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  1.在ask, can't, dance, fast, half, path 这一类的单词中,英国人将字母a 读作[a:],而美国人则读作[?],所以这些词在美国人口中就成了[?sk][k?nt][d?ns][f?st][h?f]和[p??]。

  2.在box, crop, hot, ironic, polish, spot这一类单词中,英国人将字母o读作[)],而美国人则将o读作近似[a:]音的[a]。所以这些词在美国人读起来就成了[baks][krap][hat][ai'ranik][paliJ] 和[spat]。


  英语读音 美语读音

  car [ka:] [kar]

  door [d):] [dor]

  river [‘riv2] [‘riv2r]

  party [‘pa:ti] [‘parti]

  board [b):d] [bord]

  dirty [‘d2ti] [‘d2rti]

  morning [‘m):ni9] [‘morni9]

  英语中只有在far away, for ever, far and wide等连读情况下,字母r才明显的读作卷舌音[r]: [fa:r2‘wei][f2‘rev2][far2ndwaid]。


  英语读音 美语读音

  dictionary [‘dikJ2n2ri] [‘dikJ2nori]

  laboratory [le‘b):r2tri] [‘l?br2,tori]

  necessarily [‘nesis2rili] [,nesi‘serili]

  preparatory [pri‘p?r2t2ri] [pri‘p?r2,tori]

  secretary [‘sekr2tri] [‘sekr2,tori]


  英语读音 美语读音

  docile [‘dousail] [‘das2l]

  fertile [‘f2tail] [‘f2rtl]

  fragile [‘fr?d3ail] [‘fr?d32l]

  hostile [‘hostail] [‘hastl]

  missile [‘misail] [‘mis2l]


  英语读音 美语读音

  clerk [kla:k] [kl2rk]

  either [‘ai92] [‘i:92r]

  figure [‘fig2] [‘figj2r]

  issue [‘isju:] [‘iJu:]

  leisure [‘le32] [‘li:32r]

  neither [‘nai92] [‘ni:92r]

  schedule [‘Jedju:l] [‘sked32l]


  英语和美语的发音最大的区别之一在它们对浑元音(schwa,音标中的倒写e,)的处理。英语中,浑元音在单元音中常通发生在一些非重读的短音a (如 about)和短音er(如computer)上。美语中的er很少为浑元音,并有时对短音i(如sentimental,actuality)和u(如 wuss),甚至短音的oo(如:hooker)采用了浑元音。(这四个例子在英语中的发音分别为, [i], [u:], [u])浑元音的读音是不定的,但是听起来差不多像一个急促的介于“俄”和“啊”的发音。


  ar:除了轻读短音(如singular)和者后连元音(如clarity),英语的ar全部清一色的长音[a:],而美语中,是“阿尔”。事实上,凡是有r在一个音节尾部的时候,美英发音通常都是不一样的,如tour(英:吐啊,美:吐儿),tear(英:踢啊,美:踢儿),pair(英:pe 啊,美: pe儿)。甚至在刚才提到的clarity中,英语['kleriti],美语['kle儿r(er)ti]


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: a boss or a manager should not form close friendship with their employees.


  Sample answer:

  Well, I agree with the statement. Because managers who try to be friends with their staff run into all sorts of problems. A manager’s job is to evaluate staff’s work, give them feedback and make decisions. If the boss makes friends with an employee. Others will think the employee has an unfair advantage at performance review time, thus resentment will start to build up. What’s more, when it comes time for promotions, the employee may have an expectation that as a friend, the boss will promote him or her. While the boss should choose the best person for the job, not a friend. This could create tension in and out of the workplace.


  Describe the best way for you to deal with disagreement with your friend.


  No matter how close two friends are, there is a chance to have a disagreement on some issues. I believe the best way to solve the problem is to have a direct communication with each other. For me, when I have different ideas with my best friend Alisa like where to have dinner, which movie to watch, or maybe just a math problem. I would choose to ask her reasons beyond her opinion. If she had sufficient reasons to support her idea I would forget my opinion and follow her suggestion. If not, I would insist mine. Without a timely communication, the misunderstanding can lead to further disagreement, and that will finally ruin our friendship.


  Which do you think is better? Deciding on your major before entering college or after taking some courses?


  I think college students should choose their majors after finishing some courses. First, most senior high students are quite confused about their career perspectives after they graduate from high school. Few of them know what their real interests are since what they leant in the high school are quite basic. However, after taking some courses in the first year in the college, they get to know what they are passionate about. On the other hand, if the freshmen just rush into some areas that they are not good at, they will definitely regret and it’s a waste of time to switch major halfway.


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