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Hamlet is a humanist thinkers of the cup. In Hamlet, Shakespeare used a characters mouth to express his drama claims: "ever since the dawn of drama, it is always reflect the purpose of the nature, show the true nature of good and evil, and show its time evolution of the development of models." Tragedy "Hamlet" is a playwright vividly embodies the concept of realism drama.

Another one of this play is called "the prince revenge to record". The prince is not actually to revenge the old king, although he finally stabbed the new king, but it is greater benefits to will die. His revenge is very failure, because he is always in the hesitation, he hate this world, also hate myself. His cynicism to others, to oneself is constantly blame. He tried to do something, but he still more time. His image, and compared to other peoples heroic reckless, more like a wise man pain. He more spiritual struggle.

Hamlet is the center of the tragedy. He is a typical humanist. Humanism is the core of the Renaissance literature, it embodies the world view of the rising bourgeoisie, is the bourgeoisie and the feudal nobles, weapon in the struggle of the church. Humanism against feudal theology in god as the center, promote people are the masters of the universe, is the soul of all things. Hamlet to the world and human hope for the enormous enthusiasm and perfect. He said: "people how great an item! How noble is reason! How infinite power! Action how like an angel! Know how like a god! The essence of the universe! The spirit of things long!" He is sure that people real life, eager to pure friendship and sincere feelings. He intelligent warm, sensitive, good at thinking, he. His lover I philia said: "ah, this is a how noble heart fall!" The prince, naturally, is of the people support, even his enemies claudius admitted: "he is a confused crowd favorite". But his contact with the reality of the society, he admired her father died suddenly, and I love the mother doesnt even have made shoes for her husband in an old, was in a hurry to marry once derided by claudius. He felt sad: "everything in the world, in my opinion is how disgusting, stale, tedious and boring!" After a deep thinking, and linked with the society as a whole, the problem of personal discovery "disconnect all The Times," "Denmark is a prison," "I am determined to shoulder the responsibility of the reforming the tide". Such revenge for his father, in fact, become a concrete action of reforming society. He deliberately arranged "play within" in order to further proof of the king of rape crime. When about keeping

Crimes of true - phase after confirmed, then act immediately. But in order to find justice means, he put down the chance to kill him at the crafty king prayed, then mistakenly killed polonius, thus evoking the exiled command. Finally, although he fled back, killed the king of rape in a duel, to sacrifice themselves because of the poisoned sword, "reforming qiankun" also failed in its duty.

"Hamlet" also can reflect the authors focus on art creation. The plot of the play, view of a broad life and vivid, rich. Play reflects life picture, from the palace to the family, from - to the graveyard, sergeant from the guard to the people to revolt, from theater to field than a sword, constitutes the broad background of the characters activities. Shakespeare is very pay attention to the arrangement of the plot, a wave not flat, something new. In addition to the plot of revenge, but also cooperate with such as affection, friendship, parent-child relation, played a promoting role to the development of the plot. Associated with vitality of the plots and the richness, the author also organize rich and colorful drama. Such as "play within the performances", is a key, and the transition, is the turning point of Hamlets thoughts and actions.

Shakespeare is a master the language. His drama colorful language, poetic. He plays mainly is to use free blank verse, and folk songs, the characters language is also changing.

Portraying Hamlet, used many times, monologue, photograph using verse and prose, philosophy and the combination of lyric, have strong artistic appeal.

"Hamlet" is a masterpiece, it gives me a lot, is worth a look!









