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Topic:The life expectancy is longer in many countries. However, there is not enough respect for the elderly people. What are the causes and what are your solutions?

Modern medical technologies and health care systems have significantly increased the life expectancy of people around the world. Unfortunately, however, the elderly people, while enjoying longer lives, do not always get the respect they deserve from the society. There are many factors causing this phenomenon. In this essay, I would focus on the lack of communication between the elderly people and other members of the society and propose a few possible solutions to address the issues.

The main reason why the elderly are not well respected is that they often fail to communicate with other members in the society effectively. As they retire and leave their job positions, they lose the opportunities to get the most up-to-date information on different aspects of life. They often find it difficult to talk with younger people who are more familiar with the latest development of the society. In addition, the younger people often communicate with one another using the lastest technologies such as mobile phones SMS (short messages services), e-mail and instant messengers. Once the younger people get used to these new gadgets, they lose the patience to talk to the elderly face-to-face.

To address the issue of the lack of respect, the elderly people should be provided more opportunities to acquire the latest information about the world and the society. They need to learn how to surf the Internet and use the newest technologies to communicate with other people. The local community colleges may offer courses like "New Tools for Interpersonal Communication" specifically designed for the senior citizens. Moreover, the software designers and the mobile phone manufacturers should take the elderly people's needs into consideration when they work on the design of the interface of the devices to make their products more "elderly-friendly".

Of course, introducing new technologies to the elderly alone cannot solve the problem. It is important to remember the elderly need more than medical services. They also need younger people to accompany them, to hear their stories and to be there for them. Therefore, the younger people should be engaged to pay more attention to the elderly if we want to improve the communication between the elderly and the younger people. Community centers for the elderly should be built to bring the old people and the younger people together in two ways. Firstly, more younger people may be hired to simply spend time with the eldely. Secondly, the community centers may also introduce certain programs to attract volunteers from local high schools and universities. Such programs may help encourage more people to care about the elderly.

In conclusion, there are many factors causing the problem of the elderly lacking respect from the younger people. The communication failure between the elderly and the younger people is one of the major issues. To address this problem, efforts should be made to introduce new technologies and to bring more younger people, employees and volunteers, to the elderly.


In many countries, insufficient respect is shown to older people. What are the reasons and what problems does it cause to the society?







As for elderly, living in caring house is better than living at home with young children. Present your argument to illustrate whether you agree or disagree.

Nowadays more and more elderly choose living in caring house. Some people are of the opinion that caring houses provide old people with a better environment than homes. Personally I agree with this opinion for the following reasons.

In the first instance, caring house provides the elderly with comparatively first-rate facilities and services, which the family is lacking in. Nowadays working couple need to face intense competition, they need to make more money to support their family. As a result, working couple have less time to care for old people especially when the elderly suffer from serious disease. On the contrary, when old people live in caring houses, nurses can attend their need and advanced facilities also provide a good treatment.

Secondly, in caring houses the older people can meet people of similar age group, taste and hobby who know more about the elderly. The young generation often has a different life style from old generation. Young people many feel other’s presence would upset. Besides, the older people need more serenity and rest while the young need more activities when the elderly choose living in caring house they need not worry about this problem.

Last but not least, elder people living in caring house can maintain harmony of family atmosphere. It is quite obvious that there is a generation gap between the older people and adult children. For example, old people fear change. They adhere to the traditional principle and customs while young people welcome new idea. They are always trying new things. It is inevitable that older people and adult children might have different opinions on something. These differences might result in the disagreement even discord.

From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that elderly people living in caring house is a good practice not only for adult children but also for older people. However, it does not mean children will give up the responsibility to care older people.


Many over-60s may never have played a video game, nor have any inclination to do so. New research, however, suggests that playing strategic video games – those that emphasise resource management and planning, for example – may help the elderly to maintain mental abilities including memory, reasoning and the capacity for multi-tasking.

Arthur Kramer of the University of Illinois said it was the first study to find improvement in cognitive skills that were not directly related to the skills learned in the game. The research is published in the journal Psychology and Aging.

The game used in the study was “Rise of Nations”, in which gamers score points for building cities, feeding and employing their people, and maintaining and expanding their territory. Participants in the study who were trained to play the game showed significant cognitive benefits compared with those who were not: they were able to switch between tasks better and faster, and their working memory significantly improved.

“This is one mode in which older people can stay mentally fit, cognitively fit,” Prof Kramer said, adding that socialising, exercising and eating well were also important to mental health in later years.


伊利诺伊大学(University of Illinois)的亚瑟?克雷默(Arthur Kramer)表示,这项研究首次发现,与游戏中所学技能没有直接关系的认知技能得到改善。该研究发表在《心理学与衰老》(Psychology and Aging)杂志上。

研究中使用的游戏是“国家的崛起”(Rise of Nations)。在游戏中,通过修建城市、供养和雇佣自己的人民以及保护和扩张自己的领土,玩家都可以得分。在研究参与者中,接受打游戏培训的人比没有接受的人显示出了明显的认知益处:他们能够更好更快地进行任务转换,而且工作记忆有了显著提高。



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