他还在吸烟,但不再喝酒了。

(2)They are no longer staying with us.  他们不再跟我们住在一起。

2) no more = not. . . any more, no longer = not. . . any longer. no more/ longer 是正式用法,not. . . any more/longer 比较自然。如:

(1)I do not see him any more/any longer.我不能再看到他了。

(2)I did not feel sick any more. 我不再感到恶心了。

3)no more (not. ..any more) 强调数量和程度,表示动作不再重复,一般指把现在的情况将来对比,即“现在如何如何,将来不再这样(now, but not in the future)”. no longer(not. . .any longer) 强调时间,表示动作不再延缓,一般是现在的情况同过去对比,即“过去如何如何,现在不再这样(once, but not now) 。”例如:

(1)She is not a child any longer.

= She is no longer a child. 她再也不是个孩子了。

(2)I won't do such stupid things any more.

= I'll do such stupid things no more.  我(今后)再也不干这种蠢事了。

2. 辨析          however / but / while


We love peace, but we are not afraid of war.

This plan is all right; however, it can be made better.

I’m interested in sports while my brother is fond of music.

   He is young, but he knows a lot. 他尚年幼,但懂得却多。

Later, however, he decided to go. 可后来他决定去了。

3.A great many words and expressions have come into the language from American English…


 修饰可名词:many; a great (good, large ) number of; quite a few; numbers of; many a ; a great (good) many; scores of 等。many a ,其意近似于many , 但many a 后边接可数名词单数,如:

Many a student has such a question.

 修饰不可数名词:much; a great (good ) deal of; a large amount of; large amounts of等。

 既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词:a lot of (lots of ); plenty of; a large quantity of; large quantities of 等。

plenty of, a lot of / lots of常用在肯定句中,否定句中多用many或much 。如:

Today I haven’t much work to do. 今天我没有许多事做。

4. Now ask your partner for the answers.

句式“ask + 名(人)+ for +名”意为“向(某人)请求……”;“向(某人)要求……”,例如:

He asked his parents for a motorcycle.


句式一:ask +for+名,向……要,例如:

After dinner I asked for coffee.

句式二:ask +名(+ for/to+ 名), 请……,例如:

I have been asked for (to) dinner tonight.

句式三:ask + 名(人)+副词+for / to + 名,请……,例如:

He asked me in for a cup of coffee.

I asked her out to lunch.

句式四:ask for + 人,要求(人)来(接电话),例如:

A Mr Simpson from Sydney is asking for the manager.         



(1)It was Paul’s first important lesson as a student of Chemistry and he never forgot it.

(2)Don't treat me as a child. 别把我当小孩看待。

(3)He is well-known as a writer. 作为一名作家他很出名。


a. 引导时间状语从句,意为“当……时候”,“随着……”“一边……一边……”。如:

He saw his daughter as he was getting off the bus.


b. 引导原因状语从句,意为“因为”,“既然”,as = since(语气比because弱)。as原因状语从句多位于主句前。如:

(1)As (Since) you are not feeling well, you may stay home.


(2)As he was ill, I went without him. 因为他有病,我独自去了。

c. 引导比较状语从句,“像……一样。”常用于as(副词)…as和not as …as结构中。如:

(3)The book is not so easy as you imagine. 这本书不像你想象的那么容易。

d. 引导方式状语从句,意为“按照”、“如同”。

 She loves singing just as her mother did.她正像她母亲一样喜欢唱歌。

3)as用作关系代词,引导定语从句,意为“像……的人/物”,“如……那样。”主要用于such …as, the same …as 结构中,在从句中作主语、宾语、表语。例如:

Such books as you bought yesterday are helpful to children.像你昨天买的那些书对孩子们有益。




例如:Tom said, “My brother had been a worker for two years before he came here.”

Tom said that his brother had been a worker for two years before he came here.

2) 间接引语中动词所表示的动作或状态说话时仍继续进行或存在进,其时态不变。

例如:”I am eight.” the boy said.   The boy said that he is eight.

3) 直接引语中,如果表示过去的时间状语用来表示事态发生或存在的具体时间,变间接引语时,其谓语动词仍用一般过去时。



例如:He says, “I have accepted her invitation.”   He says that he has accepted her invitation.


例如:’I insist that you give up smoking,’ said the doctor.

The doctor insisted that he give up smoking.


8).如果直接引语是以would like 作谓语的特殊疑问句,间接引语中would like 不变;如果直接引语是一般疑问句,like 之后接动名词或名词作宾语,间接引语中would like也不变。

2.直接引语是祈使句变间接引语,通常将say 改为ask 或tell, order等词,构成ask (tell, order) sb. to do sth.结构。原祈使句如果是否定的,要在不定式结构前加not,原祈使句中如果带有please一词,间接引语也不再使用。

例如:‘Please open the second window,’ he said.    He asked me to open the second window.


例如:She said, “What a lovely day.”  She remarked with joy that it was such a lovely day.

教学设计方案 Lesson 9

Teaching Aims:

Learn and master the following words and phrases:

difficulty , pronounce , fall (n.), ask --- for , medicine

2) Oral English:

Would you please say that again more slowly ?  Pardon ?

I' m sorry I know only a little English . / I don' t quite follow you .

How do you pronounce / spell --- ?  I have some difficulty in doing ---  What does --- mean ?

Teaching Important Points :

1. Master the use of the words of four skills and some phrases and idioms .

2. How to express one' s opinions and what one feels . and how to make requests.

Teaching Difficult Points :

1. the use of " ask for " and " have difficulty in doing sth ".

2. how to ask for advice by using " Would you please ---?"

Teaching Procedures:

Step I . Revision

T: Good morning , everyone !   S: Good morning , teacher .

T: Sit down , please .Now let’s welcome Helen to give us a free talk. Come to the Bb ,please.

Step II. Introduction :

T: As we know , sometimes people can not understand each other well because they speak in different accents . Do you know accent ? It means a special way of speaking . As you know , in our country, persons from Shandong Province and Zhejiang Province speak Chinese with a different accent ,. So does English . There are mainly two important kinds of English in the world : American English and British English. What’s the differences between them ? People from Britain and America can understand each other well ? Let' s listen to a dialogue . OK . Listen to the tape and then answer my questions .

Step III . Dialogue

Listen for the first time and answer: Listen to Lesson 9 and choose the right answer:1) Yang Mei has a plan to _____________A. work next fall.    B. study medicine and to become a doctor. C. have difficulty in learning English.Listen for the second time and answer the following questions :

1. Who is Yang Mei ? What does she do ?

2. Who is Sara ?

3. What difficulty does Yang Mei have in learning English ?

4. What is Sara' s opinion about Yang Mei ' s pronunciation ?

5. What does " fall " mean in the dialogue ?

6. Do you think Yang Mei understands the meaning of '' fall " ?

7. What ' s Yang Mei ' s plan ?

( Ask the students to answer the questions above . )

Suggested answers :

1.Yang Mei is a Chinese girl who is now studying in the States .

2.Sara is an American . She is Yang Mei ' s teacher.

3.She has some difficulty in pronouncing some English words .

4.She thinks Yang Mei' s pronunciation is very good .

5.It means " autumn " ,

6.No , she didn' t .She does not understand its meaning until Sara say " next September " .

7.She wants to study medicine .

T:Please open your books . Turn to Page 9 . Let' s go through the dialogue and deal with some language points . Please look at the screen .

1.difficulty .

(1).the quality of being difficult; trouble phrases: do sth , with difficulty , without (much , any ) difficulty have difficulty ( trouble , a good time , a hard time fun ---) ( in ) doing sth . have difficulty with sth .

e.g. Tod had some difficulty in understanding me .

I don' t have much . difficulty with English grammar.

(2).often pl. something difficult , a trouble.

e.g. James keeps raising difficulties over my new plan.

2.pronounce v.------- to say the sounds of a language. ( n , pronunciation )

3.And when do you take your next exams ?

Present Simple for future use , the speaker is talking about a school programme which is fixed .

e.g. When does the winter holidays begin ?

give the students an exam ( 老师) 考学生。    hold an exam 举行考试

pass an exam 考试合格       fail in an exam 考试不及格

4. fall n . = autumn in American English

5. plan n. ---- a ( carefully considered ) arrangement for carrying out some future activity .

e.g. The police worked out a plan to catch the thief.

6. medicine n. ----- the science of treating and understanding disease.

7. wheel n . ----- a round object which turns on an axle

e.g. Carts , cars and trains run on wheels.

8. ask --- for

e.g. Everybody was now asking him for advice .   She asked him for his address .

Ask him for anything you want .   He asked for time to think it over.

Step IV. Oral practice

T: Now let' s make a dialogue according to the text . Suppose Tom is an American boy and Charles is English . One day Tom invites Charles to see a film . I give you three minutes to prepare in pairs , Then I'll ask some of you to act it out .

One possible answer : ( T: Tom C: Charles)

T: Hello , Charles !

C: Hello , Tom !

T: Are you free tonight ? If so , would you like to go to the movies tonight ?

C: I' m sorry I don' t quite follow you . Would you please say that again more slowly ?

T: Would you like to go to the movies ?

C: Pardon ?

T: Let' s go to see a film , shall we meet ?

C: That' s great ! When shall we meet ?

T: At seven . I'll call you. See you .

C: See you .

Step V . Practice

T: Now let' s deal with Part Two ----- Practice . Please complete it by yourself.In a few minutes,I'll check the answers . OK ?

( A few minutes later .) Now Zhang Ying . please do the first one ---

Answers : 1 -- b ; 2 -- f ; 3 -- d ; 4 -- a ; 5 -- c ; 6 -- e

Step VI . Workbook

T: Now turn to Page 67 . Let' s do the exercises . Part 1. Li Ling , please read the words in the first column ------

( Then do Ex.3 and Ex . 4 . When the students do Ex. 4. teacher can say the following .)

T: Please pay attention : English speaker usually say " Thank you ." when they are praised . So the correct response to Sentence 2 and 3 should be " Thank you " rather than " No " ,

Suggested answers :

Ex. 3. : Chinese , States , On , for , difficulty . good . understand , example , fall , September . medicine.

Ex. 4. : 1. How do you do ?

4. You are welcome . / Not at all . / don' t mention it . / That' s all right ./ My pleasure . / It' s nothing . / A pleasure.

5. Yes . please , Thank you . / No , thank you .

6. The same to you .

Step VII . Sum up

T: In this lesson we've learned a dialogue , Please remember this : When you talk to someone you likely meet with some difficulty .If so , you may say " Would you please say that again more slowly ? / Pardon ? / I' m sorry I know only a little English . / I don' t quite follow you . / How do you pronounce ---? What does --- mean ?" ( Write them on the blackboard . ) Besides , there are two useful expressions : " I have some difficulty in doing --- " and " ask --- for " ( Write them on the blackboard .) Please use them as much as possible in and after class.

Step VIII . Homework :

1. Do Ex . 2. on Page 67 except 1. 2. and 5

2. Retell the dialogue of lesson 9 in the third person form .

Suggested answers :

1. 3). I think she is in the first grade .

4). I think they are talking at the gate of a university .

6). She will take her next exams in June .

7). " Medicine " means the science of treating and understanding disease .

8). In my opinion , Yang Mei' s English is not good enough . She still has difficulty in listening and pronouncing some of the words in English .

2. Yang Mei is a Chinese girl , She is now Studying in the States . On the first day of school , she met her new teacher Sara for the first time . They talked for a while . Yang Mei said that she had difficulty in pronouncing some English words . But Sara thought that the girl' s pronunciation as very good , Sometimes Yang Mei could not understand Sara during the talk . For example , Sara used " fall " instead of " autumn " . She said the word again clearly and slowly . Yang Mei didn't understand until Sara said " next September " . Yang Mei told the teacher that she wanted to study medicine next year and become a doctor.

How do you spell/ pronounce --- ? ask ( sb. ) for sth.

What does --- mean ?

教学设计方案Lesson 10

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases:

 however , a great many ,store , and so on , the same as , more or less

2. Train students ' ability of reading comprehension

Teaching Important Points :  After learning the text " American English " , let the students know something about the differences between British English and American English and the development of English .

Difficult Points :

how to use " however " and " but "

Teaching Procedures :

Step1. Revision   

T: Good morning , class.     S: Good morning , teacher .

T: Sit down , please , In the last period , we' ve learned a dialogue between Yang Mei and her teacher Sara . Who can tell me the meaning of “fall”? Peter,please.            Step2.Preparation for reading  T: Today we are going to learn sth , more about English . English is a young language .It grew from other languages , such as German an French . People began to write it down only about six hundred years ago . It is the international business language , However , English is not exactly the same in different countries . American people speak English , but it is a little different from British English . In this period , we are going to read about those differences . Please close your books and listen to the tape carefully . Then think over the questions on the screen .

Step3 .Listen and answer: (Teacher plays the tape and then shows some questions on the screen ) T: Now please look at some questions on the screen .

1. Do you think that people from Britain and American can understand each other ? Why do you think so ?

2. Is there any difference in written English in the two countries ?

3. Can you give some examples to show the differences in spelling English ?

4. What differences are there in spoken English in the two countries ?

5. How did the differences between British and American English come about ?

( After that , teacher may ask Ss to answer. )

Step4. Reading comprehension:

T: Now please read the text again and finish the exercises within 8 minutes. 

1.The passage doesn’'t tell the difference between AmE. and BrE. in _____.?

A.spelling    B.pronunciation   C.grammar    D.vocabulary

2.The differences between BrE. and AmE. came about in the following ways except _____.

A.people from England took English to different parts of the world and it began to change?

B.some British English changed while English in other parts of the world remained the same

C.some other words came into the English language from other countries?

D.many words and expressions came into the English language from American English

3.The main idea of Paragraph 6 is _____.?

A.many words from other languages have come into the English language?

B.there are several reasons for American English changes?

C.American English brought in some words from the European countries?

D.some British English were brought into American English?

4.From the passage we can see that _____.?

A.American English is quite different from British English?

B.it is difficult to tell the differences between American English and British English

C.American English is really a“mixture”of different languages?

D.people from other countries have changed the English language

5.From the text we know that Americans are _____.?

A.people from European countries?

B.people from France?

C.people from all parts of the world?

D.people from Spain?


1~5 CCBCC?

Step 5 Fill in blanks.

T: Read the text again in details and fill in the blanks without looking at it.

1.Many students want to know about the differences between American English and British English.

2.How did these differences come about?

3.Sometimes the language spoken in these places stayed the same, while the language in England changed.

4.There are a great many American Indian words.

Step6 Language points:

1.       more or less ------ about , not exactly , almost , nearly

 It' s more or less an hour' s walk from here . more or less.

 The work is more or less finished .

2. however adv. -----in spite of this , nevertheless

It' s raining hard , However . I think we should go out .

He hasn't arrived . He may , however , come later.

The students thought they had done everything as the teacher did.

They were mistaken , however.

3. come about ------ happen , take place

Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel comes about .

When John woke up , he was in the hospital , but he didn't know how that had come about .

4.At first , the language stayed the same as the language used in Britain , but slowly thelanguage began to change from one part of the world to another.

1) stay vi ------ keep , remain     e.g. The door stayed open all the day ;

 The temperature has stayed hot this week.

2) the same as ---                       e.g. My dictionary is the same as yours .

 We will do the same experiment as they did yesterday.

5. the language began to change from one part of the world to another : The form of English spoken in one area of the world becomes different from the forms of English spoken in other areas .

6. a great / a good many ------- a very large number of

e.g. Tom has a great many friends at school . A great many of them like American English better than British English.

Step 7 Sum up :

     Today , we' ve learned Lesson Ten . American English (1) , We' ve learned the differences between America English and British English . Their differences Lie in three : one is in written English .e.g. Br.E colour, centre, travelled while AmE, color , center , traveled  ; one is in spoken English , e.g. Br.E. dance [da:ns] ,not [nt], Ame dance, not;  the third is in words and expressions. Br. E, movie , gas , store , mail , right away,I guess while Am. E , film , petrol , shop , post , at once . I think . The cause of making these differences is that people travelled from one part to another.  ( Write parts of them on the Bb.)

 Step VIII . Homework .

 1.Revise the text of this lesson. 2. Make sentences with the words and expressions of Lesson10.

教学设计方案Lesson 12

Teaching Aims :1.Checkpoint 3        2. Direct Speech and Indirect Speech

Teaching Difficult Points :

the use of the Indirect Speech

Teaching Methods :

Inductive method , deductive method and observating method .

Teaching Aids :1. a recorder ;       2. a slide projector

Teaching Procedures :

Step I .Revision

T: Good morning  everyone .     Ss: Good morning , teacher.

T: Sit down , please , Now I'll check the homework . Ren Ping , please do Ex.1on Page 69 ---

Step II . Listening .

T: In the last two periods , we've learned something about the differences between American English and English spoken in England .Today,we are going to listen to a dialogue , An American woman . Terry is talking to her friend David . Let' s listen to what they are talking about .Please listen carefully , then we'll do exercises on Page 129.

Listening to the Text :

David : What' s it like living in England , Terry ?

Terry : Well,I'mhavingagreat time , But I guess I sometimes have a little difficulty understanding what people are saying .

David : Can you explain a bit more ? Do you have some trouble with our pronunciation ?

Terry : No,but you use a lot of different words over here that I don' t understand.

David : Can you give an example ?

Terry : A woman said she would ring me the next day .

David : What' s strange about that ?

Terry : Well , we say , I' ll call you tomorrow ,

David :  Now that sounds very funny to me !

Terry : There' s another thing . In the States people stand closer to each other than English people . For example , if I' m talking to English people at a party . I find that they stand quite a long way away from me .

David : Anything else ?

Terry : Well , yes , It' s clear to me that English people don' t like touching somebody or being touched , Now in the States touch is important,Friends touch each other on the arm ,for example . And we often put an arm round a friend when we say " Hello " or " Goodbye ".So I have to remember not to touch people when I' m in England.

David : What else ?

Terry : You drive on the left and we drive on the right . I almost got killed on the street , the other day . I looked to the left and started to cross, There was a car coming from my right ! Luckily it stopped and didn't hit me .

( Play the cassette twice , Let the Ss check their answers in pairs , then with the whole class. Play the tape to check the answers . )

Suggested answers :

Ex.1.English language , words , parties , touching , saying " Hello " and " Goodbye " , driving ,

Ex. 2. True : 2. 4.

Ex. 3. 1. What' s it like living in England , Terry ?

2. A woman said she would ring me the next day .   3. What' s strange about that ?

4. Well , we say " I'll call you tomorrow . "         5. Now that sounds funny to me !

6. So I have to remember not to touch people when I' m in England.

Step III .Checkpoint

T: Please turn to Page 12. Look at checkpoint 3. Make sentences with the useful expressions , Wang Ping .you try , please , Say as many as possible .

Step IV. Word Study

T: Now look at Lesson 12. Part 2. Word study . Please fill in the blanks with a suitable word according to the words given.Pay special attention to the words "pronunciation" and "pronounce”

Answers :

Noun Verb Adjectivedifference & differentspeech  speakspokendifficulty & difficultpronunciation  pronounce  &mixture  mix  &Europe & European

Step V .Writing

T: Now  let' s look at Lesson 12, Pant 3. Writing . First , look at the checkpoint 3. Grammar

(Ask one student to read.If the verb " say / tell " is in the Past Tense.you usually change the verb tenses into Indirect Speech.) While doing this texercise,you should pay attention to the verb tenses.First write them in your exercise books, then check them in pair .

(After the students have done ,Show the answers on the screen .Let one student to read it aloud . The others check their answers.)

Answers :

1.She said that in china about seven people in ten spoke / speak ( as it is always true ) Putonghua.

2. She said her elder brother had taught her some of the Chinese Characters .

3. She said there were / are over  50.000 different characters in Chinese.

4. She said she had learnt about 5.000 characters at school.

5. She said she had practised writing them for homework .( " practise " must be followed by a gerund.)

6. She said she hadn't found it easy at first .

Step VI . Workbook.

T: Let' s do exercises . Please turn to Page 70. Ex.1. Li Ming , Read the first three groups of words , tell their parts of speech , and then put them into Chinese. ---

Suggested  answers :

mix v. 混合  invent v. 发明mixture n. 混合物 invention  n. 发明operate v. 实施  instruct  v, 教育operation  n. 实施  instruction  n. 教育cross  v. 越过  build  v. 建筑crossing  n. 交叉点  building  n. 楼房luck n. 运气  danger  n. 危险lucky  adj. 幸运的 dangerous  adj. 危险的interest n. 兴趣  difference  n . 不同interesting adj . 有趣的  different  adj . 不同的cloud n. 云 difficulty  n. 困难cloudy  adj. 多云的  difficult  adj . 困难的

T: Now Let' s do Ex . 2. Write the answers in your exercise book , then check them in pairs , at last check them with the sentences on the screen .

Suggested answers to Ex.2.

1. Sara said to Yang Mei she was doing a biology experiment then.

2. Sara said to Yang Mei she wasn't free that day .

3. Sara said to Yang Mei she had to finish that experiment that week.

4. Sara said to Yang Mei she would have to stay in the lab until the next day .

5. Sara said to Yang Mei she was going to write a report the next week.

6. Sara said to Yang Mei she had watched a very interesting TV. programme the day before .

7. Sara said to Yang Mei she had to wait there that afternoon

8. Sara asked Yang Mei whether she would go to the lecture that afternoon.

T: Now let' s do Ex .3. Please tell us which answers are correct and which are wrong ? Ying Ying , how  to correct the wrong ones ? Please tell us the correct sentences .

Suggested answers :

True : 1, B      2, A     3, B      4,  B

1. A should be : I don' t know what the word means .

2. B should be : What is this word " address " pronounced

3. A should be : He said that he had never been to the States .

4. A should be : She may have some difficulty in pronouncing English words .

T: Now let' s do Ex . 4. Put the following into English , using the phrases given . First write them in your exercise - books , then check them in pairs . At last I' ll give you correct answers

( Show the answers on the screen.)

Suggested answers to Ex . 4.

1.There are more or less some spelling differences between British English and American English .

2. Do you still ask your parents for money ?

3. How do you change water into ice ?

4. In my home town we grow wheat , rice , cotton , corn and so on.

5. You look the same as your father.

6. A great many birds come to Kunming for winter every year .

Step VII . Sum up :

T: In the last period , we've learned some rules of verbs when we change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech . Now let' s discuss how the adverbials of  time and place as well as pronouns and the verb " come " should generally be changed if we change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech: . When we change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.

" this  --------  that               these --------- those

now  -------- then                 today --------- that day

this week ( month , etc , ) ---------- that week ( month---)

yesterday --------- the day before

last week ( month , etc ) ---------- the week ( month, etc ) before

three days ago -------- three days before

tomorrow ------------- the next ( following ) day

next week -------- the next ( following ) week

here  --------- there     come -------- go

( Write them on the Bb.)

Step VIII . Homework

Revise the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech

Step IX .The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Lesson 12Direct Speech Indirect Speechthis  thatthese  thosenow thentoday  that dayyesterday  the day beforethree days , --- agothree days --- beforetomorrow,  the next ( following ) daynext week  the next ( following weekhere  therecome  goAttachment :

Unit 3 Revision (  Page 71)

Suggested answers to the exercises :

Ex 1  :   1. B      2. A     3. D      4. E     5.C

Ex 2  :

1. She said that she had some difficulty with English pronunciation

2. Mr , Huang said ( that ) he would come to China the next week .

3. She said ( that ) had been to the States three times .

4. The teacher told s that there were lots of differences between British and American English

5. She said ( that) she had once talked with some foreigners in English .

Ex 3 :

Dear Wang Ning ,

In your letter , you asked me to explain the differences between British English and American English . The differences between the two are mainly found in spelling and in pronunciation . For example , the English say ask[ a:sk] , dance[ da:ns], while the Americans say , In England they pronounce not ,box in America they say [nat] , [baks] .The words colour , metre and traveled in British English are spelt color , meter and traveled in American English . Sometimes different words are used for the same thing ,For example , in England they use autumn , ground , floor and toilet , in American they use fall . first floor and rest room and so on .

Best wishes.



The Ss have learn the difference in Britain and America English. For example, spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar so on. Further, what is more or less the same and difference in Britain English , America English and Chinese in customs. The teacher give the Ss some time to find out about material and study.

American English
