范文网 > 资料大全 > 综合资料 > 快乐的六一儿童节英语作文


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Today is International Children's Day, which is our children's own festival. In the morning, it is sunny and sunny. I put on clean clothes and carry my schoolbag. Everything is ready according to the teacher's requirements. I look forward to arriving at school early. When we arrive at the school, the colored flags are flying on the campus, and the trumpet team and the gongs and drums

team are ready. We look forward to the exciting and exciting moment.

The classroom was decorated with colorful colors by the students themselves. The whole classroom was hung with colorful balloons and flowers. All the students were in high spirits and finally looked forward to 8:30. We took the bench and lined up in a neat and orderly team to sit in front of the big stage. First, we paid attention to the speech of the leaders of our children's school, and then began to perform wonderful programs. There were many and beautiful programs, including chorus, solo,poetry reading, dance "Parent-child activities" and other programs were colorful and won bursts of warm applause.

What I saw was the Chinese knot and entering the new era performed by a teacher's team. Holding a fan is like a beautiful flower butterfly dancing. It's wonderful, "We sing the Oriental red and become rich through reform and opening up. We sing the

story of spring, enter the new era, hold high the banner and create the future... As the beautiful music comes to an end, the teachers put" butterflies " "Connected together, up and down for a while, it's like a group of fairies wandering and coming slowly. It's very beautiful. At the end of the performance, all the people of the performance came to the stage together, forming a huge, United, solid and beautiful wreath. The wonderful program gives me endless aftertaste. I'm so happy today!

