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  Which of the following quality is the most important for someone to be succesful? Being highly motivated, hardworking or intelligent.

  Which do you think is more important quality for someone to have in order to be succesful, taking risks or making safe decisions?

  Some people think that one needs to be talented to be an aritist, others believe trainings and hard work is ore crucial for someone to be an artist. Which do you think is more important? Give details and examples in your response.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that artists need to be talented to be successful.

  Do you agree or disagree with the statement that to be successful, one must study in university.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, cellphones are necessary for someone to run a successful business.

  Do you agree or disagree with the statement that in order to run a successful business, a person needs to be friendly and ougoing?

  Some think that natural talent and ability is more important for an athlete, others think that hard work is more important. What do you think?

  Some people speak out in class, others prefer to listen and quietly observe. Which do you think leads to greater success in school?



  词组:light up, push oneself, be destructive to s/th, tap the potential, miss out;


  Without motivation we're like a dead fish in the water, that kind of life is not worth living. we should constantly light up our internal fire and push ourselves harder to achieve our goals. While the lack of motivation is destructive to oneself, and one will feel depressed, and have a pretty low esteem. To make matter worse, one is not be able to tap the full potential within oneself, thus he or she would miss out the chance to be successful.



  You can't change the past but you can change the future. We should understand that things don t always work out the way we expect. When we make mistakes, we ought to focus on solutions, not on regrets. As the saying goes, yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, but today is a gift, that's why we call it present.



  It isn't talent that makes great artists, it's hard work, persistence, will power, determination, and fortitude. Not every great artist can draw nice pictures by the age of five.


  Successful artists aren't underpinned by talent, it is an excuse not to put in the effort that is needed to be a successful artist. There are other more important factors like, to be able to seek out social connections, and build on them. Connecting with peers and mentors is more important than being talented.


  Advanced education provides you with the tools you need to be successful in your future career. Not only can you acquire specific knowledge in a particular filed, like economics, physics, and biology, and stuff, you can also get practical experience in relevant areas, like psychological counseling, physical therapy, and even nursing.




  The ability to build up social and professional connections and expand them is the key factor to be a successful business person, and in order to achieve that, one needs to be easygoing, cuz that makes ice breaking much more easier.


  关键词:new school/difference/size/location/tuition/education/academic/tuition


  If your school received a large amount of money, what do you wish it will be spent on? A gym, a laboratory or a scientific research facility?

  Which of the following do you think is the best way to get to know a new school, joining a one-day campus tour, spending a weekend on a campus playing field or auditing the lectures?

  While choosing a university, which of the following factors do you think is the most important besides academic reputation, its size, location or the cost of the tuition?

  Talk about two schools which attended and their difference. Give specific examples and details in your reponse.





  哑铃do some dumbbell, 室内跑道 run on the indoor track, 在场地上打球 play some sport on the court, 水上运动do some aquatic activities, 邮箱运动如瑜伽游泳、在跑步机上跑步aerobics like yoga, swimming, running on a treadmill



  A gym is the place where students can have fun and relax themselves, for many students it can be the first choices when it comes to how to spend their spare time. There are lots of fun activities you can do in the gym like, play some sports on the court, do some aerobics like yoga, swimming, and running on a treadmill,and stuff like that.

  作用:保持体型Keep fit, 有趣 have fun,放松 relax,引导学生健康、活跃的生活方式 lead a healthy and active lifestyle



  In a nutshell, it is really important for a university to own a nice recreation center(gym 的同义词),for it helps to promote a healthy, active lifestyle.


  做实验conduct research, 把理论应用于实际apply theory in practice, 直观的理解概念understand concepts intuitively(直观的),培养学生的创造力 develop students' creativity;


  实验室是好学校的重要组成部分, 然后展开实验室的作用(即以上内容)。

  Great labs are a big part of a good university, students can use the lab to apply theory into practice and conduct researches in their fields, moreover, by doing experiments students can understand the concepts better and develop their creativity.




  Reputation of a university has no direct impact on its students, and it is kind of meaningless.


  跟audit class联系在一起;


  Auditing class is the best to know the university better, since faculty members are an indispensable part of the university. Their knowledge,teaching skills and even the way they teach the class represent the university. The values they uphold in the class are the ones that are cherished by the university.



  比如大都市metropolis, 多文化的multicultural, 方便的convenient, 公共交通 public transportation, 商店shops, 酒吧和餐馆 bars and restaurant,充满活力 full of dynamics; 当然也可以跟social里面的broaden your horizon and enrich your experience结合在一起。



  多元化diverse student body, 俱乐部和社团lots of clubs and societies, 完备的设施well established facilities, 著名的教授lots of famous professors, 活动很多various activities;


  个人而言, 我喜欢较大的大学,学生团体会比较多元, 国际学生很多,他们组织好多社会活动。

  Personally, I would say I like to attend a big university. A big university tends to have a diverse student body, there might be lots of international students like me, and they organize all kinds of social activities.


  Also, a big university is likely to have very well established facilities like multi-functional libraries, recreation centers and research facilities. These are big parts of a colorful university life.


  关键词:junk/food/home/restaurants/meals/eating/habit/nutrition/health/lower calories


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that schools should ban all junk food, such as hamburgers, soda, and sugary snack from school property.

  Some people prefer to prepare meals at home, others like to eat out in restaurants. Which do you prefer? Explain in details and examples.

  Your friend has bad eating habit. What suggestions would you like to give the friend.

  Some people prefer to eat at fast restaurants, other prefer to eat at regular restaurants. Which do you prefer? Explain your answer in details.

  For better understanding of nutrition and health, the school decides, the school decides to open a cooking class; do you think it is a reasonable decision?

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that schools should ban all junk, such as hamburgers, soda, and sugary snacks from school property.

  The university dining hall is changing its food service to include more healthy food with lower calories. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this change?

  Talk about the things you do that keep you healthy. Give examples and details in your explanation.


  鼓励健康饮食习惯:encourage healthy eating habits ,

  保持体形:keep fit,

  集中注意力:concentrate/focus on; 容易分散注意力:get easily distracted

  营养:nutrient, 特定的维生素:certain vitamins;



  Greasy junk food lacks certain vitamins for the healthy development of the children, and students without sufficient healthy food might suffer from lack of concentration on their study and they get easily distracted, thus school should encourage healthy eating habit.

  垃圾食品:junk food, French fries, hamburgers;

  高热量:with high carbs, 油腻:greasy;

  儿童肥胖:child obesity;



  It is really important for the school to encourage healthy eating habits, and junk food like French fries and hamburgers alike should be banned in schools. Too much junk food with high carbs leads to childhood obesity.


  海鲜类: salmon, tuna, shrimp

  水果类:fruits such as berries, apples, cherries, pineapple, oranges, frozen grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe,

  蔬菜类:Vegetables - broccoli, carrots, cherry tomatoes, potatoes and sweet potatoes

  高蛋白质低热量:high in protein low carbs

  非常好的结合:a wonderful combination



  School should offer students a variety of healthy food and snack ranging from vegetables to different kinds of fruit. Like broccoli, carrots, cherry tomatoes, and apples, cherries, pineapple are also good choices. They are low in carbs, and vitamin rich.


  Hopefully, with proper education, students can make appropriate eating choices.



  Since students are getting the proper nutrients, they will concentrate better on their study and also they will be more fit.





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