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perspective 透视画法;观点,方法;前景,远景

prospect 前景,景色;前途;勘探,寻找

appreciate 理解,认识,意识到;欣赏;感激

elaborate v. &adj. 精心制作,详细描述;精心制作的

address v.从事,忙于;n. 演讲

appropriate v. 拨给(资金), 盗用/ adj.合适的

strain n. 血统,品系,菌株;紧张,张力;v.扭伤,拉紧

article n. 物品,商品

intrigue v. &n 激发兴趣;密谋;阴谋

intriguing adj. 激发兴趣的

assume v. 承担,担任;假装;假设

bark n. 树皮; 犬吠

bill n.议案,法案; .鸟嘴;账单

champion vt. 支持,拥护;n.冠军

aging n.老化,陈酿

complex n. 综合体 adj.复杂的

concern n. 公司(垄断组织“康采恩”就是它的音译)

attribute v. &n 归因于;特征,属性

default n. &v. 不履行;违约;拖欠;默认(值)

drill vt. 钻(孔);训练,操练

exploit v. 开发,利用n. 功绩

fair n. 集市,交易会;adj.公平的,美丽的 adv.公平地,直接地

fairly adv. 相当地,公平地

game n. 猎物,野味;

fashion vt. 形成,塑造 n.时尚,方式

inviting adj. 引人注目的,吸引人的

alternate v. &adj. 交替,轮流; 交替的

alternating adj.交互的,交替的

alternative n. &adj. 可供选择的方案(option);


figure n. 人物;体形

hit n. 轰动一时的人物或作品vt. 偶然碰见

find n. 发现(物)

spring v. &n 跃出,触发;弹簧,弹性;泉水

humor n.体液

import v. &n 重要;进口

preserve v. &n. 禁猎区;蜜饯;保护

quality adj. &n 1.优质的;性质,品质

issue v. &n. 流出; 出版,发行;问题

jar v. &n 震动;坛子

envision v.想象,预想

literature n. 文献;文学

lot n. 一块地;命运,签

fine adj. 细小的,美好的;v.罚款

minute adj. 微小的,细小的

novel adj. 新颖的

casual 偶然的,随便的

causal 原因的,因果关系的

pound v. 猛击;乱敲

rear v. &n饲养,栽培;后面的

produce n. 产品(尤指农产品)

project v. &n使突出,伸出;放映,投射;方案,工程

relief n. 凸起,浮雕;(痛苦)减轻,安慰

provided conj. 倘若,在…条件下。

save conj. 除了

rent 断口,裂缝

rift 裂缝, 「地质」断裂

pronounced adj. 断然的,显著的

scale v. &n 攀登; 天平,刻度; 鳞; 规模,范围;「音」音阶

school n. (鱼)群;学派,流派

genre n. 类型,流派

score n. 「音乐」乐谱;刻痕;得分

screen v. &n 筛,过滤(器);掩蔽,屏风;屏幕

secure v. &adj. 得到;使安全;安全的

acquire 获得

season v. 调味

spot v. &n发现,认出,定位;斑点;场所

stand v. 经受,忍受

wind v. 绕缠

weather 风化,侵蚀

wear v.磨损,销蚀

stem v. &n 滋生,起源于; 茎

temper n. 增效剂;(灰泥的)稠度;脾气,性情

wage v. 实行,发动(战争等) n.工资





大萧条 (Great Depression)




新政(New Deal)

睦邻政策 (Good Neighbor Policy)


A meteorite found in Antarctica could lend weight to the argument that life on Earth might have been kick-started from space, scientists are claiming.

Chemical analysis of the meteorite shows it to be rich in the gas ammonia.

It contains the element nitrogen, found in the proteins and DNA that form the basis of life as we know it.

The researchers say meteorites like this could have showered the early Earth, providing the missing ingredients for life.

Details of the study by researchers at Arizona State University and the University of California, Santa Cruz, are published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Life story

The new study is based on analysis of just under 4g of powder extracted from a meteorite called Grave Nunataks 95229 (named after its place of discovery in Antarctica), discovered in 1995.

On treatment, the powder sample was shown to contain abundant amounts of ammonia as well as hydrocarbons.

Professor Sandra Pizzarello, who led the research, says the study "shows that there are asteroids out there that when fragmented and become meteorites, could have showered the Earth with an attractive mix of components, including a large amount of ammonia".

Meteorites like this could have supplied the early Earth with enough nitrogen in the right form for primitive life forms to emerge, she says.

Previous studies have focused on the "Murchison" meteorite, which hit Australia in 1969, which was found to be rich in organic compounds.

The professor says Murchison is "too much of a good thing" and contains hydrocarbon molecules which you would expect to find at the end rather than the start of the life story.

She believes the composition of these compounds are too complex and too random in their molecular shape to have played a role in life on Earth.

Asteroid belt

The theory that our planet may have been seeded by a comet or asteroid arises partly from the belief the formative Earth might not have been able to provide the full inventory of simple molecules needed for the processes which led to primitive life.

The suggestions is that the Asteroid Belt, between Mars and Jupiter, away from the heat and pressure of the forming planets, could have been a better place for such processes.

Collisions between asteroids within the belt produce meteoroids which shoot off around the Solar System and which can carry materials to the Earth.

Dr Caroline Smith, a meteorite expert at London's Natural History Museum agrees the important element in the new study is the nitrogen, even though she would like to see similar results repeated in other meteorites.

"One of the problems with early biology on the early Earth is you need abundant nitrogen for all these prebiological processes to happen - and of course nitrogen is in ammonia.

"A lot of the evidence shows that ammonia was not present in much abundance in the early Earth, so where did it come from?"

What specifically caused life to begin on Earth remains a mystery. Professor Pizzarello hypothesises material from a meteorite may have interacted with environments on Earth such as volcanoes or tidal pools, but says all remains a matter of guess work.

"You find these extraterrestrial materials (in meteorites) which have what you need," she says, "but on the how and when, in which environments and by what means - really, we don't know."

"You can only say that yes, it seems that the extraterrestrial environments could have had the good stuff."



Those who enjoyed an idyllic childhood could find that life has a nasty trick in store because, it seems, they are more likely to divorce.


Researchers found that men and women with a stable upbringing could have more confidence and so be more ready to leave a failing relationship.


For the long-term project at Cambridge University, thousands of Britons born in one week in 1946 were studied.


When they were in their teens, teachers rated them for happiness, friendliness and energy. Problems such as restlessness, disobedience and anxiety were noted.


Decades later, information about their lives was also collected and analysed. Professor Felicia Huppert, director of the university’s Well-being Institute, commented on the findings on marriage break-up.


‘One factor might be that positive children have higher self-esteem than their peers and are more willing to leave a marriage if it is not meeting their needs,’ she said.


Other findings were more predictable.


