范文网 > 资料大全 > 综合资料 > 盘点托福听力高频词组和表达句式,可用在口语哦


曼雁 分享 更新时间:



  way 作副词用,表示程度,意为“太...”

  (eg.The phone is way expensive. )

  kind of: 有些

  sort of(同上)

  (eg. I'm kind of tired.)

  It’s safe to say 可以放心地说

  It’s fair to say (同上)

  (eg. Its safe to say that the atmosphere is getting worse.)

  this is where…comes into picture 这就是...发挥作用的时候了

  this is where…comes into play(同上)

  this is where…comes in(同上)

  this is where…kicks in(同上)

  (eg. This is where survival instinct kicks in.)

  has to do with 和...有关

  has little to do with 和...基本无关

  has a lot to do with 和...有很大关系

  has nothing to do with 和...无关

  has everything to do with 和...完全相关

  (eg. The climate has a lot to do with humanity.)

  in terms of 关于

  when it comes to(同上)

  as for(同上)

  (eg. He is the best in terms of communication skills.)

  doesn’t necessarily mean 不一定意味着

  (eg. He doesn't do well in exams, but that does not necessarily mean he is not smart.)

  He does have a point. 他说的有道理

  make a point 说明问题

  at some point 在某个时候

  up to a point 到一定的程度

  You get the idea. 你懂的。

  Don't get me wrong. 不要误会我的意思。

  (eg.Don't get me wrong. I like to be with you guys, but I really have to go now.)

  The paper kind of write itself. 文思泉涌。

  Have a hard time doing... 做...有困难

  (eg. He has a hard time learning English)

  best bet 最好的选择

  (eg. At this point, take what you get is your best bet.)

  Chances are 可能发生的是

  (eg. Chances are you will get fired.)

  Tell me about it. 还用说嘛?!

  You bet.(同上)

  (eg. It's so hot today. Tell me about it!)

  it wouldn't hurt to... 不妨...

  (eg. It probably won't work, but it would't hurt to try.)

  I have been there before. 我有过类似的经历

  let me put it in this way 让我这么说吧

  how can I put it 我该怎么说呢

  In a way 从某种程度上来说

  (In a way, It's a goo thing.)

  pretty much 基本上

  (eg. I'm pretty much losing the game.)


