范文网 > 资料大全 > 综合资料 > 摘草莓的英语作文


毒盅 分享 更新时间:




I most like to eat strawberriesit very sweet.It was delicious.Strawberry is very nutritiousis of great help to the human body.I like very muchmy family and I like it very much.Do you like to eat strawberriesit's very goodgo and eat.




On Saturday we decided to go to the country to pick strawberry. Cold ah! Go out I couldn't help shuddering. Although it is very cold outside but the wind can not stop the enthusiasm we picked strawberry.


Along the way we continue to see farmers warmly greeted us outside can put miniascape of strawberry red let a person look really want to bite. We chose a nearby shed stopped. We looked down into the house the first thing is full of shed strawberry hanging in the vine leaves red like a cute little lanterns. I am unable to hold oneself back to pick up a box and pick up. At first I did not know how to pick pick strawberry ugly. Then in the aunt came up to me and said: "small classmate you pick this is wrong so taken home not only ugly but also let not easily broken. Root and leaf to pull it together. " Then the aunt do a demonstration to me she nimbly to the strawberry strawberry uprooted did not think there is so much knowledge! After a while I picked a box full of. The waist is sour his face covered with sweat. That said for 5 pounds heavy! I will be a strawberry into his mouth taste good. Look at my work achievement although very tired but the heart.


After a day of experience make me feel the farming in the sun every day farmers hardships they in order that we can eat fresh fruits and vegetables not afraid of hardship is not afraid of tired we should cherish the fruits of their labor so that they will face a bright smile.


The strawberry is an accessory fruit; that isthe fleshy part is derived not from the ovaries (which are the "seeds"actually achenes) but from the peg at the bottom of the hypanthium that held the ovaries.So from a technical standpointthe seeds are the actual fruits of the plantand the flesh of the strawberry is a vegetable.It is greenish-white as it develops and in most species turns red when ripe.

The rosette growth of the plants are a well-known characteristic.Most species send out long slender runners that produce a new bud at the extremity.The leaves typically have three leafletsbut the number of leaflets may be five or one.草莓是一个附属的果实;即,肉质部分不是来自卵巢(这是“种子”,但实际上瘦果)从挂在那举行卵巢的托杯底。从技术的角度看,种子植物的实际成果,并对草莓果肉蔬菜。它是得到发展,在大多数物种成熟时变成红色。


