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As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become morecomprehensible, but more complex and mysterious.

Writea response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree withthe statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. Indeveloping and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which thestatement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerationsshape your position.


There is now evidence that the relaxed pace of life in smalltowns promotes better health and greater longevity than does the hectic pace oflife in big cities. Businesses in the small town of Leeville report fewer daysof sick leave taken by individual workers than do businesses in the nearbylarge city of Masonton. Furthermore, Leeville has only one physician for itsone thousand residents, but in Masonton the proportion of physicians toresidents is five times as high. Finally, the average age of Leeville residentsis significantly higher than that of Masonton residents. These findings suggestthat people seeking longer and healthier lives should consider moving to smallcommunities.

Writea response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of theargument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions andwhat the implications are for the argument if the assumptions proveunwarranted.


- 过去海龟数量减少,因为 人们使用了shrimp net, 最近得知 海龟死亡率增加,发现是shrimp net的问题。。。为了防止这问题,要控制shrimp net的`使用。

有一道阅读题的key word 是CO^2, 光合作用,oxygen, 的。。。

关于British editor的,说当时的paper review 都很差,甚至对人没帮助,然后什么editor不喜欢留下真实名字,有提及过editor是female的问题等。。

原文来源: 2013gre考试真题:2013.2.9gre北美考试回顾与点评

数学部分:有200个学生,0~100分,问以下单独条件可以 得到得more than 75 的percentage;

A) XXXX, 25%得25分以下;

B) XXXX, 60% 得75分以下;

C) XXXX, 60% 得75或者以下;

1, a, 7 a0, 哪一个选项可以得到最小的StandardDeviation?

A)0 B)1 C) 2 D) 4 E)7



C 有 1000 room 分配xnumber of hotels, D有2000 room 分配了 y number of hotels,问以下哪个公式是代表 average of rooms perhotel for both C and D?

C has 1000 rooms distributed to x hotels, D has 2000 roomsdistributed to y hotels,Which of the following represents the average of rooms perhotel for both C and D?

