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堂吉诃德英语读后感 篇1

Do not know everybody know Cervantes, yes, he is the author of Don Quixote. "Don Quixote", a "knight" by the poison knight novels adventure experience, he ride a horse, thin wear armor, with spears, hand on the rampage, delusion becomes king, the windmill as giants, as the army, the sheep and the missionaries as a devil, a laughingstock of the people.

It is said that the main purpose of the author to write a book is a satire knight novel at that time, the content of the knight novel tend to be the same: a knight in order to win the lover's heart, risking their lives to go out, travel, knight in addition to the strong help the weak, fighting the giant, DouELong, finally obtain infinite glory. Cervantes is intentionally imitate this kind of writing, wrote a knight novel, that is "Don Quixote". The book covers multiple levels of Spanish society, to the duke, down to civilians, so I like it very much.

In this book, I know, do things must consider time, condition, situation, can't do things blindly. There is a similar story in the summer vacation homework, is that the same clear visible mind and not how important it is to do things blindly, if make the mistake, little criticism, then affects the international big, Don Quixote, the whole country upside down. Students can know do things blindly, under this evidence does not rely on the consequences of doing things! It's very serious! Don't make such a mistake! Is that clear?

The classmates, I hope everyone's mind, don't do things blindly, never become a "Don Quixote" no. 2!

堂吉诃德英语读后感 篇2

Don Quixote takes place during the early seventeenth century, the golden age of Spanish literature, when many of Spain’s greatest literary works were created, a time when Spain experienced an obsession with conquering other lands, thereby calling for novels depicting masculine controlling characters. Miguel Cervantes intended for Don Quixote to ridicule such common novels of the time, stories which primarily involved bra一very and power.

The book Don Quixote is about the man Don Quixote of La Mancha, a poor gentleman in Spain. He was in his fifties. His fancy grew full of what he used to read about in his books, namely, charms, quarrels, battles, challenges, wounds, loves, agonies, and all sorts of impossible nonsense. There thoughts so possessed his mind that the whole fabric of inventions and fancy he need of was true, that to him, no history in the world had more reality in it. In short, his wits being quite, he hit upon the strangest notion that he fancied it was right and necessary that he should make a knight of himself. He planned to room the world over in full armor and on horseback in the quest of adventure, righting every wrong, exposing himself to peril and change in the process to reap eternal fame and glory.

Don Quixote had three times of adventures, and he declared his horse to be called Rocinante.He put on his suit of armor, placed his mended bowl on his head for a helmet, mounted Rocinante, and began his first adventure. Then, he found that a knight without love was like a tree without lea一ves or fruits. So, when he came upon on inn in the nearby village of Toboso which is a small town not very far away from his village, and was soon in the presence of a rather simple peasant woman, and thus declared her to be a princess, addressing her with the name, Dulcinea, in whose service he swore to honor eternally. Actually, the princess he called is really a peasant girl, but in his eyes, she is the most beautiful and charming girl in the world. His attendant, Sancho, once described the girl with peasant background, lack of any kind of knowledge but good at farm labors, and people can here her in five miles away when she quarreled whit others at the village.

The first adventure of Don Quixote’s cost him two days. During his first adventure, he did many crazy things. He regarded a small inn as a big castle and the owner of the inn as the master of the city, so he asked the inn’s owner to pronounce him as a knight. The owner was shocked by his madness, so he did as Don Quixote asked. He also sa一ved a boy under the glory of night, because the boy lost his master’s sheep and was flagged. So Don Quixote sa一ved the boy and asked the master let thy boy go. But unfortunately, when he left the boy, he was caught by his master again and suffered a bitter flag. At last, he was bated too bad to move on the ground by a businessman mounting a horse. Finally, a man in his village found him and brought him home. His friends, the barber and priest burned his books of knights.

The second adventure of Don Quixote’s took place after 15 days, Don Quixote persuaded a silly farmer to be his attendant, and made promised to give Sancho, the attendant, an island to govern. Then the two men left their village and want to room the world. But one night when they slept in an inn, a girl who loves the waiter of the inn went to find the waiter, but Don Quixote thought that this girl must be his courter. So he quarreled and had a fight with the waiter. Latter, when the fact came to the light, Don Quixote felt shameful and left the inn quickly. Then, after doing many other funny and mystical things, Don Quixote were been put into a box made by wooden and brought back home. That’s the end of his second adventure.

The last time, Don Quixote and his attendant set out for Barcelona, because he heard that there is a match for knight from all over the world, so he wanted to see other knights and conquered them and let them believe his princess is the most beautiful one in the world. On his way to the city, he came cross a mad man. This man was not mad before he lost his wife, but when he heard that the girl he loved would be the wife of his best friend; he became mad for he can’t accept this matter. So, Don Quixote decided to help the man and find his love back. In this part, it is the first time for Don Quixote to right the wrongs and help others who need help, because no matter what he did before, all of those things are ridiculous and are laughed by other. Although this time his action is still under the glory of knight, he does help others. After this matter ends, he continued his voyage to the city for his match. He met another knight of the White Moon, and the knight asked Don Quixote to ha一ve a battle with him. The knight who would be conquered must do anything the winner asks him to do. To keep his fame and glory, Don Quixote accepted the knight of White Moon’ challenge, but bad luck with him, he failed the battle. Then the knight asked him to stay in home for one year. After Don Quixote back to home, he realized that all he has dong were funny, so he changed his will to his niece and asked them never read any books about knights. Then he passed away.

Thought the main character, Don Quixote, foolishly runs off in pursuit of heroism after going mad, receiving little gratitude for his attempts at fearless heroism in the process, some such experiences were based on Cervantes’ own time in the Spanish military. But that may be a little cynical to say Cervantes wanted to use this story to cynic the government and the army how black it is.

In the book, no matter what Don Quixote had done, all he received was misunderstand. Actually, the main character has a good heart, and very smart. What he did wrong was believed that the charms are the truth. So, he did everything for good will, no matter he protected the poor boy who bitted by his master, or he helped those men who would be put into prison, or he helped the Duck find his true love again, or other things he did, he just wanted to help those people who were in the need. But people did not believe him, just because he was in his funny suit and all he did for the name of knight. May be, the writer, Cervantes, has the same experience with Don Quixote, and he was not believed by the people around him, not trust by the people around him, what’ more, no matter what he did, he would be misunderstood by others.

And for this reason, he wrote this book, Don Quixote, to say how bad he felt when he was entrusted by others; to say how bad he felt when he saw how black the government and the army is; to say how bad he felt when he saw people think good as bad, think kind as mad, think right as wrong; to say how absurd the world is. Just like the knight in his book, Don Quixote, he wanted to right the wrongs and told people what is right and what is wrong, but he was refused by all of people and not accepted by everyone in the world.

So, this is my opinion of this book, Don Quixote, and my opinion about the writer, Cervantes. For his great work and his miserable life, I can see I know more about the Spain and the history at that time. And I also can understand what Cervantes felt in his days.

堂吉诃德英语读后感 篇3

After several days of effort, I finished watching "Don Quixote" this book. It is the representative work of Spanish writer Cervantes, full name for the strange feeling different think gentleman Don Quixote, Taiwan, la has ", a total of two rolls up and down. Novel wrote, aged more than 50 of the country gentlemen Don Quixote, crazy for love knight novel, the story of the average computer-virus. Author's nonsense from the knight novel Don Quixote knight contents and real life mixed with each other, thus resulting in a series of absurd behavior a belly laugh. Him as a giant, the windmill war with it, though in a career on the way, he was cut down one ear, out many teeth, have also been interrupted several ribs, is often war often hurt, but wrong-headed, do not know to repentance. Through this absurd behavior, can feel the author's praise of the aspirations of the ideal society and noble moral.

Social climate is becoming worse now, many young because of not good reading, do the small theft etc. Bad deeds. And others fell on the chair a mobile phone, the humanistic saw should be returned to their rightful owners, or call 110, but conscience never compete greed, directly turned around mobile phones, sneaked away again. Also, bank card switch events, when you do not pay attention to, blocking the card with the hand, immediately to use only one or two seconds, was successful. Social ethos is not to force, it can be very awesome, the monitor and police everywhere now are bad "mousetrap", tight dragnet, grasp not only thing in the morning and evening. Like drunk driving, or some loophole, finally revoked certificates not only, also sit in the classroom. God's mill grinds slow but sure, now do bad things, you will regret.

Don Quixote limbs developed, simple, and finally the proper price, reading a book not too obsessed, or you will average computer-virus, control yourself, we don't like.

堂吉诃德英语读后感 篇4

What can anyone say about Don Quixote that hasn"t been said? The book"s been around for four hundred years, has inspired virtually every literary movement from the eighteenth-century picaresque to the most obscure works of twenty-first century postmodernism.

Don Quixote is one of the few books that merits casual references with the definite article (The Quixote), and additionally is one of the few books to spawn a universally-recognized adjective (quixotic).How to even approach a book like Don Quixote, a book that has been, at some time or other, all things to all people? How to evaluate a cultural monolith? The simplest way, of course, is just to pay attention to the fact that Don Quixote, four hundred years after its initial publication, is still a hell of a read!

Sure, there are rough patches, yet: the mini-novels that interrupt the narrative of the first part for a hundred-odd pages would have been easy targets for some modern publisher"s blue pencil, the long essays on arms or piety can ring strangely to reader sensibilities, the descriptions are sometimes a vague mess, and yet the basic story, the basic concept holds up.

It"s hard to stay mad at Don Quixote: as frustrating as the plot can be at times, some archetypal lure lurks within the world of Cervantes"s Spain, some magic that draws us in, much like the world of chivalry that continues to draw Quixote himself through the progressively more painful wringer of situations.

The concept of the novel is simple: Alonso Quijano, landowner from La Mancha, is obsessed with his library of chivalrous books. Driven mad by the inconsistencies of plot, character and philosophy that fill each volume of these seventeenth-century precursors to the fantasy novel, Quijano resolves to restore dignity to the lost profession of knight-errantry, assembles a rudimentary sword, suit of armor, and horse (the eternally-suffering-and-spavined Rocinante), and sets out into Spain in his quest for glory.

In return for this act of hysterical faith, he finds violent innkeepers, malevolent thieves, cynical shepherds, sadistic nobility, and even (due to Avellaneda"s false sequel to the book"s first volume, one of the most famous pieces of fan-fiction ever written) an inferior (and, in the novel, invisible) Quixote impostor.

The first few scenes involve Quixote alone against the contemporary world, but before a hundred pages have elapsed Cervantes introduces Sancho Panza, Quixote"s gullible, bloated and homily-spouting squire, who in conjunction with Quixote provides the spark for endlessly bizarre discussions in which Quixote"s heightened, insane conception of the world is brought crashing to earth by Sancho"s sly pragmatism (discussions which occasionally end with Quixote threatening to pummel Sancho in order to shut him up

Once joined together, it"s very difficult to imagine Don Quixote and Sancho ever being split apart: the two are the original comic duo, locked into perpetually and mutually exclusive views of the world, and in and of themselves--whether Sancho is being asked to give himself hundreds of lashes in order to disenchant Quixote"s swineherd love interest, Dulcinea, or whether Quixote is mixing a potion based on olive oil and bitter herbs that will, in theory, cure all of Sancho"s Quixote-caused earthly wounds--the Knight and the Squire personifies the thematic conflict that propels the work.

In general, this is why Don Quixote remains one hell of a read--even today. The reader faces, in the same moment, an ideal view of the world (the world as enchanted, antiquated, idyllic) and the brutal facts of the actual world (the world as material, modern, loath to believe in knights.)

Quixote hacks at the belly of ogres in an inn basement, and is rewarded by a jet of wine in his face and a hefty bill for damages. He tries to rid the land of giants, and is spun, lance-first, by a powerful windmill he spears in the attempt. He attempts to liberate a statue of the Virgin Mary, which he believes to be a damsel in distress, from her captors, and in return is beaten up by priests.

Throughout, Sancho is there to say exactly what the reader is likely thinking--those aren"t giants; Dulcinea isn"t beautiful; none of this can be real--only to be rewarded with a lecture from Don Quixote about how he is beset by enchanters, who frustrate his every move by replacing the facts of his world, at the last moment, with devil"s illusions that bear an uncomfortable resemblance to our own reality. It"s a single joke repeated across a thousand pages, and yet it"s b enough to bring a laugh every time.

Quixote"s insistence on his own madness in the face of innumerable arguments to the contrary, many of which take the form of cat scratches, cracked bones and missing teeth, makes him an interesting character because we know--or we think we know--that Quixote is just wrong. Yet, despite all of the pain he suffers in pursuit of that wrong, he continues to believe that he"s right. So we read on page-after-page, waiting to see how much more the man who believes himself a knight is able to take before he gives in--whether, in the end, Quixote will give in at all.

We read not only for page-after-page, but for year-after-year, century-after-century, pulled by the cognitive dissonance that surrounds the knight like his own cloud of malicious enchanters. In the process, just as Quixote builds his castles from inns and criminal campfires, so we build castles of speculation from what we find in Cervantes"s Spain, at once so brutally real and so dream-like, the realm of archetype and myth founded on dreary life. We, like Don Quixote, are driven to hallucinate by what might be, in the end, just a very good story.

With Don Quixote, Cervantes has accomplished an enduring act of literary alchemy: just as Quixote is combined with Sancho, so is fantasy combined with reality, the eternal with the everyday, and like the combination of matter and anti-matter, the explosion of aesthetic power is, in magnitude, infinite, propelling readers from the earth--at first facing inward at what was left behind on the page, then, forgetting the earth, outward into meaning--farther and farther toward the dream-like stars.

