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Unit 1 Period1课题Will people haverobots?教学目标知识目标:

1。Words&phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer etc。


3.There be 句型的`一般将来时。



1.Will 构成一般将来时态的句式。

2.There be句型的一般将来时态。

3.More, less, fewer的用法。

4.学生在使用there will be时,易混成there will have的句式。

教学用具Recorder,PowerPoint课时安排1其他教学流程师生活动Step 1:Leadingin1,Greetings:Hello everyone! Welcome to school。What’sthedatetoday?Who’sondutytoday? Doyou have a good winter holiday? Doyou finish your homework? Doyou want to live on the moon? Canyou guess what will happen in 10 years? In 10 years, Iwill be older, and I will domore sports and eat more vegetables and be healthier。 By then Iwill have enough money and will travel all over theworld…。What willyou be in the future?2,Show thelearning aims3, How will the world bedifferent in the future, 100 years from now? Could you make somepredictions(做出预言)? Show the pictures to thestudents。 Let’s talk about together。Step 2: Pre———task。 SB page 2, 1a 。thisactivity introduces the key vocabulary and the idea of makingpredictions。1。Point to the time lineon the board and extend it out to 100years in thefuture。Read each prediction tothe class, explain the new vocabularies。Explain:一般将来时态。构成:will加动原。There will be 句型2。Read the instructions。As students’ work, move around the room and answer any questionsthey may have。3。Talk about the answerswith the class。Step 3: While———task SBpage 2,1b1。Listen to the tape, thencheck the answers。2。Practice reading the sixpredictions。3。Read the dialoguesfluently。SB page 2,1c。1。Read the instructions tothe class。 explain “in” and “after”2。Help other Ss make oneor two other predictions using statements like those in the sampledialogues。3。Ask a few pairs topresent their conversations to the class。SB page3,2a&2b1。Read thepredictions2。Read the instructionsand point out the sample answer。3。Play the tape twice。 Sscircle the word they hear in each sentence: more, less,fewer4。Check theanswers。


