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The editors of the essay collection Romantic biography tell us repeatedly that biography is an invention of the Romantic period in British literature (late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries), yet we are never shown that process of invention motion. Hazlitt, the most prominent example of the Romantic biographer, is almost invisible. The Romantic period was not just the period in which biography was invented---or, rather, the period in which some of its informing principles were invented, since biography could just as easily be said to have originated in the scandalous memoirs that formed part of the pre-Romantic culture of the novel. It was also the period in which biography, through its sheer ubiquity, became an object of major ideological significance within British culture.

1. The passage mentions the "scandalous memoirs ” that were written prior to the Romantic period primarily in order to

A. indicate an alternative account of the origins of biography

B. compare these memoirs to Romantic biography

C. explain how biography became ubiquitous in British culture

D question the ideological significance accorded to biography

E. suggest that biographies were not as popular as memoirs

2. According to the passage, biography attained great significance within British culture during the Romantic period because biographies

A. were associated with scandal

B. were easy to read and comprehend

C. were so widespread in Britain at the time

D. challenged conventional British ideologies

E. contributed to the development of the novel


chromatic adj.彩色的,五彩的

prismy adj 色彩缤纷的

drab adj.枯黄色的,无聊的

emerald n.祖母绿,翡翠  adj.翠绿色的

livid adj.青灰色的(撞伤),· (脸色)苍白的

magenta n.adj.紫红色(的染料)

pallid adj.苍白的,· 没血色的

florid adj.华丽的,· (脸)红润的

rubicund adj.(脸色)红润的

ruddy adj.(脸色)红润的,· 红色

sable n.黑貂,·   adj.黑色的

sallow n.柳树,· adj.病黄色的

sapphire n.青玉,· 蓝宝石,· adj.天蓝色的.

azure adj. 天蓝色的  n.碧空

buff n 浅黄色(软皮革),· 水牛

lavender n. 薰衣草 adj. 淡紫色的

mulberry n. 桑树,· 深紫红色

cardinal n.枢机主教,鲜红色 a. 主要的,深红色的

saffron a. 番红花色的,橘黄色

patina n.绿锈,· 光亮的外表

turquoise n.绿松石,· adj.碧绿的

verdant adj.青葱的,· 翠绿的

verdigris n.铜锈,· 铜绿

hue n.色彩,· 色泽

pastel n.彩色粉笔画,· 柔和的色彩

pigment n.天然色素,· 干粉颜料

tint n.色彩,浅色 v. 染色于

palette n.调色板

alabaster a.雪白的


blandishments n.甘言劝诱

coax v.哄诱,巧言诱哄

jolly v.敦促,哄

beguile v.欺骗,诱骗

beguiling adj.欺骗的,迷人的

cajole v.(以甜言蜜语)哄骗

charlatan n.江湖郎中,骗子

chicanery n.欺诈,欺骗

deceit n.欺骗,欺诈

delude v.欺骗,哄骗

delusion n.欺骗,幻想

dupe n.受骗的人,上当者

duplicity n.欺骗,· 口是心非

enticement n.诱骗,诱人

fallacious adj.欺骗的,· 谬误的

fraud n.欺诈,· 欺骗,· 骗子

fraudulent adj.欺骗的,· 不诚实的

greenhorn n.初学者,· 容易受骗的人

gull n海鸥,· v.欺骗

gullible adj.易受骗的

hoax n.v.骗局,· 欺骗

hoodwink v.蒙混,· 欺骗

impostor n.冒充者,· 骗子

imposture n.冒名· 顶替,· 欺骗

inveigle v.诱骗,· 诱使

mountebank n.江湖郎中,· 骗子

quack n.冒充内行之人,· 庸医

rig v.欺骗,· 舞弊,· 伪造

trickery n.欺骗,· 诡计

wheedle v.(用花言巧语)哄骗

finagle v 欺骗,· 诈取

bamboozle v 欺骗,· 隐瞒

bullyrag v 恐吓,· 欺骗

cog v/n 诈骗,· 欺骗 n.齿轮的齿,· 轮牙

cozen v 欺骗,· 瞒,· 骗取

con v 哄骗,· 诈骗

gudgeon n 诱饵,· 易受骗的人

racketeer n 诈骗者,· 敲诈

shammer n 骗子,· 假冒者

double-cross v 欺骗,· 出卖

decoy v 欺骗,· 引诱

bilk v. 赖,蒙骗

jockey n. 赛马的骑师 v.骗,瞒

bilk v. 赖,白吃,受挫折 n.赖帐,诈骗,骗子

gerrymander v\n 为自党利益改划选举区分,不· 公正操纵,欺骗

lull n. 暂停,间歇 v. 使平静,哄骗


barbecue n.烤肉架,烤肉

baste v.倒脂油于(烤肉上,以防烤干)

gridiron n.烤架,橄榄球

grill v.烤,· 烤问,· n.烤架

parch v.烘烤,· 干热

scorch v.烤焦,· 烧焦

skewer n.(烤肉用的)串肉杆 v.用杆串好

broil n/v 烤,· 烧,· 争吵,· 怒骂

torrefy v 焙,· 烤

scathe n.v.损害,· 烧焦

scorch v.烤焦,· 烧焦

scorching adj.酷热的

sear v.(以烈火)烧灼

searing adj.灼热的

singe v.(轻微地)烧焦,· 烫焦

smolder v.无火焰地闷烧,· 压抑

cauterize vt 烧灼,使麻木不· 仁

scald v.烫,· 用沸水消毒 n.烫伤

scalding adj.滚烫的

combustible adj.易燃的,· 易激动的

combustion n.燃烧

flammable adj.易燃的

ignite v.发光,· 燃烧

inflame v使燃烧,· 激怒(某人)

inflammable adj.可燃的,· 易激怒的

kindle v.着火、点燃

rekindle v.重新点燃

enkindle v.煽动,点燃(感情,怒气等)

nonflammable adj.不· 易燃的

stoke v.添加燃料,· 司炉,· 吞食

furnace n.火炉,熔炉,磨练 v. 在炉中烧

flask n.烧瓶,· 细颈瓶

beaker n.大酒杯,· 有倒口的烧杯


