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老托福阅读真题及答案:passage 11

Plants are subject to attack and infection by a remarkable variety of symbiotic species and have evolved a diverse array of mechanisms designed to frustrate the potential colonists. These can be divided into preformed or passive defense mechanisms and inducible or active systems. Passive plant defense comprises physical and chemical barriers that prevent entry of pathogens, such as bacteria, or render tissues unpalatable or toxic to the invader. The external surfaces of plants, in addition to being covered by an epidermis and a waxy cuticle, often carry spiky hairs known as trichomes, which either prevent feeding by insects or may even puncture and kill insect larvae. Other trichomes are sticky and glandular and effectively trap and immobilize insects.

If the physical barriers of the plant are breached, then preformed chemicals may inhibit or kill the intruder, and plant tissues contain a diverse array of toxic or potentially toxic substances, such as resins, tannins, glycosides, and alkaloids, many of which are highly effective deterrents to insects that feed on plants. The success of the Colorado beetle in infesting potatoes, for example, seems to be correlated with its high tolerance to alkaloids that normally repel potential pests. Other possible chemical defenses, while not directly toxic to the parasite, may inhibit some essential step in the establishment of a parasitic relationship. For example, glycoproteins in plant cell walls may inactivate enzymes that degrade cell walls. These enzymes are often produced by bacteria and fungi.

Active plant defense mechanisms are comparable to the immune system of vertebrate animals, although the cellular and molecular bases are fundamentally different. Both, however, are triggered in reaction to intrusion, implying that the host has some means of recognizing the presence of a foreign organism. The most dramatic example of an inducible plant defense reaction is the hypersensitive response. In the hypersensitive response, cells undergo rapid necrosis — that is, they become diseased and die — after being penetrated by a parasite; the parasite itself subsequently ceases to grow and is therefore restricted to one or a few cells around the entry site. Several theories have been put forward to explain the basis of hypersensitive resistance.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The success of parasites in resisting plant defense mechanisms

(B) Theories on active plant defense mechanisms

(C) How plant defense mechanisms function

(D) How the immune system of animals and the defense mechanisms of plants differ

2. The phrase "subject to" in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) susceptible to

(B) classified by

(C) attractive to

(D) strengthened by

3. The word "puncture" in line 8 is closest in meaning to

(A) pierce

(B) pinch

(C) surround

(D) cover .

4. The word "which" in line 12 refers to

(A) tissues

(B) substances

(C) barriers

(D) insects

5. Which of the following substances does the author mention as NOT necessarily being toxic to the Colorado beetle?

(A) resins

(B) tannins

(C) glycosides

(D) alkaloids

6. Why does the author mention "glycoproteins" in line 17?

(A) to compare plant defense mechanisms to the immune system of animals

(B) to introduce the discussion of active defense mechanisms in plants

(C) to illustrate how chemicals function in plant defense

(D) to emphasize the importance of physical barriers in plant defense

7. The word "dramatic" in line 23 could best be replaced by

(A) striking

(B) accurate

(C) consistent

(D) appealing

8. Where in the passage does the author describe an active plant-defense reaction?

(A) Lines 1-3

(B) Lines 4-6

(C) Lines 13-15

(D) Lines 24-27

9. The passage most probably continues with a discussion of theories on

(A) the basis of passive plant defense

(B) how chemicals inhibit a parasitic relationship.

(C) how plants produce toxic chemicals

(D) the principles of the hypersensitive response.



1) quite 相当 quiet 安静地

2) affect v 影响, 假装 effect n 结果, 影响

3) adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行

4) angel 天使 angle 角度

5) dairy 牛奶厂 diary 日记

6) contend 奋斗, 斗争 content 内容, 满足的 context 上下文 contest 竞争, 比赛

7) principal 校长, 主要的 principle 原则

8) implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的

9) dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放弃 dissert 写论文

10) pat 轻拍 tap 轻打 slap 掌击 rap 敲,打

11) decent 正经的 descent n 向下, 血统 descend v 向下

12) sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水

13) later 后来 latter 后者 latest 最近的 lately adv 最近

14) costume 服装 custom 习惯

15) extensive 广泛的 intensive 深刻的

16) aural 耳的 oral 口头的

17) abroad 国外 aboard 上(船,飞机)

18) altar 祭坛 alter 改变

19) assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音

20) champion 冠军 champagne 香槟酒 campaign 战役

21) baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地的 barn 古仓

22) beam 梁, 光束 bean 豆 been have 过去式

23) precede 领先 proceed 进行,继续

24) pray 祈祷 prey 猎物

25) chicken 鸡 kitchen 厨房

26) monkey 猴子 donkey 驴

27) chore 家务活 chord 和弦 cord 细绳

28) cite 引用 site 场所 sight 视觉

29) clash (金属)幢击声 crash 碰幢,坠落 crush 压坏

30) compliment 赞美 complement 附加物

31) confirm 确认 conform 使顺从

32) contact 接触 contract 合同 contrast 对照

33) council 议会 counsel 忠告 consul 领事

34) crow 乌鸦 crown 王冠 clown 小丑 cow 牛

35) dose 一剂药 doze 打盹

36) drawn draw 过去分词 drown 溺水


什么是学术词汇 在托福阅读的课堂上,经常有学生对繁杂的学术词汇头疼不已。碰到这类词汇,会大大拖慢阅读速度,影响整体的正确率。托福阅读中,所有的单词可以被归为两类:一般功能词汇和学术词汇。一般功能词没有明显的学术背景,比如:animal, organ, time 而学术词汇指的是一类有特定学科背景的词汇。比如某一种动物,像是archaeopteryx(始祖鸟);某一个生物结构,像是nerve cord(神经索),或者某一个历史时期,像是 Cretaceous(白垩纪)等等。比起一般功能词,托福阅读中的这些学术词汇更容易对我们造成阅读障碍。







"量"的问题--考前储备学术词汇   考前储备学术词汇,首先该明确的是托福文章所涉及的文章体裁十分广泛,自然科学,人文科学,社会科学,艺术等等无所不包,想穷尽所有考试中的学术词汇是不实际的,也是低效率的。但是托福阅读文章的出题题材是有偏好的。在考前储备学术词汇时,我们只需在练习时,把真题文章中的学术词汇进行一下整理,仅仅以"认识单词"为目标,不求会写,会听,会说,这样来积累一定的学术词汇,以保证如果考试时遇到相关学术词汇脑中有一个基本概念。常见的比如生物化学类文章中经常出现的carbohydrate(碳水化合物),动物类文章中经常出现的vertebrate(脊椎动物)等。




例如:Among the species of seabirds that use the windswept cliffs of the Atlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate, lay eggs, and rear their young are common murres, Atlantic puffins, black-legged kittiwakes, and northern gannets。

句中"common murres", "Atlantic puffins", "black-legged kittiwakes", 和 "northern gannets" 都是我们陌生的学术词汇。对于它们,我们只需要从文章中读出它们是一些鸟类就可以,然后利用首字母缩写,分别可以用"C" "A" "BK" 和"N"来替代标记,之后在做到相关题时,比如:

According to the passage, which of the following birds conceal their nest?

(A) Bonaparte's gulls

(B) Atlantic puffins

(C) Kittiwake gulls

(D) Northern gannets

其中 B、C、D选项直接对应"A"、 "BK" 和"N"即可。



1. Further burial and slow cementation - a process by which crystals become bound together in a mosaic of intergrown ice crystals - finally produce solid glacial ice。


2. The moon may be divided into two major terrains: the Maria (dark lowlands) and the Terrace (bright highlands)。


All of the following are true of the Maria EXCEPT:

(A) They have small craters。

(B) They have been analyzed by astronomers。

(C) They have a rough texture。

(D) They tend to be darker than the terrace。




同样,做托福阅读时,不妨也把它当做一个袖珍版的课本学习过程。一些重要的术语(学术词汇)在课本(托福阅读文章)中是会给出解释定义的,而这些也是学习的重点,要着重理解。与课本不同的是,真正的课本上,概念和定义都会有突出着重的字体或字号来表示,而在托福阅读中,我们要善于在字体字号完全一样的文章中提取出对重点学术词汇的解释定义。而一些次要的学术词汇,理解的"质"也不需要那么高。  只要把握住托福阅读中学术词汇的考察本质,平时适当积累,掌握正确的应对方法,再加上正确的面对心态,相信大家都能够攻克托福阅读中五花八门的学术词汇。



on the right track--well on one's way

whales on the beach n.不呆在该呆的位置上

be engrossed in/be absorbed in/in absession with/concentrate on 表全神贯注

urban crowding n.城市人口集中化

social stress n.社会压力

pilot reclamation project n.试验性改造工程

be indulged in 沉迷于


canal n.运河

core n.地核

crater n火山口

crust n.地壳

cycle n.天体的循环

dam n.水坝

debris n.碎片,岩屑

deformation n.变形

diversity n.多样性

edge n.边缘,边界

erosion n.腐蚀,侵蚀

eruption n.爆发,火山灰

former n.形成者,模型

frontier n.边界,新开发的地带

funnel n.漏斗

glacier n.冰川

interval n.时间间隔

lodge n.小屋

mantle n.地幔

margin n.(湖,池等的)边缘

offshore adj.海面上的,远离岸的

orbit n.轨道

range n.山脉,多山的地区

mountain range

mountain chain

knot n.山脉的交结点



ravine n.峡谷

canyon n.峡谷

gorge n.峡谷

crevice n.断裂

precipice n.悬崖

cliff n.悬崖

receptacle n.接受器,容器,储存器

remnant n.残余物

ridge n.脊背

sediment n.沉淀物

slope n.斜坡

tectonics n.构造学

topography n.地形学,地貌学

tunnel n.隧道,地道

apply v.应用

cluster v.丛生,群聚

collide v.碰撞

compact v.压紧,固结

concentrate v.集中

conduct v.传导

demolish v.破坏,粉碎

diffuse v.传播,扩散

dispose v.处理,处置

distribute v.散布,分布

drill v.钻孔,钻通

eliminate v.排除

erode v.侵蚀

evaporate v.蒸发

extract v.开采,提炼

hem v.给...镶边,包围

hypothesize v.假设

insulate v.隔离

melt v.融化

precipitate v.使蒸汽凝结而下降

老托福阅读真题及答案:passage 11

