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Is it important to you to eat healthy food? [Why?/Why not?]

If you catch a cold, what do you do to help you feel better? [Why?]

Do you pay attention to public information about health? [Why?/Why not?]

What could you do to have a healthier lifestyle?

1. 要点提示

1)Yes./No. Eating healthy food means you’ll be healthy./Health depends on many factors. Healthy food couldn’t play a decisive role.

2)Say something that you may usually do when you catch a cold, drinking more water, taking vitamin C and going to sleep early and so on.

3)Yes./No. Public information about health shows many problems in public health and only when we attach great importance to public health, can we have a strong nation./public information about health didn’t have much value nowadays.

4)Say the activities that you know to keep a healthier lifestyle. For example, early to bed, early to rise, etc.

2. 结构提示

1)I have to say that eating healthy food is very important to me. We often say that health is the most fundamental productivity. And eating healthy food play a major role in keeping health. Besides that, unhealthy food that contains high calories or fat even could destroy your inner balance of health, which will lead to obesity, hypertension and so forth.

2)As far as I know,drinking more hot water and have a good rest will help you feel better when catching a cold. People always say that. However, a doctor once told me that taking enough vitamin C could help you feel better as well. It is said that enough water, vitamins and sufficient sleep enhance the metabolism to get rid of the germs or virus. Apart from that, I suppose that doing something you like will also help you feel better, especially for those you have no time to enjoy, for example, watching your favorite movies.

3)Yes. Usually public information about health could tell you some problems in current food industry thus public will raise their attention to improve them, or popularize some latest information on stereotypes of keeping health, which will help you establish more healthy and scientific life habits.

4)A lot of things could be done to have a healthier lifestyle. Basically, early to bed and early to rise, thus you have a normal biological clock to ensure enough and high-quality sleep. Besides that, improve your efficiency in doing daily chores could also help you have a healthier lifestyle since beating off procrastination means you have more time to do positive things,which cannot be separated from a healthier lifestyle.


Test 7 Passage 2

Question 14


关键词:not all diseases; totally eliminated

定位原文:D段倒数第二句:“While people will always be prone to illness, the study of how geography affects our health could lead to the eradication of certain illnesses, and the prevention of others in the future.”


Question 15


关键词:physical conditions; human behaviour

定位原文:C段第三句、第四句:“Part of the problem is, of course, the massive number of cars being driven…”


Question 16


关键词:classifying diseases; extend geographically

定位原文:F段第一句:“Researchers study the interactions between humans and their environment that could lead to illness…”

解题思路:F段第一句就提到:研究人员研究了可能会引起疾病的、人与环境之间的交互行为(如高污染地区会出现哮喘),并且致力于找出一个清晰的分类方法,从地区及全球两种维度去划分疾病及传染病。题干中的classifying diseases与文中的classifying diseases相对应。

Question 17


关键词:access to healthcare

定位原文:G段第一、二、三句:“The second subcategory of health geography is the geography of healthcare provision…to individuals and populations around the world.”

解题思路:G段首句提到健康地理学的一个分类就是医疗服务的地理研究,后面提到这一组织研究的是个人及群体的医疗资源的可利用性,并提到社会阶层、收入水平、教育水平不同,得到的医疗资源差异也会很大。题干中的access to healthcare对应文中的the availability of healthcare resources。

Question 18


关键词:health geography; a mixture of different academic fields

定位原文:D段第三句:“Health geography is the combination of…knowledge regarding geography and methods … and … the study of health, diseases and healthcare practices around the world.”

解题思路:文中提到:一方面,健康地理学结合了地理相关的知识与地理信息的分析及解读方法,另一方面,它又是一门研究全球健康、疾病及医疗实践的研究。题干中的a mixture对应原文中的the combination。




At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?






A. 优势大于劣势——

1) 在全球老龄化现象加剧的情况下,这种人口构成显得难得,因为更多的年轻人意味着更多的劳动力,这对于促进经济健康发展、减少社会养老负担具有重要意义。

2) 除了经济层面的积极影响外,年轻人普遍比较具有活力,他们的思想观念也更先进和前卫,他们对于新技术和新观念的接受度更大,这对于改善整个社会的精神面貌具有重大意义。

B. 劣势大于优势——

1) 年轻人往往涉世较浅,不像年长者那样阅世经历丰富,不管是在技术层面还是在人情练达等方面显得相对弱势。

2) 年轻人往往意气用事,自由散漫,缺乏理性的思辨能力,在社交媒体泛滥的今天,很容易误入歧途或者落入不法者布好的陷阱。


Question 27


关键词:music; simulated the brain’s neurons

定位原文:第二段倒数第二句:“… music triggers the production of dopamine — a chemical with a key role in setting people’s moods — by the neurons (nerve cells) in both the dorsal and ventral regions of the brain.”

解题思路:原文提到音乐会激发大脑背外侧和腹内侧的神经元(神经细胞)产生多巴胺。题干中的two of the parts of the brain对应的是原文中的dorsal and ventral regions。

Question 28



定位原文:第二段最后一句:“As these two regions have long been linked with the experience of pleasure, this finding isn’t particularly surprising.”


Question 29


关键词:particular active; before the participants’ favourite moments

定位原文:第三段第一句:“…the dopamine neurons in the caudate…were at their most active around 15 seconds before the participants’ favourite moments in the music.”



Question 1



TC EMPLOYEE: About an hour and a half. And don’t forget to take pictures of the mountains. They’re all around you when you’re on the boat and they look fantastic.

解题思路:站在船上就是四面环湖,take pictures 和take photos是同义表达,所以答案就是mountains,记住题目要求是one word or a number,不要把定冠词the写到空中。

Question 2



VISITOR: My son would love that. He really likes animals.

TC EMPLOYEE: Well, there’s also a 40-minute trek round the farm on a horse, if he wants.

解题思路: 40-minute是一个协助找答案的关键定位词,trek round the farm on a horse和题干中的a ride on a horse 是同义表达,所以答案就是horse,注意单复数形式,是单数。

Question 3



TC EMPLOYEE: And again, …There are some very beautiful gardens along the side of the lake which also belong to the farm - they’ll be just at their best now...

解题思路:along the side of the lake 和题干中的by the lake是同义表达,所以答案就是gardens。


雅思换题季: Part 2+3 人物类话题怎么说

雅思口语part2和part3首先就目前已经确定的话题情况来看,本季Part 2换题的比重还是比较大的有50%左右,物品和事件经验类题目依旧是主力,并且出现了很多老题回库的情况例如toy / gift / good shopping experience等等。

地点类这次的题目更新较多,而且有一些比较难的话题例如colourful place等等,之后也会和大家进行分享。不过和Part 1一样,大家也依旧注意新题老题出现的比例都是一样的喔。


回顾:Part 2话题回答注意事项

Part 2的部分最重要的依旧是持续语流输出的能力以便展示流利度(Fluency),因此还是建议大家尽量在练习的时候讲满2分钟。




Part 2人物类题目的思路和准备方向







Describe a person who often travels by plane


1. Who he or she is

- my uncle

- has been working for a multinational corporation … more than 10 years … as a senior manager.

2. Where he or she goes

- has to travel among the first-tier cities of the country… e.g. Beijing, Shanghai (举例)… needs to talk to the project managers in different cities for the progress on behalf of the top management… (细节)

- usually takes a flight for business trip at least 7 or 8 times a month…much more frequent than ordinary people … (对比)

3. Why he or she travels by plane

- a long distance between the cities … will be more efficient for him…as long as there’s no delay for the flight…

- e.g. if it only takes 1 hour for flying … never takes a high-speed train (need to travel for roughly 3 – 4 hours) … (举例)

4. And explain how he or she feels about it

- quite exhausted because he needs to spend much time on flying between cities … so that he could have little time to stay with families… still tries to achieve work life balance … e.g. as long as he is at home… hangs out with his children to the amusement park or for the movies … (举例)

- a role model for me … not as busy as him … wouldn't care too much about the time I spend with the families… (对我的影响)

- as a frequent flyer… much experience about flying … e.g. how to book a cheaper ticket… which airline provides a better service (举例)… share many travel tips with me … useful for me as I usually have limited budget for travelling(对我的影响)


Describe a female leader you would like to meet

这题已经有很多同学来问我,是上一季度的人物类题目中有一个“外语说的好的人”,事件类题目中我们有分享过一个“准备演讲比赛”的例子。我们稍微进行一点改编其实就还是可以合理的套用到这个话题上面来。重点在于这个leader不一定要是领袖类型的,平时生活中的team leader之类的也可以,这样的话就可以有效的减少话题的难度了。


1. Who she is

- an English teacher

- the leader of the faculty of foreign languages in the university of my friend’s

- … also the team leader for team of their English language speech contest…

2. What she does

- conducting classes… e.g. not only English grammar and literature … but also academic writing and oral English… (举例)

- be responsible for the training session of English speech contest … leads the team to participate the national contest every year…

3. What she is like

- young but experienced… used to study and live for many years in English-speaking countries (such as the UK and Australia…)… makes her perfect for this job … (解释说明)

- super easy-going… doesn't feel like a leader … have a coffee chat with her students frequently… (解释说明)

4. And explain why you would like to meet her (这里可以说说她可能对于我的帮助是想见的原因)

- she is not a teaching staff in my university… have been looking forward to meeting her… ask for the tips to improve my English proficiency…

- my friend told me … usually has a creative and funny atmosphere in the class … e.g. many class activities and requires the students to do more discussion (具体化举例)… different with the teachers in my university … e.g. boring classes make me feel sleepy … (对比) … advocate this kind of teaching style in the faculty…

- a great leader as well as a mentor for the team of speech contest … help the students to overcome the fear of speaking in front of the crowd… would be exactly what I need …

Part 3例题分析

注意Part3要做到多说的话,就是具体化细节化的描述内容,这点也刚好符合官方对于be able to justify your answer的要求哦。


How is working at the airport different from working on in other places?



立场: different working hours…


- might not be able to get off work on time … e.g. if the flight has been delayed … the ground service staffs need to be on duty until maybe 2am or ever later…

- for the airports which run 24/7… staffs have to take the night shift… different daily routine with other people …

Other places:

- most of them just work from 9 to 5… as long as they don't have to work overtime…


working in the airports could be more stressful and exhausted…


Do you think there is equality in the workplace for men and women nowadays?



立场: not a complete equality … but the situation is improving…

Current problem:

there’s still a glass ceiling which could be difficult for some females to break through … not many job offers for them … e.g. can’ get the position of top management … are regarded that it would be quite challenging for them to balance work and family…

Ongoing changes:

have more and more participation … e.g. more female national leaders in different countries and business giants… males also realise that they should also shoulder the family issues with their wives… females can put more effort on their jobs … push the company to maintain the equality for the workplace…



