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我们都知道备考雅思口语需要在平时积累多一些素材,并且多多参考别人的优秀范文,下面小编给大家带来雅思口语范文:野生动物之狼 wolf。

雅思口语范文:野生动物之狼 wolf

I’d like to talk the first time I ran into a bunch of wild wolves. Actually, I’d seen wolves before but they were all kept in cages in the zoo, so that was quite an experience.

I remember it was about 4 years ago, when my friends and I were travelling on the freeway back from the Death Valley National Park, and you know, the freeway in America is quite different from ours in China. There were fewer cars running on the road, and that area was so arid that basically no plant could grow. So there was nothing that can block our line of sight. And suddenly, we saw a wolf standing, well, to be exact, sitting by the road. We were so surprised, ‘cause no one expected to see that. We slowed down and pulled over, so we could have a better look at the wolf. If we were right, it was a he, and he was so skinny, and the fur was a little bit dirty. I took out my phone and took a picture. The whole time, he didn't move at all, you know, he just sitting there, staring at us. And later, some of his friends joined him. They were all like a bag of bones. It seemed that they hadn’t eaten for days. We didn’t dare to feed them, plus, we didn’t know if it was allowed in the freeway to throw food out of the window, so we just drove off.

Now, although I changed my phone several times, I still have that picture of the wolf. It’s like a reminder of that usual experience.

这次经历告诉我,没事儿的时候要多翻看一下过去的照片,有些经历不是遗忘了而只是想不起来了。所以,说不定你的相册里的某一张照片就对应着哪一道口语话题呢!例如“something or somebody that made you laugh”这道题,我们手机里有多少同学的丑照,是时候晒出来了!所以快快动起来,开始jog your memory吧(唤醒你的记忆)!

雅思口语 Part 1 Topic 28 Animals 动物 (9-12 月新题)

1. Have you ever kept pets?

Yes, I have had pets ever since I was a child. My mother has two cats which I can remember from the day I was bom. It feels like they have always been part of the family. One is black and the other is white and orange. I love them very much.

2. Do you like to go to the zoo ?

I do like to go to the zoo. I love animals very much and the zoo is full of many rare and exotic (稀有的和外国的)animals that I do not often get the chance to see. My favourite animal is the panda so I like to visit the panda exhibition every time I go to the zoo.

3. Have you ever seen any wild animals before?

I have not seen wild animals very often. I have spent most of my life living in Beijing which is a very industrialized city and therefore there is not much wildlife. However, when driving in the country side I have seen wild dear before, but this has only happened rarely.

4. What wild animals do you like most

My favourite wild animal is the wolf. I have loved wolves ever since I was a young child. Wolves are very beautiful creatures. Wolves are loyal to each other and very fierce that I find this exciting. However, I would be very scared if I saw a wolf in the wild because they are extremely dangerous animals.






◆What is your favorite season?

◆What is special about this season?

◆What do people usually do in this season?

◆Why do you like this season?


◆What is the worst weather you have experienced?

◆When did you experience it?

◆What did you see?

◆How did you feel under the worst condition?


Describe a Season Describe your favorite season. You should say: What your favorite season is. What is special about it. What people usually do in this season. And explain why you like this season.


{原创范例}My favorite season is summer. I can’t wait till it starts. Yes, it sometimes gets very hot and sultry. But I don’t care. At least I don’t have to fight with bulky overcoats or down coats.


{原创范例}Summer means life, blue skies, gentle breeze, white beaches, and green trees. I love the warmth, the plenty of sunshine it brings and the way people look in tan. In summer, girls wear cute skirts and lovely sunbonnets. All the beautiful colors go around in this season. And you can feel the longing to go outdoors and experience an adventure.









第二次背的很熟练,背熟了后有些句子就可以套用一下,背的有点活了,就是这个感觉,这次考试充满了信心,我还特意注意自己的语气和神态让自己的神态看着不像背的感觉。大家都知道,答案这个东西首先是没有语法问题的其次是里面的词和句子基本超过自己的水平,总之特别专业的东西。但第二次的考试成绩才是5.5. 我觉得既然都背成这样了再背也不会怎样怎样,那问题肯定出在别的什么地方。看帖子的各位你试着思考下问题还能出现在哪里?





这两种方法你在考官面前的表现形式是死背大法考官问你, 你喜欢什么你的眼神开始发飘,思想内敛,大脑走神突然间想起来了,机械性目的性极强的迫不及待地快速赶紧说完

逻辑框架大法考官问你,你喜欢什么大脑会第一时间用思路来回答,我喜欢什么,which 怎么着,在说的同时脑子里会想起曾经的背过的东西,眼神不飘,思想不内敛,大脑不走神,且你还是边想边说。你和考官会形成正确的交流



那么请问英文基础不好如何几个月内具备这种能力,如何去弥补口语正确学习方法1.熟悉框架,基础打好!说明:让你建立框架,熟悉part2段落关系和每句的作用。另外解决里面出现的不懂的语法问题用我在阅读课程上推荐的那本 和问其他人。都是基本的语法必须搞懂。


3.打造自己的内容并背熟 ,这个可以弄也可以找人弄!


下面举例说明:第一贴课程口语第一部分 有4个黄金法则 分别是 1介绍 2举例 3原因 4假设介绍可以细分为A修饰B功能-就是对我有什么影响

例子Do you like travelling?Yes, I do love it, which is absolutely enjoyable….Yes, I do love it, which is a great way to keep fit/boost your fitness

举例举例有好几种这里面只摘抄几个作为本文的铺垫举例—分类举例---时间A 分类举例 especially, particularlyDo you like flowers?Yes I like them very much, especially those with strong fragrance, rose and lily

时间 on nice weekends, when I have a lot of leisure timeDo you like shopping?Yes, I do, especially when I have a lot of leisure timeYes, I do, especially on nice weekends原因mainly/just/simple because due to 后面可以跟功能Do you like walking?Yes, I like walking especially after dinner which is a good way to keep us fit mainly because walking can enhance blood circulation of the whole body

假设---转假设even though, otherwiseEven though I am not(good at)即使Otherwise, I may not have anything joyful to do 否则

Do you like driving?Yes, like it, even though I can not drive well

现在我们知道了part1的4个大扩展方法其中的小部分通汇一下看两个例子What excuses do people have when they are late?是交通堵塞,特别对于在北京而言【分类举例】是一个超好用的借口【介绍】主要是因为交通状况越来越恶化了【原因】It is traffic jam especially in Beijing, which is an excellent excuses, mainly because traffic condition has become worse and worse

how often do you go shopping for clothes?我偶尔去商场买衣服,只是因为太费时间,尽管哥很潮 I go shopping for clothes every now and then. Simply because it is a waste of time even though I love fashion

有人看到这里问了,你到底要说什么,到底要说什么。咱们做一个对照试验现在假设这个逻辑框架的方法叫逻辑框架大法我以前的死记硬背叫死背大法对照实验1 体量逻辑框架大法

1.do you like cooking?Definitely, I like cook meal especially delicious Chinese stir-fry, which usually make me feel a sense of achievement

2.do you like to learn about history?Certainly, learning history is a great way to get the information about what happened in the past, which is absolutely meaningful to introspection

3.if you had children, what toys would you give them?I want to give my child transformer which is a good toy to play with mainly because they can stimulate imagination

4do you like having a busy life?Honestly, I don’t like busy life, mainly because I do not have free time to enjoy life, even though busy lifestyle is beneficial to my career development

5what are the benefits of drawing for adults?I think painting can enhance people’s esthetic capacity and quality. Mainly because people have to use their sharp eyes to find the beauty in their daily life

好这5道题目大家看一下,现在分析下都用了什么扩展方法,是否发觉这种规律性的东西非常容易呢?画横线的是词伙,每道题目基本上你把词伙背了,把逻辑框架熟悉了就可以复述出来了。另外还有一个事情,就是词伙不止可以用在这某个题目里面,词伙是通用的。比如career development, esthetic capacity and quality 这种说法 简直你可以用在太多太多的地方了吧。

这么背题目是否比之前的完全背答案舒服呢?死背大法1 do you like cooking?1.I like cooking because I take pleasure in sharing what I make, and I like particularly making cakes for my colleagues2 if you had children, what toys would you give them?I would buy toys that they like. For example, for boys, I would probably buy toy cars or guns. But for girls, I think they might like dolls better. Of course, besides these, I also want to buy some education toys for them to learn something new3how do you organize you time?I have a timetable in both my notebook and the cellphone to manage my time. A the beginning of every term I fill in the timetable firstly with the curriculum schedule. Then I can make proper plans of other activities according to the spare time I have


介绍Do you like travelling?是的,旅游扩展了我的视野Yes, I do like it, which can broaden our horizons举例:是的,旅游扩展了我的视野,尤其是非洲国家Yes, I do like it, which can broaden our horizons, especially in Africa


如果打破这个模式使用介绍+假设 或者 使用 举例+原因行不行呢介绍+假设:是的,旅游扩展了我的视野,即使我没有很多钱举例+原因:是的,尤其是当我放寒暑假的时候,因为我可以和我的同学们一起去旅游好比每个扩展方式就是一个模块,同样的一个问题你可以使用任何模块来组合,你需要背的就是一些词伙,然后脑子里模拟一遍你想说的话,然后使用不同的模块来回答各种问题。如果你真这么做了,会发现你基本抛弃了背这种感觉。虽然词伙你是要背的虽然一些话你还是要背的,但你确实抛弃了整个题目答案的背,而是想到什么逻辑就用什么逻辑。

再看死背大法Do you like travelling?I like travelling because i love nature.When i was travelling,i can see the most beautiful flowers blooming,i can see the most gentlely grass that coming from the earth.When i was travelling, i can enjoy the sunrise,also the sunset.I can breath naturally.I can feel myself when i was on my trip.


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