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  首先:Firstly, First of all, What I want to mention firstly is that…, To start with, To begin with, For one thing, My first point is that…

  其次:Secondly, In the next place, Moreover, My second point (reason) is that….

  第三:Thirdly, furthermore, Besides

  最后:In the end, Finally, Lastly, In the end, My last point (reason) is that…, Last but not the least


  最简单的就是so, because, 如果想避免重复,使自己的回答更加出彩,我们还可以使用这些:due to, because of, owing to, thanks to, as a result of, inconsequence of, on account of, in view of, hence, therefore, thus, accordingly和consequently.


  Although, though, regardless of, even if, even though, as long as, despite, however, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, on the contrary, otherwise, though, while, yet.


  not only…but also, as well(as), at the same time, besides, furthermore, in addition(to), like wise, moreover, worse still.


  On the other hand, while, whereas, in contrast, on the contrary.

  我们一起来看一道例题: Do men and women like the same hobbies?


  No, I think men and women like different hobbies.

  Men like playing computer games, or doing sports activities such as football and basketball. Women like watching TV, shopping, going to a karaoke bar and chatting on line.


  Well, certainly there are a few differences.

  The first difference is the outdoor activities. I mean, men are fond of doing sports activities like football and basketball. In contrast, women prefer going shopping for clothes and shoes.

  Another distinction is the TV programs they watch. For instance, men are quite into action movies. By comparison, women are more likely to watch soap operas.

  用了the first, another这样的并列关系词和in contrast, by comparison这样的对比关系词,整个答案的结构和逻辑性都清晰了很多,口语分数自然会提高。



  比如:Well, certainly there are a few differences.

  The first difference is the outdoor activities. I mean, men are fond of doing sports activities like football and basketball. In contrast, women prefer going shopping for clothes and shoes.

  Another distinction is the TV programs they watch. For instance, men are quite into action movies. By comparison, women are more likely to watch soap operas.

  我们还是来看这个修改过的高分答案,表达“喜欢、喜爱”这个意思,我们没有使用单调的like, love, 而是使用be fond of, prefer, be quite into这样相对高级但也很常用的表达, 表达可能性使用了be likely to…的结构,这样的替换结构可以让口语不那么千篇一律,体现出你对语言灵活的掌握!





  1.Sth. enable(s) sb. to do

  E.g. The smartphone enables us to contact with our friends.

  2. Sth. allow(s) sb. to do

  E.g. The smartphone allows us to contact with our friends.

  3. With the help of sth...we can...

  E.g. With the help of smartphone, we can freely contact with our friends.

  4. Sth. help(s) sb. (to) do

  E.g. The smartphone helps us to contact with our friends whenever we want.


  1.I hear(常用过去时,表示听过)

  E.g. I heard her voice.

  2. I hear of /about (hear of/about 表听说)

  E.g. We frequently hear about these types of reports.

  3. Sound

  E.g. This sounds impossible.

  4. Sound like

  E.g. However, I do not want to sound like a Hollywood actor accepting an award.



  2. Look like (it looks like...形容轮廓或外观)

  3. I noticed that....

  E.g. I noticed that most academics were writing papers during the summer.


  1. I think / believe / suppose....

  2. Think of

  E.g. What do you think of her?


  1.It is + adj. + for sb to do sth

  E.g. It is a great pleasure for me to attend this meeting.

  2. It is + adj. + that + 句子

  E.g. It is impossible that she brings a gift to you.


  1.I am not satisfied with...

  2. I am dissatisfied with…

  E.g. I am dissatisfied with the current solution.

  3. I am unhappy with…

  4. I don’t think it is a good idea to

  E.g. I don’t think it is a good idea to say it is good or bad.


  1.I can’t wait to do sth

  E.g. I can’t wait to join the football team.

  2. I am looking forward to doing sth

  E.g. I am looking forward to joining the football team.



  ▪ 为了使自己的内容不要听起来过于苍白,我们可以加一些例子使自己的内容听起来更加丰富,常见的举例方法有:like, such as, take...for example, in some cases, and stuff like that, and things like that, or something like that.

  ▪ 停顿的时候,用well, eh, um, 或者you know,占位。当你需要转移话题,或转换一个角度,或者遇上难题,需要一点思考时间又不想冷场的时候,试试这些表达“谈及、谈到、关于”的词组:speaking of, talking about, when it comes to, as far as s concerned, as regards, regarding.

  ▪ 用 flick/flicks 代替film/movie.

  ▪ 用“a smash hit”代替popular表达“某东西很火”,smash作动词用是打碎的意思,这个比较常考,但在口语中经常用到它形容词词义,表示极为成功的。

  ▪ the name of the game 问题的实质;最为重要的方面;事情的根本目标”。


  Describe a useful website that you like to visit.

  Ok, well the first website that came to mind when I saw this topic was Taobao, which is the Chinese equivalent of eBay.com. There's a huge range of stuff you can buy on this website. One of the best things about this website is that the prices are generally a lot cheaper than in the shops. I mainly go on it to buy things like clothes…

  I know that shopping online can be quite risky, because the product often isn't as good as it looks on the website, but if you do enough research, such as read the customer reviews of the product you're thinking of buying, then I think you can avoid this kind of thing happening to you, because you’ll be able to get an idea of how reliable the supplier is.

  在这个答案中,我们使用了well, stuff等地道又口语化的表达,同时也用到了很多连接词如one of, but, such as, because等,让整个回答听起来更有层次和逻辑性。A huge range of, get an idea of 等这些高分替换表达也是回答中的亮点!


