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17年5-8月雅思口语part2话题答案:Describe a recent change of you最近的改变

  Hey,烫手的5-8月雅思口语话题范文来啦!小站雅思君就是这么的有效率,这两天都是潜心于最新口语题目的整理与范文的编纂,动次打次,5-8月要考试的同学们来收题啦!这是一个旧题重现:Describe a recent change of you最近的改变。

  You should say:

  what it was

  when caused it

  what do you do for the change

  and explain how do you feel about it


  would like to talk about the time I first moved to Changsha for college. It’s one of the major changes in my life till now I have to say.

  Firstly, I was born in the north of China. We have drier winter, while Changsha, which is a southern city is probably the most humid city in the world. The constant rain is killing me. And the food in Changsha is too spicy and salty for me. I am not used to having too many spices and chili in the food. Also, I can’t really understand the local language.

  Besides, college study is totally different from high school study, including in study methods and subjects. For example, you don’t have anyone to supervise you or motivate you on your own things. You can only rely on yourself.

  Another significant change for me is the living environment. I used to live with my parents and have my own room, while in college, I have to live with 5 other girls in a small dormitory. We even don’t have a private bathroom.It’s utterly inconvenient when you have to share the bathroom with so many other people, like more than 70 people.

  To conclude, I am still adapting myself to the new environment and the new life. Like people always say, we’ll have to embrace the change.



  口语part 2范文内容:我正在攻读酒店管理的4年文凭。这是一门全日制课程,包括大量的讲座和实践工作。但是压力太大让我变得沮丧,于是在朋友推荐下去了瑜伽课,开始对我的生活和精神带来很好的改变。

  Changes are an integral part of our life. Today, I'm going to talk about a recent change that I brought about in my life.

  I am pursuing a 4-year diploma in hotel management. It's a full-time course which includes a lot of lectures and practical work. Spending long hours in college, part-time work, and project work in the library, not to mention other responsibilities – all of them started taking their toll on me. I became stressed, sleep deprived and cranky. I was generally frustrated, short-tempered and unhappy.

  My friends posed an intervention and told me they were worried for me, this statement really awakened me. I thought I could handle the stress but seeing them suffer the side effects of my workaholism, I decided to do something about it.

  I joined yoga classes in the morning. Initially, I felt that this might be a waste of time but I was proven wrong when my classmates said I looked happier and refreshed. I myself noticed a change in my aura and productivity.

  This change redefined my outlook on things, I noticed that little things do in fact matter. In today's fast-paced world, we have forgotten the true essence of life. We should keep on making small experimentalchanges in our life. They give it a splash of colour. All in all, this change had a positive impact on me and my loved ones. I will definitely continue to do yoga no matter where I go.

  雅思口语Part2: 近期改变/有挑战的经历


  Describe a recent change that happened on you.

  You should say :

  What the change was ?

  What caused the change ?

  What did you do ?

  How you felt about it ?


  1.I'd like talk about an amazing change happened on me recently.In less than 2 months,I managed to lose 20 pounds.Isn't that amazing?

  2.I was a big boy.I used to eat lots junk food.Many people warned me that my diet habit could kill me.Well,i didn't take it seriously.Then my body weight was out of control.When I found that I couldn’t fit in my favorite jacket,I was very disappointed.I couldn’t believe that’s me in the mirror.I decided to change it before it's too late.

  3.Changing the old habits is the first step.Getting rid of the junk food could be a good start.I sticked to a diet.Every meal,I ate lots of fresh vegetables and caculated how much calories i consumed.Besides that,I did lots of exercise.I went to the gym a couple of times a week.My daily routine was like 20 minute aerobics and an hour weight lifting.

  4.Well,my hard work paid off.A couple of weeks later,I started to see changes.I saw my abs.My body weight was declining.I made it and I'm very proud of myself.

  雅思口语话题:Describe a recent change of you近期改变

  You should say:

  ? what the change was

  ? when and where this change happened what caused this change

  ? what the result of this change was

  ? and explain how you felt about this change when it happened.

  Three moths ago, I moved to a new neighborhood with my parents since my father had been transferred to a sub-company and the new neighborhood is near to his new working place.

  I felt bitter-sweet when we decided to move. I was upset because I had to live far away from some of my good friends and the surroundings I am familiar with. At the same time, I felt a little excited about the new life because it was the first time for us to move to a new apartment since I grew up. But as soon as I visited the new apartment, I was convinced that we had made up a good decision.

  Now 1 am absolutely satisfied with the new surroundings as well as our new apartment The new neighborhood is elaborately designed with fantastic greening. Lots of trees, flowers are planted there and there are several lawns besides a manmade stream. Our apartment is also well furnished. Whafs more, it is much more spacious than the old one. I can enjoy the study of my own and we have two bathrooms which make our lives more convenient. Last, living in the new neighborhood, we can enjoy more convenient public transportation.

  In a word, I think we’ve made a wise choice, and the change is beneficial to both my study and my life.











