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The library I’d like to talk about that I visited is ‘Illumination Library’ (Tell the name of a library from your home town) and it is situated in my home town. I have not visited this particular library for the last 2-3 years as I am not living in my hometown any longer and yet this is the library I will always remember. This library is situated at the centre of our home town and occupies the whole 3 story building. There are plenty of books there and the library offers variety of books, novels, research papers, magazines and many more for people of different tastes.

The books are well catalogued and arranged in a convenient fashion. There are more than 3-4 librarians and several other assistants to help find any book. The library also offers membership facility and the active members are allowed to take books to home. Since the library is funded by government the membership fee is very negligible and affordable for students, there are lots of people visiting and reading there.

People of our hometown consider this library as the best place to gather knowledge, read in peace and to find reference books for study or professional reasons.

For me this library has a great influence on me. I became a member of this library when I was only 7 years old. My reading habit has been grown up from there. I became a passionate reader of books and novels and this library had a great influence on that. This library also helped me finishing some academic projects as I could find books and reference reading materials. I have read plenty of books in my childhood and adolescence time only because the library was conveniently there for me.

Tips for answering this cue card topic:

You can talk about any library you have visited including your college/ university library. If the questions would have asked you to describe a famous library, then it would have been bit tricky, but answering this cue card should be easy as we all know what the purposes of the library and what people do there. Start describing the library (location, interior and exterior), the types of facility if offers and the types of books it has. Then say your activities in this library what you did there. Following are some hints to help you answering this cue card topic:

Location: In my hometown/ In my area/ In the city centre/ in my college or university/ in a different city where I visited etc.

Description: It is a 4 story building, has more than 20,000 books and journals, the environment is quiet and neat, the staffs are helpful, the books are arranged based on writer and topics, some modern facilities like digital index and searching facilities are available, only few minutes away from the place I live now etc.

Facilities: Membership facility, digital index, staffs are educated and helpful, we can take books home, several types of books, novels, journal and other reading materials are available, it is funded by the local administration and Government and cost very little for the reader, people can stay as long as they want, open 7 days a week, great collection of academic and subject oriented books etc.

Influences it has on you: You have got many helps from the academic and reference books it has, your reading habit has been enriched because of this library, it offer many facilities, you can take book home thus your family members can also read the books you take home, a good place to spend time.

If you can answer this cue card you should be able to answer the following cue cards as well:

1. Describe one of your favourite places.

2 .Describe a library you know about.

3. Talk about a place where you often go to.

4. Describe an activity you have.

5. Talk about a public place in your hometown.

6. Describe a public library.


The central city library in my locality is my favourite library. This is a library which is run and funded by cthe Government and local officials and is a renowned library in our city. This is more than 100 years old and has a very rich collection of books, journals, reference books, novels and other reading materials. This library has recently introduced some digital formation and gives the facility to read books in electronic devices. Almost 200 people go to this library everyday and it offers a really quiet and calm environment for reading.

This library offers many benefits and the most important thing is about a library is that it comprises books that are main source of knowledge. This library has more than 20,000 books and people can easily find a book that might interest them or the books they were looking for. Students come here to take reference for their study materials and to take notes, the literacy lovers come to read novels and stories by world renowned writers, the regular members can take books to their home and thus can read in their free time. Time spent in a library is a wise investment and I feel that the contribution of this library towards making a literate and conscious generation is unmatched.

I often go to the library to read books that are in my "must read" list. Besides, this is a good place to take notes and to read and I often go there for my study purpose. As I am a subscribed member of this library, I can take books to my house and I usually return those books in every 4-5 days to take a new one.

There are lots of famous libraries in my country and in the world that I heard about and yet this is the very library that helped me grow my interest on extra-curricular reading habit. I have read books from this library that have greatly helped me and because of that, I like this library more than any other library in the world. Furthermore, the environment of reading, the staff, the arrangement of books, the rich collection and my easy access to this library make it my most favourite library.

Similar Cue Card topics:

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

Describe a place where you often go.

Describe a public library you know about

Describe a public place in your hometown.

Describe a place where you often meet your friends.

Describe a library in your community.

雅思口语part2 描述你熟悉的图书馆 --素材实

Describe a library that you know

You should say:

where it is

when you went there

what books and facilities this library has

and explain what you like or dislike about this library


图书馆话题……看到它又让我想起了在英国时紧张而快乐的大学生活。甚至现在还能回味起爱丁堡大学图书馆里那古老的皮革与硬木(leather and hardwood)掺杂的味道。记得当时有张借书卡(library card),泡在图书馆里的时间很多。每次都是先去电脑上查一下书目(catalogue),然后把自己喜欢的书大借一通,如杂志(magazine),学术期刊(Journal),学科文献(literature for subject),甚至是有声读物(audiobook)。然后抱着叠成山的书跑回家慢慢品味。偶尔也有书已经被别人借走的时候,管理员(librarian)人很好,会帮我预留(on hold)。

素材库 when you went there?

My library has a website and I can reserve books any time I can get internet access. My library card number has an account and I can check there for when my book becomes available.

Put the books you want on hold or reserve so when they come in the library can notify you and you go pick them up and you can read them.You can also get the library to get books from surrounding libraries to reserve books for you. That is how I get some of my research books.

I get books from all over the country and I live in a rural area. I catalog and research antique violins and sometimes I need specific books that are very hard to find and certain library or university libraries will loan their books.

I can call ahead and reserve the books for whenever they are available. Then, when they get them in, they'll tell you and you can go get them. Most libraries will do this for you. I'd also try calling into other libraries like you said you are on the outskirts of a larger city.

Most libraries let you reserve the books you want. That'll put you on the waiting list so you're guaranteed to get the book when it gets checked back in.

The librarians are doing a good job by letting you check out the books you want, to check out, so you will go home with them.

偶然翻到明尼苏达州亨内平县图书馆(Hennepin County Library)的BLOG主页上,看到他们曾经向读者征询了一个类似的问题:

Be it big or small, how has Hennepin County Library changed your world, added to your life or, simply, why is the Library important to you?


The library brings the world to me. 1.MUSIC CD'S-I can keep up on the recordings of current artists. 2.MAGAZINES-keep up on current events, entertainment. 3.AUDIO BOOKS-I have time to 'listen to books instead of reading them. Also, the narrators do an excellent job of pronouncing certain words that I would normally skip over (like French names).


借书规则 Borrowing Rules

借书权利 Borrowing privileges

学生必须出示学生证到借书处办理结束手续。All students must use their Student ID Cards to borrow library materials at the Circulation Counter.

不可转借学生证给他人使用。Student ID Cards cannot be transferred to, or used on behalf of, other persons.

教职员工可使用教师电脑使用者名称借阅图书馆资源。All teachers and staff can use their computer login name to borrow library materials at the Circulation Counter.

续借 Renewals

在没有人预约的情况下,所有学生及教职员工可在书籍到期前续借书籍一次。All students, teachers and staff can renew the above materials once, provided that no hold request has been made for the same item by other users, or the item is not overdue.

预借 Holds

过期还书罚款:每日每本1英镑。Overdue fines: £.100 per item per day.




超市里可学的单词更是举不胜举。洗发水飘柔rejoice(v. 使高兴)、面巾纸清风breeze(n. 微风)。通常,在面巾纸的外包装上,大都可以看到handkerchief(n. 手帕,纸巾)、在大多数饮料瓶上则大都印有nutrition(营养)、energy(热量)、protein(蛋白质)、carbohydrate(碳水化合物)、calorie(卡路里)等重要单词,超市里的商品可谓琳琅满目,只要用心发现,雅思口语常用词汇随处可见。



不少公司、企业的牌匾都是中英两种文字书写的。最常见的如国有四大银行:中国银行(Bank of China)、中国农业银行(Agricultural Bank of China)、中国建设银行(China Construction Bank)、中国工商银行(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)。另外,还有交通银行(Bank of Communications)和招商银行(China Merchants Bank)。注意:这些黑体标注的单词可都是我们各类考试中常考的,观察这些牌匾能让你发现不少学过的单词其实一直就在你身边呢,所以要好好利用日常生活学习雅思口语哦。所以说大家在生活中也能增加词汇量,与此同时在加上总结雅思口语考试范文,相信大家会有很大进步。


大街上各种车辆川流不息,不知你仔细看过它们的品牌没有,其中不少都是英文单词:日本丰田旗下的corolla(n. 花冠)和crown(n. 皇冠);本田的accord (v./n. 一致)、韩国现代的sonata(n. 奏鸣曲)、以及韩国现代的refine(v. 精炼;精制),还有铃木的swift(adj. 迅速的)系列、大众的golf(n. 高尔夫)系列、菲亚特fiat(n. 命令)等等。记下这些单词,回家查查它们的意思,你会发现它们的中文译名和在英文里的意思还并不完全一样呢。不过,也别有一番乐趣,喜欢名车的同学们不仅开拓了眼界,也增加了词汇量,可谓一举两得呢。






