范文网 > 资料大全 > 综合资料 > 托福口语:描述送给朋友的礼物


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托福口语题目:Talk about a gift you gave to someone. Who did you give this gift to? Why did you give it to this person?


I bought a camera for my dad last month. I bought it for him because he recently retired and plans to travel the world. I chose this particular model because it's light and compact. It fits easily in his pocket so he doesn't have to carry too much weight. The image quality is very good as well. His went to South Africa with this camera last week and took some amazing pictures of wild animals. The best thing about this camera is that it has build-in wifi. It connects to his cellphone so he could keep sending pictures to us during the entire trip.


托福口语题目:After receiving some presents, several months later, some people choose to sell the gifts or give the gifts to others. Do you think it’s a good idea and why? Give specific explanation in your response.收到礼物几个月后,一些人会卖掉礼物或转送他人。你是否认为这是个好主意,为什么。请在回答中给出具体的解释。

郝新宇老师的Sample response:

Personally speaking, I don’t think it's a good idea. The main reason is this choice will lose the meaning of giving presents. When giving you a present, no matter it is for your birthday or for the Christmas or for the New year or something else, the present represents the wish, the care, the love to you given by your friends; such good blessing is priceless and worth remembering everlastingly. However, if selling them or giving them to others, it means you don't cherish them, the good blessing to you is gone, which will make people giving you presents heart-breaking or even annoyed.


once in a blue moon: 偶尔、千载难逢

I don't usually hang out here, just once in a blue moon.

kill some time:消磨时间

Where shall I go to kill some time?

at the drop of a hat:动辄

He was ready to quarrel at the drop of a hat.

burn the midnight oil:熬夜

You shouldn't burn the midnight oil.

nick of time:紧要关头

His generous endowment of the laboratory came just in the nick of time.

spur of the moment:一时冲动

He bought the car on the spur of the moment.

days are numbered:气数已尽、日子屈指可数

The old man' s days are numbered.

Down to the wire:最后时刻、接近最后期限

I think the election will got right down to the wire.

Eleventh hour:最后时刻

He turned in the report at the eleventh hour.


From the word go: 一开始

He's been against the plan from the word go.

In the long run:长期

The product can help you to save money in the long run.

Jump the gun:草率行事、操之过急

Don't jump the gun. We have to be patient for a while.

put something On hold:稍等

The decision was put on hold until a meeting of the party's central committee.

Shake a leg:赶快

Shake a leg! The bus won't wait.

quick off the mark:马上行动

Be quick off the mark if you hear of something promising.

Step on it:加速

If he didn't drive faster, we were going to be late, so I told him to step on it.

Time on one's hands:有空余的时间

I've got extra time on my hands.

Under the wire:在截止日期前, the last minute

He applied the college just under the wire.

Until the cows come home:一直的、很晚很晚

This wine's delicious! I could drink it until the cows come home.


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